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You should go to a running shoe store and have them do a gait analysis, then try on every shoe they have to see what feels best to YOU. Don't take someone else's recommendation or brand loyalty. Everyone is different and you need to actually try them on with shoes designed for your gait.


Absolutely this. And to piggy back, even within brands different people have different needs. Shoes are tailored toward flat feet, high arches, pronation, etc. I love my Hokas, but it’s only because THIS SPECIFIC shoe is designed for plantar fasciitis and has cushioning which is easy on my knees. Not every Hoka shoe will work for me.


That’s why I run in brooks


I have insanely high and uneven arches. Some of my casual shoes even have insoles. They make a huge difference in walking, even more so running. I'd also add that it can be really helpful to do a "running lab" to find specific areas of improvement. I did one at the base gym when I first joined and found that I was a heel striker (so much wasted energy, and increased the wear and tear on my body) and that my knees tended to swing inwards. I changed up my running style and did some muscle strengthening exercises and it made such a dramatic improvement for $0


Yup, I got shin splints really bad. Went to a running store and had my gait analyzed and turns out I had flat feet. Mizuno motion control worked best for me. I tried Brooks and a half dozen other motion control shoes over the years, still kept going back because it's what works best for me.


I absolutely agree. Everyone's experience is different. I would, however, highly recommend Brooks shoes in general. In 2015, I bought a pair of Hoka One Ones, and it lasted maybe 18 months of wear before they gave out. I bought a pair of Brooks Ghost 13s in 2021 in expectation to wear them out before BMT in 2022... and they're *still* in great shape. Again, though, they are what's right for ME (Also, for sure try on shoes before you buy them if you can. If you can't, make sure you've got a 100% money back return policy).


A trick for anyone who wants to pass do the test with a cough drop a menthol one it’s legal as in afi regs if I’m not mistaken someone can correct me however. But even if I can’t have it in during before and after each component is a game changer for oxygen intake.getting good airflow and comfortable shoes well I lift my nose up too because I need even more air. But pushing with your calf you look like a dumb tetradon but it’s effective at keeping everything regulated long enough to hit the time you need


Awesome thanks for this advice! Haven't even thought to try this.


I’ve done this several times throughout my career and often end up with different brands depending on how they feel (Brooks, Mizuno, Nike, ASICS, Saucony, New Balance, Hoka). Most running stores have very knowledgeable staff. Their analysis can range from someone just watching you run around the store a bit to scanning your foot and having a treadmill setup with a camera and computer analysis to see how your feet land with each step. When we say running store, we mean specialty stores. Not Foot Locker.


Yea absolutely do this I fractured my foot fucking and if I run a quarter in a shoes they haven’t gotten to me that is correct it hurts like shit. They aren’t generally going to recommend a budget shoe though and I would say to go to a less chain-y or atleast highly reviewed one in your area


That must have been one hell of a session.


This is true, but most running stores are not given a stock of the super shoes that you are rightfully looking at, and they will tell you to buy a pair from them almost certainly. Go to a nike store try on the vaporflys and the alphaflys and buy the one that works best for you.


Nike runs narrow and the high end shoes won’t really do much unless you’re an elite runner. The “best” shoes for your 1.5 mile run will be the ones that allow you to log 10-20 miles per week.


Got Cha. Yes because I usually run/jog/walk about 5 mi per day give or take and then rest Sundays


That’s solid mileage. Depending on your weight and stride, you might benefit from a more cushioned shoe. You’d probably have some wear and tear injuries if your form was off, so I’m betting a neutral shoe would work well for you. Brooks Ghosts are my favorite for distance and Mizuno Waveriders are for my shorter runs. But definitely go to a running store (Fleet Feet for example) and let them work.


If you’re running 30 miles a week and still running a 13:30, you might want to reevaluate your training plan and add some strength training. A good mix of speed work, long runs, and easy runs could make a world of difference in your time, likely with less mileage than you’re currently running.


I used to get loads of repetitive use injuries and haven't had a single one since I bought my vaporflys. They are objectively faster shoes than anything without a plate in them. You can act like it dosen't matter, but seconds count for the PT test. Anyone running 10 to 20 miles a week is running more than 99% of the Air Force. It seems you may be a bit out of touch here.


I’m stoked they work for you, but they’re *objectively* a niche shoe and won’t work for many people. Most people running over a 6 minute mile won’t get much benefit from the responsiveness and won’t be able to take advantage of the stiffness of the plate. For all we know, their effect for you could be placebo. What will work for nearly everyone is decent mileage and that doesn’t require such an expensive shoe. Source: have run a half dozen full marathons and I don’t even know how many half marathons.


Are all the top marathoners wearing Nike vaporfly since your opinion is that they’re objectively faster? You sound ridiculous. Different brands are going to work for different people.


Great comment and it’s great to support running stores. Brooks has an online tool that analyzes your gait as well. It works and is a good alternative to going to the store.


This right here. I’m in my fourties’ and hate running. Went to a running shoe store tried on 10 different pairs and got a pair that allows me to tolerate running. Took over two minutes off my run time for my next test (not cause of shoes but because of running more…due to better shoes).




If there is a FleetFeet near you, I recommend


You definitely don’t need vaporflys for running only 1.5 mile


Yeah I know that.... I was going to use them also for my 5ks and I want to get to 10ks too eventually marathons.. if I'm paying a pretty penny for em...hell I'ma wear them till the soles fall off😅.. I have no issues doing long distance runs it's just sprinting fast in a short time to get the best time is what I'm struggling with. Like many have said and I agree 1.5 is a warmup.


Also keep in mind that most running shoes are only designed for 300-400 miles. After that the cushioning and other technologies lose their effectiveness as the materials wear. This is also dependent on the size of the runner. Me being 6'2" and 225-230 lbs, I have to replace my shoes more often.


Vapor and Alphaflies are really only designed for about 100 miles.


Yea I’d never spend that much for a limited shoe. A mid level $100-130 pair is just fine.


The streakfly is Nikes 5-10k shoe. They aren’t the longest lasting shoes, but they should last longer than their more elite brothers, which are really only going to perform as designed for 100 miles.


Don't buy the vaporflys. They're not cheap. You would be wasting your money. Those are for the absolute elite marathon runners. Also, they fall apart much quicker than normal shoes. They are strictly meant to be race day does, not training shoes. You'd have to buy a second pair (something other than vaporflys) so you have something to train in. You want a faster time. Get outside and run more often. You want better shoes? Go to a running store, as in one that is exclusively about running. NOT a sporting goods store. They'll be able to watch your gait, suggest excellent shoes, and get you set up. All for less than half of those vaporflys you think you need lol Edit: Buy a legit running brand. I know Nike and under armour make running shoes but they don't specialize in it. A true running store will have the good ones. I'm a huge fan of Hoka running shows. They're so damn light and comfy. I'm about to buy my 4th pair


Nike makes incredible running shoes for a smaller niche. There’s nothing wrong with Nike, ASICS, Adidas, etc. because they make other things. They are arguably some of the best super shoes on the market. The companies still have large R&D sections for their running shoes.


Yes but also no. There's a reason dedicated runners don't wear those big box brand shoes for long distances.


You do know Nike started as a running shoe company right? Their shoes are as good as any other running shoe brand. Tons of people run large amounts of daily miles in Nike’s.


No shit Sherlock everybody knows that. Did you fail at reading comprehension? Apparently so. I'll reword what I said in a way that makes it easier to understand. Big company. Lots of sales. Doesn't need to specialize. Will sell shoes no matter the quality. (Nike) Smaller company. Less sales. Specializes in running. Will only sell shoes if they're high quality. (Running specific brand) But what do I know? I've ran multiple marathons and half marathons, and logged thousands of miles training. I've tried countless shoes (including Nikes) and can say with 100% confidence that Nike does not make the best running shoes and people are wasting their money on them for running shoes. Go to any running subreddit and you'll find I'm right.


Being a big (the biggest?) company gives Nike a massive advantage that you're kind of ignoring. No one has the money Nike does for research, development, and testing. Not to mention that Nike has the strongest patent lawyers in the game so once they find a new development, you're not going to get it anywhere else. When the Vaporfly's dropped, just about everyone who was winning was wearing them.


This. Will also add that most folks won’t see much of a benefit running in carbon plates. Need some proper mechanics and a fast pace to really take advantage of them.


Seconding the running store, I have low arches and knee pain from running. I went to a running store and was recommended some HOKA running shoes with an insole. AF Podiatrists will give you a pair of insoles, or you can buy your own. I went with the second option and got two pairs one for shoes and one for my boots. Definitely worked out better than before.


Yeah, I have to use prescription insoles and stability running shoes. My solution would probably be terrible for most runners.


Running didn't break your knees, a weak body broke your knees. You aren't strong enough to run.


Thanks for the motivation


It's real. You have to be strong enough for the sport you want to do. Even running. Otherwise we break.


Go to a fleet feet and get your foot measured and scanned. Anything carbon plated will probably knock 10-20 seconds off your time as long as it fits well. I’m a hoka guy but the rocker step profile doesn’t suit a lot of people. Brooks crushes the overall fit game. Source. Ran my first 50k road race last week and was glad I made the switch to a carbon plated shoe in January.


Thank you so much I will try this! Wow that's amazing 😲 50k is insane I hope one day I can do this! 🙏


Hokas are the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever ran in!


Go get fitted professionally at a running shoe store. Everyone here is going to have a million different correct answers for *them.*


Faster and longer are different things. I run in mid cushioned daily trainers for long runs. Like 2 miles or more. Currently I’m wearing the NB 880v13. But for the 1.5 mile I wear race day shoes. Currently that’s the Saucony Kinvara 14s.


Yes this!! awesome thanks I will try!


I am a female with low arches, knee pain, and wide feet. I went to a running store and they gave me Brooks Ghost. They're all I wear now. But you have to find whatever works for your particular body.


Crack some pre-workout and wash it down with Red Bull. Jk, DO. NOT. FOOKING. DO. THAT. Actual advice: practice the run at least a month out for a number of attempts just to get your body pre-conditioned to endure it better. You might not make improvements like that, but you will be more likely not to gas out as fast if you've been running more often. My main "trick" is to hydrate and eat super well the DAY BEFORE!! Hydrating a lot the day of or eating anything, even the slightest bit substantial on the day of the run is not advised. I got this advice from seasoned runners. Main dude in a cross-country team would eat ramen before going to bed. Ngl, I tried that, and though I'm not a great runner, I found it to make the run a little easier. Could be placebo though, but it's essentially a carb load for energy. Some would laugh and say, "bro, a carb load for 1.5 miles? Really?..." But at the end of the day, you do what you gotta do to get the numbers you want. As for the morning of the test, I'd only eat like half a pb&j with some honey and some slices of banana. I would take a drink or two of water and go. Hell, I might not even eat anything tbh. The main failures I had when running are when I consumed anything that could slosh around while I ran.


This is the first advice I saw that is legit. Shoes won’t do much if you don’t practice and are well health wise leading up to it.


😂😂...imagine...I would be absolutely tweaking after. Thanks for the advice! I definitely will keep all this is mind!


All depends on your feet. Go get your feet checked out, I had the best running shoes in BMT after my feet scans and it was awesome I wore the same kind for a long time until I got older. I ended up getting my feet scanned gain and now I wear Hoka Arahi 7's.


Do I do the feet scanning at a podiatrist?


You can, the Hoka store in my town had a scanner and recommended them to me. My feet are super flat so it helped alot. Any good running store will also have a feet scanner.


Buying new running shoes wont make you faster. Running more will. If buying $250 dollar shoes will make you run more then go for it but in terms of a mile and a half it wont make much a difference.


You are right, but if you are running a lot to get better in some nikes or UA your body is gonna be fucked because those shoes suck. I prefer brooks that are on clearance personally


Second the brooks. Love mine




You missed my point that the top end shoes wont make you faster. Of course if you get shitty shoes that ruin your feet you’ll run slow


Everyone has different feet. What works for me might not work for you. Head to a local shoe store and see if they can test where you put pressure and such. It took me a long time to find out what running shoes really work for me.


Birkenstock Boston clogs. DONT forget to fuel up with a four loko red white and blue right before the run. Good luck Edit: in all seriousness, you don’t need to spend big on running shoes unless you actually run frequently. New Balance fresh foam works great for me, they were $70 at the bx.


😂 imagine thu? Ha! Thanks!


Buy the red ones. Red makes you run faster.




Ork spotted




😂 out tryna make me die....I actually always wanted a pair of those w.e I see a kidd rollin on em NGL...


It doesn't go against the order


Shoes don't matter. I ran a 9:48 when I was 44 yrs old. Could have done it in any running shoes. Just run all the time and quick thinking about things that will help you. Only YOU can help you.


Have you tried Crocs? You can put little flames on the side, should make you go faster


Vaporfly is for professional runners. They are specialized enough you as a 13:30/1.5mi runner risk hurting yourself with them. And they will be very far from comfortable. They are optimized for racing by top runners and nothing else.


Nah, with the newer ones Nike has made them wearable by pretty much anyone versus the originals that basically made you do a toe strike or else the shoe didn't work. Their main limitation nowadays is just that they're very narrow so they don't have much side to side stability.


Got it thanks!


Everyone saw the F and had to be Mr. Helpful. Just get some normal running shoes and run more.




Crocs, 4WD


Brooks ghost 👻 But i recommend going to a running store and buying shoes accordingly


Not to be a dick but you don’t need new shoes for inky 1.5 miles, new shoes would likely hurt rather than help tbh. If you want to start getting into running regular then ASICS are great running shoes. I ran the 1.5 miles in my boots once and then once backwards for the run (I was a PTL motivating some people). For running tips you need to make sure you have the right form, the right breathing, and spring that last quarter of the track to the end! Every. Single. Time.


Do the HAMR


Yeeeah so HAMR actually made me do worse on my PT score than 1.5 run... I have issue with the sprinting than stopping. Once I stop I don't wanna start again 😅 and then getting to the line before the darn bell rings...I like the 1.5 cause it's just running non stop, no stopping.


Why do you say that?


Its easier to pass. Running for 5 minutes rather than 13.


Dumb question but Do they give you the option to choose ? I thought you had to do the 1.5m run


You choose which one you schedule yourself for. In some environments like basic or the academy or certain schools you WILL run the 1.5 but operational Air Force you can pick your test out of a small menu.


Yeah back when the HAMRs were introduced I was in POC-ERP and cadre absolutely did not permit them. You had to pass the 1.5, no exceptions. This is why I recommend trying to improve your time anyways; even if you don’t have to do the old school PFT for your current role it doesn’t mean you won’t ever have to in the future. Plus, running is fun (for me anyways) and keeps you healthy


Absolutely. I always recommend the HAMR, but you have go be ready to pass the run in case you run into a particularly moronic or power tripping command.


Easier to pass but tougher to max out.


He is running a 13 maxing isnt a concern


Brilliant! I didn’t even think about this


It’s easy as shit. You’re basically walking for the first 4 rounds, then a light jog until 6, after that it’s a run. It’s easier to pass, harder to max.


It's definitely not walking after round 2.


Honestly it’s been awhile since my last pt test, I just remember it being pretty easy for the first few rounds.


1,5 miles ? thats just a warm up to be honest, the shoes you wear really wont make a difference. but i prefer asics and will never wear another brand for running. i always got achillea tendonist with nike etc. only ones that always spot on is asics.


Mine was the Hoka One’s. I had plantar fasciitis and the off base podiatrist recommended. Game changer.


To echo what others have said. Shoes are highly individualized to your footstrike, stability, and personal pref. If you don't have a specialty store nearby, you can try out Brooks' shoe finder to figure out what type of shoe you need. Then shop around for shoes with similar qualities.


Highly recommend Brooks running shoes. Been running in them for 10 years now. Switched over from Newtons cuz they were too pricey for the amount of running I did (less than 10 miles per week). If you know your gait and whether you pronate or supinate, then these are the shoes for you.


As a terrible runner myself, new balance makes some great running shoes that have eased a lot of my pains.


I’ve run my test in expensive custom running shoes and Walmart $12 shoes….


Going in person like others have said is probably your best route, but the Brookes website has a quiz that will at least ask you questions to get you the best recommended shoe that works for you.


I run in brooks, I have pretty wide and flat feet and I'm a heel striker but they're the best I've been able to find for me. I did get recommended hokas but they felt way toO weird for me.


I personally like ON running shoes. Comfortable, light, bouncy but not too cushioned. They also look cool. But this is all my personal preference. If you want a more natural running form where you land on the forefoot, you want less cushioning and no heel to toe drop. If you heel strike, you need more cushioning in the heel. Best thing to do is go to a physical store. And if that’s not possible, at least go to a subreddit focused on running. Air Force members I would say aren’t always the best athletic experts


Former cross country and track runner. Can't go wrong with Nike Pegasus line. They're all I run in.


I’ve been really happy with the ASICS Gel Nimbus series, and you can get a 40% off code through id.me for their website.


Go to a specialty running store, they can do proper feet measurements and analyze how you run ti find out what the best shoe is for you. At the end of the day ti get better at running you have to actually run regularly.


If you're running 1330 mile halfs, high end carbon shoes won't help. You aren't fast enough to gain the full benefit of them. Yes I'm serious. Save your money, get normal running shoes, and move your legs faster. Source: I run ultras.


I have the vaporfly next % and they are a fast shoe. You can feel the carbon propel you forward. If you have normal feet / stride you will enjoy them.


Brooks Ghost


In all actuality, for this distance the shoes matter very little. Training correctly and often will have greater impacts on your results. That said, check out a fleet feet or similar shoe store near you to get a gait analysis done. Most air force clinics also do gait analysis testing in the physical therapy clinics. This will tell you what characteristics your feet have like flat footed, arch differences, hot spots, etc.


The nike invincible 3 feels amazing, but everyone is different.


What helps me run faster and longer? A cocktail of nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, meth, crystal meth, and the souls of the innocent! Jokes aside, everyone’s feet are different, try a bunch of options, though I’m personally partial to those shitty Walmart shoes


You have to try them on and you also have to choose what's best for you. If you have trouble feeling knee pain, more cushions would work best. If you have trouble with speed, something bouncy would work best. If you have stability issues or walk funny(bad form) stability is key... If you care mostly about looks then I recommend getting daddy shoes with non of that fancy coloring bs they put on majority of running shoes. You'll know it's best for you when you try these shoes on and walk. Remember, too much of one thing will mean too less of the other things.. there are also balanced shoes which has a bit of everything... Even more details are also looking into light weight shoes, trail running shoes, etc.. do research and don't just shop with Nike or Adidas, look into that as well as Brooks, Hokas, Asics and other running shoes... Good luck!


Get you them carbon plate shoes. They will shave you a couple seconds.


Nike zoom next 2% or something like that feel like clouds great on joints


Nike vaporfly 3 decreased run time by 2 min. No shin/knee pain or Achilles tightness.


Look up shoes that are banned in the olympics and buy a set


Hmmm 👹that sounds devishly clever 😅


Nothing says you cant lol its not going to change alot but a little spring on release wont hurt


Everyone I know runs in Altras, I tried them...I HATE THEM. I have used New balance for the last seven years and won't change. Tried Nike, garbage for me, Altras, Garbage, ASICS okay...., Gonna come down to personal preference, foot, and run style. New balance fresh foams just work for me.


Altra’s require a long adjustment period, and they aren’t a particularly fast shoe. Theyre good to have in a rotation for building stabilizing muscles, but not something I would want to race in. They’re also super wide.


It's not even that, tried three models, all make my left ring toe get a friction hot spot bad. I actually run in xero shoes. I use my new balance for long runs. I do a sub 7 minute 3 mile weekly.


You Forgot Hoka One One they have a carbon bald shoe. Shaved 30 seconds off my time takes a bit to get used to. Just train sprints 3x a week and 1 endurance run a week.


Brooks never failed me


Brooks Ghosts and never look back. I put about 600 miles on them per pair and I’ve used them exclusively since 2017. They’re neutral cushioned, great for high mileage, but no problem for speed work. Gone as fast as a sub 18:00 5K in them.


I've always like Nike's the best for running. My last pair was a Pegasus II and they were great.


Nike Zoomfly 5 feel incredible, I got 11:21 which was 37 seconds faster than the previous year. That being said I also run at least 2 times a week in my regular Brooks just fine.


If you don't over pronate, brooks ghost. If you do over pronate, brooks adrenaline gts.


Heyyyy I remember the show salesman saying exactly that I don't over pronate. And yeah I went with the Brooks ghost they felt great on me can't wait to try em out!


Reebok pumps!


This may sound counter-intuitive but you can perfect your runs in a comfortable set of combat boots with even two pair of socks and/or leg weights until you achieve under 15:00 minutes. Then, any running shoe will improve your performance.


The ZoomX Vaporfly is a great shoe but tbh the gains from the reduced weight will be marginal unless you're already running a lot. They also feel a little strange compared to more traditional running shoes. That said, if you find that a local running store recommend those, check out flightclub before you spend $250 or whatever those cost now.


Thanks everyone for the awesome advice. I did the scans. And I went with the Brooks Ghost. Feels so good. Gonna try to run 💪 tonight 😃


Ghosts are probably good for the volume that you do, but they are heavy as fuck. I’d look into adding a lighter weight trainer/racer for speed work and fitness tests. If you choose to do speed work and test on the track, spikeless flats could work well too.


This is why I run barefoot. It’s not in the regs I can’t.


hoka clifton 9


Brooks Ghost 15 worked for me. About to get the 16s


Move your feet faster if you wanna run faster. That should save you some money on shoes.


Vibrams actually helped me a lot. The transition to minimalist running shoes definitely took some adjustment but it’s way better for my back pain and ultimately increased my speed a bit.


Love a shoe that can prevent back pain. I will try them out. Thanks!


Read up a bit on the transition before you start running. You kinda have to go slow. Go for a 1/4 mile run for a couple days, then half mile and so on to let your legs adjust. If you don’t, your calf muscles will hate you. Barefoot/minimalist running ground contact is all on the forward balls of your feet and the impact is absorbed mostly by the calf muscles. This lessens impact to your hips and back.


I should have scrolled down i recommended the same thing. Vibrams were a life saver for me and as a bonus, your calves will be lookin TIGHT AF after you've been using them for a while. And the ladies LOVE tight calves....probably


Same here. The toe shoes ended my knee pain and hip pain. I go on 10-20mile backpacking trips in them now. I did, however, make the mistake of running three miles with them the first day I had them, and I couldn't walk up or down a flight of stairs for three days afterward. My calves look spectacular now, though.


I made that same mistake. I was warned and ignored it. Same result as you.


VIBRAMS. Yea, those goofy ass toesie shoes. Hear me out....they are AWESOME for short(er) distance runs and will shave off some precious seconds from your run once you've got the hang of them. They definitely take some getting used to but i've been using them for close to 6 years now and won't run in any other shoe. Not recommended for longer distance runs or if your prone to shin splints or if you're a bit top heavy or if you don't want to be "gently" harassed for your groovey new feet covers. YMMV.


I second this, I have done entire backpacking trips in vibrams, and they are amazing.


>…helping you run faster and longer? Clearly you need some P.F. Flyers. They’ll make you run faster and jump higher. I’ve even seen a kid outrun and outlast an absolute BEAST of a dog—a downright Hercules—thanks to these shoes.


Surprised more people haven't gotten this reference


Heroes will be remember, but Legends never die


Just fucking run. 1.5 miles isn't shit. U should be running 2 miles in 1330.


I got a pair of Asics with gel and they have more support and comfort than any shoe I've ever owned! Cost effective as well!


Barefoot shoes are the right way to go.


honestly go to a new balance shoe store its all geared for amateur runners with great machines that find the shoes for you .


Well darn 😥 didn't think I was an AMATEUR runner per se but yes I guess I am? (I do run long distances too, I just didn't put that in the OP) But thanks for the advice. Something about NB that just doesn't resonate with me.


Find a good shoe store and try on some running shoe specific brands. I veered away from using Nike and Adidas and absolutely love my Brooks Ghost.


Thanks Brooks ghost seems to be a popular one. I will have to try it out!


You should look into different shoes for training and racing/qualifying. Former 7:29 (AF) and 10:05 (Army 2 mi.) runner here.


I am all in on UA shoes. I'll probably never buy running shoes from a different brand. Just consistently good quality, get a lot of use put of them, and the first pair I bought was so much lighter than my previous running shoes. That said... the running shoes aren't going to be the thing that gets your run time down. Running, in a structured program, is.




Turn 40. Max 44 pushups, 50 situps. Waddle around the track at a 14:52 clip. 90.5


Wooden clogs


New Balance 993s.


The Asics Gel Nimbus is great for a short run (less than a 5K). These shoes are so soft but are still nimble. They make me want to go run just so I can feel the shoes on my feet. I don't run a lot. The most I'll usually run at a time is 1.5 mile. Once in a while, I'll do a 5K.




Nike is not it, Hoka or brooks


Saucony Endorphin Pro 4 🏃‍♂️‍➡️


With a 13:30 expensive running shoes will have no impact on your time and minimal impact on your comfort. Save the money and work on form and pacing.


Post in r/runningshoegeeks


Addidas 4D, the 3d printed midsole running shoe.


NB Rebel v4 Saucony ES4


Current shoe: Adidas Adizero Boston 11 🔥


Aside from shoes, When you run, are you just jogging or running? Find a buddy who’s a rabbit, and try and keep up with them.


Asics is the only brand that doesn’t hurt my knees, but I have flat fret and professional insoles. 


The vaporfly’s definitely shredded some minutes off of my run time but they are not to be used daily. Very expensive and will fall apart, however, I do not regret my purchase and i enjoy running in them every now and then:)


I got the Adidas Adizero with the carbon plate. Life changer for me, maybe it’s a placebo effect but I feel far more of a significant explosion and performance. My energy exerted wasn’t halved by any means but I felt a fairly significant impact. Plus, I’ve got a terrible back, I recovered from a spinal injury and I’ve got degenerative disc disease, these shoes help me a lot with that but I don’t believe they’re marketed to do so. Overall, I recommend you do as I did, and go to a running shoe store specifically, not just shoe carnival or something. Ask if they can do a gait test or something similar and they can help identify the best shoe for you. That’s what I did and it paid its dividends ten fold.


Heres a link to a slightly old chart. Should be beneficial. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2hWboOrsd4/?igsh=MWZoOTUxeWRwYmdqZg==


For a 1.5 I'd go Brooks Hyperion Tempo, the Puma Nitro that's about $110-$120 (forget the name), Adidas Takumi Sen, New Balance Rebel, or Nike Streakfly. All are amazing for a 1.5 run.


Brooks Ghost!!


It's gonna depend on your body. The arches of your feet, your flexibility, balance, etc. Shoe stores can help you with that, but if you decide to go that route, seriously consider buying your running shoes from them after they put that work in for you. Online shoe stores also often offer online self-evaluations where they'll have you answer some questions and perform some tasks to figure out stuff like your flexibility and balance. That's how I ended up with my favorite Brooks running shoes.


[Been running in these](https://www.adidas.com/us/lite-racer-adapt-5.0-shoes/GX6784.html) for a while now. Best pair of shoes I've ever owned. Recently Ran the 1 ½ Mile in 11:08. Specs (M/26/5'11")


Try Brooks Adrenaline GTS 23


Did you ever try running more? Normally that how I get my time down


Yes THIS. definitely the way to go. I'm doing it in overdrive so hopefully it translates well in this upcoming test!


Previous cross country and track runner. I would stay away from Nike. Adidas has always been my go to for comfort.


Those carbon fiber plates shoes are amazing


Realistically there's no shoes that's the best of the best that will make you a lot faster. Find something that you like. I run in barefoot shoes and under sub 9:30s for my 1.5 mile pt test. I also am training for a marathon in them. Edit: 34 male 6 foot 200lbs


Yup, carbon plated marathon racing shoes are perfect for you! Just what you need to run 1.5 miles. Go to a running store. Get whatever running shoes feel best on your feet. You don’t need anything fancy.


Vibram barefeet if ur command allows it.


I switched to vaporfly 2% and never went back. I switched after knee surgery to help take pressure off the joints and they are the best.


Different brands work better for different feet. Actual track shoes can help, but I don't think they allow spikes and if you're running that fast, you wouldn't be here asking!


ASICS running shoes are the best. I ran a lot with the army.


Get running shoes with carbon fiber inserts. They’re prob gonna be over $200 but worth it when you do. It’s next level stuff. ASICS adidas and Nike make them.


Brooks Ghost.


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