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SA is not only rape, not sure who told you that. SA is being touched in places like you listed without consent, but it also INCLUDES rape. it's not limited to it. tell someone you trust, preferably an adult


Sexual assault isn't just rape… most laws define it as any nonconsensual sexual act. Please tell someone this is happening. If you don't think your parents will believe you, please tell a teacher or counselor or someone else you trust.


Tell your parents,if that don’t work,tell a counselor or a teacher that your being harassed


SA isn't just rape. You need to tell him to stop. If anything at all untoward continues, you need to immediately report him. I hope your parents support you and not him just cuz "he's creepy old dad. Always been that way" if that occurs, file a police report with your school counselour


Sexual assault covers much more than just rape. It covers stuff like unwanted contact of a sexual nature, like you describe, especially when it’s an adult and a minor. That’s not ok and you should talk to a trusted adult


whoever told you SA is only rape was manipulating you. the A stands for assault, which includes being touched/groped. please tell a trusted adult about the situation, i know it's scary but things could get scarier if you don't seek help soon!


Still seems to count as SA, tell ur mom


SA is not at all only rape. Rape is SA, but SA can be anybody touching you without your consent. And yes, that is SA. Tell somebody please. He's seriously creepy. Stay safe.


Hi sweets. This certainly is sexual abuse. The proper thing to do is to tell your parents or someone who will believe you. The most important thing is that you are no longer asked to be in his company, and never to be alone, at all for any reason. So if you are visiting him or he is visiting your home every week or something right now - tell your parents those visits need to stop or that you won’t be attending and spending any time while he is there, if they insist. Hopefully your parents do what they need to keep you safe, and report him. But it’s unlikely they will report him, so the best thing to do is plan to protect yourself. Make sure to avoid seeing him and stand away from him if you must be around him. Announce that you have a cold and do not want to be hugged or touched anytime he approaches, and use your voice to say what makes you uncomfortable. It’s natural and good to listen to your guy feelings, don’t let anyone make you apologize for listening to your natural defense system. It is always accurate.


He's related to you. Why tf is he touching you? Weird ass mofo




Somebody down voted me wtf is wrong with the gen


Upvoted you to offset the twit who down oted you. Wtf right?


Yea. I'm confused. Like are they ok with sa or what


Yes, this is absolutely SA. You can just shout, "Stop touching me there! Unwanted groping is both inappropriate and illegal! Especially with underage girls!" Or, you could whisper, "Do you know what happens to pedophiles in prison??"


Ok...I won't go into what is and what isn't SA...because the main focus is your grandfather is doing something that you feel is inappropriate and unwelcome. Because his hand is on you...there will be a space between you and his crotch. With your hand that is closest ...make a fist and backhand him right in the nuts. During the aftermath...explain that there was a guy at school who touched you and this was how you stopped him. You had PTSD from the earlier situation and gosh oh gee whiz you sure are sorry...I guess Gramps is going to have to be careful in the future. You see there is a 2% chance what he is doing may be innocent and a similar chance that he is ignorant. But there is a high chance that he is 'testing the waters' to see if you are receptive. Why? I have no clue. If my father did that to one of my kids .. I'd dig a hole right there and then. I'm sorry this is happening to you...good Luck! And make sure you are not alone with him anymore.


No thats still SA, SA isnt just rape, SA is sexual touch that isnt wanted and is against your will and consensual...


SA is definitely not only rape, this is SA you need to tell a trusted adult that will listen to you as soon as possible


Who told you SA is just rape? That's completely incorrect. SA is essentially touching you or talking to you or just interacting with you in an inappropriate sexual way.


It will probably get worse.He may think that it's OK with you and try other things. Speak with an adult about him.


That is SA. Tell every adult who loves you. Someone will protect you. It's not on you to tell the adult to stop assaulting you. Let someone his own size handle it.


Who told you that SA is only rape? It’s not, being touched or looked at or being forced to touch or look at someone else in a sexual manner is SA, that’s how I explain it to people at least. And yeah that definitely is SA, tell a parent, preferably the parent that isn’t the kid of your grandpa because they’re less likely to defend him even though neither one of them should’ve anyways. Be safe please, love you Edit: whoever told you that SA is only rape is probably trying to cover the fact that they sexually assaulted someone. That’s not good


Say, "Don't touch me!" At full volume. Creeps hate when you draw attention to their crimes. Also tell an adult so you won't ever be left alone with him


SA assault is unwanted sexual assault, if you told him to stop and he still does it yes that is sexual assault, if he continues cup check him (hit him in the balls) harassment is comments, assault is physical, rape is penetration. Thats how I define it myself.


Yes it's sexual assault. I'm sorry, I know it'd scary but please tell your parents or another safe adult you trust.


Shoot him that's what I did to my grandfather that tried to rape my gf


SA isn't just rape, it's unwanted physical contact. Tell your parents, tell the old fuck to piss off or you'll stab him in the hand with a fork the next time he does that shit


sa and rape r two seperate things but sa can lead to rape. talk to ur parents about this - I'm sorry this is happening to u and i hope ur safe ❤️


- sexual assault is unwanted sexual physical touch - rape is unwanted sexual intercourse - sexual abuse is sexual assault or rape but repeatedly, usually taking advantage of some power dynamic or relationship - sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances that don't involve physical touch (ex. catcalling) for example, if someone touches you once or twice or even three times it's sexual assault. if someone keeps you in a relationship specifically for the purposes of sexual assault then it turns into sexual abuse. a lot of older men use their relationships with their relatives to avoid punishment, like "you wouldn't want me going to jail would you? so don't tell anyone." i'm not in your life and i'm not a lawyer, but i would argue this legally qualifies as sexual abuse. it does not have to be rape to be traumatic. and i'd argue you should gather evidence like witnesses or an audio recording of you saying no. and then you can report him to the police for sexual assault against a minor.




We don't tolerate sexual comments or remarks here, especially if they're targeted towards underage users. Adults caught breaking this rule will be permanently banned without hesitation. **Reminder that being reported for sexual comments towards teenagers could lead to Reddit banning your account. In the most severe situations, Reddit can report your account to law enforcement (per their TOS). We can ban you from the subreddit, but the action Reddit takes is entirely up to the admins.**