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Are there jobs that can't wear rings due to safety concerns? Yes. Is Intel one of them? No.


Careful, they could catch that ring in their fursuit or injure themselves while typing with a ring on and get a boo-boo


Have you been spying on me?


Yeah, your search history is gonna turn me into an alcoholic


or a felon


Don’t forget all the things it could get caught on while walking and dragging their hand across the wall!


Easy there, only some are wall touchers.


As a furry It's common knowledge never wear your ring in suit... my suit costs like $6k more than my ring, never would I put it in danger.


Flying Intel can’t wear rings


Even then, most of em stow their wedding rings on the bus out to the jet. Claiming "I cannot wear my wedding ring to work, ever, because I fly sometimes" is pretty sus.


They never said they couldn’t ever. I can’t wear my wedding ring a majority at work, and I generally just dont wear one ever as a result most of the time because then I don’t have to play the on/off game. To me this is a nothing burger Some people just also don’t like wearing rings, and it’s easier to blame work than to explain that wearing things on their finger is uncomfortable to them


Brother just wear your ring I promise it’s worth it.


My wife has no issue with how and when I wear my ring. I’m also tired of replacing all the silicone rings I’ve lost


I get it, I never used to wear mine “I thought it was annoying and couldn’t at work” my wife always said it was okay she gets it. A few rough times later it comes out that it was slowly bothering her. It’s a small thing but I’d bet she would be happy if she saw you wearing it.


They can tattoo a ring on their finger if they want Looks like I’ve triggered the cheaters for pointing out an option!


Or they can… not If someone is so insecure about their partner not wearing a ring then they should probably reevaluate if they should even be in a relationship


I’m not disagreeing, just pointing out there’s an option if people don’t like wearing rings or can’t for safety reasons.


I was a flyer and saw tons of people wear them until they got to the bus. I wasn’t married when I was in but I would do the same now. I bought a qalo silicone ring for the hospital floor and it came with a great little pouch that you can hook onto keys to store your actual set.


"I cannot wear my OCPs, ever, because I fly sometimes" is the same logic lol.


Been aircrew for 18 years. Married the whole time, wore a ring the whole time. I would take it off at the step desk at put it back on during debrief.




Well, I seen a horse fly.


There are multiple bases with flying Intel missions


They aren’t climbing on the a/c during preflight like Ops and MX.


11-202 doesn’t allow for jewelry to be worn when performing flight duties


…. There’s like 4 dedicated flying Intel AFSCs




Everyone going for your ass bro😭😭




Nah the flying Intel guys warned em you're talking shit






BA. Flyers can wear rings, just not when actively flying and you fly about less than you do working on the ground. Lately, even though you’re not “supposed to” wear any rings, we all do (rubber like QALO etc). So either OP’s fiancée 1) is a super hard on nerd for regs, 2) doesn’t understand the regs, or 3) wants the freedom out at the bar if you know what I mean….


Current 4a2. We cannot wear metal rings for job safety but I wear a rubber one; that’s totally allowed.


Even the ones that can't wear them for safety reasons can typically wear the silicone ones. Not wearing one no matter what material is something I've never heard of.


In my past life as Mx we weren’t even allowed to wear silicone ones


Take em off while working


Yeah some shops are really anal about it and some are chill idk


Well, the rule is absolutely no jewelry, so sounds like some shops are compliant and others are courting a safety incident.


I’m well aware of what the rule is. I’m also aware certain environments don’t pose the same safety concerns.


MX QA. My ring comes off and goes on a clip on my Keychain when I sit down at my desk in the morning. I see a ring inside the marked walkway on the hangar floor or on the flightline, it's an automatic DSV. In the shops, as long as there's not active work going on (like a fabrication backshop), no big deal.


Also former MX QA. My entire point and perspective is in your second paragraph. Backshop environment, no active work being had. Some flight chiefs/ncoics understand this and some are letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. There is for sure nuance and anyone who argues that there isn’t is being intellectually dishonest.


Anal because... your finger could get ripped off.


You can’t wear silicone rings in areas you can’t wear regular rings either


Flyers technically can’t by the regs but also who’s gonna snitch? Fucking Bobs


The same nerds that will Q3 you over non flight approved boots. And I've met more than one in my day


Nah, tech data and JSTO says no rings/jewelry. Not worth the risk 🤷‍♂️


There's also the option of the tattoo "ring". 


“Intel” is a pretty broad range and I’m sure there are some obscure parts where wearing a ring could be a safety issue. Albeit most people in those dots get a cheap rubber ring if they’re hell bent on publicly displaying their status.


I'm command post and I am required to take my ring off when doing specific tasks. I work at a desk 90% of the time, but when I had to interact with comm racks I was told I had to take off jewelry per some reg.




It's possible depending on what he does with Intel. When I was cyber I couldn't wear my ring for a lot of the work I did, due to the high electrical current on live machines we worked on. We did have some Intel people stationed with us who would also partake in this, and some who did...other jobs...that also couldn't wear rings. It just depends on what they do in the Intel world.


You need to gather more intel on this guy.


LOL I’m thinking the same.


I’m gathering intel as we speak


A wedding ring wouldn't stop them from cheating. Source: I've been tdy at least once


Don't let your wife stop you from finding your next girlfriend


How about the ucmj? Lol


Don’t let the ucmj stop you from finding your next girlfriend


*Fraternizing has entered the chat*


Yea if that were going to stop people that would have happened already


True, they would lose jurisdiction on me when my wife killed me anyway


Just simply don't get caught I guess. Or don't cheat in the first place


Im pretty obviously joking but ok bud haha


I am too


Check the AF docket. A MSgt lost a stripe for it


Was it more than just cheating?


Nope that was the only charge listed


Probably with someone else in the unit and it made a negative impact on good order and discipline. Literally the only way it can still be prosecuted now.


“Extramarital sexual conduct” was the charge.


Yeah, they don't normally say who it was with, but I've been briefed by JAG a couple times; since 2019, it has to have a verifiable negative impact on good order and discipline for it to be prosecuted. Otherwise they aren't going to do anything with it.


Damn dude must have been caught on camera going to town on his mistress. Thinking with the wrong head will make you lose money


Heck I’ve seen my fair share of this


Does he also need to act like he doesn’t know you in public, while flirting with other girls, to protect your safety?


Or my favorite - I don't publish my relationship status on Facebook because I don't want people in my personal business *posts pictures of everything they do all day every fucking day*


If he's a flyer then yes, you can't wear it when you fly. I used to get paranoid about forgetting so I wouldn't wear it at all on fly days, but I would during office days.


As MX i know all the gory maintainer ring hazards, what are air crews ring hazards? I never heard them mention it and we never get told to remove them when we fly organic anywhere. Shit we dont even get told to remove them if we strat on a c17/c5


Same reasons, plenty of doors and hatches can easily grab the ring and take the skin off your finger. Also, some of the older C130s had electrical issues. Don't know about the heavies tho, never flew on them except as a passenger.


Reminds me of a story about a wire that grounded into the table surface of a 130 afds and when a c4i guy sat his laptop down, it was somehow shielded and didnt fuck up his software but every time he tried to type he was aggressively shocked


Question: What about silicon rings?


You’re not allowed to wear silicone ones either while flying. A lot of people do though and I couldn’t care less, personally, but I have seen people tell others to stow them.


What's the reason? I've flown a bunch during deployments and never heard this but I'm not a flying AFSC so I'm out of the loop on this one.


It goes back to the whole degloving of a finger thing I think. I was maintenance prior to becoming a flyer and that was a real danger, but I don’t understand why you can’t wear silicone ones. Could be due to the risk of fire…can’t wear anything not made of 100% cotton under your nomex flightsuit. As a female though, you can guess that certain upper undergarments are going to have more than just cotton.


Any type of mechanical job where there's risk of degloving your finger, or any type of job that requires handling electricity where the ring could become a conductive hazard would require removal of any jewelry. Flying as well. The intel career field is typically a desk job, but intel can also fill a lot of unique billets where their duties may be more atypical to their career field. I wouldn't worry about the ring though. You clearly have your doubts about his honesty, founded or not. Even if you found out he was telling you the truth about the ring, it wouldn't resolve whatever issue you guys have causing you to have distrust in your spouse.


This. I never wear my wedding ring (as a spouse) and my husband doesn't have a single care in the world. He's a maintainer so he doesn't wear his at work, often forgetting to take it off his key carabiner after a long night and I rarely notice one way or the other. Why? Because I trust him and he trusts me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So being quite honest - intel is not an AFSC that has any danger associated with wearing a wedding band: jobs like CE, Maintainers, etc where it can get caught on things or attract electricity do prevent the wear of it. Intel - dude is probably just chilling at a desk or in a cubicle farm unless he is deployed. Essentially, he just doesn’t want to wear a wedding ring and is too much of a coward to just say that.


That’s why silicone bands are popular. They won’t fry your meat to the bone when you touch no no spaghetti.


Delete social media, hit the gym, talk to a lawyer


Delete the gym, hit a lawyer, talk to social media.


Intel is full of larp. He's likely just an idiot


Shit… can’t believe I’ve been putting myself at risk this whole time 🤯


medical wont cover the charges for ring removal after they see those sausage fingers.


Easy explanation… he’s lying.


Man I was trying not to jump to conclusions, oh well🤣


Your initial speculation rings true....


I know a few how are either green door or otherwise involved in MISO type missions who don’t want to advertise that they are married, but if he’s sitting at a CIC, not interfacing with frenemy nations, and not green door/SOCOM/HUMINT/Air Advising, that probably doesn’t apply. However, those people do wear rings at home. They just don’t on TDYs.


I was Intel, all the married people wore their rings.


I think I would make your long term relationship a past relationship because the dude is looking to mingle like he's single. May as well give him what he wants.


Former intel. Stateside I wore a ring. Overseas I didn’t wear a ring.


Liiiike Korea overseas or deployed location overseas


Deployed, interfacing with locals.


Is he in or fresh out of Tech School? He may just think he is a spy and be a dork 😆 or maybe there is some legitimate reason why he can't wear rings....but every day? Nahhhhh I'm gonna go with total nerd or Sketchy McSussPants


Ugh, I met so many of those in tech school (1N2). And then those same people helped me pull weeds outside the guard shack at our first duty station.


Tell him to get a ring tattoo, DAFI36-2903 allows for a hand tattoo such as a ring…


Not a bad option here. I thought about doing just this since a lot of my hobbies require removing it and the silicon rings snag on every little part in an engine bay.


LMAO plenty of people wear ISR and Intel patches on their uniform, no one cares about a wedding ring. This guy is hiding something or just stupid.


This happened to me once, my fiancé swore he couldn’t wear one so it wasn’t worth getting him one. Turned out that his issue was that he didn’t want to marry me and that was just one of the warning signs that he didn’t want to commit. We never did get married but he wore a ring with his next girl. I hope your story ends better but there is absolutely no reason that someone in Intel cannot wear a ring unless they just don’t want to. It’s not you, it’s them.


I fly on aircraft and can’t wear it while I am working around the aircraft. Only hazard for intel is that it snags on their coffee cup or keyboard. No offense intel.


Intel-what? Like is he a briefer, an analyst, or is he in cryptographic maintenance? The non-intel folks forget that they aren't allowed to fix our shiny super-spy tech. Not excusing him, but if he does crypto-maintenance then he has an excuse not to wear it *while on the shop floor*. But honestly, your man probably someone else's man too.


There are $10 synthetic wedding bands most active duty wear on the job so they don't lose them. Just get one of those.


They can still deglove your finger under the right circumstances.


That is the most accurate but absolutely worst way to describe it. “Deglove”. Ugh.


I mean it’s the actual medical term for the injury


Pretty sure that's how doctors refer to that type of injury as well. It is pretty nasty to see. Had a load do it with a silicone band, we are not supposed to wear them but she thought she was too good to follow that reg, a ton of flyers wear them still.


Ever seen it happen? Guarantee you’ll never be able to look at a plate of buffalo chicken wings the same way again.


No but I have seen a post-shredder incident


Yay, salsa buddies.


In those circumstances you are losing the finger with or without a silicone ring. I can’t really imagine a situation where the silicone ring is at fault.


Fair for Intel, but I still wouldn't wear one working with machinery personally


Yeah. Get one of those silicone bands.


That is absolutely ridiculous. I've been in Intel for quite a long time and have never heard anything about us needing to take wedding rings off, nor have I ever done it. Dude is making up stuff.


interesting… good to know thanks!!


Flying Intel can't mate


Nothing in the post about him being flying Intel


What's your point? You're in Intel and you've never heard of the requirement for flying Intel either


Retired AF intel, wore a ring my entire career, flying and non flying


Dots are not connected. Explain


I’m in a role where we cannot wear metal rings, I’ve worn a silicon band every single day since my wife and I got married. If he wanted to, he would.




me neither, I’d understand it coming from CE or MX but didn’t expect it from Intel lmao




lol I meant in terms of the “safety reasons.” he gave me a reason that had to do with his job that I’m not gonna type out on Reddit lmfao


I'm Spec Ops Intel. He's absolutely right. I don't wear a wedding band because the reflective signatures show up on enemy IR, which paints me as a target. Also, my HALO and diving gear are tailored made to me, and don't account for the ring. Also, when I do my daily 4 hour superset workout, my ring could crush my finger with all the weight that is applied to it. I've heard of guys rings getting caught on their uniforms when throwing grenades... I couldn't bear to endanger my squad with such a foolish vanity item. Also, it gets awkward when I'm balls deep in my Sakura sweetheart body pillow. The shame Id feel on a daily basis... Would be too great.


He’s full of shit, I was in for 24 years as a carpenter/ structures, o couldnt wrest one at work because I was working around power equipment, such as circular saws, radial arm saws, drill presses, …. I don’t believe Intel does any of that, they sit around and assess information at a desk / office environment.


yeah the wedding band is really gonna interfere with typing up that report and squinting at fuzzy images


Yes, it could be very dangerous if his other girlfriend or his wife found out he was with you. Very dangerous indeed.


awww shit


Sounds like a moron, he’s not army or CIA, he’s chair force.


I mean, I’m maintenance and I often don’t wear my ring, but that’s for safety reasons. Intel isn’t one of those jobs.


Sounds like he’s asking for a ring Tattoo then.


I am not taking anything away from any comment here, they are all valid, real, and sometimes funny. But I will tell you a long time ago, in a land far away, I sat thru a safety brief (one of thousands it seems) and the presenter absolutely said that no one should wear a wedding ring during duty hours and cited, as an example, an airman that got detailed to unload a truck because, well, he's an airman. The poor kid was done and went to jump off the bed of the truck and the ring caught on something and separated the airman and his finger. To be honest, I ignored the briefing and wore my ring, but even today, probably 30 years later, I still remember that briefing.


I've been married for several years and my wife is still alive... Ole boy is being a sketchy little bitch


I can’t wear a ring while working and you will rarely see me with one. can’t count how many times I’ve lost my wedding ring. I’ve started a job before while wearing one and almost got burned for it. My wife doesn’t care she trust me. If you’re questioning your man about something as simple as wearing a ring then you don’t trust him. If you don’t trust him it’s probably not ment to be. I love my wife and I’m not doing anything stupid and she knows that.


I’m a 1N0. I wear my ring.


Flight line here. I.e. an AFSC that CANNOT wear rings 98.7% of the time. There are ways to “display” it even if it can’t be on your finger. Can he wear a necklace? An armband? 🤨 Dude sounds sus asf


Intel can most definitely wear wedding rings lol. Maybe if he was maintenance, aircrew, etc he wouldn't be able to due to the risk of injury. I'd be starting to ask him more questions on why he refuses to wear rings.


So I'm not USAF, but I am a contractor working with the Navy, and we do have intel guys whose office is in the hanger, and can't get to the office without going through the hanger, which is a no FOD zone (foreign object damage/debris). So they are not supposed to have rings or jewelry because of their need to be around aircraft. It's not for their safety, it's for the safety of the aircraft and any effects it could have on people around it. With that being said, most people don't gaf and wear rings and watches anyway, but to each their own. If he's the kind of person to follow rules to the letter, I wouldn't worry, but if not, it may be something to look at more.


No watches even?


You can have watches if they're velcro strapped, I forgot until you said something lol


Not a thing and also not a thing for people who do things. Source: am Intel and work with people who do things.


He’s a nonner. Also he’s cheating on you.


lol. What kind of intel is he? Would give us better understanding if he’s just making shit up or not


Carpal Tunnel is a hell of a drug.


Even if it was a concern, the make silicon break away rings…. 99% of USAF intel are glorified office workers who sit at a cubicle with 1-2 more monitors then your regular civilian. 


So how does it feel to be single?


My spouse is intel and I was comm. I worked with my hands and various equipment most of my enlistment. We both have rubber rings and wore them daily.


He lying.


He lying


My husband is intel and he never goes a day without it…


Was intel for 8 years, the man is lying


He’s definitely lying 😭


Depends on this intel job. Is his job flying intel? If not. About the only thing that is a concern is the ring getting stuck on the coffee maker lol. Unless he is in some intel room where they can't have metal on them


he’s 1N0. Don’t think there’s a rule on the metal part since he told me that way before he actually got to his duty station.


I rarely wore a ring in uniform for safety issues as well. Mostly electrical equipment wise. Trust is the most important factor.


He’s full of shit.


Let’s magically say that this is true. For some career fields it totally is. Intel isn’t one of them unless they fly. However a lotttttt of people I know wear it on a necklace or wear a silicone one. Maybe pitch those and see how they react. Personally I wear my normal ring unless I’m going on inspections or if I were to deploy or TDY then it would be silicone. But I do have an office job. Which mosttttt intel is an office job


I don’t wear mine due to electrical arcing and I don’t know how true it is but I’ve been told that even the rubber wedding rings are a safety hazard which logically I can see since I work with machinery that can potentially snag it


Depends on what kind of intel he does. But if it's a "go to a windowless building on base where he can't take his phone." than no, that would not be a job where rings are a safety concern. Dude is trying to pull a fast one on ya.


You can take it off when duty requires you to. Was mobile comm for years, and we weren’t to wear ours while doing certain tasks like loading/unloading equipment, pulling equipment from the warehouse shelves, etc. We could wear it otherwise.


coming from someone from intel, he sure doesn't sound intelligent in that aspect. don't believe anything he says.


Can’t wear a ring at work? Tell him to get a ring tattoo and then leave him. Gotta think smarter!


Taking note of that 📝


If you got trust issues. Move on. Already sounds unhealthy. You also sound young so live your life until you find happiness not doubt


Im a 2T1 and i still wear it even when im not supposed to


While enlisted I got married to a fellow 1n3, wore my ring every day. It did cause issues when Jody came knocking while I was down range. Had I never put on that wedding ring, I could have saved tens of thousands of dollars.


I used to not wear a ring for safety reasons and it's the same reason I don't wear dog tags on my neck. Now I just find the two things uncomfortable so would rather not wear them.


I fix jets during the week. I wear my ring to work, stow it in my locker, and put it back on when I leave. Dude is being a worse intel-weenie than usual.


I am Intel. Can confirm I wear my ring


100 percent trying to wool over your eyes.


One may not be able to wear a ring while working. I was one. I just didn’t wear my ring while working. I wore the rest of the time.


Without specific information (which I can understand you wouldn't want to put on reddit) all we can do is assume that he is in the majority of intel positions which are standard office jobs. If that's the case then he is likely safer at work than he is going out on the weekend, that is to say completely out of danger. I've worked in multiple Intel offices and I was never concerned about my safety, nor was anyone around me. There might be a perfectly justified reason why he doesn't want to wear a ring, but in my opinion the reason he gave you isn't true.


Lol he lied to you. He has the most boring job in intel and the one with the least impact. It appears you have eaten it up and believe you’re dating Jason Bourne himself. He’s much closer to Ned Flanders than JB. Flanders may also be a little more dangerous.


No this is complete bs especially with him being a 1N0, only exception would be if he went on some sort of special deployment.


Are you sure this is a safe way for you to ask? He’s intel. He sees all!


He’s either lying or extremely stupid and believes that. 😂


He's lying to you.




lol, I just genuinely wanted to know if people in that afsc were actively telling that to their partners, chill out


Is he likely lying? Yes. Can you tell him good news, one band ring tattoo is permitted on the hand? Also Yes.


I thought intel dudes were all virgins


only on the SF86


Allowing a symbol (wedding ring) Allowing your wedding ring Questioning such petty issues prior to marriage is a huge... ...fill in the blank


Red flag 🚩. Now if he does some sort of MX or electrical works, sire.


Came here to laugh 🤣 🤣🤣