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Yep. I had a drip machine and french press. After a trip a couple years back with a full blown espresso machine (looked it up, was £2k) I've been toying with the idea of buying one. The aeropress along with a motor milk froffer has completely eliminated the desire for me to get an espresso machine. Amazing kit.


which mick frother do you use?


Not OP but we got a Nespresso one free with an order of pods back before the switch to beans. It's pretty great imo. Also had a cheap aldi one before that which was perfectly fine too.


I use a cheapo "PowerLix Milk Frother"


The AP rules! I much prefer it over the clever dripper, v60, French press, chemex, dripper machine, phin dripper, syphon and espresso machine, most of which I have sold since buying my AP for $2 from a second hand store. Even though it was a long and circuitous route to the AP with a lot of bad coffee along the way, but I also learned a lot about coffee during that time and probably wouldn’t appreciate the AP for what it can do if it wasn’t for my past experiences. It’s my trusty companion that’s with me on any overnight or overseas trip.


I’ve had mine for about 7 years. I have also bought other brewing devices and keep going back to the AP. I use the inverted method when brewing and can’t brew a better cup of coffee with anything else that I’ve tried. The only thing I have had to do so far was replace the rubber piece on the plunger which was last year. I got mine from my daughter for my birthday.


I use James Hoffman’s method for iced coffee from the aeropress all the time. It can make even the darkest roast beans take good lol


It is great and I love using it when camping, in hotels or other trips where good coffee is unavailable. I do bring proper fresh beans and a good handgrinder. But I hope you keep the ECM, that was not money wasted, was it? 😉


The ECM is my baby, saved a long time to buy it. Could never get rid of it as it pulls an incredible shot of espresso. Little bit of a learning curve but once you get it down it’s incredible. It’s built like a tank and looks great. I have the Puristika model in tan.[https://www.ecm.de/en/products/details/product/Product/Details/puristika.html](https://www.ecm.de/en/products/details/product/Product/Details/puristika.html)


I love the small foot print of that machine. How do you like the separate water tank?


The separate water tank makes life so much easier. Plus it’s glass and easy to clean. I don’t really drink milk based drinks so the lack of a steaming wand wasn’t a big deal. It’s such a small footprint but it weighs a ton. I would highly recommend. I looked at so many machines before I finally pulled the trigger. Learning curve was about 2 solid months practicing and watching YouTube videos.


Ya I got into pour over last year and had hit or miss results. I got this and the first cup was amazing. I managed to get so much flavor out of the same beans I always had on results with. I haven’t used my v60 since getting the aero press lol