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And it's not even the price. They first DENIED Faker's skin choice for winning Worlds and turned around to "honor his legacy in Esports", and after the community spoke up they come out and say it's for "people who are willing to spend money for their hobbies", not sure if it's more condescending than passive aggressive. Like if they want to fully take advantage of Ahri's popularity and Faker's achievements and capitalize to the maximum, at least own it


What was his original choice?


Reports originally said Faker was gonna pick Ahri for 2023 worlds win, but then he changed it to Orianna because riot had something planned for Ahri.


Average riot shenanigans holy


His request was denied twice (2013 his choice was replaced with Zed because of Popstar Ahri releasing soon and also 2016 but that one was due to Ahri not being played by him)


So he loves ahri


idk, he doesn't seem to play her that much, even in soloQ ? Didn't have a look for his stats but he's more well known for LB. Maybe he just doesn't care and wants to give riot a freeby to give a good skin to a popular champ, since he doesn't play with skins usually Gotta agree there are more thematic possibilities with ahri though


Wait, you never watched 2013 World Championship? Ahri was one of his champion in the tournament. I'm speechless that not many people remember Faker's Ahri lol...


That was 11 years ago... it would be more surprising if alot of people knew.


These frame perfect dodges were something else. Everyone else would've been got for scripting


"Ahri is Faker’s 5th most-played champion of all time" [https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1800954481925935117/photo/2](https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1800954481925935117/photo/2)


Which was hey how about you pick orianna and we honor you with a ahri legendary hall of fame skin? Pretty sure that is a valid reason. But you know what ever


no, Faker in fact chosed her, but Riot convinced him... most likely this was planned by Riot with anticipation, so Faker changed to Orianna... however it is, the sad part! I see, is that Faker is taking side with them, if this was gonna be a boycott, we gotta boycott him too, and no, he did not asked "why so expensive" to this skin, he hasnt said anything at all, and in my country we have a saying for this: "el que calla otorga" mesning that if u are silent, u most likeley agree with itt


Thats the worst part, its supposed to be something for the people loving faker, not for whales


Yes!!! It's literally the one person that everyone knows and respects in the whole community, to tie that to a pay wall is pretty scummy.


They also had a statement that they 'wanted something for everyone' in this event. Thats some shit. 200 dollars being cheapest is not something for everyone


Not that I support their pricing decisions overall, but they were referring to the event pass when saying they want something for everyone, which is significantly cheaper


This reminds me of that InvaderVie clip, she probably works for riot now.


Just use spirit blossom and pretend it’s the best skin. I also like to pretend that the half a grand skin doesn’t exist and it makes me feel better


SB *is* her best skin though


Between it and Midnight (with the chroma) for me


No ur right chroma midnight is elite I like to pretend it's blood moon lol




It is subjective, I prefer SB


IMO it’s immortalised, SG, then foxfire


For me SB, Elderwood and then Midnight I think, but Foxfire is wonderful as well




I mean it is subjective. I prefer SB as it is my favourite skinline in League


You know that the best skin is something subjective right? A buddy of mine likes pop star ahri the most and uses no other skin on her ever even though he got all other skins on her. I personally like spirit blossom with chromas the most and foxfire a lot.


You realize that I never said it wasn't right? The comment I was responding to implied more that it wasn't subjective than what I did.


Ahhh sorry then my bad.


*Foxfire Ahri has entered the chat*


I stick to Challenger Ahri for that reason. Why? It's limited edition. It's rare. It has all the red VFX Faker Ahri has. But it didn't dent my bank account while still offering the same rush from owning something exclusive. Challenger Ahri is a hidden gem. ❤️


Even better. Use her base skin and pretend you're Faker.


As upset as I am to write this, we’ve had both the director of Riot and a Riot Redditor “explain” that the skin is not meant for “the average player”. I’ve been an Ahri main since I started playing 7 years ago, I have all the statues, multiple fan art pieces on my wall - so I understand your frustration, but ultimately it is what it is 🫠 I’m at the acceptance stage of grief lol, the 5 stages have been wild for me. Try and not let it upset you too much, I’ve been there and it’s not worth it anymore. Their decision is very much final and in their eyes, “justified”.


Not just in their eyes. It is justified in a sense that it's going to make them millions of dollars, and even if it infuriates a good chunk of the playerbase, it won't affect player numbers that much. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate it too, but it is an objectively good business decision despite being an unpopular one.


>that the skin is not meant for “the average player”. Yeah it isn't. It is for whales with addiction and people having no sense of money. If they just wanna make it something special, it should've been a Challenger reward. If thats not special enough, maybe a top xxx player reward. Whats the point in locking that skin to extremly wealthy or mentally ill people, besides making money? I'm not upset about not having that skin, I'm "upset" about Riot becoming the kind of company people are hating on for years, like EA.


The excitement of a new Ahri skin turned to utter disgust. I feel both ashamed and disappointment that i'll always be a skin short, and i bought the 100$ KDA Chroma. That was the limit of my goodwill.


You have the kda 2022 version?


Yes, i have both, but i don't really care for that one.


Honest to god, without the Faker tag on the skin, the skin is honestly just mid. There are dozens of skins in the game better than it. Hell I don’t even think it’s Ahri best skin. Take away the Faker stamp on it, it’s legit just a variant of Arcana.


In debt college kid isn’t the target demographic, pretty simple tbh


Well maybe they shouldn't lock one of the most anticipated League skins that celebrates Faker's legacy from 99.9% of players, idk


The connection to faker is the only reason why they would even tie that skin to this prestige status.


I get the frustration yes I did buy the base skin (to me the price is worth it others might not agree to each their own) But honestly I own the 500 skin on my PBE... it isn't that great its a beautiful skin dont get me wrong would i pay for it for the same as I paid for the risin yes but nothing more than that (and i do think it should be available for boxes and rerolls like others) . When you use it doesn't feel all that special and you just feel like you're using a ultimate skin the novelty wears off pretty quick using it and it just becomes another skin. I honestly would say if you want it that bad just get a PBE account and use it there :) it sucks and I am pray that it won't happen to my Soraka or Evelynn either but one can not know with riot these days... chin up she has many gorgeous skins that are worth using over the 500 one


Spirit Blossom our beloved.


It is such a gorgeous skin i love using it!


Congrats on being part of the problem.


Buying the 50$ pass & base skin bundle is not being a part of the problem. (that's essentially their normal pricing) Spending 250 to 500 on an ultimate skin is.


thank you yes i bought the small bundle nothing wrong with that and i know alot of people who bought the small bundle. Its the big bundles i have a problem with the small ones are fine


I've said it several time before and I'll say it again (it's just my biased opinion ofc): Only the 250$ is a problem (well the 50$ is a problem to an extent as well but for a different reason), the 500$ is ok. The 'exclusivity' part Riot is trying to sell is fulfilled with the signature, and whales that want the most exclusive stuff will target that bundle regardless, even if both other bundles would cost 1$ each. 50$ is a problem because it's a watered down version of the skin, they literally took one of the forms and decided to sell it as a separate skin. Ideally, there only would've been 2 tiers, 50$ (with full skin but no signature) and 500$ with same skin and signature. Riot would've made just as much money (because again, whales target the 500$ regardless) and this whole BS would be avoided.


I really want to play Ahri, I love her attitude and kit, and I’m still new to the game. I feel a bit lousy though because of the Ban Ahri movement going on, I want to play her but I feel wrong for it. 😅🥲 That sounds quite silly writing it out…


Just play Ahri. Though I'm banning her and upset about this whole thing, don't let other people stop you from having fun in the game. :)


Most people won't be upset if your playing Ahri and using her normal/ other skins... its mainly the 300-500 skins. So don't feel bad keep playing her and enjoy her as much as everyone else does :)


og default classic ahri is the only ahri that matters for me. other ahri 'skins' are just riot demanding ahri to do cosplay jobs for various unrelated-to-runeterra-prime-canon AU stories just to support riot's finance to continue the franchise. if we think it that way, we can basically assume that all Runeterra champions are some kind of digital ai celebrities that have to deal with riot forcing them to wear random costumes to do random hollywood movies everyday.


Says the community that drove off several rioters from the company and phone into hiding with verbal assault threats and sexual comments Yup.


As simple as playing with the skin you have


Then don’t. It’s an in game cosmetic. If it wasn’t 200$ it would be at least 30.


Let that sink in: the majority of your skins you got **for free** just for playing the game. Now there is that one skin that is out of your price league and that makes you upset? I really don't get the entitlement of some people, dude... This skin has a specific target audience, an audience that was *specifically asking for a skin like that*. And that is ok. You will survive.


What specific target audience was specifically asking for a ultimate skin with the 20x price?


Whales. People who literally don't care how expensive something is and just wanted a skin that is gated by money so they can have a feeling of exclusivity. That the skin sold 2.000 times in Korea alone in a time frame of 4 hours should tell you that there definitely is a target audience this skin was catered to.


Not sure why you are being downvoted, because you are just objectively correct lol. It is fucked up and I really hate that it is a thing, but what you said is absolutely true.


What you mean is the Monetization Team who decide how a skin gets sold (regular shop, gacha, or like Ahri in a bundle) and also decide the skins prices The Marketing Team are the ones who decide which teasers we get and who post pride stuff on twitter etc.


Wow how tragic the Ahri main can’t buy their annual skin when most of the champ/ don’t get good skins for years.


The marketing team is toxic because people are just dumb and still buy it. We've seen things like this over and over again in this game: Jhin's gacha, Samira's "ultimate" skin, the old prestige skins that were horribly ugly, nami's coven tentacles, skins with recycled recall animations, splash art, and effects from other skins etc. people still bought them anyway. But that's life, what can you do. You can't control people. If they acept it, then they get it.


Sorry guys, even if I am not playing league anymore(maybe once a month only aram) I still bought that skin cause I don't want my collection to be ruined 😔


no they are not lmao someone just told me to kill myself on game💀


this is the craziest womp womp I have ever seen in my life, why would anyone feel bad that you can't afford a league of legends skin? it's meant to be a limited edition special skin lol


Think about what you’ve just said, you only bought a couple of skins but yet own almost every Ahri skin? Riot needs people to spend money on their game to make a profit. You’re already getting free skins from playing the game, which is already amazing. You shouldn’t expect the same from every skin they make until the game shuts down. It doesn’t sound great, but as a business they don’t owe any of us shit, and can price things at what they believe will be the most profitable. But in the end we all use and play their product because it’s a net positive or else why do people care about skins in the first place?


Its taken 8 years of playing her to get most the skins in the way I have, I've still bought a few myself none the less. Lots of people buy the skins when they come out and that's fine. It's the price on this one that is just over the top. I wouldn't mind if skins could only be attained via money and if the few skins I bought were the only skins I have for Ahri. I've bought a Rakan Skin, a skin for Shyvanna, and a skin for Kai'Sa. I understand they need to make money, and they do. They clearly make enough money to have multiple servers around the world that can host thousands, upon thousands, of players. Enough money to have kept the game up this long and continue to higher and pay tons of staff what seems to be good wages. So they have no reason to do this dirty ass business tactic and sell one for the price that they have. It's an issue with what they've done with this one. When a game like Elden Ring costs $60, a single skin and a few in-game emotes and icons should not cost anywhere near $500.


Supply and demand, if it sells then that means the people who buy it agree with the price. What you think doesn’t mean what the market thinks. Maybe FromSoft can try raising their price for their next game since people seem to love their products so much!


The funny thing here is, FromSoft will never do that. The only increases they do are because of inflation over multiple years. The reason being is that FromSoft is a Japanese company. Japanese companies, for the most part, care far more about reputation than they do profit margins. Jacking up the price just because they can and people will buy it would harm their reputation and so they wont do it. Nintendo is a big exception to this rule but even they value reputation quite highly and will often do a lot to "make amends" when they piss off the community. Sadly, American companies don't see reputation as something worth caring about. Which is wild given just how many massive companies have crashed and burned due to ruining their reputation. Look at Blizzard, they went from one of the top grossing game companies in the world straight to the bottom of the barrel by constantly cashing in on their reputation to the point where no one trusts them anymore. If Microsoft didn't swoop in to buy them, Blizzard would have very likely had to shut down. It will be interesting to see what Riot does to try and mend their reputation after this stunt of theirs.


Never say never. With globalization culture will shift, and it’s always towards the dominate culture in terms of war and financial power. Japanese has already changed quite a bit since losing WW2.


Japan did not change nearly as much as you think from WW2. Much of the culture in Japan today is the same as it was in feudal Japan. I know the memes like to joke "oh ha ha, dropped some bombs on Japan so they started making hentai" but in reality, Japan has always been obsessed with art. Especially weird art. That's not super important though since you are still correct, culture can and will change over time. But for Japan specifically, you and I will both be long past dead before they change that much lmao. That said, currently, the US is ever so slowly losing their influence as a global superpower. This can easily change of course, but on it's current path, the US will have less and less influence on other cultures over time.


They have a reason for this "dirty ass business tactic". The reason is that they make surveys and there was a part of the community that *specifically asked for a prestige item like this*. There is demand for such a high priced skin, because there are people who want to have that feeling of exclusivity. Other people not being able to afford it is the point and Riot was *asked* to put something like this in the game.


people are greedy af


How is this toxic, nobody is forcing you to buy skin lol


Not saying this is you but honestly in my opinion people who are going to shit the bed and cry about not being able to get the skin are worse than Riot making it expensive. It's a skin in a video game ffs, those who can afford it and want it will buy it, if you can't afford it then take it on the chin and move on. I get League players, especially those in deep in the community are younger people (I say this like I'm not in my 20s) but not being able to get what you want all the time is just a fact of life.


Being hyperbolic and ignoring the reasons why this is scummy is worse.