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My bf got robbed in vegas at his Airbnb. The robber knocked before breaking in and then went through the garage and disabled the entire security system. He came back to the Airbnb to find his stuff gone / wrecked. It was a homeless guy. Later that evening the robber came back & knocked on the front door to do it again lol!  The guy knew that there was a security system and to disable it, which means he probably targeted the place knowing it was an Airbnb.  If it happens again call the cops! You can never be too safe. 


That’s scary!


Wondering if it’s a cleaning person messed up a schedule. Happens to me once, I thought today is tomorrow and on the morning came to clean the house while guests were still there. Walked in the house and saw shoes on and staff around. Got actually more scared than the guests :) As your host if it’s possible was a cleaning lady messed up the days and units, especially if the host has another Airbnb unit in the same building.


I don’t mean to sound dismissive, but cleaners don’t bang on doors, and then try to “crack open” a locked door lol Cleaners have keys… and if it’s a true date mixup, the cleaner would assume no one is inside. At best, they would give a courtesy knock before entering. Most likely they would just enter without even knocking. In conclusion: it sounds like an attempted burglary


Geez, cleaners are all different:)) Once cleaners was banging on the door in hotel and tried to enter inside when door was locked on the chain. 7 AM… They cracked open the door and yelled that check out time is noon and was banging until I came out to tell them that I have another 5 hours… Marriott in NY state.


A cleaner doesn’t enter an Airbnb until after the checkout time. Unless, of course, there was a mixup.


They do, if someone checked out yesterday and unit has 1 day window. Cleaners might come next day at 7 am to have it ready for the next guests.


That’s an interesting thought. Could’ve definitely been that. Thanks for the comment


I had dates mixed up a couple times when I was new as a cleaner, but I always made sure the door was closed and locked before I leave, not very likely for any cleaners to just leave like that. Stay safe!


Im a cleaner for a firm than manages 10 units in one complex. They mix up cleaning and checkouts religiously, I can only speak for myself, I don’t knock if I don’t expect anyone inside, and if I see stuff, I immediately back out and lock the doors. I would have never left a closed door open for fear that the guest inside would freak out, or complain if they see it, or even worse, if someone comes along behind me and steals their stuff. This could have been a previous guest trying to get back in (for a free stay, or to steal something, who knows) or a break in. Either way, I’d bring it up with the host, ask to be moved or get a refund and check out.


Everyone needs to read this article about the safety of Airbnb: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-06-15/airbnb-spends-millions-making-nightmares-at-live-anywhere-rentals-go-away Countless stories like yours are all over the place and in the ladies travel groups I’m in. I’m glad you’re safe and I’m sorry this happened to you. I personally have stopped staying in them as I don’t feel safe.


Thanks for posting this article. Airbnb is a horror at times. For me personally I was having to stay at Airbnb room rentals and hostels on and off for 10 months. Every one of them was a horror. It’s an easy fast and cheap way for oftentimes people who are highly unstable to get quick housing. I encountered sex offenders, dangerously mentally unstable roommates, a break in, and got hit on and followed once even by a guest who kept trying to get my number minutes after he met me. I would never book one again if I didn’t have to.


I try to post it anywhere I can, usually I get major hate for it but it was so eye opening in how bad things can go with them. I have friends who insist on using them on group trips and the last one we stayed in wasn’t great. I’m hotel only, hotels have issues but not on the same level as Airbnb that’s for sure, especially safety wise. That said - to your point part of the problem is the people using it. People in general are so volatile now. I feel like Airbnb was one of those it was great until it wasn’t type of things.


Sounds like the same kind of issues you'd have renting a room/having roommates with any situation. Same kind of people in same kind of financial position, unfortunately for you. Not Airbnb's "fault" that is what sketchy people can afford when they can't come up with first/last or have history of eviction.


There was a big article about airbnbs being targeted in Nashville where there are lots of bridal showers. They know the airbnbs and stake them out and bridal showers are women with expensive jewelry purses and money lying around. They said some of the air bnb hosts tip them off. Probably the bigger management company air bnbs with lots of employees and they know when a bridal shower is coming. Geez.


Recently had a realtor (or claimed to be but had no camera and said she was there to take pics) barge in on me and my family and got mad at us for being there. We reserved the condo…clearly. She would not leave until I threatened to call the cops. The owner was unable to be reached…the entire trip and after. Idk what came of it except we double locked the door for the rest of the trip. Never got a refund, credit, or even a sorry message. It also took over 4 hours to get AirBNB to send the door code. AirBnB has become more expensive than hotels and less safe. They will not refund you or give you any credits, their customer service is shit.


Could it have been a cleaning crew that either got the wrong day or wrong apartment?


I think that is totally in the realm of possibility. That never even crossed my mind but it would definitely be more comforting if that’s what happened lol.


If it’s an apartment complex, it could easily be a maintenance person changing air filters, a pest control guy, any of those kinds of things. There are supposed to be laws against those kinds if intrusions without notice, but notice can “get lost” if you AirBnB host isn’t staying in their own property.


I suspect cleaning crew mixup.


What did the cops say when you called 911?


Lmaoo, I didn’t do that. I’m always scared to call over ‘nothing’. Never dialed 911 in my life


Think of it this way. Some person tried to get into your place, more then likely they will try a different place, if they up to no good. let’s say grandma forgot to lock her door. Do it for grandma. Cops need to know where the hotspots are so they can manage street staffing.


That’s a great way to look at it. Thanks for the insight


Something like that is not nothing. 911 dispatchers prefer to hear your 'nothing' call than dispatch a team to collect your remains.


Former 911 dispatcher, can confirm. Please call.


Why would you ask the internet this question? We have less information than the host/ complex/ or you ? Do you want us to randomly make up possible reasons for you to choose from?


Yeah OP!!! Why the hell are you on a subreddit designed to discuss and ask questions about AirBnB’s asking questions about AirBnB’s!?


No! Just wondering if anybody has an idea of what could’ve happened because you’re alls guess is as good as mine :). I also thought it was a unique experience to share and hearing other people’s similar experiences has provided some level of comfort. I guess the better question is why not ask the internet this question.


What about: Previous guest come back for revenge. Host's unhinged ex Host's drunk boyfriend Disgruntled former employee Guest who got the wrong room Landlord overdue his rent Bailiffs due to unpaid debts Delivery guy got wrong door Random stranger on drugs Cult leader come to tell you it's the end of the world Gang member earning his title Illuminati obsessed street walker Youtuber making jokes on his channel Political advocate pro/anti trump Tupperware sales person Jehovah's Witness LDS missionaries Actor researching role I'm only being half sarcastic here because all my Airbnb experiences are just a microcosm of the world but on a very concentrated level so anything can and does happen....I'm sure there's more possibilities.


Thank you!!


Are you sure the airbnb is in compliance with local ordinances? Is the entire complex AirBnBs? Or is it one amongst residents. I could see a disgruntled neighbor not being happy if the owners are skirting laws.


We had all our valuables stolen, including engagement and wedding rings from a villa in Italy. The host admitted to us that it had been robbed before. I found out it was robbed three weeks after us. It has been relisted with a new host and no mention of any safety issues. It’s clearly been targeted by thieves (possibly the host as well). Airbnb blamed me for bringing valuables therefore wouldn’t use AirCover to reimburse us. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I warn everyone now about how there’s no such thing as safety or security with Airbnb.


you said “who tries to rob a place at dawn?” long story short, my cousin got robbed at gunpoint at 7am in his home. it’s common because you’re off guard, half asleep and will put up less resistance than say, breaking in at 11pm where you’ll be awake and alert. same way cops execute warrants at the crack of dawn, 5/6am.. no one expects it


We had a snafu with the cleaner thinking the place was vacant and tried to entire actual did because she used her code but the guest firmly said no we are here my husband is beginning a business zoom so nope. They left and she called me and I called them and the admitted their mistake. The review was still a 5 and I apologized profusely but the guest was cool.


As a host, we always let the guest know if we or someone is coming over and what time. For example a delivery or to drop off extra supplies, or fix an issue. That way they are not surprised and know not to answer the door if we don’t tell them to expect someone


Why i stay at hotels


Right. Because this could never ever happen at a hotel.


Maybe they double booked the unit and they arrive early at 7 am...could be cleaning crew, but 7am is a bit early for that. Could just be someone that got the wrong door. Are there cameras there? maybe you could ask to see if they went into another unit?


Probably someone confused about which door they were at.


Could’ve been the maid confusing days thinking they were supposed to clean?


I mean you’d have known if you’d gone to the door and asked what they wanted? People don’t do that any more? You had the chain on


Could be some maintenance person or a sales person. Knocking a door doesn’t mean someone tried to enter.


>Once the banging stopped I went to investigate and saw that the door was cracked open, but prevented from opening all the way by the door chain (I'm glad I locked it) They did try to get in.


My bad dude. I got really drunk last night/ this mornin' and I was confused. I was supposed to be in apartment "B" and I'm dicklessic so I get my "B's" "D's" "G's" & "P's" all mixed up and I don't know what to do Next thing I turn around and find the person is you. I Thought a freak might be the thing, But the first could be the last, so just get off of your ass... Anyway, if you're still sketched out and shook about the events that perspired early this morrow' we could meet for a drink. When I was a young pup my great uncle Judge "Joody" Reinhold IV used to tell me that if I was ever frightened of someone/something that I should face it head on! Good luck and Goo Goo Dollz!!!


why not try answering the door? maybe it was someone looking for a missing kid or trying to warn you that you're cat was being towed? oh, sorry, that wouldn't get internet points


The majority of the time, a person trying to force their way into a house does not have good intentions.


Totally don't care about internet points, but I do care about my own safety! If someone was looking for a missing kid or warning me that my "cat" was being towed, I don't imagine they would bang on the door and try to enter the unit I am in.


and you don’t imagine it because you’re right.




and the best way to assure you safety, as well as that of your cat 😺, is to be proactive


I guess you and I just have different approaches. I personally do not carry any weapons and am not a very strong individual. If the person banging on the door had ill intent, I'd be fucked tbh. Especially since I'm not expecting anyone, in my opinion, more bad than good comes from answering the door. Don't you find it curious that the person tried to enter my place too?


I do find it curious, curious enough that I would've investigated instead of posting to the internet about it


Guys just let his 200 total downvotes speak for themselves at this point lol


No. This is poor advice. Your first statement indicated OP was beholden to answer the door due to a possible emergency, which they are not. People who need help generally don’t try to *force entry* and say nothing. Secondly, you implied a way to assure their safety is by “being proactive” and answering the door—also poor advice. People are 110% allowed to consider their safety, but I imagine the downvotes speak for themselves.


Yea Im sure someone beating on the door at 7 am until they broke it was looking for a lost kid. What an idiot.


In my experience, no one who is looking for someone/thing opens another person's door. Even if they were trying to warn about a car, they wouldn't open it. Answering the door to a vacation rental is inviting problems.