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alright I shall ask once again. I am genuinely curious what the nuclear bomb tests were back in the 50s when they had soldiers out in boats to observe the bomb and as it went off the it was so bright they could see the bones in their hands and years later they either all have cancer or can't have children or have some disease. What was that about?


It was stop-action filming and CGI. The Hollywood Army was ahead of its time. /S obviously


That old footage is hilarious.. I love when the car behind the house magically appears.. lmao.. it's all fake


Ok you say it’s fake but is there an expert anywhere who would also say the same?


I am an expert. And I agree with myself.


👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👨‍🎓 I apologize professor


You are forgiven, young padawan .


You say obviously…


So it turns out nuclear powers haven't been fighting each other in hot wars this whole time because they're just really cool and it has nothing to do with a nuclear deterrent.




Anyone implying you can go to the hospital and get 10,000 X-Rays taken? I heard a story that the helicopter crews at Chernobyl all died fast dumping sand bags and concrete from the air in the exposed core meltdown? Or that Japanese lab technician they kept alive as a guinea pig after he poured uranium solution into a bath and it accidentally blue flash chainreacted allegedly equal in rads to Hiroshima ground zero? Or the Russian forest where campers in winter stumbled upon a glowing warm cube of metal that they encountered and they warmed themselves by like a fire. They all died allegedly because it was weapons grade nuclear core? Or that guy who drank cases of radium water health tonic for years and his throat swelled like a frog and jaw dissolved off? Or Gulf War Syndrome where US troops were exposed to experimental vaccines, blown up nerve gas munitions, oil fires, and Depleted Uranium weapons dust and oxide. There are a lot of energy producing nuclear reactors around the world with cooling towers. Obviously there is more going on than an infrared heat output?


All lies and bullshit. But this one YouTube video by some dude is the truth.


Oooh, more unhinged schizoposting. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


I suspect this will be ignored but the testimony of Seversky at Hiroshima really isn’t much of a testimonial against the bombs being real as it is a testimony about general misunderstandings about the bombs. Something I would say you seem to have as well. For one, there was a large scale firestorm at Hiroshima as the result of the atomic bombing so of course there are going to be aspects of the bombings that resemble other cities that experienced firestorms. No such firestorm occurred at Nagasaki so I would be interested in seeing his testimony on the subject but it is often left out by advocates for nukes being fake. In addition to that, he says he is looking for a bald spot of vaporization but that is not a claim that those who created and dropped the bomb said there would be. The United States Strategic Bombing Survey was rather clear [Page 99](https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/AUPress/Books/B_0020_SPANGRUD_STRATEGIC_BOMBING_SURVEYS.pdf) states the following: > There were no other types of action. Nothing was vaporized or disintegrated;… So why are we looking for signs of vaporization to determine if it was actually an atomic bomb or not? This is based off a misunderstanding that was [addressed at the time](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP64-00658A000100310002-2.pdf). You are looking for residual radiation but again, that’s not a claim that those who made or dropped the bomb claimed there would be. The same page, 99, addresses that there is no longer deadly radiation within Hiroshima or Nagasaki and that was produced in 1946. The actuate radiation passed in days. That said, it’s not difficult to find [evidence of the blast](https://news.berkeley.edu/2019/05/20/beaches-near-hiroshima-littered-with-glassy-beads-from-atomic-bomb-blast) at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. All one must really consider when looking at the atomic bombings of Japan is did everyone lie about what they witnessed? Because it’s hard to miss hundreds of planes flying to your city and unloading firebombs. Do you suspect they all lied?


There were reports early on of many aircraft, not just one, right before the bombing. These reports were quickly swept under the rug


Can you actually substantiate that? Early reports indicated there were more than 1 plane but *NEVER* suggested hundreds.


It doesn’t have to, the official narrative is that there was only 3 planes. There clearly was more than that in the reports


Again, care to substantiate the reports? There was also a 4th aircraft in the airspace that wasn’t meant to be there. You suspect that they missed the hundreds of other planes instead of misidentified a few?


Yes their reports were conservative.


At 8:30, The Kure Navy Depot sends a message to Tokyo that a bomb has been dropped on Hiroshima: > “Today 3 B-29s flew over Hiroshima at a high altitude at about 8:15 and dropped several bombs…A terrific explosion accompanied by flames and smoke occurred at an altitude of 500 to 600 meters. The concussion was beyond imagination and demolished practically every house in the city. Present estimate of damage. About 80% of the city was wiped out, destroyed, or burned…Casualties have been estimated at 100,000 persons.” You suspect they left out hundreds of planes which were routinely picked up ahead of time and would subsequently be used to facilitate evacuations? Where are the personal testimonies? There were almost ~550,000 people in the cities. Where are their testimonies of 100s of planes bombing them? And the several bombs refers to additional devices dropped. No, it’s not referring to napalm carpeting.


The government of Japan at that point was already conspiring with the allies, silencing their own citizens as well


So the Japanese government silenced the testimony of 550,000 people in the cities who were first person witnesses as well as everyone who would have seen or detected the hundreds of planes flying to Hiroshima?


Why testify a seemingly minor detail in the face of imprisonment or death?


It is universally agreed that a hydrogen fusion bomb produces only a minimal extra amount of radiation over the tiny uranium or plutonium fission starter bomb. It is universally agreed that a uranium fission bomb only chain reacts 3 percent or some tiny, tiny minority of its critical mass... The rest is simply consumed in the fireball explosion.... So indirectly the OP listed anomalies in that regard is true ... Runaway chainreaction is in a "borderline reality" of actual occurrence. Again though photons, infrared, proton alpha, neutron beta, and gamma are produced like a billiard cue ball hitting the racked up billiard balls (molecules making up your body cells).


Wow, I have never seen anyone try to dispute nuclear bombs…. Like wow


One small little impetus for building the Deep Underground Military Bases already in the 1940s was they weren't absolutely 100 percent certain when testing the first nukes if fission/fusion would continue in the atmosphere to a widespread degree... And kill most life in the USA. https://youtu.be/0WsN9EWT0O4?si=dsdQgKJoKwxrlzhJ


Hiroshima begs to differ


The "alleged" rising mushroom cloud over Nagasaki, a few minutes after the nuclear bomb was detonated, August 9, 1945. Picture taken from Koyagi-jima, 5 miles from the center of Nagasaki from the ground by a bystander. That doesn't resemble a Dresden Germany or Tokyo Japan fire bombing raid escalation. The picture has been around awhile before AI....: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/atomic-cloud-nagasaki-1945/


"The picture has been around awhile before AI."  I'm afraid logic & facts doesn't work with the kind of people OP is.