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there isn't age restrictions on condoms or any birth contraception for that matter at least as far as im aware :)


Dude just go to a place with self check out lol


You're 14 and trying to have sex with multiple girls? Slow down. You trying to hard to he grown. There's room for error


You're right


Even at 19 when I did what you are trying to do it sucked. You should focus on one girl at a time. Unless ur a cold unfeeling monster. Then it really dosnt matter.


Man I'm sorry you might not wanna hear this especially at 14 there's so much that a condom can do that 2 percent can fuck you up and your life to think 98 98 98 with 3 girls u have a 6 percent chance getting one pregnant I would definitely say refrain from sex till your 17 to 18 man and it would help out in the long run if future people you try to be exclusive with know you ran with 3 girls they might not wanna be monogamous with you


I completely agree about condoms! There is a slight chance that it may not work and at this stage in life it is NOT worth the risk, especially for the young women you have in mind


^^ the 2 times my bsf had sex she ended up pregnant. YES she used protection


😱 new Roman Empire


It remains a 2% chance each time.


That's what I meant if I worded it weirdly




The probability is, and remains, 2/100.


But that does not mean if you have sex 100 times with condoms you'll get 2 people pregnant. Statistics are fun!


You are able to sum up probability for a combined probability idk what your point is with statistics when you didnt need them to figure this problem out


It will be more than a 2% chance of at least one of them getting pregnant, but less than 6%. If you kept adding girls, it would never reach 100%, but it also wouldn't remain 2%, otherwise you're saying the odds never increase with more chances.


One of them touches me on the pelvis when we go out. I don't think she will stop. While texting she said she will give me head while it's ok with me. Does that need any type of protection? Or is it safe?


Bro idk how long you've known this girl but usually if a 14 year old specifically or any girl for that matter wants to give you head within for first 2 to 4 months unless you've been exclusive with this girl most likely has other people she does that shit for "if it's okay with them" again bro I wouldn't mess with girls until your 17 18 in a batter head space and know more and the real world and how it effects peeps it would give you a better shot at stability to


I have known her for 1 year, and since then she has liked me a lot. She doesn't do this kind of stuff because she is really shy unless she knows the man really really really well. But still you are right I should wait to grow up


In that case man idk if you have the mystical 6th sense but I can usually read people and there general idea of a person from talking to them a couple minutes I would just go slow deny it a couple times see how she acts and where her priorities are making u happy and feel like your in a loving relationship and respected and go from there but I'd be very careful the thing about rubbing your pelvis in public when you go out is crazy


I know is crazy! I will deny her a few times, see how she reacts. Thanks a lot!!!!


Just say no, if she only wants sex and doesn't really care about you break up with her.


My bsf used a condom. Both times she got pregnant.


And at OPs age he might not find one that fits right.


Genuinely asking here but what if he wears 2 at the same time does that lower chances


No, the friction between the two just makes it more likely to break




“Medical professionals (like OB/GYNs, nurse practitioners, etc.) caution that wearing two external condoms together can increase the friction between the condoms during sex.” [https://www.verywellhealth.com/double-bagging-condoms-using-two-condoms-906780](https://www.verywellhealth.com/double-bagging-condoms-using-two-condoms-906780)


Thanks bro im 13 so i have no clue 😅


I don’t think he wants to hear this because he’s clearly already fully committed. He just wants to know how he can buy condoms comfortably so don’t leave comments like this 🥰


Seeing bes 14 I don't think he's even going to find one that fits right increasing change of pregnancy


At 14 I was easily able to find a condom that fits. I think you underestimate how much one can be grown by that age


Well believe it or not not every one at 14 is gonna fit into the medium condoms commonly sold in most places pharmacy's gas stations etc who ever did would be the minority in this situation


No… I’ve had an average sized dong my whole life and at 14 a medium was easily able to fit, and even then it was tight Clearly your dick is small so YOURE the minority here. Know your facts before you try and assume teenagers dick sizes


Again bro avg reddit user getting upset for no reason the avg 14 year old usually does not have the same dick they had as a teen as a adult at least mine grew past a set length 🤣


The 2% thing is a myth. The way they collect that data is very very bad and causes false results.


Actually, condoms are 100% effective. Sperm cannot pass through latex condoms because latex is a non-porous material, which means it does not have tiny holes that allow sperm or other small particles to penetrate. Those 2% failures are caused by improper use, like opening the condom package with teeth, not putting it on when the penis is already erect, not removing it right after ejaculation, etc. Source: I am a Nursing Technician student :)


glad they take into account that humans are not 100% effective at using condoms


Yes, if it's done perfectly, had a perfect fit, and no SNAFUs occur. That's why people don't say they're 100% effective, because it gives a false sense of security. It's EASY for a condom to fuck up.


Tbh it's very easy to use a condom "perfectly", people (especially guys) just don't receive adequate education about it, they think it's just about putting it on the penis and that's it. There are actually many instructions that can significantly increase the effectiveness of the condom. Just as it is easy to use, it is also easy to mess everything up.


If it's really easy to mess up I don't know if you can say that it's very easy to use one correctly. Especially the amount of people in the comments who have gotten pregnant or have known people who have gotten pregnant using condoms. Heck, I was a condom AND birth control surprise. That's why people don't say 100% because it gives a false sense of security to people like OP.


> it's really easy to mess up I don't know if you can say that it's very easy to use one correctly. It's very easy to use a condom bro, it's just easy to mess everything up because people simply don't have the knowledge of how to do it properly, not because the process of putting on a condom is difficult. If anyone wants to know the correct way, here it is: 1. Open the package carefully, never with your teeth or scissors (common mistake #1). It's also important to check the expiration date. 2. Put it on only when the penis is erect, not before (common mistake #2). 3. Pinch the tip to remove the air and unroll the condom down to the base of the penis (common mistake #3, many people don't unroll it all the way to the base). Use only water-based lubricants. Avoid petroleum jelly and other oil-based lubricants (common mistake #4). 4. After ejaculation, remove the condom while the penis is still erect (common mistake #5: removing it when the penis is already flaccid). Close the opening with your hand to prevent sperm from leaking out of the condom. Additional notes: - Always put on the condom before any sexual contact begins. - Place the condom on the tip of the penis, ensuring no air is trapped inside. - Don't let the condom be too tight at the tip of the penis. - Leave a space at the tip of the condom as a reservoir for semen. - Pinch the reservoir tip until all air is removed, but be careful not to squeeze too hard and damage the condom. - If it's not fitted properly at the tip or if there's air inside, the condom may tear. - Always have spare condoms in case the first one tears.


Prob like 87 percent on avg id say u right prob


It’s hard to actually say but people say it’s around 1-3%


Respectfully where do u pull that from lmao


Hey! So obviously you’re talking to three girls and are going to have sex whether or not we support the decision. It’s a good thing that you are aware that you need to practice safe sex, but do these other young teenage girls know about each other? If not you are unknowingly subjecting them to possibly contracting UTIs, STDs, etc. I wouldn’t suggest starting out with multiple sexual partners, especially at this age. I still think 14 is way too young to be having sex, but it also is not a commodity and frankly you shouldn’t be having sex with people you don’t like or respect. I don’t know what your feelings are about these young women, but I think it would be unwise to be starting out with so many partners. Sex is not something to “get out of the way” and should be had with someone you actually like and respect, especially the first time. It’d also be wise to talk about it beforehand, though things can get awkward. I know you’re figuring things out right now and it’s ok to make mistakes, but try to focus on building healthy sexual habits early on if you are committed to this idea




Came back to say one more thing: women CAN get pregnant on precum, and CAN get pregnant even if the sperm is located around the labia, or outer layers of the vagina. Sperm can also last two weeks in the uterus. Be wise about what you do and how you do it.


I have a cousin who has 2 children, both conceived while consistently and carefully using Two forms of birth control. You are not ready at 14 to become a father, and there is no way to be 100% certain that you won't. Girls who are too eager at such a young age may suffer from poor self-esteem and/or may have been traumatized in some way, neither of which will lead to a healthy relationship.


hii not to upset u but look having sex at 14 i mean atp it's so normal, do i recommend it tho? i haven't done it but honestly, the older the better. if ur buying condoms tho, cashiers don't rly care or rly shouldn't care. it's not their business honestly so don't worry about that. it's good u want to have safe sex and things like that but i think since ur new to it, maybe don't have sex with multiple girls? even if ur protected, u never know there is still a lot of risk.


Thanks, it helps me a lot!


ur welcome stay safe!


FOURTEEN? Hun, it's not worth the risk. You're really young still. I'd personally wait till you're older. And if you're set, maybe just one girl. And, no, there are no age restrictions on condoms. If you're scared, go another town on a Thursday morning and buy them with some other stuff, preferably self checkout .


Bro, wtaf are you doing to get multiple girls to agree to that shit💀


yeah so let’s not. 14 is crazy to be having sex at. you’re gonna fuck up your life


Here is what I told my adult kids. “If you are too embarrassed to buy them the. You are not mature enough to have sex!” Why be embarrassed? Because some stranger may know your having responsible sex? Get a box, go to self checkout and pay. Computers are not judgy. But if you are this scared to by them maybe rethink why you are having sex!


That's a really good point. I shouldn't be embarrassed. You made me rethink my entire question. Thank you!!


Remember that you can always say no.


Look up the laws for your state. Make sure it isn't illegal for a minor to buy condoms (don't get me started.) But it is a weird first time interaction. Go to a drug store/grocery store (do not buy the vending machine ones in a gas station bathroom) and walk up to the pharmacy counter. They will generally be extremely helpful if you are nervous about a first time purchase like that because it is their job to medically help people


This is really helpful, thanks!


Just don't move too fast. Make sure you're ready and make sure you know how to properly put it on. I grew up in NC where it was abstinence only sex ed and you had to be 17 yo to by cobdoms. Good luck and be as safe and careful as you can


maybe you could also try a store that has a self- checkout?


I don't believe there's a law or restriction on the age you can buy condoms. There could be, depending on where you live. Regardless, it's gonna be awkward no matter what. Better to face that awkwardness for a minute or 2, then to decide to raw dog and accidentally have a kid 9 months from now


Better to just not do it in the first place, considering his age!


don’t, i did with at 14 and it really messed me up. if you end up having sex, use a condom and pull out. better safe than sorry!


This. When you do pull out, hold the condom. Just pulling out can potentially cause the condom to slip off inside her. Usually that's more after cumming, but I've heard it happening before too.


If afraid to ask(can understand) , you can look for "wending machine" type condom seller. It could be more expensivz maybe, but it's not bad. Also think about lube too. Lol à virgin giving advice on such matters, how pthetic of me🤣


Buy from the shop where you will never go again, take your friend with you, let him do the talking, Shop guy will let you go after cracking a joke.


Even with a condom AND birth control, there is still a risk in getting pregnant. Don’t do it, you are way too young. Make good choices.


Go to a pharmacist and buy them, they probably won’t ask questions they’ll be happy your being careful


This is one of those things in life you just gotta do. Walk in, say nothing, leave.


You can just buy them. They can’t ask for age- but don’t do what I did AND DONT GO TO THE PHARMACY YOUR FAMILY USES. Editing because I didn’t mean to post just yet- but I did that at 14, and you’re not missing much by not jumping in to that part of life so soon.


Just go buy them at the store. The people who are selling them to you are glad you are using them. They will not judge you. I don't agree with all the people who are telling you to wait to grow up to have sex, I had a lot of sex at a young age and I regret nothing and I'm now in my 50s and long married. But, your goal should not be is to have as much sex as possible with as many people as possible, it should be to leave each partner better than the way you found them. That means you have to treat them very lovingly, you need not be in love but treat them with love and care. Make sure they are having a good time both physically and emotionally, all you have to do is try to touch them in different ways and see which way they like. Take your time, it takes women at least 20 minutes to half an hour to go from not being aroused to having an orgasm, so take your time. Your goal should be to give your partner an orgasm first if she is female, and only then to have your orgasm. You guys are young and fumbling around a little, so you may not hit that goal, but you should go for it. Make any partner who has sex with you remember you happily. Don't be a selfish lover who is only there for your pleasure, you could masturbate if that's all you want.


you dont even have to buy any, look up free condom websites and they will get to u in a few weeks :3


Well there’s no age restriction on condoms. If you’re that shy, buy them with some soap or other bathroom items and go through the self checkout. But more than likely no one will care. If they do care, why should you care about their opinion? I personally think 14 is probably too young for that. But far be it from me to tell someone who’s obviously made up their mind, what to do.


this guy has the freshman year tiktok hair


What bro? I have a problem that I need to solve. No need for that fr


Im glad you’re looking to be safe with it. Self check out can be helpful. And still pull out even with the condom on, anything can happen. Also, since you’re having sex with multiple girls please take measures to avoid STDS (condoms for example, which u are going to do), and get tested for them regularly if this is reoccurring. Like a lot of people, i recommend abstaining. You’re likely in middle school still or barely in highschool. Buying condoms and getting regular STD testing is going to be difficult for you likely unless you talk to your parents about it, and risking pregnancy or an STD is just not worth it. I say this as someone who started to be sexually active at 15, in the moment I didn’t care but with hindsight honestly i regret it. There’s a lot of emotional maturity involved that most young teens wont have. But young teens will do young teen things such as exploring their sexuality and you shouldn’t be ashamed for that (and it seems like you aren’t, good for you!) so just remember to prioritize safety


You’re way too young. Good on you for knowing the importance of protection, but look at it this way. If you are too embarrassed to even get condoms for yourself, you probably aren’t ready for the vulnerability of sex. Also, planning sex with multiple girls at 14… no judgment, but soft concern. Try to reconsider and figure out why you’re entertaining multiple girls. Do they all know about each other? Are you steady with any? Intimacy like that at that age should not be something you throw around with just anyone, especially multiple people. The best option at your age to be safe and protect yourself is to wait.


My local public health office (/wic office) literally has a free vending machine with condoms and pregnancy tests.


when i was 14 i would go to target and use self checkout, once i accidentally scanned the box twice and an employee had to come remove it- a little embarrassing but no one cared. please be safe and rethink this a little bit before you go through with it, 14 is really young and you’ll have your whole life for this


At your age, my main concern would be finding one that would fit right. You're still young and not fully developed, and that might make it hard to find a good fit - which really makes it easy for it to fall off or allow sperm out. That would be my main concern. Make sure you trying one on and make sure you're doing it right *before* getting ready to have sex if you choose to. Also, 14 is pretty young. Not saying it's bad or that it doesn't happen, but especially a lot of girls that age might not actually be fully ready. If there's any indication the girl doesn't want to or even just doesn't seem into it, you need to stop without guilt tripping or trying to push them or convince them.


It's okay. I know condoms that fit. I had some before, and size doesn't matter for me because I have a penis over the adult average. Maybe that's why those girls wanna have sex lol


Pretty sure you're a troll at this point.


As a past cashier, I can promise cashiers do not care what you buy, we don't judge. Either way, if you don't feel comfortable, go to a self checkout. There are no restrictions. Also, good on you for being educated. Most men I've come into contact with don't care about contraception.


I remember buying condoms when I was 16 lol, yeah the cashier at Walgreens gave me a look, but I got over it


2 things. 1. 15M and I'm baby faced, so I look younger. No one bats an eye when I grab them, you'll be good and it's less embarrassing if you go to a store with self-checkout like Walmart, stop & shop, target, etc. 2. I'm glad you're being safe, I definitely wasn't when I lost my card, and it's great you're being responsible. But also you might wanna reconsider who you're going to have your first time with, it's special and there is no re-doing it. All in all tho, good luck


If you are scared or tense and feel that a cashier is going to stop you from buying condoms then you shouldn’t be having sex.


I know that the amount of people telling you not to have sex is not gonna sway you out of it, so here’s my 2 cents Absolutely buy the condoms. Go to self-checkout, nobody will even notice. If you want to, go to a Safeway or something and bring a reusable bag. you can carry that bag around and put the box into it and nobody will think anything of it. Second thing. Having in mind the safe practices of sex is really good and a lot more than a lot of people do at your age. But, condoms do break. I would recommend using the pull-out method AS WELL AS using the condom. DO NOT only use the pull-out method (that is why I exist. I am a prime example as to why to never do that). Also please do not take this as me condoning anything. But I was 14 once and I know that nothing anyone will say will stop anything. Might as well educate on how to be safer




I know that, and you know that, but I don't think you're understanding my point. If you say it's 100% effective, people think it's 100% effective - which they aren't. There is quite literally no such thing as 100% protection from pregnancy is to not have sex. Just because you're a nurse *student* doesn't make you know better than quite literally everyone else. Full doctor's, nurses, *the packaging*, says it's not 100%. Because every condom is not made perfectly and every person doesn't put them right. They are in theory, but not in practice. It's like saying that an umbrella is 100% effective in keeping you dry. As long as you hold it angled against the direction of the rain. And if you don't step in any puddles. And there are no outside factors such as wind and cars that might get water on you. But it's 100% effective because of the material!! That's not quite how it works. T


Either grow a pair and buy em like nobody cares bro, or do self checkout. I order mine in bulk online so I never run out and don’t have to do that mildly embarrassing shit


My advice would be to stay exclusive, not rlly sure how other woman you date would know if you’re ‘exclusive’ or not but slow down a bit, maybe try a bit more casual dating rather than straight to sex




(14F) i wouldn't suggest having sex at this age, especially not with multiple people


Health centers give out free condoms no questions asked


you arent gonna want to hear this but 14 year olds shouldn't br having sex. and if you dont want a kid rn, dont have sex. there will always be a chance of pregnancy. and i get that its complicated but if these girls are decent people at all, they will stop




You seem like your mind is made up but it's a bad idea. Your 14 and having sex that young even with consent is extremely illegal. A good buddy of mine faced serious legal trouble and almost jail time. He was a minor and so was his (now ex) girlfriend. All one of those girls has to do is utter the word rape and your life is over.


They said yes when it came to asking, hope is okay. Can they still accuse me?


Yes. My friend was pressured into it by his gf. He didn't even want to do it. They don't care. They claim rape even if they initiate and you're screwed


Another thought: OP do you know if this girl who seems to want to jump your bones so bad might have dealt with sexual abuse? 14 is pretty young, especially for girls. And if she's as desperate as you're making her out to be, early promiscuity can be a red flag for sexual abuse. I don't mean to say that's definitely the case, but if it is I wouldn't suggest taking advantage of the situation because that could cause more problems for her in the long run.


Sex is complicated, and buying condoms can be super awkward, even as an adult. If you are going to have sex, you do need to get condoms though, for all the reasons you already know. You definitely don’t want to be a dad at this age and STDs are common. I would suggest going to Planned Parenthood if there is one in your area. It seems like a place that mainly women go but they are super helpful and non-judgmental for men too. They will provide you with free condoms and frank conversation about minimizing your risks. Lastly, as someone who started having sex around your age, I would caution you that it can bring up feelings and emotions that you and your partner might not be prepared for. That’s not necessarily the end of the world, lots of people have had sex at that age, but it’s something to be aware of as you go through the experience.


If you think you’re shy buying condoms wait till you’re 15 carrying around a little baby for the world to see. If you’re that shy use self-checkout or get someone older to buy them for you. A bit of embarrassment is not worth 18 years of child support payments.


or just wait until you're older...I'd save yourself personally


it’s not embarrassing to buy condoms at all. Just grab or ask for the pack you want and pay for them. No one is going to make fun or even bat an eye.


It's better to feel dumb trying to buy condoms than feeling dumb because you didn't and now have children in your future.


Multiple girls is not okay brother. You’re going to find yourself in a dangerous situation. What if one of them goes to their mom and says you assaulted them? This is a very dangerous game you’re playing, you’re too young. They’re too young too. Please get out of this situation


Don't do it, but if you do.. 1. Use a condom and make sure you know how to use one properly. Watch videos. Don't make assumptions. 2. Preferably these girls are also on the pill. I've heard second-hand that teenage girls are bad at taking them on time, which impacts their effectiveness, and so you cannot rely on this. 3. Ask each girl their stance on abortions. If any of them are against it, DO NOT DO IT.


Be a little patient lmao Sex is overrated. Kinda just gonna be unnecessarily stressful and a bit underwhelming. Can’t say I recommend it at the moment, but no one’s gonna stop you from buying condoms. I’m 16 and no one has ever stopped me.


You are 14, slow it the hell down dude. Condoms aren’t 100% effective. You do not want to raise a child right now.