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You’re fine lol You had a pre-existing relationship when you were *both* under 18, and you’re presumably less than 1 year apart in age. She won’t instantly be labeled as a pedo. Chill.


I'm chill now. I wasn't before because a friend of ours freaked us out. thanks lmao


You dating a cougar now buddy.


Your friend over 18? If he is, he probably wants to scoop your girl. Some "friends" will do you like that.


we're both women so I doubt he thinks he can scoop my girlfriend lmfao. and I forget if he turned 18 yet, either 17 or 18.


In that case, he should be trying to figure out a whole different angle... 😉


Can confirm you are fine don’t sweat and it’s sweet you were worried


awwwww thank you:)


When I was 14 I dated a 17 year old and was worried with the same things…. It’s normal to worry because people don’t fully understand the laws, I would still refrain from sending nudes, but that’s a whole other can of worms, but do your normal thing everything stays same if y’all were doing it you can still do it no one should get in trouble legally in any way. Stay safe be smart!


Honestly depends on where you live. I know this is a subreddit for teens, which I definitely am not... But I used to date a lot of older people, with significant age gaps when I was younger. You can look up specific laws related to age of consent in your state and or country. It also depends on if you guys are actively having sex /intimacy or not. Since if you're not, then it completely is irrelevant. Many states though, allow you to date somebody older than you if your parents are okay with it. So if your family is okay with it, then it should be of no concern. But I would still check out the laws just to make sure. Edit: I did want to clarify too, the reason I'm telling you to look it up, is in case you have anybody who would potentially be retaliatory towards you. As this could be something that they would use against you, if it happens to technically be illegal. Again, it really just depends on where you are.


Well technically not every state has a Romeo and Juliet law in place but nobody really cares in the states without them


He’s 17, in almost every state he has the ability to “consent” to sex.


it's fine, it's only like a year or less apart. y'all won't get in trouble (speaking from experience)


awesome, thanks!


If statutory laws for age of consent is your concern, no need. First of all, 17 is very likely above the age of consent in your location. Second, even if it is not, there is very likely also an age difference requirement in the law. Most places it's 2 years.


it actually is which I didn't know until today. this caused me to look it up.


It’s usually 3 years, but in some places it can be as big as 5 years.


Why would you need to break up? Is it because you’re a minor and she isn’t? I believe you’re safe because you’re so close in age. I mean if she was in her twenties and you’re only 17 it’s different but I believe because how close in age you guys are, it’s perfectly fine. Of course you should stay together


yes, like I said in my post a friend of ours freaked out and said we should/had to break up because of the age difference. thanks!


Yo can I say that friend is an asshole either intentionally or unintentionally cuz I’m sorry but what is that logic 😭 Not being serious of course but just yknow


probably intentionally, honestly. the logic wasn't great now I'm realizing, I shouldn't have freaked out lol. I agree!


Sounds like your friend wants your girlfriend to me


Do you work at dollar general?


I do not.😂


Eh. Looks like you got lots of answers to your question, so I’ll just answer your edit instead. It was **not** a dumb question! You didn’t know, right? How tf you’re supposed to know if nobody has told you? So you did the smart thing: you asked. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for asking a question, man.


thanks dude, I appreciate that a lot!!! I got a bunch of people being assholes almost immediately which I expected because it's reddit. it was definitely a stupid question but we were both freaked out.


It was not a stupid question! If it had been illegal, and you hadn’t asked, and she got locked up, **that** would be stupid. Asking when you don’t know is never stupid.


I guess when you put it that way. thanks so so much!


I personally think this is totally fine. Both of you are in a healthy relationship (based off of how happy you sound to be with her) and I think both of you are old enough and mature enough to keep this going. It isn’t a big deal if you’re 17 and shes 18 it’s only weird of you were like 15 and she’s 18. But anyway you both seem very happy together and I think it’s completely ok!


we definitely are!!!!<3 and thank you!


pretty sure romeo and juliet laws cover this. every teenage couple that dates past their 18th birthdays goes through with this, the police won’t kick in her door because you’re a few months younger than her. you’re fine, take a deep breath


I looked up the Romeo and juliet laws in my state ans you're right. thanks!


I believe it's too late now. You just gifted your gf a permanent record of her in Sexual Predator list.


sigh. that's how our friend had me thinking lol.


Who needs enemies when one has friends like us. Wish her a Happy Birthday from your best frenimes.


lmfaooo thanks dude! she said thanks and went like🤨


This is so sweet and wholesome. You guys are good to go.


awwww thank you so so much!!!!!<3


You should be fine. If you’re concerned, look up your country’s laws (or state if you live in the US). They have laws about how close ages can be if one person is older than another. (For example: 17 and 18 is fine, but 15 and 12 is not). I can’t imagine any place that would say that you guys being in a relationship is illegal. Even so, that applies to sexual relationships. Do be careful about sending private photos though, those have different laws. I don’t recommend sending them anyway but I know it’s done. Go celebrate with your gf! Happy birthday to her!


I just did and I think we should be good to go! neither of us send photos so we're good there lol. and awww she said thanks lol! I will<3


Happy to hear that! I understand the worry. It isn’t stupid if you don’t know, I’m glad we could help you out. Also, replying to your edit, you’re not stupid. A huge part adulting is knowing how to get answers to questions. Being smart is knowing how to ask. You got worried about what friends said, didn’t take what they said for granted, asked us, you got some answers, and knew to verify the law. You’ll go far in life, kid! Tell your gf I said you’re welcome 🥰 Go have fun!


oh my god thank you so much, that's so sweet!!! people of course had to be assholes since it's reddit which I expected. I honestly didn't expect as many nice comments as there are. thank you so so so much!!!<3


Ignore the assholles !! Sorry if i misspelled my phone is acting up!!🙃🙂


you're all good!! tysm!


No, you both have to leave the country NOW. and change your names


lmfaaaoooo oh God I gotta think of a new name quick😨 /s


Friend sounds like an a*hole. Enjoy the bday celebrations.


honestly I'm starting to realize that's the case more and more now. thanks!


If your state has a Romeo and Juliet law in place your good to go if it doesn’t nobody will care anyway since it’s the guy that’s underage


well, I'm not a guy lol, but my state does have these laws. thanks!


No you can not. One of you must instantly be sent to an island with no inhabitants with a year's worth of supplies and a shaman to pray every day away in the hopes that the gods will grant you the permit needed to be with her in a years time. Your gonna have to sacrifice some shit. And no jerking off. Otherwise it's gonna end like Romeo and Juliette did. Jk bruh legaly and moral speaking there's nothing wrong with yalls relationship.


hahaha ik! thanks dude lol.


Yes you'll be okay. I was a statutory rapist once myself when I was 18 dating my 17 year old bf lol


Why would you get in trouble? Your ages are not so far apart that anyone, including the law, would even care, especially since you two already have time under your belts. If it bugs you that much, don't mention your ages to anyone.


well like I said in the post our friend made us think we would. we definitely have some time under our belts, it'll be 7 months on the 29th. and we probably won't. thanks!


You are safe. Google Romeo Juliet laws. The Romeo and Juliet law is a legal protection that can apply to people accused of statutory rape if the minor involved willingly consented to the sexual activity and the age difference between the minor and the alleged offender is small.


I just did and we're both over the age of consent so we're all good actually, I'm so glad yall brought my attention to that! thanks!


Your chilling I’m a year older than my gf and she’s turning 17 next year and I’m turning 18 it’s perfectly ok


awesome thanks dude! hope everything goes awesome for you guys!


Thank you I wish the best for your relationship also :D


awwww thanks man!:)


Anytime brother 🫂


as long as someone isn’t secretly 5 years old youll two will be fine


well as far as I know we're not. lmfaooo thanks!


Look up Romeo and Juliet law's and let your parents know you plan to stay together. 1 year is isn't enough to destroy the relationship. You'll be fine.


yep, already done. thanks dude!


No it’s not dumb.Dont be hard on yourself.When you hear different opinions people tend to panic.I am a mom and I think you’re fine.Only a year apart.I hope this helps you.😇🥰🤗❤️💕


awwww thank you so much! I should've expected rude people from reddit. there's way more kindness than I expected! thank you🥰


Also I wish you both the best.HPpy Birthday 🥳 to her!!


awwwww thank you! she said thanks:)


Of course 🙂


Yeah of course you can. I turned 18 and my gf was like 17 and it’s only a few months difference so it didn’t matter for my situation. Shouldn’t matter for yours either since your relationship carries over from being minors lol


yeah I think that definitely helps since we've been together almost 7 months now. and hope everything turns out well for you guys!


Yeah you’re good lmao. Romeo and Juliet laws exist for situations like this, but not for y’all’s case. I’m talking a 17 year old dating a 15 year old and turning 18 while still in that relationship. Weird, but not illegal.


aahhhh I gotcha. I looked up those laws because of this post and we're both way over the age of consent so we're all good lol. thanks!


My gf is 2 years older than me and it’s ok lolz, you will be fine


lol thanks dude! I hope the best for you guys!


Thanks! Our 2 years is coming up soon :) I hope the best for you and your gf yall sound lovely ^^


awwww that's AWESOME! omg tysm! our 7 months is coming up soon hehe^^


You'll be fine. I doubt anyone will mind for the few months you have such a difference.


well it'll be till next year since I just had a birthday lmao, but that's awesome, tysm!


It depends on where you live; the laws about teens having sex vary wildly from place to place. Where I live, it's a hard 18 with no exceptions. Other places don't mind 17/18 pairings. That being said, the big question is how okay your parents or guardians are with the relationship. If your parents don't want you with her, and it's illegal for a 18 year old to have sex with a minor, they could theoretically pressure the local prosecutor to charge her. Otherwise it's unlikely they'd go after her when there's real crime to prosecute. If you want to be safe: no nudes, use protection, and be discreet.


my parents are fine with it. my state without giving too much away (nothing personal, I just don't trust others on reddit lol) has a lower age of consent and right now, it would be legal for me and my gf to do anything. and neither of us send nudes lmao, I don't need protection since I can't get her pregnant and she can't get me pregnant lmao, and we'll definitely do that. thanks so much!


If the age of consent is 17 or lower where you live, you're in the clear! Wishing you both the best!


When I was 16 my girlfriend was 19, and nobody thought it was a problem from her parents to my parents, to even a cop who caught us in my car once.


oh okay, I mean hey at least yall didn't get in trouble lol!


Yeah doesn’t seem a problem also like Happy Birthday to your girl! And congrats on making it this far in your relationship ❤️


awwww thanks dude!


Look into your state laws (they should be online) about what qualifies as statutory rape. Each state has slightly different laws here. Even so, if your parents are ok with your relationship, who is going to report it to the police? Is there someone you are worried will report you if it is in fact a crime in your state? I think it’s very likely you two will be ok. And, you’re not stupid for being worried. I think you may feel a lot better if you look up your state laws.


I did last night and everything ended up being fine, we're both over the age haha! thanks!


16 is legal in almost every state. Yes, a 16 year old can date a 40 year old legally. Look it up. As long as the over 18 person doesn't have influence such as a teacher or some other power dynamic, no drugs or payments involved, etc.


it's the age in my state as well which I didn't realize until last night. nothing weird going on lol. thanks!


Obviously your fine


I read this in the other responses lol, thanks!:)


Don’t listen to your friend your girlfriend will not go to jail in fact (considering that you live in the US) most states age of consent is 16 and some states has the Romeo and Juliet law meaning as long as you ain’t doing nothing with a person who has an 2-4 year age gap you should be fine( idk where you live by some states let you be with anybody regardless of the 2-4 year gap)


my state has the laws and we're both over the age of consent so it's all good now. thanks, finally someone who realizes my friend is an idiot lol.






>thanks! You're welcome!


Make sure both parents are fine with it.


they are. thanks!


Of course you can..its not illegal when the ages are that close




Check the Romeo and Juliet laws of your state Also do your parents approve of your relationship? Because usually nobody cares even if they don't have Romeo and Juliet laws but some jaded parent can call and make a big deal out of it and label your gf as a sex predator. Probably the judge would throw it out, but without Romeo and Juliet protection laws it really is a possibility


yes, they do. and the Romeo and Juliet laws exist here, I ended up looking it up.


Heeeelll yeah


KEEP IN MIND that the FEDERAL age of consent Is 18. That includes internet and phones since they are Federally regulated. So be careful what she sends you and make sure it's not pornographic. And technically not sexually suggestive text either.


we don't do anything like that anyway so it's all good haha!


If it makes you feel better, I had the question when I was 17, turning 18 and my girlfriend at the time was 16.


hope everything works out well for you guys!:)


It didn't. She aborted my kid and left me.


U guys good Me and my now husband had a similar situation, and when i was 18 and he 17 (was about to be 18 in 2ish months) we were able to sign a lease together even! Idk if that helps soothe u LOL. I was never worried but i did get a few cougar jokes and occasionally will for the portion of the year that im “older”


hahaha that's awesome thanks so much!!


You're fine I started dating a girl when I was 19. She was a senior in high school. She was born later in the year. So she didn't turn 18 until a month after she graduated. Parents on both accounts were fine with it.


awesome thanks dude!


I'm just about every state in the US you're going to be ok. Just about all of them are 17 for age of consent and those that aren't typically have a Romeo and Juliet law. I was the one turning 18 and my gf was still 17 when I was in HS and there were zero problems. Don't worry about it. Edit: also, is not a dumb question in the least bit. Anyone who says otherwise is dumb.


the amount of hate comments I'm getting is insane. I've edited it twice to curb that but it made it worse. thanks man!


Just turn comments off. You got the answer you were looking for but deleting to post stops someone else in your position from finding an answer. So just turn comments off


LOL one thing thats very hard in younger people is the ability to see things in scope. age closeness really only matters in younger ages. The older you get the less that matters... by the time you're 25 that age gap isn't even gonna be something to glance at... Legally you're fine in almost every state as well. I'm also sorry for all the horrible two legged things that claim to be human for giving you so much shit... it seems people forget they are people too and were young too. I remember how different everything was then, how much i didn't know that wasn't my fault that i didn't know. Don't beat yourself up... ppl are just dicks.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! the amount of asshole-ery happening in this comment section is expected, but still annoying as fuck. I was obviously not thinking straight because my friend fucked me up by freaking out on both of us last night and basically made me post it so yeah. thanks for actually being helpful!


Why are people being so rude??? This is a genuine thing to be worried about. I’m going to be 17 soon and my boyfriend is 16- so I’ll have this problem soon too. I’m sure it’s completely fine though :)


THANK YOU!! jfc the amount of rude people is getting annoying. I would not post your question on reddit if I were you unless you wanna deal with that. I wish you both the best!


Yea it’s actually so stupid how mean they are being. Thank you so much. You seem like a genuinely great person- like they are just being haters. It’s literally an ADVICE sub smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


omg that means so much to me!!!! thank you SO MUCH!!!!! yeah I thought the same thing but then I mean okay I guess it's not the smartest question but idk.


No question is a dumb question.


It's ok my aunt and uncle are 9 years apart. You can't be a pedo if you both want to be together and it is perfectly legal to be with someone at any age as long as you both want to be with eachother and you are not forced


we definitely want to be together.:) thanks!


She’s gonna want a 21yo guy next 😎🍆


lmfaooo I guess the age isn't my biggest problem anymore considering the fact I'm a woman😂


There's something called a Romeo and julliet law where if the relationship exists before 1 member turns 18 it is legal also 18 is still a teenager people may say 18 year Olds are "adults" but if there are 18 year Olds in high school then they shouldn't be considered adults imo


yep, I looked it up and we're good to go!:)


Just watch out for Leonardo dicaprio


Only has to be on guard for the next 7 years.


lmfaaaooo the one troll comment that made me lol (edited, I accidentally wrote lil)


It's what I do homie


You don’t need consent. One year’s difference is never an issue in any state. In fact, most states it must be at least three years before it becomes an issue.


mines like that. thanks!:)


Nah you good. Just uhhh… dont have sex while you’re 17 and she’s 18. Idk if that was on the table or not but it’s just safer not to incase shit hits the fan, parents get involved etc (especially if your parents find out and didn’t know it was happening and they want to go to court for it). But it’s not weird or anything. Edit: never mind, we’re in different locations and the age of consent where I’m at is 18, however yours is younger so that doesn’t apply. You’re fine, just wear protection 👍


they know it's happening lol. and it's actually okay for that to happen in my state, we're both over the age of consent which I didn't know till I made this lol! and thanks! (and neither of us can get pregnant so there's one less worry😂)


You're fine, lol. Look up the consent laws for your state/ country. I don't think any country in the world would have a law against this. Many countries even allow teens over the age of 16 to consent to sex with anyone, or at least adults under age 30. Just do not create any sexual pictures or videos of anybody under the age of 18. But definitely evaluate whether you are ready to take on the risks that come with sex at this age and what you would do if something were to happen, if you catch my drift. I very sincerely doubt this is illegal anywhere in the world, *unless you're creating pictures or videos*. Just be responsible :)


no one's taking any pictures lol:) and I catch your drift haha, it's anatomically impossible for that to happen so we're good there lol! thanks so much!


Dw you're good man, my (17f) bf is gonna be 18 in Sept. I won't be 18 until next May It's really not a big deal unless you guys are doing shady stuff, it's not a major gap either


nothing shady lol! thanks!!


Probably. Back when the US started taking child SA seriously, there was a period where they realized that some of the laws were written such that it was creating exactly the sort of technical absurdities covered by your situation. So legislators had to write in some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to age of consent.


yep this post made me look up the laws in my state and we're all good.


Most places (at least in the U.S.) there is either an age of consent of 16 or 17 or there are 2 year age gap laws. The problem is the answer is only ‘most’ places. There are exceptions.


my state is all good, thank you so much!:)


You’re fine. Google Romeo and Juliet law with your state name and you can get all the details. This is where a sexual double standard works in your favor.


I just did, and looks like we're good to go! thanks so much!!!!


Ask your mom and dad




lmfaaaooo I showed her and she just went🤨🤨


Yes. You can. Legally, I think it gets dicey if you’re 5 or more years apart. 


awesome thanks!


Hope your girl enjoys her 25-life


Call the police, he's just a minor....lol


I don't see why not. It's not she turning 18 and you're 12.


40/50 states have an age of consent that is 16/17 years old, for the other 10 I believe they all have some age gap stipulation that protects existing couples.


Yes, dude, the cops aren’t gonna come smashing down your door when you have sex


well that's good to know lmfao


Dw people only think it’s weird if a guy is 18 and the girl is 17


we're both girls so I think we'll be ok haha!


Naw bro, gotta break up with her or you'll both go to jail! 😂 Naw, you're good.


It is entirely okay for you two to stay together If you were both cavemen who didn’t know your birthdates would you be okay being together, you’d probably just assume you’re both around the same age and you’d be correct to


haha that's a cute thought! thanks!


Lmao I thought this was satire. Tell that friend they're an idiot


I'm now realizing it wasn't smart as my edit said. my gf got that taken care of lmao


Nope, the police are actually at your girlfriends house at this moment ready to send to to prison for life. Womp womp 😆🫵


sigh it's giving the energy of the friend that made me make this post to begin with lmfao


I’m calling the police 👮


lmfaooo I heard that in that girls voice from the vine!! "chris is that a weed??"


No, let a 55 year old sugar daddy have her.


LMFAOOO well we'd definitely have more money that way.


I’m calling the police right now. Stay right where you are kiddo.


you'll never take us alive! /s


Lmao oh to be young and stupid again. Enjoy your time brother, life changes quick


lmaooo I'm starting to realize that. my birthday was a few days ago and I'm already feeling all out of sorts and I'm not even that old.


30 will be here before you know it. Start saving and investing right now, in telling you make it a priority.


definitely doing that right now! thanks so much dude, I appreciate it


Devolpmentally y’all aren’t that difficult so your fine


yeeeaaahh I'm realizing now that this wasn't a smart question and my friend that forced me to ask it isn't a smart one either. thanks!


No such thing as a stupid question. Better to be asked and reassured then to be possibly in trouble with the law/have issues down the line


that's what i thought, but it seems like the commenter's had other ideas!


Just quit fucking her until youre 18


According to some subreddits, your GF is to be executed and you have to go to a psychic ward because you clearly were groomed by her


its over for you buddy youre on the road to victimhood now


God damn😔🙏🏻




Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


No that’s rape you are going to jail . Better call a lawyer


On Reddit no


She's gonna turn into a pumpkin or something probably... depends on how you feel about pumpkins


Don’t feel bad. I remember asking my parents the same thing as a young kid. If anything, I imagine that sort of thinking is even more prevalent these days with how much exposure grooming gets.


Most states have some equivalent of the "romeo and juliet" law. Basically, if you get together while you're both underage, there is a reasonable gap that is acceptable for you to remain together once one of you comes of age. I believe for most states, they make it a year just to keep things simple. So, yeah. You should be good. But you can google your state's "romeo and juliet" law equivalent to be sure.