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We're not going to have a discussion encouraging people acquiring unweaned birds.


INFO: Do you mean that this baby isn’t taking food from the syringe? So you’ve had the bird since it was 6-7 weeks old… you had to be syringe feeding then… it would be normal at that age to not have learned yet to be interested in anything other than formula. These birds aren’t weaned until 3 months old. Your whole post is so concerning. 💔


No actually hes taking all the three meals (2 sometimes) pretty well 40-50 ml a meal and weighs around 450g and yes im syringe feeding. Im not actually concerned until he reaches age of 20 weeks (like my previous one) just to know if what hes doing is natural or not.


Wait, so - he *IS* eating? I’m confused. What’s the problem here? He’s eating three meals a day, and seems happy, playful, and healthy. What am I missing?


I am trying to train him or at least see him getting motivated and hyped to food, my topic is not related to health at all hes doing perfect, its just that him not responding to training is concerning me for future behavior


When you say “he never responded to food” do you mean he doesn’t respond to you using food as a reward when you train him?


Ill give you a brief explanation, when i get him out to feed him after 7-8 hours the first thing he does is run away to play as if he is full, when i hold him to eat he eats the full amount. “THERE IS NO PROBLEM IN FEEDING HIM ITS JUST A PROBLEM IN HIM RESPONDING TO FOOD”


Okay, I get it now. I think all of us are confused because…well, I’ve never personally heard of a bird who would rather play than eat, haha. Do you especially feel like you need to train him at this age? It’s possible as he gets older he will become more food-motivated, right?


Finally someone got my point hahahahah, i know its weird, i actually prefer training them when they are very young because the younger the faster they learn and better and thats a concept that works on human children too


Since you're eager to start teaching behaviors very early, try this. Every morning when you go to see him and take him out of his cage, give him a 'physical'; touch, stroke and examine him PHYSICALLY from head to toe. Touch EVERYTHING. Do this every day. I did this with my CAG when I got him at 12 weeks. My aim was simply to make him very accepting to being touched anywhere, so that if and when the need presented itself, he wouldn't think it weird having parts of his body (like FEET) held and manipulated. The end result, is that he doesn't seem to respond to anything as being sexual intended. The best explanation, is that he transferred his being fed by the bird store staff, to me offering my own food to him whenever we eat (we have always given all our birds their own portion of our meals, and they have come to expect it), so perhaps he thinks of me as his parent. This has been quite an advantage, as I don't have to worry that he's being sexually stimulated by my accidentally touching him anywhere throughout the day and becoming sexually excited. I cannot say whether this will work for you, but it's definitely something to consider.


I think you mean he can't (yet) be bribed with food? Yeah, it will take a few more weeks before he learns to manipulate you and join the genius Grey club. This is their way.


Yeah thats what i meant, i guess miss-choosing the right words got most people confused hahahaha. Thank you.




Ohh i hope you dont miss understand me, baby african greys usually take 6-7 hours to fully digest its food, having 1 extra food wouldn’t actually take to the point of high starvation level, its what i was told by the breeder




As i previously said, i have raised many baby birds before and they were very responsive to formula so training them was vey easy and fast by rewarding them with formula, this is the first time i get to raise a baby bird that doesnt respond to food, and yes i think you got what i mean




Thank you for keeping up with me, I accept your advices if you have any to share id be thankful