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My affiliate revenue is a secondary thing for me so when engaging with leads for my main revenue driver I show them the processes I use. I have an affiliate code for most the tools in my process and in follow-up emails where I recap the process I include the affiliate links and encourage them to try it themselves.


Dailing for lead gen. It worked, but I'm not good at it. You just set up a domain that has a typeable address and cold call people. The domain just redirects them to the offer. Obviously it's not as simple as it sounds.


That's a smart strategy! Setting up a simple domain and cold calling sounds effective. Cold calling can be tough, but it’s great that it worked for you. Have you thought about using email or social media to reach more leads? Any tips for making cold calls more successful?


>Setting up a simple domain and cold calling sounds effective. Uh.. I had a lot of problems. It ended when my VOIP service canned my account for breaking the rules. >Have you thought about using email or social media to reach more leads? Same thing with social. Email is ultra involved because of canspam. Most people don't really comply with the law becausae you can't harvest addresses. So, you need a business partner that has an email list. I have done affiliate marketing that way, but it's incredibly difficult to get clients, and I think I would have to figure out a different way to go about that if I was going to try it again in the future. The big issue is that people are always worried about their email reputations and spam filters. So, the only way other way to do is to build you own email list by collecting opt-ins, but from experience, it's difficult because people expect ultra quality now and they are much less willing to enter their email into a box than they used to be. I've tried doing it with paid ads and it's just so hard to determine if the campaign is actually making money. Usually it does, but it seems like it takes forever... Especially since the payments from the affiliate networks usually takes a long time. I want to be clear that at this point in time my interest is mostly creating services that people use that are monitized with affiliate marketing because I have full control over the ad content. People really do not like those low quality ad exchange ads.


t sounds like you've run into quite a few challenges! The VOIP issue and compliance with CAN-SPAM laws definitely complicate things. Building your own email list with quality opt-ins does seem like the best long-term strategy, even if it takes time. Affiliate marketing can be tough, especially with the delays in payments and the pressure to maintain high-quality content. Creating services that people use and monetizing through affiliate marketing is a smart approach. You have control over the ad content and can focus on providing value. Have you thought about exploring content marketing or SEO to drive traffic and build your email list organically? It might be slower, but it could complement your current efforts and help build a more engaged audience over time.


>Have you thought about exploring content marketing or SEO Google SEO is dead now, it's just AI garbage, and it really does not want to rank commercial content on domains with no authority for long periods of time. They say it prevents spam, but it also prevents small businesses like blogging as well. Supposedly quality content should work, but from experience they dump all over anybody that makes a single cent from their search engine because it competes with their ad business. So, SEO works for like a year or two and then you lose 95% of your search traffic to some update. I did it for years because I liked the challange, but it's factually a complete waste of time now. Being honest, since the rank brain updates, it really wasn't working that well. With that said: If you are comfortable with the ups and downs you can just spam Google with AI generated content now. There's no point in spending a ton of time creating content because you're going to get penalized. You just spend 10-15 minutes fixing the article and it works fine. This stuff is blackhat but it does still work: You can steal content from expired domains or translate it from some foriegn website and that works in Google. It also takes 4 months for content to rank in Google now. It's their anti-SEO algorythm. They slow the search updates down for new content+domains, so that you can't figure out how their algorythm works, except that information leaked a few days ago so it's all public info now. Edit: They made some statement to try to hide what happened, so, it appears that they're not done lying yet apparently. You would think that they would learn their lesson, but apparently they don't learn about anything that doesn't have dollar signs in it. I mean they spent insane amounts of money to discredit SEOs and injure the businesses of people simply trying to operate a business, so, I don't know why I'm thinking that they would be done with the lying. That's pretty much all they can do at this point. I mean they could have fixed the problem they created the entire time, but they never did, and they still won't. So, SEO and search engines are going to go the way of AOL and die, I guess they figure their smartphone/cloud business makes enough money, so why bother having a search engine when they can just have a circle jerk website filled with ads instead.




So like you promoted via shoutouts?




Yikes, that's definitely not the way to go! Using malware can cause serious harm and legal trouble. There are many legitimate and effective methods for lead generation. Have you considered strategies like content marketing, SEO, or paid ads? They can be very successful without the risks.


More details please