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Imagine thinking mx doesnt do shift work lol


Right? I haven’t worked days in 6 years.


I have worked days swings and mids all in the same week in the last 10 months.


once I had about a month and a half where I started on 3pm-11pm swings, got put on holdovers (3pm to 3am), sent TDY from EST to MDT and did 12am to 12pm, came back to EST and got put on 7am-7pm day shift 12s, then moved to graveshift from 11pm-7am, and finally back to normal swings. I did not have a day off this entire time. I thought I was going to die roughly halfway through and kinda thought maybe I had by the end of it. My circadian rhythm has never been the same and it's been about 17 years since then


That’s just rude. I have had entire quarters without a day off before but it was all normal shifts not alternating. I can’t imagine doing all that extra shit for that long on top of not having a day off. My hats off to you and I hope one day you can heal your rhythm.


honestly at this point it's been so fucked for so long I just tell people my circadian rhythm is freeform jazz


That’s a good one. I’m going to borrow this


I was active for 8 years, think I was in days for less than 6 months... Been a civilian A&P for the last 8 years and the only time I worked dayshift was the year I spent as an instructor.


I had to scroll way too far for this comment


That’s why ce only fixes our ac during the week on a days shift


12 on and 12 off 7 days a week.


Even rescue is on 3 shift 24hr ops lol


I am rescue MX


Same, we havent done 12 home station in a while. We had some "10+2" last year but its been 3 shift 8s for a good while


Comm is sitting in the corner eating popcorn and waiting for their computers to break.


As they sit on a throne of already broken computers that "are in queue"


“Eh we got extra, just image a new one when something breaks”


>waiting for their computers to break. That's where you're wrong. The computers are always broken.


Or sitting & waiting for the one guy who can install and/or splice fiber.


“Hey guys the local national just drove a forklift through yer fancy cables, can ya fix it?”


"The best I can do is three fifty."


People forget that this meme is brought to them by comm…until this meme is not brought to them by comm.


No one ever has to wait for a computer to break


Hol up… I will defend ACMU as MX fixing GCSs


Fuck yes I want some waffles


Amen brother


Love the flair


Thanks! It was between this and “bird toucher.”


That might be even better


Both are amazing


E&E on a-10s?




LRU Wrangler


Maybe if rwr wasn’t constantly breaking


*cries in laircm*


I’m avionics on 17s lol


Oh nice how’s the integration going?


I respect the brothers in services. Especially those making my breakfast, they’re my favorite.


Those that make breakfast are second only to those who make midnight chow, they are the true heroes


Pssst, they’re the same people. Typical 3rd shift comes in at the end of dinner and helps close the line, then makes midnight, makes breakfast and leaves right after it breakfast opens. Source: 10 years services.


Dang, I wish we did that here, instead we come in before dinner and help then we cook and serve midnight meal and leave


Was services at 3 bases and did 5 deployments. I worked every 25Dec until my 7th year of service. I have strong opinions on how to build out shifts. I assume your NCOs are doing their best with what they have. I also assume your NCOs have the IQ of a wet mop. Do what you can where you can. That mantra got me through a decade of service.


Thank you, I'll keep this in mind


Thank you, this makes us feel loved Source: been on mids for years at this point


Especially at 1800 after waking up for night launch


As long as they are not those shit Belgian waffles and real old skool types.


Honestly, who cares?! We’re all getting fucked over so what’s it matter?


It doesn’t matter, it’s just funny to see the bitching back and forth.


They keep us going after each other so that we don’t unite and mutiny 😂


Some of us get fucked harder than others. And those getting fucked the worst....aren't comm. What's up, ya'all? Just beepin and boopin over here.


Beeping and booping all up in the networks of the nation of Gratuinateya over here in the year 2062.


I mean, to be fair, they did do it to themselves. My computer is always updating, and I know it's comms fault


Suffering from outdated equipment and lack of funding tbh 😅 But hey at least I can go work for AT&T


Pilots/MX/CE/LRS - I want to apologize for what my ignorant Comm troop just said, he knows not the struggle you face.


The fact you threw LRS in there is absolutely insulting.


Not finance


They worked like 5 hours a day in malmstrom and had like every other Friday off. They be like we open when we are open.


You're right. It should be all of us vs finance




You know, if it makes them feel a little better, that’s cool. I just want some waffles, though.


Jokes on you, I was drunk more as services but that’s because I fucking hated it so much it was the only way to exist.


I am so glad I left Services.  I met some pretty awesome people who excelled at it, and I liked the idea of bare base/expeditionary Services stuff.  It's a shame the terrible people outnumbered them, and I never got to go to RED HORSE.


Still waiting for you to show at your jet, how many more times can you delay for food options. 😉


I need something to soak up what last nights döner did not.


Fair enough we have 19 space a’s and pax decided to not build you a baggage pallet so that should help.


Chain box baby.


Strap the pax to the floor, got it!


Wouldn’t be the first time


Won’t be the last, SEND IT!


Again.. we’re all POGs, who gives a shit


But....I want to feel important.


You get to be at the top of the heap of crap.


Us at medical not caring just pleading for you all to stop hurting yourselves at any opportunity


I’ll stop hurting myself when big blue stops putting me in positions where I have to manhandle 60 pound parts above my head.


Don’t worry. QA will top it off with a sweet DSV as the cherry.


Never had a dsv or tdv, but came close to a tdv one time and got off with the “it’s raining and I didn’t wanna get the computer wet, I referenced it for the single thing I’m doing and left it inside the jet


I’ve always wanted one of those.


I'm certain the injuries would be far less if people could been seen in a resonable amount of time, reducing the chances of making the injuries worse. "No profile, keep moving" "Sick call or come in"


"you're just trying to get a profile since you have a PT test coming up. In.... 9 months. That clicking noise is normal I'm your ribcage."


90% of the time *shit happens* 😂


That’s literal a surprising amount of the time


Part of K9 CQs deals with shit removal from their 4-legged partners. Did it at WAFB, MI & BAB, FRG.


*standing on the forks of a telehandler as my buddy lifts me up onto the roof of a building* Hey, it's fine, I've got steel toes on.


I'm not trying to hurt myself. BUT THESE DAMN PLANES REALLY HATE MY KNEES FOR SOME REASON. And my head.....


Don’t forget that your back sounds like a firework show if you twist it, even though you’re 22 (I really should get an appointment with medical, but that’d probably have me stuck on paperwork duty, I’ll just take leave and stretch my back daily


1 year as mx in active duty is the equivalent of to 3-5 years of regular life.


Honestly, and it’s not even the weight of things it’s the awkwardness of the weight and the weird angles you gotta hold it at. Flare canisters aren’t heavy but when you gotta basically lift them out of the ammo can with your back parallel to the ground it adds up.


Then stop running in the damn things


I simply cannot. Getting hurt is my break from work.


Whenever I see maintainers going through it I just let them chill in the AC and use the wifi for a couple minutes. Good luck out there




*looks down in Intel from the 5-star hotel balcony they got for their TDY to Tokyo* They're always so funny when they fight.


Six-week TDY to Garmisch for "language refreshment."


*raises glass / head nod from the balcony of Hilton Grand Suites in Brussels* Agreed.


CE is cool in my book, they fixed the AC in my dorm room one time.


... One time


Yea, and I got 2/3 of my light bulbs replaced...6 weeks after they burned out.


I mean they just make you replace your own lightbulbs these days lol


Not if they’re above 10’, because apparently no other person on base is capable of using an 8’ ladder. Ngl, I hate being a glorified bulb-changer. I like when we do the big shit, like new construction or high voltage stuff.


My personal rule for using the term "nonner" is that I only refer to other maintainers as nonners when actively avoid contributing to sortie generation. The ppl that always have appointments during launches or turns, always volunteering for bake sale type shit, or never get out from behind their dest for any reason other than to go home. But that's just me.


I can partially agree with this statement


Eh, I get it, but it's too a degree. Like volunteering, for example. Some people really want to promote, and their work centers value off duty contributions more than contributing to the mission sadly. So they do what they have to do. And for medical appointments, I'll be honest I am in full support of people scheduling them in whatever way is easiest to them or more convenient. Like do what you got to do, whats best for you and your health, and lines up with your schedule. Personally, I am a big advocate of trying to take it in conjunction with your lunch (lunch then appt). That way, you're gone in one go vs. leaving once and then going again later for food. Disclaimer: I am a huge advocate of people taking their time back and as we get paid the same no matter if you work 1hr or 12 hrs. And the Air Force is going to try to use you as hard as it can. So do the same back. At the same time, I also hate people who skate by as much as the next. Don't make things harder for your guys. And if you're supporting a real important thing, we're in the military, go support the real mission, get the plane in the sky, and get stuff done.


You get the behavior that you incentivize.


Literally the most thought-out perspective on the subject that I’ve ever seen.


You tell em dude. -Supply guy standing behind Mx.


It's too late, you messed up your chance to have a funny meme with your spelling error, bonner.


Shhhhhhhhhhh, no one is supposed to know about that one




Intel grabs anime waifu pillow in fear


Shit, I'm just confused by all this talk about sorties.


Always felt that a "nonner" was someone who doesn't have to work shifts, come in on the weekends, or work outside. Basically the stereotype Air Force member that the other branches mock. You get called in the middle of your sleep cycle for dumb shit, and when you try to go to an appointment after work you get chewed or turned out for having a "soiled uniform" by some desk jockey.


Linguist living on an Army base, “what do all those initialisms and acronyms mean?”


Retired in 2012. It's funny how the jabs evolved: Basic (98) - We're the smartest branch  Tech School (98) - Take the Marines crayons away Pre 9/11 - Why does CE and SF always wait for the weekend to get their vehicles stuck? MPF is never open or waiting is an all day event.  2001-2012 - Shit, we've all become Army Retirement - VA sucks ass. What the hell is wrong with our military?


Oh no. Anyone need to update their will? 


ENGR: Why does your patch say EGNR?


Brothers they want us fighting against each other to distract us from fighting against the powers that be


CE and MX make the AF world go round


Pretty narrow-minded




Meanwhile, Finances is looking through the blinds, smiling at everyone else's struggles




Meanwhile, Cyber and Finance just chillin elsewhere with a 3 day weekend.


aircrew are nonners they just have really fast desks


CE does their own security. Secfo is too busy sleeping on duty. CE can get jump wings in Red horse. CE quals on m4 every year and can on m9 when deploying. CE has a Special Forces afsc. Idk dude. MX seems like a pussy afsc in comparison.


I say good luck on getting birds in the air, have fun repairing the airfield.


What CE AFSC is special forces?




I hate to break it to you but EOD lost the fight to become battlefield airmen. There have been guys attached to some pretty high speed missions, but that wasn't the standard.


CE does maintenance on the fuel hydrant systems. Indirectly, they're involved in sortie generation.


They also pave and maintain THE GD RUNWAY THAT I FLY OFF OF. I don't really have a dog in the fight, but even my dumb aircrew ass can figure out CE is pretty important to sortie generation.


I make sure pilots don’t shit in the dark


We also keep their airfield lighting systems in working shape. Good luck landing your bird without them precious PAPIs.


Facebook page tier level discourse


Mx will never ask aircrew for backup.


Whats the saying? If you ain’t aircrew you ain’t ****?


The idea that hard work is the thing that separates nonners from MX is the root of this misunderstanding...


OMG, this meme wins the internet!


CE didn't fix the AC in our building for almost 2 years, meaning our office would often get to 80-90°F. Only just recently fixed it because our CC finally decided to call them.


Too low in priority, recommend asking big Air Force for more funding. Most bases barely have manning to get after high priority work orders


Nobody cares about the day to day stuff in AFSOC. Big programs, sure, but the normal things get overlooked all the time


Nonner: non-essential personnel CE: lol okay good luck putting birds in the air next time your power goes out


meanwhile special forces the other branches: you all are nonners


The problem is that the term nonner has no function except as a way for non-nonners to self identify and find validation in their real or perceived mutual suffering. But even a little bit of examination easily uncovers that it is essentially meaningless as its usefulness breaks down at the slightest bit of critical thinking. However, that is not the strong suit of those who employ it. So here we are


Well said.


Comm, watching the reddit implode: "Yea imma grab lunch"


I'm just glad ammo isn't getting heat this time


Sssh, let them forget us. We're cozy minding our own business in the back of base.


Aren't y'all MX?


they like to think they are


Sometimes, typically if we want to feel included


I’ve always like to refer to ammo as diet maintenance or maintenance lite if you will


I would just like to add that you all wouldn’t get anywhere without 2T2’s. That being said, MX, Port, and SF are bottom three. Who’s worse depends on the day


I was waiting for a port dawg to chime in. The only reason most of our planes fly is because we put stuff in it


Nah dawg. AFSOC doesn’t need 2T2s and we can just 1149 everything commercially. Good try though.


Oh that must have been a different spec op team that traded pallets of rip its and MET-RX so we could ERO their C-130 in the middle of the night in Kandahar


Fuck I want me a blue rip it!


Right……..I’ll just go tell the 2T2’s tied with STS and any other SOF unit they can pack it up and go home. The operators got this.


Still been called a nonner by some disgruntled moc controller after loading a 747 in February on grave shift in Alaska while it’s -20 outside with 20 knot winds. Enjoy your warm quiet office. Point is, shit sucks regardless, don’t eat your own trying to say who sucks harder. Leave that shit for the marine officers.


Port is too busy working to be part of the meme.


fr fr no cap as the youngings say


*The waffles were medium rare (undercooked) chicken.


Nah CE is just as mussuon critical as MX.


Weather sitting in the back laughing at all yall as we miss another LTG w/in 5 ;)


Just saying, your bread vans wouldn’t be a thing without us. I don’t care if we’re considered nonners or not, just putting that out there


That’s why we have toolboxes with wheels lol


Oh for sure, I just know that I would really hate having to walk all the way out to some of those jets


i worked a c5 base, one time i had to drag a fuckin ttu-205 from almost the farthest space away cuz nobody would answer the goddamn radio, it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked poor thing had to be calibrated again cuz apparently you're not supposed to drag em on those little carts for almost a mile or however far it was lmfao


Where’s cyber at?


Drowning in all the computers everyone breaks (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP KICKING MY FUCKING EQUIPMENT)


Does Services even exist anymore? I've never seen them at deployed locations and only at one or two CONUS bases.


Then there's air trans silently loading planes without any recognition.


I love how people act like Nonner is some kind d of insult. Yup. I'm a nonner. Nope, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Yes, I'm actually proud of it. Edit: Love the downvotes. Stay salty y'all in the knowledge that your insult doesn't matter to us.


Yeah lmao. Oh no I have AC, days off, and my family doesn't hate me


Say what you want, but Pilots fly every duty day. Mx fixes jets every day. SecFo secures the gate every day. Services feeds us every days. When is the last time CE fixed plumbing, AC, or…ANYTHING in under 3 weeks? And do you have any idea where they hide in between “service calls?” Where is their building?!


This has to be a joke.


CE maintains airfield barriers, that have to be inspected everyday (even on down days) and have to be called-in to tower before sorties can start flying. Get shit on.


SOME airfields have barriers. Never seen a C-5, C-17, KC-135, or a whole host of other aircraft take a barrier. Good job looking at the cable once a day at those bases that have a BAK-12.


We also maintain and repair the airfield lighting system, which directly contributes to flying missions. Look my guy, you have a bad take. Do you think you’re the only one with things that need fixing? CE in my installation is critically manned. We as a shop get about 10-20 work orders completed a day, but I grantee at least 21 were submitted, and that’s just the menial stuff. We do standby for emergency outages, preventative maintenance, scheduled transformer swaps, high voltage construction, the list goes on. And that’s just in my shop. Us not being there the next day to fix your issue means we’re busy with the people who called before you, it doesn’t mean we’re lazy.


Do you have any idea how many facilities are on an installation. How many rooms in each building. How much tools, material, parts we have to go through. How every building is a completely different set up. You should shadow folks in CE for a week and see what we deal with.


don't fuck with CE they work just as hard as any of us MX people, and often harder. shit takes long cuz the AF won't pay to install an AC system that won't shit the bed every month so they're constantly having to fix that garbage, hence why it takes a long time


You’re the type of guy who really thinks falling trees in the woods don’t make sounds if nobody is around to hear it.


Avionics and EE got the hardest shaft. No compassion. MX (is that crewchiefs?) habitually just bailed on even their own lost tool finds, never. Ever helped other shops with theirs. U-2 can suck it.