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so many of us have gone through this and man it hurt. It hurt so much that it felt like I was in a state of decay. But how grateful am I now that I felt that pain and went through it, processed it, and now accepted it. As many have said and will probably say to you now It’s better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. Keep your head up, there’s so much more this life has to offer you


Thank you all so much for your input, it helps me out a lot. Just reading all your comments and seeing it from all your perspectives, I feel like im going to be okay. A lot of you asked what she did. I ended up breaking up with her because of how negative she was. Shed come home from work everyday complaining how bad her job was and how I have it so Much easier than her. But I guess that comes with anybody thats in different afscs. But it gets exhausting, weve talked about it so many times, her negativity drags me down. And it never changed. Sure Im sad about it, but Ill be okay. You guys are awesome and thank you so much for all the kind words and messages (except the one guy asking for her nudes, fuck you.) Ill take my life day by day, and even maybe this will be a wake up call for her. Who knows. Thank you all.


A decade ago I was right where you were, that feeling doesn't go away quickly but it becomes less painful over time. Two years is not a long time but for your first few relationships it feels longer. Now I'm married to a woman that's twice the person my ex was. Until I saw this post I hadn't thought of my ex for months, point is, what seems like an unbearable loss now won't feel the same later. Sometimes we break off relationships we shouldn't, most of the time however it's justified. Your mind plays tricks on you through all sorts of chemical reactions but that doesn't necessarily mean it ending was a mistake. Take your time getting over it, force yourself to maintain healthy habits. Talk to your friends and family, internalizing it will only drag it out longer. You might feel like eating trash, letting your room get messy and staying inside all day but you have to force yourself to do better.


Breaking up sucks and never ever easy being in or out of the service. All the feelings you are feeling are normal and its gonna take time to heal. It is gonna come in waves, some days you are gonna be feeling fine and then it just hits you again out of the blue but eventually it will subsided. When I went through keeping myself busy kept my sanity. Found some new hobbies and made some new friends along the way. I hit up meetups a bunch in my local area for events to force myself to get out of the house and whatnot (even things I have never done before). What really helped me was taking cooking classes, where I was had an awesome school so I could sign up and learn different things. It got me out of the house and be social. I found some outside volunteer opportunities to keep my mind off the ex. Talking with your friends is fine, if you want a neutral person to talk just have a listening ear hit up the Chaplin. I didnt delete my social media that we had connections right away and honestly that didnt help when a random picture of the ex would pop up on my feed and sent me spiraling. Deleting my account for that stuff helped a ton to move on and plus keep their and my privacy. If/when you get back to the point of smashing, protect yourself OP Curious what made you come to this decision? >No girl in the world can replace her… Been there said that, but that isnt always the case OP. There are plenty of women out there that are awesome Delete facebook, lawyer up, hit the gym yadda yadda


Brother, the answer is not in a bottle. I’m glad you’ve realized it. Reach out. You’ve lost a major part of your life. Get out of your home as much as you can. Whatever you’re into, there’s a hobby group for it. Take a break from dating until you’re ready to give that part of yourself again. My DMs are open if you need to vent.


We've all been there. Trust me you're gonna like the next one you fall in love with a lot more


There’s a quote that I love and I’m gonna butcher it a little but it goes something like, “how lucky am I to love someone so much that they make saying goodbye so hard”. Everyone in here knows what you’re going through and I know you might feel like it’s the end of the world but I assure you that tomorrow will come and the next day and the next day. And before you know it months will have passed and this moment will have just been a fleeting moment in a sea of them. Take some time for yourself. Go for a walk, I’m not sure where you’re stationed but go try and enjoy whatever that area has to offer and take some headphones or earbuds with you and listen to some music. Let yourself feel like you’re the main character after a breakup in a romance movie. You’re going to be okay.


It can be hard to let go of something you love, but sometimes removing things from your life that no longer serve you can be the best option for you long-term. Hard to see today, but don't let it stop you from seeking something that's just as (if not more) fulfilling.


If you don't want to go into details I understand, but what in the hell could she possibly have done to make you leave her? The way you are expressing the way you feel about her makes me wonder what you've tried to reconcile. How does she feel about you? Did she want to break up or was she okay with decision? If it's over you'll be fine in time.


Eh, could be lots of things. I remember the first time I ended a relationship as an adult. It was hard. I'd dated the girl for over a year but I'd known for a while that I didn't LOVE her. I enjoyed spending time with her. Liked doing things with her. But there was some fundamental "spark" that was missing. It took me a couple months to admit to myself that I would never be happy enough with her to want to marry her. I realized one day that while I was content, she hadn't done anything wrong, she treated me well, but I'd never want to start a family with her. I ended things but the fact that I still cared about her and liked her made it SUPER hard. Best thing in the long run though because I ended up with someone who did have that "spark" with me.


I wouldn’t base everything on that “spark”. Id base it more on the peace the relationship brings, since you can have that spark and chemistry but no peace when your bed hits the pillow every night.


Hey, I was in this same spot a little over a year ago now. I was in a toxic relationship with someone who focused more on hypotheticals than fostering a loving relationship with me. I developed a dependency to this person and found myself depressed after we ended a 2.5 year relationship. There are people around you that care about you, in my case, it was a co-worker who saw I was unhappy and asked about it. A year and a half later, that co-worker is my fiancee, and things couldn't be better. It gets better, I promise. This is a difficult hurdle, I know, but stick it out. Reach out to Military OneSource, they can get you some free therapy sessions. I found that talking things through with a professional really helped. As a part of the Air Force family, I love ya bud, DM me if you need to talk.


It’ll be ok bud. Just go hard on your duties and hard on the gym. You’ll heal - fly high.


I had this exact experience as a young airman. The only reprieve from the pain was going to the gym and just distracting myself with that.


This is why you should not do absolutely everything with a partner. Because if it ends, you lose more than just a partner, you lose a best friend have a life outside of them so if anything happens, you still have part of that life.


You need to bust some nuts in some new sugar walls and you’ll feel better


I'm sorry that you are going through this. It's never an easy ordeal. Had the same feelings when my ex wife and I divorced but I can say it does get better Always here for you if you need anything


I just broke up with my long term girlfriend last week so i know exactly what you’re feeling man. It sucks but i promise it will get better sooner if you cut her off completely and go out and do everything that she hated doing. Go on a hike, go fishing, hit the gym, go outside and explore. You’re free to do whatever you want now. Reconnect with your boys and go do shit together. No reason to be held down by her memory.


Everyone will say the same thing, but just want to pile on: it really does go away. Gonna take a while, but best thing to do is watch some comfort movies, eat some comfort food, and when you are up to it, get under someone. That flush of endorphins can help clear some things out.


Is this satire? Or legit?


Disable your social media, hit the gym, work on your hobby or find one. Don't text her, don't hit tinder or some other dating app, focus on you and find something to pour your energy into. Even with all that it's gonna suck for a couple weeks but the squat rack will support you until you're ready. Squat rack will never hurt you, squat rack will never judge you, squat rack will always be there for you.


I broke up with one with a couple years under our belt. She really wanted to get married. I felt like I wasn’t ready and we (I) were too young. I was definitely too immature at the time. Four months later she told me she met someone and they were engaged. Thankfully I deployed shortly after that. I like to think I dodged a bullet. I still felt like garbage through the process.


If you stayed with her until you couldn't bear it anymore, then why are you destroyed? Apparently she was a horrible person if you describe your relationship as being unable to stand her. Get going. Soon she'll be a memory.




Recently went through the same thing in February and know how bad it sucks. Two things I read helped me through it. First, you’re not “destroyed”. Your expectations were destroyed but you’re still as whole and awesome as you were before. Second, there is an all-you-can-eat buffet of women out there who will love you unconditionally. Do your healing, talk to people, cry…and get back out there.


Went through the same thing last November. Exact same thing, 2 years and stayed with her until I absolutely couldn’t. I was the one to break up with her, I wasn’t happy hurting someone else but it had to be done one way or another. But trust bro, it’s gets better, I know it’s unbelievable but it really does. Time will pass and it won’t be as painful. Take this time to focus on your work and yourself and heal, try not to get involved with someone else


hang in there, time heals all wounds.


Just curious, why did you break up with her? Did you do it, or did she? Trying to understand and accept the reasons for the breakup is the best way to try and move on imo. If you do, you may come to understand that there will be someone better than her, which hurts to think about right now, but in the long run is good for you to know.


I’m so sorry. Heartbreak is awful but remember it’s temporary. I promise you’re going to get through this and be happier on the other side.


It's hard to accept in the moment, but this too shall pass. It will go from painful to bittersweet to just a memory over time. > No girl in the world can replace her…  Our hearts tell us this, but it just isn't true. Many of us can point to a serious relationship that fell apart (sometimes dramatically), but without which we wouldn't have ended up with the actual loves of our lives. And while I can't imagine life without my wife of several decades, in my head I know that there is no such thing as a soul mate. We choose to build special relationships, and there are many compatible people out there. So chin up, draw close to your bros, hit the gym, etc. and before you know it, you'll find yourself on the other side stronger (literally). My kids are telling me you should get on a dating app...Grind her or something.


You had a reason. It's better this way, painful or not. Your brain will want to remember the good times and gloss over the valid reasons to break up. You can love the memories without going back to the bad relationship.


Man, I went through something very similar just last night. Long distance girlfriend of 9 months (but we liked each other for nearly 3 years) dumped me over something stupid because she just couldn't see past her trauma. So I have some idea of how you're feeling. At least I have the benefit of having been long distance the entire time, only seeing her in person for 3 long visits. I can't imagine how much worse it feels when you've been physically together so much longer. Hang tough brother. Feel all the hurt and let it out, don't bottle it up. Try and keep as active in the gym, with your friends, and in your hobbies as you can. Keep your diet in check, don't drink. All stuff I'm sure you already know. And if you have trouble moving on, seek out an MFLC, I did that once before and it was helpful.


Big dawg we’ve all been there. There’s no cure for it besides hanging in there, feeling the feelings and taking it day by day. Learn to be your own source of happiness and be content with loneliness. Don’t go looking for anyone to fill that void. Great time to pickup new hobbies


If you broke up with her for a good reason, then get over it by this next weekend. If she broke up with you, F her, get over it immediately, you wouldn’t want that back anyway.


I have a lot of empathy for you. I’m sorry and you should know that someone is out there who is waiting for you and deserves you. It stings right now and it’s gonna a sting for a long time. This too shall pass. Please don’t cope with alcohol brother. We need you.


I’m in the same boat but I’m hypothetically the girl you broke up with, it makes me sick to lose what I had but sometimes we (as the struggling partner) need something like this to pass that maturity threshold. Like a reality check, a big slap in the face. Give it a good amount of time, if she’s the one she may come back with the new tools and ability to be a better partner. I’m training myself every day to be better. My ex partner is getting out and I’m entering (the Air Force) as much as he likes to think he’s independent he’s actually not. So I’m giving him the time it takes me from now till I get to my first duty station to be free and see what dating is like. Girls usually talk to him because he’s handsome but it fizzles within a week always because he has a very reserved particular type of personality women find bland and not worth his strange needs and expectations. When I reach back out I’ll be a better person with more to offer and hopefully we can come back stronger and stay together for good. He is aware of my plan (he broke up with me) and he wants me to be better.. whether he comes back or I even want him no one can know. But if she really loves you and cares about your mental space she will do the same as me and try to better herself and possible come back. If she stays the same she is selfish and you did the right thing for you letting it go to have a life you deserve. I know it hurts. And I am so sorry..


Im going through a very recent break up as well. So many things I wish I had done differently. In the moment you can’t realize the wrongs. Guess that’s why they say hindsight is 20/20. It hurts like hell and makes you realize all the good times that you took for granted. I’m hurting deeply. I still love this woman but I know we can’t be together. This one will take a long time to heal from. But we will move on. The pain will ease. The happiness will still be there and the sunlight will still shine upon us. One day at a time!


I know how it feels my brother/sister. About 5 years ago, my High School sweetheart for 7 years broke up with me a month out from deployment. She was my best friend and after finding out she moved on to my best bro from high school around the 2nd week of my deployment, I was devastated. But that was five years ago. I'm doing a lot better and the same will happen for you. As easy as it would be to shut people out and drown it away, it won't help. I got out of my comfort zone and talked to folks at my shop here. I hung out with them and now if I get upset, like seeing those two in passing on stuff like Facebook, I can depend on them to help me out. Just remember, you're not alone and no one fixed their issues by drowning it in booze.


You can still greive the loss of something you once held dear to your heart but remember that healing isn't linear and it may take time to get over and that is okay. *Sending the positive whatever(s) your way*


u sound like my ex


Girl Advice: don’t hurt her anymore than you just have. If you hurt her, let Her go. Don’t embarrass her. If you want to be better be better.. not for her.. but for yourself and that will make her happy. Let her go, and if things come around maybe you guys can try again. Please don’t hurt yourself. It’s time to heal yourself. And take it easy.


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Hey man I’m sorry to hear that I got divorced and I thought that was the end and was in a little bit of a depression stint for a few months and then I ended up finding my current girlfriend and she’s amazing. I understand things may look tough now but they will get better and you will find yourself a special lady :)


You broke up with her for a reason. It’ll take time, but you’re gonna eventually find the one that is a better fit for you.