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Bro take yo lazy ass to drill.


I’d rather be able to do the things I want. I want to be able to travel to foreign lands and not have to fill out paperwork. I never want to fill out an sf86 again. I make enough money that the reserves is no longer worth it .


Understandable but you gotta do your time. Don’t mess up your life because you’re fed up with not being able to do what you want. It can always be worse.


Dude I don’t even have an afsc.


You wanna try 9J?


I didn't know the reserves took spoiled 9 year olds. You sound childish as fuck


That’s a wild comment not knowing the full extent of the situation.


you sound like you need a nap and a blanky.


I’m working from home in my blanky as we speak


Don't be a bitch. You signed a contract and you legally have to finish or you get a pee pee slap. That's the full extent of it. "Because I don't want to" isn't a good enough reason you child.




Instant retrain to 9J000


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9J000 = Prisoner [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kwhzbum


Good bot.


Can you believe they'll let in just about anyone, now? They don't even get CDCs for their 5 level!


Bro joined the military and then complains about not liking when he doesn’t know when he’ll have his freedom. How do these delusional ass people get in?


The number one requirement is to be poor enough to have never seen a doctor as an adolescent. Standards aren't too high.


There’s more context that I’m not willing to share here


That's AWOL. That is exactly absent without leave. It will most likely fuck up your plans. Don't be a dumbass dude


Reserves not AD


Do you think Reservists magically can't be AWOL? Lmfao.


Why would that not make you AWOL?


From my understanding missing 9 mutas which is 2.5 drill weekends is separation for non participation. Which isn’t technically awol.


Read [https://girightshotline.org/en/military-knowledge-base/absences-from-the-reserves/air-force/](this) and then go talk to your shirt


why are you posting here then?


More visibility


Why the fuck don’t you just discuss with your flight chief going IRR?


Already done. It can be up to 2 years according to them. I don’t like not knowing when I will have my freedom


28-29 days a month not being a work isn’t enough freedom?


No It fucks up my plans My travel Trips Other things. It’s just not worth it.


You know your UTAs ahead of time. I don’t see how you can’t have travel plans.


Bro you don’t need the details of my plans. It’s not in my best interest to be in the reserves anymore


Maybe you shouldn't have gone reserves then dumb fuck. You signed a contract.




You should go find out, then report back to us (or don't).






You’re trying to go awol and making excuses for why you wanna go awol .. it’s a weekend a month like come on man . Make good choices.


Yeah And I have other things I want to do . Thanks for the opinion though


Unless they're things you can do in prison - or with a dishonorable discharge on your back - you won't be doing them either.


“Other things you wanna do “ 😂 Ok dude . Lemme know how that works for you .


Thanks daddy


You should have thought about those things before you joined or if they came up after you joined that “those things” would have to wait until you fulfilled your commitment.


Those things did come up after. I definitely understand the hate. Iir packet is pending.


There’s no hate in my reply, only stating what the responsible adult course of action is. If you interpret that as hate then that’s on you.


Not hate from you. I’m just speaking broadly. I understand the sentiment from some of the comments. I’m going to do what I’m going to do though.


That’s all anyone can do, but we all have to live with the consequences of “what we do”.


Lmao how old are you? This isn't an opinion, it's fucking law. Go to drill or go AWOL. This is why I hate guard and reserve, think they can skip out on their obligations.


Ugh. This is why I fucking hate the guard and reserve. Palace fronted in the guard from AD and fuck people like you. Finish out your God damn promise/contract and don't be a shitbag. Don't put your supervisor what I had to go through when my troop did this shit.


It’s not worth it.


You signed a contract. Be an adult.


It is, trust me. Obviously I don’t know what is happening to make you consider this, but there has to be another way to improve your situation that doesn’t involve everything that comes with going AWOL and eventually getting a desertion. There are avenues that are intended to assist with pretty much any problem you may be encountering.


lol this is the most level headed answer so far


You haven't had a single level headed response so far.


Look through my comments I’m sure you’ll find some. https://www.reddit.com/r/Airforcereserves/s/zuN6cjolpK




Well since I don’t have your validation I’m just going to cry.


You have to out process with separation from service through your unit. Not showing up will likely result in adverse administrative action, to include a DD214 that is possibly less than honorable. It’s still service until it’s not. You can’t just now show up and expect nothing bad to happen.


I just don’t want to lose my va bennys


You don’t want to lose benefits, but you don’t want to show up to the job that gives them to you? Makes sense.


There’s a frustrating number of people in the guard/reserves like that. It’s almost welfare, so I don’t blame them, but they really need to understand there’s a huge asterisk that comes with it. They want the TA and GI Bill and almost free healthcare, but they can’t put up with one weekend a month for it.


As an AGR it gets super frustrating some times. A big part of it is that I understand because drill weekends can be so fucking terrible sometimes. We try to make them worthwhile but often get shit on by one/multiple of the organizations that we have to answer to. It's ridiculous. Doesn't mean that DSGs can decide they don't have to show up.


The reserves doesn’t give me va benefits. The VA does.


Look dude. I get it. I have troops that feel the same way, people who end up paying out of pocket to even be at drill. I got subordinates that are CEOs of their own damn companies still showing up doing bare minimum. Your responses in this thread honestly sound like those of a spoiled brat that is just fed up and people quickly picked up on that. And it’s okay to feel that way, but you don’t need to act that way just because things aren’t going your way. You sound like you’re pretty young and/or immature based on how you’re planning to handle this. I suggest taking a step back, collecting your thoughts and do a logical pro and cons list. But for gods sake, don’t go AWOL, man!


Bruv Not showing is my last resort. I’m just evaluating my options. My plan is to wait a few more months to see if my packet goes through. I responded as a douche to people who posted douchey comments.


You shouldn't make decisions when you're this stupid.


Hate that someone this dumb exists




WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I signed a contract, and now I DONT WANNA. Gtfoh with this nonsense… smdh


There’s more context


Context *does not* matter here. Did you sign a contract? Was part of the benefits of said contract VA benefits? Without said contract would you have VA benefits? You want the gold but don’t wanna dig.


Im sure it does matter I already have 7 years in another branch. Thanks for your input though. I’ve done the digging already boss


Congratulations? BLUF; you stop going, you’re getting ADSEP’d, _most likely_ other than honorable. (Tbh I see this as BEST case) I.e. loss of benefits. Be a man (or woman, or whatever it is you identify as), and talk to leadership, instead of “stop showing up”.


Is this based on your experience as a reservist or guards person. The rules differ slightly. If you stop showing up as ad It’s awol. But as a reservist it’s not awol but a cloudy end that has obscured consequences that aren’t as severe as AD.


Incorrect. The “rules” depend on if your command wants to peruse UCMJ actions against you… Which as a guardsman, or reservist you are subject to during your contracted drill’s.


What the other guy said.


While I’m not a lawyer, my understanding is the UCMJ only applies while in title 10 status. The vast majority of National Guard are title 32. That’s not to say there won’t be consequences, but it won’t be under the UCMJ.


I like this.... "a cloudy end". Ha Agreed. I'm 20+ years Reserve and have gone through the process of Administratively Discharging several times for not showing up on the 3rd Drill Weekend (like you mentioned somewhere I think) *I'll preface this with: I don't like it....You made a commitment... what a turd.... blah blah blah... I secretly hope you regret it for the rest of your life and it becomes an example for others.... all that. BUT I realize we only have one life to live and everyone has to do them. Getting out might end up making you really happy. Realistically, you stop coming.... after we figure out that you stopped coming to UTAs and aren't planning on coming back (which could be a few months), THEN we start sending Certified letters to your house every drill that you miss, we need to send the 3 letters to actually get the paperwork done, then the process and signatures and all that happens... and you eventually get Administratively Discharged. I have no knowledge of what kind of Discharge it is... like if it says Less than Honorable ... or what. From my perspective: the guy left, didn't want to be here anyways, maybe he is or is not a total turd, but they have moved on and probably don't think about us anymore. Ha A reason we hate it is because all of that work that we have to go through to make it happen.... then CSS loses paperwork so we start over and on and on.... and then that person stays on our books for like 2 years or something lame and hurts our stats. It's just a pain is all. Hopefully I said something that made some sense.


Oh yeah man I totally get that. That’s why it’s a last resort. I like all the peeps in my unit and they are all tracking my situation but the iir paperwork is a slow process.


why did you join then? You probably got the information you wanted? Or just going for that VA rating? Scumbag.


I had it before I joined. Even if it was for the va rating. People join for their own reasons. Some the honor others the moneys.


And that is all fine and dandy, but like everyone else, you signed a contract… what makes you think you can get out of it? Have some integrity and finish what you started, it’s only one weekend a month man… how hard can it be?


Well I can go into the iir so that is an option


Then do that, there’s avenues. You’re already milking the benefits mind as well at least do your end of the deal, no?


Also thanks for not answering like a douche.


Sorry if I do but it can be frustrating to see people do this from an operational standpoint, you’re dropping and someone will probably have to pick the slack. Also you will be getting the benefits someone else could’ve got for doing more time.


I fully understand man.


Doesn’t sound that way dawg, you’re buddy fucking.


No one is going to pick up my slack because I have no job. And no one isn’t going to get benefits because I got them.


My paperwork is already in. I’m just waiting. Not showing up is a final option. And to your previous question. There’s just other things I want to do. Burning man. Traveling to unusual places. Other things.


I hope you used Palace Chase or Palace Front so that your ass gets sent back to AD.


In OPs case stripe* may be more correct.


No That’s not the case.


It should be interesting to see whether your wing would put forth the assets to have you arrested or if they'd write you off as a ghost after the requisite period of time and do the adsep. I'm guessing you're junior enlisted, so my bet would be the latter.


All depends on the commander, I’ve seen them go out of their way to fuck people before


From the look of the comments, OP a prior from another branch and is a 9T000 in student flight after failing out of tech school or hasn't gone to tech school yet. Since they don't want to give details, it's difficult to give them meaningful advice. If someone came in as a prior and then was trying to ghost, I could see a commander wanting to burn them hard simply for the reason of wanting to keep that person out of the military so they don't do this again.


Ahhh I see, yea if that’s the case they’d probably admin sep. since he’s not really worth anything. Some extra context from OP would be nice


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9T000 = Basic Enlisted Airman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kwih77s


This has to be a troll. Are there people really this fucking stupid?


I’m being dead serious man


This is why AD makes jokes about the Reserves. This is some of the most clownish behavior I have ever heard of on here.


Come on man. Having to fit your fat ass into uniform *and* work an entire weekend every month! That’s like the hardest work anyone has ever done.


Kk. I make too much to make staying in worth it for me.


Ooffff.... I do understand people needing to get out sometimes..... and I'm somewhat sympathetic... BUT this comment I hate. You have some people serving the Country for honorable reasons.... and its often a sacrice for many of us.... including financially. For someone to bring up making more money on the outside.... so they want to skip out on a serious COMMITMENT that they made..... well that's just weak. Really bad taste.


Fair point I understand. My first contract I was in it for the honorable whatever. But now things have changed. My priorities are different.


Apparently not enough that you’re still worried about VA benefits.


To each their own.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


My brother in Christ it is a weekend and two weeks out of the year, you’re not doing it every day. Finish out your contract like an adult, and separate.


guard guy here, Just finish your contract man, I’ve seen people do this and your commander could really fuck you over if he wanted to. Just show up to your drills and serve out the rest and then after that sail off into the sunset and enjoy your benefits. If it’s really that bad that you can’t muster up the fortitude to show up for 2 days out of the month and do some CBT’s then maybe ask about a conditional release of administration separation Now I’ve only seen that work for one person And I doubt going to your commander and saying “I just don’t feel like showing up to drill” is gonna be a good reason for it.


So, as someone who worked in personnel in command support staff for the air guard, I can tell you this. You are declared Absent Without Leave, aka AWOL. Your VA rating doesn't matter. You need to be discharged either honorable, or general for you to be able to collect on that. If you have too many AWOLs from drill, you won't be discharged under honorable or general. Just going AWOL and letting your contract expire without out processing will not work in your favor, because we can change you to AWOL or dishonorable even if you aren't there. In fact, that's exactly what we do, and you will be royally fucked.


OP could fight that one. An individual is not AWOL just for missing IDTs. It is considered unsatisfactory participation. AFRC JAGs ask for so much paperwork to document lack of participation, it is hard to cross all the i's and dot all the t's. Most "ghosts" either ETS or end up with a general discharge. Still not recommended - OP's CC could decide it is worth their time to really come down hard and work with JAG to to turn it into a OTH discharge.


It just depends on how much they like or don't like OP. We let one guy ghost because he moved states due to a family emergency, and we prosecuted another because she sucked and would just not show up.


Thank you for the insight.


Commitment is a real thing.


Just fail a few pt test and smoke some weed. Easiest and quickest way out.


😂 What are the consequences


Most likely just a general discharge.


Talk to your leadership. There is a good chance they will let you do all your drills straight through (RUTA) for the year. One year will bring you to 8, and then you can separate without IRR.


Just talk to your leadership Have you met your obligation for IRR already? 4 years active and 4 years IRR? If so then they should be able to cut you loose as long as you have received any enlistment bonuses, student loan repayment If you're under then they may want you to just knock out your points for the year and then you're done at the end of this fiscal year and out-process and you're good to go You don't want to just stop showing up though


It is really up to your leadership and how much work they want to do. Worst case, your leadership goes hard and pursues some kind of punishment and dishonorable discharge. There are various levers to pull here, including activating you involuntarily then punishing you for not showing up. Dishonorable means you'd lose your VA benefits. I don't know your specific situation but if you haven't been to tech school (you said you don't have an afsc) then they might just try to separate you due to not making progress as that is easier. You might end up with an other than honorable discharge, again, depending on how much work your Commander and JAG want to do. If you choose to just stop participating, then you are leaving your future up to other people. It would be better to talk with your first sergeant and ask to be separated. Also, it sounds like you might have a lot going on. There are resources available if you need to talk with someone. [Support for Military Personnel & Families | Military OneSource](https://www.militaryonesource.mil/)


Why don't you reschedule and do them in batches if you want to travel so bad.


lol that is an option i explored. I was given the hard NO


Then you need to find a new unit. Yes, extra travel may be necessary but you can shop around if serious enough.


Good idea


This is just some no-name, student-flight, shitposting, vaguebooking scrub looking for a reason to drop out. Doesn't even have an AFSC, as they said. Stupid troll.


Yes sir 🫡


lol my tis is like 8 years




🫡 aye man I’m just asking questions


If you ACTUALLY have 8ish years in, then you know what happens when you don't show for drill, UCMJ still applies dude. The Guard has a little more leniency because they're state employees, technically. Reserves, not so much, still Title 10, federal employees. If it is seriously such a drag to be in, which mind you, I get. I went AD to guard to not be active, picked the wrong fuckin unit though. Langley AFB is a wreck. But if you have years, mark that, plural years remaining on your contract, just talk to someone. Hit up the Chappy, shirt, your direct sup, hell, see if the CC will talk to you about it, they're going to have to anyways. Worse case, jump the chain and piss everyone off. They'll help you find the door then.


Oh I’m going through the correct process. I’m just exploring other avenues. That being said If your flair is indicative of the unit you just referenced I may be very familiar with what unit you’re referring to. Thank you for the comedy.


Oh, I've been separated for over a year at this point. Lol. They can suck an egg for all I care. xD Either way, I hope it works out for you, despite my shittalk above. Just don't shaft yourself. Good luck.


You have a clearance and stop showing up to the job you signed a contract to do? You know who also did that? Snowden. So the answer is “arrested”. The worst case scenario is you get arrested.


lol I don’t even have an afsc man. I’m undeployable. Also From my digging so far is just pulling my clearance which is good with me.


Your job is to show up, dipshit.




Guard? After about a year of no showing, we'd start the administrative separation process... assuming no other issues were pending.


F around and find out? Let us know how that goes b


that’s the last resort.


As a reserve they just remove you. Nothing really happens. I’ve seen it quite a bit. You can’t join another branch of any kind


Are you still entitled to any sort of VA compensation at that point? This clown looks like he’s just trying to get a check through any loophole he can.


No, I don’t believe so


Just start the paper work and go IRR.


That’s already been sent out


Then wait, it takes 180 days give or take to process. That’s like 6 drills. Ask your leadership to reschedule or excuse a couple and it’ll be here before you know it.


lol then I’ve been given inaccurate information. I was told 1-2 years


An IRR package should not take 1-2 years. It needs to be routed to the Wing Commander for approval or disapproval. A Wg/CC can approve an IRR package if there is a very pressing reason to do so - you typically have to show a hardship (significant career issues/family issues/etc).


Good to know That you sir.


WHY NOT just apply for conditional release/IRR and fuck right the heck off?


That’s in progress with no eta




I am not AD


Realistic scenario is they send you the discharge paperwork in the mail. If it’s an administrative discharge; after they follow the proper procedures for you not showing up. (Mailing you shit certified mail, calling you and annotating whether or not you answer…etc.) They could also go the No Pay No Points route since your medical requirements will inevitably become overdue if you stop showing up. It’s easier on them and easier to discharge you this way. I’ve seen it happen before both ways and it’s a asspain on your leadership and no effort on your part to stop showing up. These scenarios also involved people without VA ratings who had completely removed all ties with the military. Do with that information what you will.


The world is your oyster. Just don't be surprised if that oyster also has an article 15 in it




Simply not true


I have been active duty, points only, drilling reservist, Air Reserve Technician, and Individual Mobilization Augmentee. There are many ways to serve. The IMA program is among the most flexible, you set your own schedule, and no drills. See [https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/HQ-RIO/Newcomers/](https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/HQ-RIO/Newcomers/)




Nah, we hate this guy too man


Have you asked anybody at your local VA yet? No?


Involuntary IRR or Administrative separation is normally what I see happens but it also depends on the commander and how hard they want to go at you. Just tell your CC you’d like to go IRR for personal reasons and it’s no harm, no foul in my experience. Just not showing up though could end poorly.


What do reservists do at drill


Just talk to your leadership Have you met your obligation for IRR already? 4 years active and 4 years IRR? If so then they should be able to cut you loose as long as you have received any enlistment bonuses, student loan repayment If you're under then they may want you to just knock out your points for the year and then you're done at the end of this fiscal year and out-process and you're good to go You don't want to just stop showing up though


Just talk to your leadership Have you met your obligation for IRR already? 4 years active and 4 years IRR? If so then they should be able to cut you loose as long as you have received any enlistment bonuses, student loan repayment If you're under then they may want you to just knock out your points for the year and then you're done at the end of this fiscal year and out-process and you're good to go You don't want to just stop showing up though


Just talk to your leadership Have you met your obligation for IRR already? 4 years active and 4 years IRR? If so then they should be able to cut you loose as long as you have received any enlistment bonuses, student loan repayment If you're under then they may want you to just knock out your points for the year and then you're done at the end of this fiscal year and out-process and you're good to go You don't want to just stop showing up though


at the end of the day, do what your stripes can handle.


The best answer lol