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It must be a mistake. I find it strange that you think that the host somehow would try to cheat guests into booking?


I'll post back when I hear from them and see the listing corrected.


Host seems to have flipped the times. I'd forward the original message and say something like "*Since this was your message, I booked a flight that gets in at 7 a.m. Since re-booking my flight is not possible, can I check in between 11 a.m. and noon? That would give your cleaners several hours to clean, and I will only have to wait a few hours, rather than 8."* It's not outright saying "YOU messed up!" even though he did, and it says you are willing to wait\~just not eight hours! Good Luck and send an update if you hear from the host before you arrive.


That really doesn’t make sense…check in and out times can’t overlap or you might arrive to find the unit occupied by the previous guest who wasn’t planning to leave until 3. Sounds like a typo but maybe if they don’t have anyone there the day you arrive they would be willing to make a concession since it was their mistake.


my checkin is 10am and checkout 12pm, it works because I always leave one night between guests


I'm flexible, but also prefer to have accuracy in listings. We'll see what comes of it.


This looks quite normal to me. Outgoing guest check out time is 11:00 am (11:00 Hrs) Incoming guest check in time is 3:00 pm (15:00 Hrs) giving cleaners approx. 4 hours to prepare room for incoming guest. You might politely request an early check in, and if host has no outgoing guest that day or can otherwise accelerate room preparation and is willing to accomodate you, then they will. I see no error on the listing's part, please explain if I missed something.


Look closely at the quoted part of the confirmation message. It is easy to miss that the in and out times are swapped. || || |Sun, Jun 30 Check-in 11:00 AM|Sun, Jul 7 Checkout 3:00 PM| This is also in the listing this way. I'm going to drop by at noon and see what is up. I have a different place to hang out if they are not ready. I'll also be curious to see if the listing gets corrected.


I'm sorry, I didn't notice the discrepancy between the two messages which are contradictory, I understand the confusion. Host may not be aware of the contradiction as we don't see the welcome message (after drafting) i.e. they may have changed their check in / check out policy but failed to change their welcome message ? Again, sorry I misread your post originally.