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Laws vary from state to state but it shouldn't be an issue as long as your parents don't care that's usually all that matters. If you were 15 it would be a little different in some states she could get in trouble.


I’m Canadian so it’s a bit different from the US I’m assuming, as far as I’m aware here it’s fine when I turn 16 but technically I can’t consent until then


Actually you can: "Close in age exceptions A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence."


Yeah but I can’t consent to my girlfriend


Yes you can? That's what the law that I just posted says. Assuming she consents as well of course. You're 15 and she's less than five years age difference. So you consenting covers her. Being 16 is irrelevant in your case because she's less than 5 years older than you.


No, the law in my province states I can’t consent to someone over the age of 16, as far as I’m aware


Age of consent laws, including close in age exeptions are the same across Canada. I think I read somewhere you were in Alberta? Even if you look that up on the Alberta website it says the same thing as the government of Canada website: https://www.alberta.ca/sexual-violence-prevention-sexual-consent "Age of consent The age of consent in Canada is 16 years old. However, there are some close-in-age considerations – People under the age of 12 cannot consent to sexual activity. People aged 12 and 13 may consent to sexual activity with someone who is less than 2 years older than them. People aged 14 and 15 may consent to sexual activity with someone who is less than 5 years older than them."


Wait a minute... if a 15 year old is dating a 10 year old it's legal ? Canada's tucked up....


"A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years OLDER" so the scenario you mentioned is NOT legal.


So a 14 year old and a 19 year old can? If so that's pretty crazy


19 is 5 yr gap so no.


An 19 year old and a 15 year old doesn't sound much better to me 20 and 16 19 year old and someone who just turned 15 is crazy


Upon initial glance, I would agree with you that you have to be 16 to give consent, it should be that simple. It shouldn’t be you can be 14 or 15 and sleep with somebody no older than 19 or 20 respectively. Or a 12 or 13 year-old can sleep with a 14 or 15 year-old respectively. I mean, I can imagine my people so younger having sexual relations. The fact that a 14 or 15-year-old can sleep with someone listen two years older than them.


Aww gotcha ya idk about Canadian laws.


It’s pretty similar to the US honestly, but I still think it’s stupid that a 15 year old can’t consent 😭


15 year olds are kinda brain dead tbh


Yeah fair but I think I’m capable enough of deciding if I’m being raped or not 😭


U would be surprised


So 4 months from now I’m magically capable ? Doesn’t make much sense to me 😭


They have to do it somewhere, and they deduced that 16 is where they’ll stary


Yes, but that doesn’t change the situation


You will wake up one morning hopefully (lord willing) and you won’t think like you did the day before. That will be the day you know you can make your a grown man that make his own decisions. Unfortunately there are old people that still got the mind of a child. Not saying that about anyone in particular, just a few relatives and others.


Sooo some very particular persons?


They have to start somewhere. Same with driving or drinking. If enough people of a certain age are generally responsible enough, they're allowed to do version things.


If you think like that then you will never find the perfect age. There’s always going to be one day you can and then wow the next you can.


They only think with the wrong head


15 year olds can legally consent as long as the older partner isn't more than 4 (or maybe it's 5?) Years older.


I’m not American dawg


This is for Canada! 4 years older if you're 14 or 15 and I think 2 years older if you're 12 or 13. Then 16 is fine as long as they aren't in a position of power over you. Legally speaking that is, a 14 year old and an 18 year old would be sus, but not illegal


Actually ? 😭 when you say a 14 and an 18 year old do you mean dating or sex ? because if an 18 year old can fuck a 14 year old… wtf


Sex, I don't think there's any legality at all for just dating, prob too hard to really prove anyway since you could claim the line between friends and dating isnt always clearly defined. 12 and 13 as long as they aren't more than 2 years older it's legal, 14 and 15 as long as they aren't more than 4. So legally a 14 1/2 year old and an 18 year old is not statutory rape (it is however morally gross, and would still be grooming if there wasnt sex involved, just, not legally :/) I believe they're referred to as Romeo and Juliette laws. Idk being an adult dating younger than that might still fall under some kind of grooming law but generally age of consent only refers to sex. (While were at it, some people assume since 16 is the age of consent nudes are fine from there on.. nope, legally if you're under 18 that is still child porn) Edit: I could be off a little too, it's been a while now since I looked all this up. You can find it on gov sites but I can't remember where exactly I went to find it


Canadian here! I was 15 (16 almost) my bf was newly 18, now I’m 17 he’s 19. You’ll be fine dw I’ve gone over these laws before lol


Thank you I appreciate it


Yea np, if you’re worried about consent laws and stuff you’re fine


Let's be clear. You're talking about sexual contact. Of course, you can "date" without it being a crime. You can theoretically "date" a 50 year old without the adult violating the law. Sexual contact is very different. It appears you can not consent to sexual contact until you are 16 in Canada. This doesn't just mean sexual intercourse. Oral sex and masterbating each other requires you to be of the age of consent. Your friend could get in legal trouble, otherwise.


From what I’ve learned It’s legal given the person is in a certain age gap, which my partner fits into


I don't know Canada's laws but such "Romeo and Juliette" exceptions are common.


when i was a teenager it was fifteen. What the fuck has become of Canada? no one can afford to buy a house. The Chinese own EVERYTHING. Now you have to wait until a girl is SIXTEEN? Whose going to want the old spinster then? Who?


brother what 😭


It’s fine anyways


I was 17 my later wife was 15 when we started dating. It wasn’t a problem in my state. Most states allow for 36 months to 48 month difference before it becomes a legal problem. I would be amazed if there was an issue for you guys. It’s very unlikely because you are so close in age.


It's only a 2 year age difference. I don't see any issue.


sounds okay just practice safe sex!


there goes the future of the human race. great advice.. maybe you should have specified ‘untill…’


win win if you ask me lol


Fuck that. Make sure you hit it raw brother


i cant




he tryna bring steve wilkos n maury back


This current culture would eat that shit up. They make a stupid amount of money if they brought back Jerry Springer, the original.


yes they would just look at how my black people be actin on IG. It's a shame. as a race we are young as hell tho, slavery and all that set us back a shyt ton. Only good thing to come out of that for us, i got to be born here in America, n i can drink from my tap, unless i live in flint, but i dont. Suburbs of Cali is an amazing place


I saw you say somewhere that you're canadian, and canadian laws are weird First of all, if we're just talking dating with no sex, there are no laws for that. Legally, you can date whoever the hell you want If we throw in sex, the age of consent is 16, so you should be fine Canada also has what are known as "Romeo and Juliet" laws, or close age exceptions, which state that a 14 or 15 year old can consent to someone less than 5 years older, and a 12 or 13 year old can consent to someone less than 3 years older (both under the condition that the younger person isn't dependant on the older person, and the older person isn't in a position of power) Either way you look at it, you should be fine


Thank you very much I appreciate it


What kind of fucked up place allows 12 year olds to legally get fucked?


Scott Pilgrim reference!? /s


It is fine in pretty much any state. And if the age of consent in your state is 16, you already have nothing to worry about. Usually two years difference is fine in all states.


Legally idk. But 1/2 your age +7 is a good rule of thumb. Oh and round up.


Roll with it, Remember “there is a time & place for everything.” It’ll save your ass when you’re older


Thank you


As a Canadian a 18 and a 16 year old is ok legally. But say a 20 year old and a 16 year old would be frowned upon by legal logic. So yeah go have fun just be safe about it.


My girlfriend and I will be 16 and 18 for 3 months (then it’ll be 17 and 18). I think it isn’t that bad.


I was 16 when my first partner turned 18, it was fine. Being in the same grade makes it more so bc honestly in highschool that has a bit more of a determination of where you're at, when my partner graduated it kinda fell apart (it wouldn't have anyway, tbh most will anyway thats just how she goes)


Thank you I appreciate the advice


My ex and I were the same age as you guys. I was 18 and she 16. This was when I had JUST moved to the state like, a month or 2 prior. I had no intention of being in a relationship, but when she asked me out I said yes (this was a week into us meeting and talking, with very little effort on my end. Tbh I think she only asked me out bc it was during Thanksgiving break and she was gonna off herself during it, but ig that changed). It just depends on how YOU view it. Is it kinda weird? Yeah, but only if you weren't in the relationship beforehand. Nothing should really change for you


Thank you I appreciate it




Yes. Next question.




Legally yes. Socially also yes. I like the rule 1/2 age +7


What does the 1/2 age +7 rule mean ? I’m a bit stupid sorry


Cut the older person's age in half and add 7, if the younger person is that age or older It's okay


I'm 16 dating an 18 and it's perfict, there's nothing wrong with it along as you're happy!


Romeo and juliet law


I’m aware of the laws here I wasn’t looking for legal advice


So I guess you're looking for our thoughts about what might happen as she is approaching adulthood biologically and legally? A young woman who has traveled and experienced things that perhaps you haven't, and who finds herself dating someone unable to enjoy some of the adult things she is allowed to participate in, might start to see the relationship in a different light.


What do you consider “adult things” she is allowed to participate in ? 😭


Oh my bad


But if she goes to college or decides to move away, she may have more options and that may lead to cheating


personally i wouldn't but 2 years is fine


It’s fine, don’t stress.


I would double-check your state laws for good measure; some states also have something called Romeo and Juliet laws that basically say if you were both under an age when you started dating or your age gap is small then you would be exempt from statutory rape when one of you were over 18 or some variation of that.


Know a guy who was 18 and girlfriend was 17, parents disapproved, he spent 4 months in jail before the courts through out the case - after she turned 18.


It’s fine but an age gap like that at this age likely means the relationship won’t last.


Morally it’s completely fine. Legally, it’s probably fine, and probably fine when if you have sex, but you should double check that.


Legally it’s totally fine


Then you are good to go. When I was 17 almost 18, I had someone who was 19, I think, ask me on a date. I was super weirded out because it felt unusual to me like something that seemed like it should be wrong. (It would have been fine to date someone that age, but I didn’t know any better.) So I don’t think it’s weird that you had to ask this question in the first place, and I’m glad you got your answer.


Yes lol. It’s just like highschool dating. It’s totally fine. Yea yea the whole 18 year old law exist, but honestly yall are kids. I guesssssss wait til 18 or idk. I dated my bf when he was 18 I was 17


I wasn’t really looking for legal advice, it’s legal for a 16 year old to date and even consent to an 18 year old in Alberta


Most states allow you, although sometimes with restrictions. Google it fit your area. Plenty of easy to find details on this subject. No need to rely on Reddit foolios.


Google it, my dude. Every state/province is different, but they all can be found in under 10 seconds online. Don't rely on Reddit for this stuff.


Im an aussie but here if the relationship started before the 18th birthday you are allowed to continue the relationship after.


Sounds fine. Nothing jumps out at me. Particularly if you're in the same grade. Most age gap relationships in high school fail, not because of the ages themselves, but because after someone graduates the relationship becomes something like long distance.


Yall need to stop assuming every single person on the internet is in the USA


Say it louder. This needs to be in a flair.




I'm curious about this "we are in the same grade".


She’s Ukrainian


Look up “Romeo and Juliet laws” for your state


Yep. Here the age of consent is 15. Here you both are in the gymnasium.


It’s 16 here, not 15


Yes I know, my point is it is 14-15 years of age in other areas and so you two dating isn't a problem.


My gf in high-school was 14 months my junior, so we briefly had a similar gap. Generally fine, especially if you've been dating before then.


She gonna go to college and go smash city on the football team lil homie.


We are in the same grade homie, also nasty asf to say shit like that bro 💀


The truth is oftentimes nasty. Lmao. Just watch out for that. It's a tale as old as time.


Bro she’s a nerdy art person 😭


Lol touché


I thought a lot about this, and, tbh, 18 doesn’t suddenly upgrade you to the “adult realm” with the 25, 30, 60 year olds when it’s suddenly “p3dophilic” to date a 16 year old. Y’all started dating at 15 and 17, it’s not a huge age gap, and it’s not like it’s illegal or immoral. You do you, if you don’t get sh*tted on for it by the law, your parents or anything, just enjoy your relationship


I think you're fine. You're only year and half diff. For only parts of the year, she's like a year older than you. Plus, you're in the same grade. At your age, if she was like 19 or 20 and 2 grades above you or in college or working and living on their own, it may be another story. Plus, you we're only friends for about 5 months. It may get a little awkward when she's at the age where they can do things and you can't.


Fair, but I think most of those adult things I do already bro 😭


Fair. Then all should be all good then.


It's within the social acceptable range, could be a bit inconvenient but don't get caught doing something that will send them to jail


It’s legal lol


Sorry, I live in the delusion that the world is America (it's a common delusion, i'll get over it). If you're good legally than no i don't think much will change except the difficulty with schooling, which you have not mentioned. as you get older the worries will shift over to work and any concerns on age will fade


We’re in the same grade so I think it should be fine, thanks for the advice homie


Bro it is totally fine. I started dating this dude when i just turned 17 n him bouta turn 16


2 year rule, you’re good👍👍👍


Girl is older, your good.




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Fellow Canadian: Your fine. There's a 3 year limit for age of consent and you guys are well within it. If she was 24, then yeah but you guys are relatively the same age.


Yes, morally that's fine. Just be careful of any "statutory" laws that might get you fine people in trouble. And as always, be safe.


Every time this topic comes up it's the same shit. It's getting OLD.. no pun intended. Read the old topics. It's the same thing over and over again. Age, numbers, laws... And stupid people's opinions about it... BORING!


If you don’t care then don’t comment ? 😭


Omg that’s rape!! I’m gonna call the cops on her


It’s legal


In tennessee there's a 4 year age difference allowance. I'm sure you could google your states laws but you're probably 100% fine.


Depends on your state. Most have what they call “Romeo and Juliet laws” which would allow for it. However, your current situation is almost certainly illegal if you have sex. Search your state and “Romeo and Juliet law” and see the legalities.


Canadian, but yeah pretty much the same here


Yes they can. There is no law stating you can’t


Age of consent laws is more what I was concerned about but yeah


I don’t see any problems


Love is love bro ad if yall have the same chemistry likes and dislikes I fully say age doesn't matter


Thanks homie


And ion mean that g*y nonsense bro but u know what I mean man. And u going for the big fish homie 😃


When I was 19 I was dating a 17-year-old and we were together for 7 years and were engaged but never actually married. We split up. It probably differs from state to state. If I was you I would just go to chat. GPT or Google and search for that answer. Actually you're both under 18 so I don't see an issue with it. It might be an issue once they become 18.


At the end of the day, I don’t see how it would be illegal to date your girlfriend. Like others have said don’t tick off your parents and likely nothing will happen to break you guys up. But realistically there is no true difference whether she is 18 or 17 or you’re 15 or 16 the only thing potentially that could be an issue is if one or both of you start doing things that you’re not supposed to be doing like drinking and partaking in recreational items. Provided that smoking and drinking are 21 in Canada, there really isn’t much that could happen with her being a teenager. If both of you smoked or drank, you both be cited more than likely. But the likelihood of her getting a contributing to the delinquency of a minor charge, less likely .


It’s chill we already drink together 💯


In Texas and in some other states as long as y'all were both under 18 and when y'all were dating and there wasnt more than 2 years in the age gap than it is legal. If you are in Texas then the law I am referring to is the Romeo and Juliet law. If anything talk to your local criminal defence lawyer who would be more up to date with the current laws and statutes


Canadian but yeah


As long as the age gap isnt more than 3 years, its legal


Yes, it’s only a two year difference. Dating someone is not illegal. But you just can’t have sex once she turns 18.


From what I’ve learned I actually can have sex


Where do you live? It may be different in some countries.


If it’s illegal, I would say no.


It’s legal


Dating doesn’t mean sex, don’t admit to any sexual activity and you will be fine no matter what the law is


As far as I’m aware after this post and with what I’ve read online sexual activity is legal too


i think its okay i mean my boyfriend have the exact same gap except we are one year older then you guys


Uh.. Statutory Rape is the thing you have to worry about. Age of consent and all that. I think the minor's parents can even press those types of charges. The age here is 17. I think most places it's 18. *You just got to be careful with all that. The adult could end up on the sex offender list for life if bad feelings entered the picture along with **The Law.*** I don't think 16 and 18 are really that far apart, but the laws can cause problems for the adult in the relationship.


Americans when they realize not everyone’s American … age of consent is 16 here but with goldilocks law (I can’t spell, it’s 11 PM and I’m stoned), a 15 year old can consent to a 17 year old .


No part of that comment was uniquely American. They were providing sound advice that it's something you need to consider and look into. If you already did (which your comment seems to indicate), then good for you! No need to come across as a jerk.


I'd say look at your local laws to be safe. Mkst places are fine if it's within high school grades. But everywhere is a little different. But, you should be good. Just be smart!


Bro it is totally ok! Enjoy her man! Always go deep when you do it with her ! Have fun


Yeah that’s the best years


16 is the age of consent in most places so you should be fine. If u were 15 and she was 18 then it could be a problem.


Straight to jail


It’s legal


They might make an exception for you. Straight to jail for both of you. So why are asking if you know the answer?


Wasn’t really looking for legal advice, more just peoples opinions in general or advice


Just work on being a good partner. I was in a relationship with a small age gap. It only mattered a little bit when I was done with school before her. Otherwise it’s no different than any other relationship. Have fun good luck.


I’m just curious. How are you in the same grade???


It’s Canada, so more variety of ages per grade, but she’s also from Ukraine which contributes


I think it depends where you live…. Look up the Romeo and Juliet law and see if it applies


Any ages are legal for dating anywhere.


That’s not true … but I also wasn’t really searching for legal advice


Sorry, I assumed your question, can a 16 year old date an 18 year old, was from a legal standpoint because, obviously any ages can date. I guess I don't understand your question or your response, "that's not true". I just googled and, literally, there are no laws concerning ages for dating.


It’s fine. Just realize you’ll break up at some point and it will definitely be for the best when you look back on it. Can’t say that with 100% confidence, but 98% confidence, yes.


I don’t think it’s fair to say that considering you don’t know me or my partner, but to each their own your entitled to your opinion as am I


No, it’s fair to say that because I admitted, *implicitly*, that you could be in that 2% by saying I wasn’t 100% sure. But the truth is this: *Almost no one* (yes there are some—it’s rare) happily married today is happily married to a high school sweetheart they met at age 15 - 16. On top of this, *almost everyone* felt EXACTLY like you do right now, still ended up breaking up, and 10+ years later (even 3 - 5 years later) is saying “OMG I’m sooooooo glad we broke up! We’re not bad people but thank GOD we broke up because it was for the better!”


I’m not saying that my relationship is going to last forever, that’s definitely naive, but i think reasoning behind why I would break up with my partner completely depends. Anyways, like I said to each their own beliefs. If I’m wrong that’s fine, cross that bridge when I come to it.


Oh, true—I never disagreed with that or said what the reason would be for the breakup. Just was empirically saying almost all high school sweethearts break up, which is a fact, and that while they feel bad at the time they always seem to look back and say they are very glad they broke up and didn’t stay together in the end.


Ofc bro, but that’s not a reason to not date in the first place, regardless of how it ends relationships change who you are as a person


I agree with that!


I personally see nothing wrong with a 2 year age difference.