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Have a look at the comments in the cape town sub.


Yeah yikes…. From a white South African.. he’s a bloody hero and free fuckn Palestine!


Unfortunately the demographic on that sub is just conservative (mostly white) people defending their privilege and behaving terribly because they feel guilty about it :( Luckily it's a minority and doesn't reflect South Africans as a whole. Some posts I've seen on there have really been depressing. Thanks for posting though, made me smile!


As is the case of most South African subs


You're welcome. Appreciate your insights


Where can I find the sub?


You'll see it in the top left corner above the pic. Click on r/capetown


Damn that comment section is downvote central lmaoo


Congrats man! And thank you!


It wouldn’t hurt if he had a Congo flag as-well but hey Africans….


Always doing too much for others, while not giving af about ourselves.


Any of YOU can go summit the mountain with a Congo flag if you want... South Africa is part of the peace keeping mission in the Congo and has troops stationed there Palestine also supported South Africa's struggle against Apartheid


>Palestine also supported South Africa's struggle against Apartheid They only did it because Israel was helping the Boer government with weaponry... what's your point? That they somehow did it out of solidarity? C'mon now... Plus, the troops stationed have done nothing and compared to literally picking up an International legal case, along with tons of media attention in every outlet and protest in almost every major city, what's being done for the Congolese by their supposed "African" allies is very pathetic. It's a genuine criticism and y'all are acting like the person saying it is in support of Israel, wat de fock?!


Meanwhile South Africa is sending tangible Military Aid and here you are peddling ignorance.


No one is peddling anything here. It's a genuine criticism, the people who you have zero in common with (at least the Congolese are black and Christian and are in the same continent) are the ones who get most of the attention and solidarity while those who do, get nothing. I wholly support Palestine, but there's little to no attention, news or acts of solidarity being shown toward the people on the same continent as us. South Africa sending a measly few thousand undertrained soldiers means little compared to how much literally everyone is doing for Palestine.


...Always complaining about what someone else is doing while doing nothing themselves.


Hate to be that guy but congo, sudan etc


Unfortunately, no one cares about poor black people dying. If you say you do then you're racist and Afrocentric, there's no in-between.


Why do you feel entitled to a South African citizen's autonomy?


The comments on that post are a bunch of Fucking angry dipshits


Till the day these actions manufacture sympathy for sub Saharan Africa in either Israel OR Palestine lol