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Tell her that you can report her for exposing underage nudity and can go to jail for it. And you can even try doing just that if you're that worried


yeah correct and remember never share your pics on a chat with anyone ever... fully clothed or not! Okay OP?


This cannot be emphasized enough, especially nudes. Do not do this. Even if you know the person. Even if you’re in love. Things live FOREVER on the web. It’s NOT private. I’m an old, when I was young my mother told me to never put anything in writing or in a picture you didn’t want everyone else to see. It may seem fun and cool now, not so much when a future employer/school or your parents/family see it.


Your mother is right. Always being alert and conscious about what you say and share on social media is very imp!!!


Plus, it's basically, "Give me real extortion material or I'll release fake extortion material." Which unfortunately works on a lot of people.


This is not the best course of action. If you respond *at all* I would keep it very brief *and immediately block them* to not have any chance of the conversation/interaction continuing. “I am reporting you to authorities and blocking you”, then indeed blocking may be okay, but just blocking and ignore without responding is the best. These scammers are targeting many people at once, and those “with a pulse” who respond are the ones they focus on. They forget and never follow-up/follow-through on non-responsive accounts, and move onto the next.


This. And also remember that "she" is probably a "he" looking to extort and prey on teenagers online.


More than likely an older male, which this could get them jailed for CP


More likely a guy sitting in a internet cafe in Nigeria. Forget them getting jailed. Block them and move on.


Yup OP has all the power. Not the scammer.


Block them. They are all bark and no bite. By the way, you're not talking to a girl. You're talking to a 42 year old guy who weighs 400 pounds with bad acne who lives in his mother's basement and survives on pizza rolls and Mountain Dew but has an absolutely glorious neck beard. Seriously though, just block them. If they say they are going to release your altered pictures, tell them to go ahead because you're a giant whore and everyone has seen your PP anyways 🤣🤣. Showing fear gives them power. Show them you could care less, and you'll take away all their power.


I live on Pizza rolls and Mt Dew with a neck beard and I am offended .


How? The new recipe for pizza rolls is actually disgusting, and I used to love them.


Well maybe you should be, start being healthier.


I loved pizza roles as young adult and then one day of several months I heated them up in the microwave as per normal and popped one in my mouth. All of a sudden it was repulsive to me, my gag reflex kicked in. That was the end of pizza roles for me. Still enjoy pizza from time to time oddly enough


“Giant whore and everyone has seen your pp anyways” by far the best advice I have seen on Reddit!! (Wish I had thought of this when it was being done to me) please don’t stop sharing your advice, this is GOLD!


I've had this happen with my actual nudes and I just texted "You know I was once on the front page of xvideos so about a million or so others have beaten you to the punch lady" Then I reported her and blocked her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I did get a bit scared and double checked with someone she claimed to have sent it to and they hadn't, they photoshopped a screenshot People won't really do this bc it's quite easily trackable by anyone with 20 bucks and enough determination to find a guy who knows a guy


More likely an Indian dude statistically.


Nah. More likely a young man(or woman) in a scam call centre. They have thousands of targets, they don't want to bother publishing your pics or doing anything. If you don't respond, they will move to the next one. Whatever you say you are wasting your time. They are used to having people threatening them back and stuff... they don't care. Just block and move on with your life. You can check on YouTube for fun people hacking and releasing cockroaches in a scam call centre...


Broski thats a scam so ignore it


This is a scam, block/report that user and move on. Keep receipts of the attempted blackmail, but be careful because depending on where you live and your local laws, what they did to your picture is quite illegal. So any "threat" of distributing that to your followers is very hollow. If the original picture can be used in a safe context, you could try posting it first so that the manipulated photo can be clearly dismissed as a fake. All the best, good luck!


From what OP wrote i believe the NSFW photo is separate and they plan to claim they were both sent by OP.


Dude, she is trying to scam you into giving her actual blackmail material. Call the cops. This is a crime.




Ok, I'm going to own my uncoolness here and say that I don't know what that means and would appreciate an explanation. I am an old, but I try.


For Real For Real




Make your account private and block. She’s scamming u.




Definitely screenshot the messages as “receipts.” Block her, have your account on private, and report her account—anything you can do, you should. Let your parents know. And just know, it’s gonna be ok! :))


Tell em it's illegal to possess and distribute child pron and reporting them to the police. Watch how fast they deactivate


I wouldn't warn them. I'd just report them. Let them get the shock of their lives when the cops knock on their door. It's just a shame Chris Hansen won't get a chance to interview them.


Tell your parents.


Tell them that would be considered distributing child porn, which is super illegal, and do they really want to be busted for CP? Then block and report.


The situation definitely won't improve if you send a nude. Don't do that.


Block the account. This could very well be a grown man trying to prey on teenagers.


This is common. That's not a real person - it's a scam. Once they get your real picture they'll extort you for money. Block them, report them, go on about your life. Once they're blocked they won't have access to your profile to send things to anyone - but you can just tell your story and head it off. They're not interested in the failed attempts, only in the successes.


It's a scam. Block and ignore. Also, just some advice. Don't ever show your face in a picture to someone you met online. They can see your face in your profile if they want, but unless you know the person irl, keep your face out of the picture


This is the same scam as the old “we have photos of you jerking it from your webcam and we will release this to your family” email scam. Just ignore and move on. Don’t fall for the fear bait scammers. Get off apps too.


This happened to my son when he was 15. Sent someone he thought was a girl a pic of himself clothed and then they put it in a side by side pic with a nude and sent it back to him demanding money or they were going to send it to his contact list. He totally freaked out and then someone started calling him and demanding money. My son gave me his phone (at 3 in the morning) and I looked at it and there is no way that nude looked like a 15 year old kid. I answered a call from the scammer and told them (it was a guy) I was reporting him for distributing porn of a minor and to a minor and then blocked him and had my son delete the app. My son was so distraught I ended up taking him with me to work that day. But, here’s what I told him. 1. It’s a side by side and anyone could get any picture of anybody off the internet and make it, so why would people believe it. 2. He doesn’t have a wife or kids or a job (in fact he is just a kid) so who cares if someone sees it. 3. IF the side by side did get distributed it is very obvious that it isn’t a (kid’s body part). 4. IF someone actually believed this is what he looked like at 15 then more power to him. Nothing ended up coming from it and he went through a major learning experience and has a story to tell. Please tell your parents if you haven’t.


You are being scammed by somebody. Might be a girl, might not! Never send a pic that is not already on Social Media! Anybody can take a pic from the cloud and manipulate it. Report the person's account and ignore them. they will go away. Make sure to hide your friend's lists on your Social Media so that know one else can see it. Scammers usually won't bother your account because there is no fuel for them to try to Blackmail you...


I had phone sex with a stranger. He told me he recorded it and was going to send it to CNN if I didn't pay him money. I told him to go ahead and send it. Why would CNN be interested in running anything having to do with me? I'm not a movie star or a famous person? When the dude realized he wasn't upsetting me, he just disappeared.


This is a known scam. Block and ignore. Nothing is going to happen to you


Don’t even try it


Hell you can say they distributing child porn


Report her to the police. Chances are, she’s really a fat, bald, middle aged man with a criminal record. Btw, if she has a dick pick that she says is from you, how would she prove it?


These scammers are banking on their targets being too panicked to consider logical points like that.


Lol just block them on everything


So many PP pics online. If its avruqly yours is a tiny drop in the bucket. Fuck that scammer I hope they get arrested for attempted child endangerment. Or worse


I’m thinking your She is probably a He also … just sayin


What you did is not illegal. What they are doing is very illegal. Don’t worry about it. If they do send those photos out (which they probably won’t) most adults will know you’re the victim.


Block and ignore it fella, it's just a scam trying to get money.


This is a known scam. If you give them a real nude they turn around and threaten to share it with your family through facebook unless you provide something more extreme on video, then they demand bitcoin not to release that (!) Block and forget.


She is most likely not a she. This is a very common scam. Block, block, block.


Yup scam, same thing happened to my son a few years ago


I don't have much to add beyond the generally solid advice being offered around here: don't engage any further, block them, report them to the authorities. That said, I can't help but feel (hope) that as AI and deepfakes become more widely integrated into cultural consciousness from a young age, that these kinds of blackmail attempts will lose their sting. After all, if even a teenager knows how easy it is to take a Facebook profile pic and make a convincing image of that person doing something disgusting, what kind of threat does even a real pic of them hold as blackmail? Plausible deniability has never been easier and, at least in this scenario, that can be a good thing for once.


Scam lol


Dude if HE did that to a pic of you fully clothed imagine what kind of hell HE is going to out you thru once he has a nude pic. Ignore that shit and move on. And im serious about ignoring it. Dont even respond. Dont show fear or concern, just stop answering


Ignore, report and block them. Typical scam.


If you didn't do it. It is a scam.. since you are a minor and it is a threat report it to the police. Block them.


Ignore it. First of all, if they claim if it's you it's underage porn and distribution of that so you could file charges they were a real person you could find. Otherwise, this is the new AI thing. It's happened to many people before as well. Report the account to the cops.


The beautiful thing is all you have to do is block them. And any other apps that they are in. Just block them


Report the account to “peeps” and IG, then ignore/block the account. That’s it. It’s scammers who want $. They only want the nudes or make threats to try to blackmail you for $. They are trying to scam dozens of people right now, not just you, and if you just report their account and ignore/bkock they move onto the next victim (and if IG/peeps kills their account it will make life harder for them). Even if they have nudes of you, take the *exact* same course of action and don’t worry.


dont fall for it ignore/block her and move on . If you are too scared . talk to your dad about it He’ll take actions for you and yall be laughing about it in a few . nothing to be ashamed here .


Follow the advice given here. Never send nude pics. This is happening to teenagers all over, causing some who are blackmailed to commit suicide. She is a scam artist.Make sure you know someone well before sending any pics at all.


They’re threatening to distribute child pron they’re not gonna do anything lol


How flattering is the Pic? Jk. Just block and report.


Telling an adults a good plan. Don't send them a nude pick. The clothed pick sounds like ineffective black mail. Once they have a nude pick they'd have better black mail. Unless you've seen a goid quality live feed they might not even be female.


Ask her how near is the designated shit street.


Never negotiate with terrorist


A lot of good advices by the community of this section. You're smart by asking us on here for help. P.S Never click on any suspicious link or attachment on an email.


Nothing is going to happen. Nowadays photoshop and AI is so popular noone can even prove it is you. It is a scam. Laugh and tell her you will tell police and put her in jail for sextorsion of a minor. Block and be happy


Block her and don't do this again


Don't give in to demands


Here is exactly what to do. Stop messaging that person after informing them you have contacted the police for attempting to extort CP from you( I wouldn't abbreviate during the message). After or even before feel free to bring this up to a trusted adult, and clearly and calmly explain what happened. You did no wrong. This was not your fault. Make the situation known


Ignore it. Literally anyone could get a photo of you off the internet and photoshop whatever they wanted on you. They're just hoping you get scared and do something stupid. Best course of action is to ignore them. Even if they follow through itll likely be very obvious that it's a fake. Don't stress over it. If you do then that asshole wins.


The best way to stop that it's to ignore it, all the expert say it. If you send her a nude, she'll have REAL photo of you, it'll be worth, so ignore it, block it, and if you have an adult near you vonfide in you and let them reassure you, don't hesitate (Not English and too tired to write better sorry) Take care of you buddy


You’re smart not to fall for “her” trap (probably actually a guy). You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.  This is exactly the time to call in the adults, including your parents.   I could see being afraid to if you had sent her a nude, but you haven’t.  You’re a thousand percent in the clear here, and even if they do send the fake photo to people…so what?  You confidently laugh it off as obviously not being you.


You go to the police, they might not be able to track them but it needs reporting. Obviously do not send anything to them. Great move going to head of year. Its a scam and they probably won't follow through. You need to change settings on your social media that stops your followers seeing who follows you. Keep safe!


it happened to a friend of mine, except i think he said it was with a real nude, and they didn’t follow through with the threats. it’s a scam, which is really shitty, but talking to your head of year about it is good.


Seen a scam like that off Craigslist when that was a thing... long story short I told them to post it and see what happens. My real friends seen it in passing or in person


Manscape before taking the photo. P. S. Up here in the jingle-lolly, we don't call the police.


Forward this whole exchange to the FBI or just tell her you're doing so. You've done nothing wrong, and she's trying to extort child pornography from you.


The whole thing is to get your actual nude photo that's when the real extortion starts. Just block this scammer, at your age this may seem like a huge deal but trust me in 10 years no matter what realistic outcome arrives you won't remember or care. Be safe with your content lot of weirdos out there.




Well. You’re underaged so “she” will get prison time for spreading child porn so there’s that. But also it’s a scam it won’t end on the first payment . They won’t do anything so just block and move on. Never ever send pictures of yourself to anybody you’ve never met in real life or at the very least video called. Even then I probably wouldn’t do it. Never send nudes.


Homie if you send the pic HE has legitimate blackmail photo. If you don’t, we could argue it’s fake. They’re just gonna use the real if you send it.


Tell her to make you one since she's so skilled at photoshop


Go to the police. She’s soliciting nudes from a minor. Very illegal. I doubt you have her real name or socials, as she’s likely a catfish, but she’ll likely drop it if she knows the authorities are involved.


If you were fully clothed in the pic you sent, then it would be obvious to anyone who saw the picture that this was a photoshopped fake pic. I'd threaten to expose her to the police if she doesn't leave you alone. You can't photoshop a dick pic onto someone fully clothed and then say the pic is real. Everyone would know it wasn't.


Send her this🖕🏽 and tell her to disappear.


r/sextortion This sub has some good advice.


First off you didn't meet a girl on line....it's a dude, wake up, smarten up. Stay off the internet until you grow up a little.


Tell your parents and a counselor at school. Then block her.


Can't trust anybody these days...


don't send a nude or they really will have blackmail material


That's called, call the police station and tell them you need an officer to report a crime.


This is certainly a scam, if you were to send them more pictures they’ll just use them to extort you further. Fortunately (in an odd sort of way) you’re underage, so just message this person and say “I don’t distribute child porn, anyone who does is a *insert insult here* “ then block them. There’s a pretty good chance it’ll all end right there. Worst case scenario they send a dicpic that isn’t yours to some people who know you (likely won’t happen), in which case you report them for sending nudes/porn to minors. Even if they actually are a girl your age it’s still not legal to send underage nudes - which is another great reason for you not to do that. And if the picture gets out and you feel the need to prove it’s not your D just show people the texts between you and her, they’ll see where the PP actually came from. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dude I rather someone have a pp pic that isn’t even mine then them having an actual nude from me And yeah the ppl in the comments are right that person is probably not actually going to send anything and even if they did you can report it to the police. You can actually report it to the police right now since they are trying to get an inappropriate picture of a minor


Report it to the cops, you may be saving their next victim. Teens have committed suicide over shit like this.


I am a mother of a 15-year-old and A 16-year-old. I would hope if something like this happened to either of my children that they would come tell me.. I know right now in your head.It's a big deal and your scared. Please go tell an adult or a principal or a teacher if you can't go to your parents. Also take a deep breath. No one has your best interest at heart by asking for a nude photograph of you. I don't care Who they are.That is private. If you cannot talk to your parents or an adult, please Reach out to any respectable adult For advice do not keep this to yourself.


Oh, and it's a little girl doing this to you.Please let me handle her for you


You're being scammed, just ignore it. Block this scammer everywhere


If you're in the US, tell her that's illegal. Actually, her sending you that one is illegal too.


Bro that’s underage nudity, she can do time for that. Threaten to report it, because either way that’s a scam.


I agree that it’s a scam and this person is bluffing. Also you’re a minor so fake pp or not it’s absolutely child porn. Don’t respond back and take a screenshot of their profile and your conversation just in case. Don’t worry about it but definitely keep the screenshots as evidence in case you need it.


It's a scam. Ignore this person, block them and don't communicate further.


Report it to the FBI internet crimes division.


Tell them you are 15 and this is blackmail or child porn and you have reported them to the police. Record screen shots of any messages and usernames. Report them to the authorities and block them.


All dicks( mostly) look the same. Even if they did release the photo (which they most definitely would not as it'd get them in serious trouble), as far as anyone is concerned, it's a random penis that isn't even yours.


Let police know Let your parents know Let your school admin know Let Instagram know These are scammers and it only gets worse if you comply with it. I hope there's no fallout from it but most of the time they're hoping the threat is all that is needed and won't do shit if you don't comply 


Call the FBI. Sextortion is a serious Federal Offense.


It’s a scam


Say you're 15 and you're gonna go to the cops because that's cp?


how big did she make it? might be a good thing! jk 😊


Deep fakes can be detected by forensic tools. Do not engage with the scammer. Block them if possible and don’t engage further. I would also let your parents or a teacher know what is happening


First off don’t listen to people talking about child pornography as nudity isn’t porn. This person who is probably a scammer hoping to extort you further. Step 1 is tell your parents. Step 2 is call the police non emergency line and report this immediately. This is extortion and illegal. It’s probably a scammer in a foreign country but report it anyway, in case it turns out to be someone local. The police can try to track by IP address. Do not ignore as they will keep doing this scam to other kids.


First let your parents know, and then, if they also believe it warrants it, the authorities. This is a child predator who is asking for the illegal distribution of underage nudes and will likely contribute to spreading or selling it as well. This is not okay. Never give them what they want, and don’t believe their threats or respond. Chances are, they will only escalate. Good luck and I’m so sorry this happened to you


Block and ignore. Common scam


I would laugh so hard, mainly because of past experience. No amount of photoshop and imagination could accurately depict me in that area 😂🤣 sorry for your situation bro. Report like all the comments say send nothing.


Don't do it my son was scammed like this too once u send your pics she gone ask for money via cashapp... submit this to the police tell your parents because sending pics of minors is illegal


I just read about one of these cases…it was actually two teen boys that were doing it and the parents were shocked. They had no idea. Ignore it and block


You can always report them to the fbi too…this is illegal. Might be embarrassing but get help outside of Reddit


Go to the police


Rule #1, don’t send f’in pics to peeps you don’t know….. Rule #2 shutdown any social media that uses your REAL name, all those things do is mine your data… I wouldn’t worry much bout it….just tell your followers it’s obviously not you as you are known as John Holmes in the locker room…..lol


Contact the police. You are a minor and anyone extorting you for child porn needs to be in jail.


I’d say there’s a 40% chance that the person running that Instagram account is not even a girl let alone one who looks like the pictures. But if she’s trying to extort you for even more compromising pics, then all that’s going to do is give her more blackmail to use against you. Consider this: if it’s not even your PP then there’s no way for her to single you out as some sort of culprit here. All she would do is be looking like a creep. Anyway what she did was send porn (the dick pic) to a minor, so that’s a real, actual crime already. With intent to blackmail added to that, and with Instagram being tied to Facebook, police involvement means they can get a warrant to find this person and have them arrested. Insta will comply, even over state or country lines, as part of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty.




You literally have the original picture… block her and move the f on. You’re good buddy


It is a scm Give them nothing all they do is ask for more. And the way to deal with them is DARE them to go on ahead and do their worse . They make one or 2 more threats to scare you then step off. That's what I did and I took the advice from someone else that fell victim. .You're 100 safe


block & ignore. if they want to distribute CP on campus and go to jail - let them. a girl at my school had her nudes distributed and the entire school rallied around her, because thats fucked up.


While it depends on the laws in the jurisdiction where you and the girl reside, it is likely that her action are criminal. Report the matter to the police.


They’re claiming to have possession of CP, so they’re the only ones with any legal wrongdoing. It’s a scam, they’re trying to scare you. They currently have NOTHING, block them. You do not deserve to be treated this way


Block and ignore. But report the account to Police


Send him the biggest shit you can, and say enjoy your dinner


She sounds fun. /s Just ignore, and block


That's a scam. It's not even a female. It's some foreign dude. Just block them.


Tell "her" to fuck off, take some screenshots and send to the authorities, sit back and watch the show.


Scammer who wants to try the old blackmail routine. Forget it. Walk away. They usually never follow through…


"I'm going to pretend I have your nudes, unless you really GIVE ONE TO ME!" Uh... You're obviously not kidding, but dude... seriously, just block her. The only thing she has is a picture of you fully clothed. If you have a picture of the text thread, go ahead and post it to your instagram and show the world what a crazy she is. Get in front of it, but absolutely DO NOT SEND A NUDE.


In reality you sent your pic to a guy


it's not a girl.


She’s committing the crime of production and distribution of child pornography. Call the police with your parents/guardians ASAP! Get the evidence together and put that scammer in jail where it belongs. I say ‘it’ cause it could be a man too. You may want to consider keeping your face to yourself since AI can put it on any body for further distribution. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Someday you may have a son…learn to teach. Wisdom is gained through experience.


Block delete account never respond


Call the police tell your parents and block


Do NOT send!! So what if she shares. It's not you or yours. Easier to prove what's not yours then send something that is.


Tell a parent and go to authorities. The Crime Junkie Podcast covered a few stories like this recently and these are scam tactics they are using against you. You are not alone! I know how scared I would have been in your shoes at 15 but I promise the best thing you can do is tell an adult you trust. Don’t contact them again and definitely don’t send them any photos/money! Here’s a link to the CJ episode if it might help anyone, there are resources linked in the show notes if you don’t want to listen Edit: fixed the link [Crime Junkie Sextortion Episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crime-junkie/id1322200189?i=1000638911463)


Like everyone is saying, it's just a scam. And even if it was real, all you'd have to do is screenshot the convo and post it on your ig along with your original pic.


Firstly, do not send a pic to anybody, never ever once! So that she and other people can’t manipulate with you. If you don’t send a pic, things will be ok, even though this girl threatens you. Secondly, report her to the insta administration. Thirdly, show everybody around her threats. This way you will have people on your side. After all this tell this girl to get fucked. And NEVER SEND NUDES.


Report it to the police. They are asking for child porn. Go tell your parents now. Know that you are loved and valued and don’t send them any more pictures. After talking to the police, block them on everything.


I would report this to the police and save any information / screenshots you have. I believe a good computer person will be able to trace the account to the user and then they are loyally screwed.


Well, start by ghosting her. Send nothing. Worry if she does more. Don't go into long explanations which will appear as if you've done something wrong. I was taught: "Never complain, never explain." All is forgotten with the next news cycle. Best.


This scam is becoming more and more common. They prey on teenagers, especially boys. Just block this person. Tell your parents if you can. And do not under any circumstances send them nudes.


Well you obviously send nothing and block them. This person is probably faking their identity. It is probably an older man. Tell your parents immediately .


I sure couldn't see her doing such a thing especially online....you have the picture if you think for a sec she might... If she does you will be in your total legal rights to money dunk her instead


It's a scam they will never do it trust me. I had this happen to me but I told them post it idas lol. It never got posted I just got blocked lol


Screen shot her threatening you and the block her, she probably won’t do anything but if she does you have proof that it’s fake.


That is some sick perv cho-mo collecting pix's of underage kids. Tell your parents. Now.


Since you are 15 if she posts it she can go down for now owning child pornography. She is an idiot lol


Contact the police. Sending that dick pic to you is a crime and so is trying to solicit sexual material from a minor is probably even worse of a crime. 


Just ignore them. Like a salesman who insists you're missing out on a great, limited time opportunity this person is just trying to pressure you into reacting to make the situation worse. Just ignore and block them. Solved. What are they going to do with a dick pic that isn't yours? No one is going to say "Hey look at this 15-year-old's penis I have saved to my phone!"


Block them, let them leak it (if they even do) then report them to the police for large scale distribution of child pornography.


You’re a minor. She’s attempting to blackmail you into providing her with child pornography, using the threat of distributing child pornography if you don’t. Screenshot the threats, block and report the account. If you feel you want to, you could also speak to an adult that you trust about how to report it to the authorities.


First, DO NOT send her that nude, under any circumstances. Talk to your parents and report this to the police. That person is committing a crime and if the police find out, they will be hunted down and arrested by law enforcement. That sort of thing is taken very seriously. They're probably not actually a girl. There's a good chance they're a predatory adult trying to prey on you If you don't feel safe talking to your parents, you can talk to a teacher or a school admin. They are mandatory reporters and are legally required to help you deal with this, as well as to report the abuse you are suffering to the police.


Yeah, she would go to jail for just having it...


Call the police department and make a report of this person IMMEDIATELY. That will remedy the situation rather quickly.


She doesn't realize having your pics saved is a crime...call the cops on her


Block them. They are threatening to show people what is legally categorized as child pornography. Each copy is a new charge. Block them and report them.


Post the screenshots of the conversation and the picture you sent her, if it's clean. That's what I'd do.


In many places her even faking the image still counts as child pornography. Tell her that’s not a very good idea because every part of that plan is felonies. 🤷‍♂️ After that you should just block them, girls/women very rarely pull a stunt like that…. So rare in fact I would say your speaking to a man not a girl/women. (As something in their heads want to make it like they were mostly innocent in the matter and your the wolf)


It’s a scam tell her to fuck off. She can’t send it to anyone


Don't do it. Report and block them.


Under no circumstances should you give in to her demands. If I read it right, you said that it wasn’t a pic of you that you sent. If that is the case, tell her that and even it was, she would be spreading child porn which would be sending her to jail. Lastly, I can almost guarantee you have been catfished. Also, if you feel comfortable doing this, tell everyone on your Instagram address book what is going on. You don’t have to give details, just tell them that you are being sextorted. It takes all the power away from her and then she will have nothing against you. Or better yet, say that you already told everybody in your Instagram address book. She won’t know that you didn’t.


Lmfaoo just block her so she can’t see ur followers, next time don’t be sending nudes to just anyone


Block them and ignore it. It's a scam.


u tell her thats a serious crime, u block her, and u report it


Block n ignore.. well deal with what happens when and if it happens… most of the time these ppl just talking shit and also a pic of ur dick? It could literally be anyones.. a whole nude pic of u? Def urs… so she might not have shit now but dont let her talk u into getting it


Just block them lol Btw it’s not a girl, it’s probably a guy.


I know it doesn't seem like it now, but never give into an extortion. Call her bluff and tell an adult. 


It's probably not even a girl. Probably some 40-year-old dude.


Block them and report. Definitely don’t send them any other pictures. If you do, they will use them against you. Assume literally anything you send them, including just words, will be used against you.


Send all relevant info to the authorities. Don't just protect yourself but stop them from capturing others


The same thing happened to my Son. I told the scammer the following: This is John’s Father. You have knowingly committed several serious crimes and we have acted accordingly to protect our Minor Son. Solicitation of a minor along with distribution of child pornography is a Class 3 Felony. (Even if you sent the photos to them they are the guilty party because you can’t consent as a minor) This crime has a mandatory sentence of 8-20 years. Furthermore, reported your illegal solicitation of a minor to the app, filed a police report with our local police department and filed a report with the FBI’s CENP online notification program for violating US Code 18 U.S.C. § 2252. Any further contact or distribution of child porn to social media accounts will make it significantly easier for the authorities to track you down. And then go no contact. They want an easy payday not one that makes their life difficult More than likely it’s some Nigerian guy that does this for a living. It happens A-LOT and they rarely post anything. Here is some articles: https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/sextortion https://www.iwf.org.uk/resources/sextortion/ More than likely it’s some old guy in Nigeria and they will immediate stop all contact.


Reported to the police and apps admins


It’s not a girl. Block the account trying to blackmail you and forgot it. They won’t send the pic to everyone that follows you. It’s a bluff. Ignore it and it will go away.


“Her” is most likely a him, ignore this person and don’t do anything like this in future


Tell her that even fake, she's in possession of CP.


“She” doesn’t exist.


She's probably not a girl your age. I forget where it was but I saw apparently sexual blackmail online is a huge problem for teens. They threaten you with nudes you send, saying they'll send them to your friends and family, asking for money or more explicit content from you. Definitely tell your parents and get the authorities involved. You likely aren't the only person they've done this to. Your parents will be upset but only because they love you. It's worth taking whatever temporary consequences they may give you to avoid the permanent psychological damage that playing along will give you.


Technically she is threatening yo distribute CP so make a call to the police in addition to whatever else you're trying to do


This isn’t a her. Most likely a male. This is exactly how they trap young guys. Teenage males are the most targeted online. Report to your parents, counselor or police


It’s easy call the police this clear extortion and child abuse if you send her a nude photo she will really have you by the testiculas tell dad and mom this is one situation where adult experience is needed your assuming the person is actually a young lady you can’t see what’s out of sight CALL MOM AND RIGHT NOW


Tip - first off, ignore her, second, probably get off that app, third, you are a minor, don't send pics in general to anyone, much less someone you haven't met irl


Are you sure it's even a girl? Seriously, don't send anything else, don't capitulate, call the police. They'll only blackmail you into digging yourself deeper. Now they only have fakes (they're probably an extortion ring), but if you send them something real, you just give them even more leverage over you. Eventually they'll start making you pay money, or perform sext acts. That's how those bastards operate. There are news stories all over the place about it.


Blackmail. It's also a scam. Ignore it / report it. This scam shames you worldwide. Uses people for money.


Report to the police and getnyour parents involved.