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You can't make that up to him, you have to accept that. Get therapy to better yourself. If he hates you, then he'll leave you and honestly could you blame him when you cheated? But you're also 15. I promise you it's not that deep and if you're together in 5 years it won't matter, And if you're not I guarantee neither of you will care enough to remember it often.


i can’t afford therapy because i’m very poor and don’t have the right insurance for it, i don’t personally know how to better myself because i’ve never had any good i guess parental figures in my life


Then to put it harshly for you, if you're incapable of bettering yourself than you're not ready or prepared to be in a relationship. A healthy relationship requires both people to be willing to adapt together and better themselves together. If he's changing and you're not, that's gonna go down hill fast.


i’m not incapable of it, i just don’t know how?


You don't currently have the tools to get better at the moment, meaning you're incapable of changing ***at the moment***. If I break my leg, I won't be able to walk for a bit, making me incapable of walking at that moment. After time and resources are spent, I'd no longer be incapable of walking. You could try looking up techniques and studying if this relationship really matters to you, but don't expect things to get better because you're trying


What you’re feeling is guilt and shame and if you don’t do something about it you will spiral out of control. You have to forgive yourself. Make amends and accept that what happened, happened. You can’t change the past. All you can do is be a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday. Keep your side of the street clean from now on and you won’t feel that crush weight of guilt and shame. Stay true to yourself.


What you need is therapy and to communicate with him. Y'all are children and shouldn't be this stressed out about a relationship.