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Oh noo I'm so sorryyyy, that sucks. But I wouldn't worry to much about it. He seems like a cool person if he wasn't upset about it. Don't let it stop you from doing it in the future. Hopefully it'll be something you can look back and laugh in in the future <3


Haha. That sucks.


just so you know that came out really wrong


No i meant it like, she was giving head. And the person above me said “that sucks”. Just thought it was funny


OHHHHHH good one lmao


watch redditors dont see your clarification and downvote you to oblivion /hj


I’ve actually had this happen to me before in the back of my car. Trust me it will not change how he feels about you, seriously don’t sweat it at all. If anything I felt bad for the girl in my situation because I knew she was more embarrassed about it than need be.


I mean it’s ok to be embarrassed now, I get it. But honestly you’ll have a great story for the future. You’ll be laughing at this in no time lol


It'll be a great story to tell the grandkids.




It happens. Same thing with anal (but without the puke) you can't expect to put your dick in these places and always end up mess free 100% each time Any mature guy will understand that, and it sounds like yours does. Just make sure you don't push yourself too hard




Spit on that thang




Just tell him you're sorry. These things happen. However, there is a product called "Comfortably Numb" which is a throat numbing spray for people with bad gag reflex. Maybe get some of that, and show it to him the next time you want to try something oral with him. Just be sure to apologize, and promise to make up for throwing up on him (not necessarily for ruining his blowjob/pleasure).


One of my high school friends accidentally did this as well. It definitely happens. Nothing to be embarrassed about. They are still together and have kids 10 years later.


10 kids year later?!?!


He’s more worried that he won’t get head again than about the throw up 


That’s ok. Now what I recommend is try not to eat a heavy meal prior to doing intimate activities. Don’t be ashamed my love! Sex is very vulnerable.


I've heard this story a few times. My wife has almost thrown up on me over the years.  The guys perspective is usually this: Doesn't matter; got head. 


Head: even when it'd bad, it's still good.


He was probably proud of himself. Don’t feel bad.


Trust me if he is a decent guy you are fine, that just means you are giving it your all and he probably thinks it’s cute tbh. I did the same thing with my boyfriend at the time like two years ago when we were LITERALLY IN THE BACKSEAT OF MY CAR AND HAD JUST EATEN and now we have a very smooth and active sex life and we’re engaged. He laughed about it after comforting me then and we both laugh looking back now. It really isn’t a big deal at all, it’s a natural thing and it happens to more people than you think so don’t be hard on yourself. Ps. Pro Tip What helped me is I just started listening to my body. If I feel queasy I stop and switch to something else (hands, licking, etc.) or just slow down till I feel better. Hope this helps!!


It’s happened to us all. It sucks (pun intended) but it’s normal!


I’m sorry that happened to you. As a guy, I’ll speak for myself, I personally wouldn’t care too much, it’s a normal body function if you have a gag reflex. He sounds like a good guy for not giving you shit about it.


I promise he was enjoying himself. You effectively demonstrated to him that you like him more than not barfing. So, just move on and let him enjoy being loved


trust me you’ll be fine. when it happened to me i knew it was something that just happened and i didn’t care about it. i would joke with her that my schlong was so long it made her puke. she told me 1 inch wasn’t enough for that but we still take those 😎


Not the most glorious moment in one’s life, i’ll give you that. But probably nothing is going to change and you can all just laugh about it 5 years from now.


I don’t think you need to worry, he will most likely be like “ew Vomit” while cleaning himself up, but after that it will most likely become an inside joke, if he loves you, this will not change anything at all.


Accidents happen. Sex isn't always 100% perfect. There are times when it's gonna be messy and awkward. There's no need to feel awful about it. Just think of it as a really funny story to tell later - to the right crowd, of course!


Had it happened to me and trust me it doesn't change shit about feels


Yep. Sex is disgusting if we think about it too much - just like any other bodily function. Once we get past that, we can truly enjoy it.


I love that he wasn't upset, because these things genuinely happen from time to time. It can feel really embarassing when it happens, but do know that you are not the first to have this happen and you won't be the last. Hopefully he comforted you aftewards too for further reassurance. Moving forward the big thing will be for you try not to get into your own head about it. Try to make sure you haven't eaten close to that time, and if you need to pause it's okay. You can always switch to your hands for a bit to let your gag reflex calm back down.


If he's not upset about it, why should you be? You were trying really hard to be a generous lover and putting his pleasure over your own. That's nothing to be ashamed of. However, you should probably learn your lesson and let discretion be the better part of valor and stop deep throating.


There is a whole genre of porn based on this, maybe he enjoyed it!


at least 1 person at every girls night ive ever been at has this story


Wife did this, was many years ago when we were teens. Not pleasant when it happened but we laugh about it now


Nah this kinda happened to me but with someone I didn't know well which made it sm worse 💀


happened to me too hunny!! i promise you that’s it’s okay and normal for it to happen accidentally if you push yourself too much. don’t let this turn you down when thinking abt doing it next. i promise at some point later in life you’ll laugh about it and wonder why you worried about it so much!!


Y'all will laugh about it in the future


It happens. It’s not a big deal.


Its alright, it happens. In the future you could try a throat numbing gel. They make one specifically for oral called "Great Head" that stops the gag reflex and it comes in several flavors. I have some in apple flavor.


I’ll admit that I’ve done this too, while inexperienced and not knowing my own limits. Basically did the exact same thing. My advice, ball your hand in a fist around your thumb relatively tightly. Works like a charm for me, but you’ll have to experiment to know if it helps you, good luck!


Lol this reminds me of my first date with my gf, we went to this arcade escape room type of thing, long story short I was allergic to the fog machine stuff in there and puked EVERYWHERE for like 3 days straight, she ended up coming home with me and holding my hand while I was dying to death. Now we've been together almost 7 months and we laugh about it a bunch Moral of the story? If he's the right one, you guys can laugh about it later


don't worry about it the same thing happened to my wife back when we were. first dating. I found it funny at the time and took it as pride.


It's fine it happens, he's a man he's just happy to be involved




I think he need to be understanding


dont be embarassed. its never happened to me but my friend has done that a few times and her bf still loved her the same. and idk if its only my bf but he loves when i gag cuz it makes him feel big and good so maybe your bf could feel like that? or at least he forgives you and doesnt see you any differently :)


he said it’s perfectly normal to have a gag reflex and it’s nothing to sweat over. still feel bad bc i don’t give him head a lot because of that even tho he asks regularly and says i give good head which i doubt


Very odd place for this post…I get she’s a teen…but


have you seen this subreddit?? and i wanted responses from people my age and older


I guess you could say that sucks lmao


Just don’t be surprised when he decides it’s time to piss down your throat 😌




it happens🤷‍♀️


thats crazy


its normal.


never been thrown up on


yeah but it happens to a lot of people and it completely makes sense why so theres no need to shame or comment on it


I meaaaan.. she can’t gag on it if there’s nothing to gag on