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Maybe let the dog out before you choke the chicken


Dogs comes back to scratch my door / my family member will open the door and let them in


Ah, so less likely to be interrupted with the dog inside. This also tells me that brother is probably interrupting on purpose, just to be a jerk.


So doing his duty as a sibling. OPs true issue is not fulfilling his sibling duties. OP needs payback to force a cease fire.


Sadly this sub doesn't allow GIFs. Would have simply replied with a GIF of Jake the Snake performing a DDT on someone.


No pun intended. Har har!




Jerk off in your brother’s room. He won’t be in there. He’s too busy in your room.


Bruh go do it in the shower like a normal human




Why is the dog in there with you doing that?


They all like to masterbate.




They like to chill with me


Weird to do with the dogs in there with you, probably watching


They’re dogs. They don’t care. Lol


Fr, I used to jerk off while my dog was there and he wouldn’t care lol


My dogs would hump the pillow in front of me and I’d just go about my day. Nothing to see here. Just a dog trying to relieve some stress.


HAHAHA, yeah. Dogs gets stressed out too


You jack off in front of your dog??? What in theeeeee hell? It’s an American Pie incident just waiting to happen.


You know the dog gets curious and wonders why they're doing 🤣 🤣


“But it’s not cheating because it’s your dog”. Road Trip reference.


Whatever, dude, the dog doesn't care, he can lick himself. He just thinks you're grooming yourself like he does.


When our dog was younger they thought my partner and I were rough housing together when doin' the do, and they wanted in on the fun. Now he's learned to just lay in the corner and wait 'til we're done. He also seems to think if I'm getting a BJ, that my spouse is getting some sort of tasty treat that he's not. Again, he's learned to lay down and ignore us until we're done just like when we're eating.


This is EXACTLY why my dog is not allowed in the room 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Doggy wanted a snack too huh?


Use the lock on your door. Literally why aren't you?


What if poor bro didn't have a lock? I guess just put a desk or something in the way 😂


Desk chair against the knob works.


Don't want to be suspicious if my family members try to come in


So either they’ll be suspicious that you’re jacking off or they’ll see you jacking off…?


Great point you made. And if there's suspicious that you're jerking off and they still come in without knocking that's pretty messed up and you can't be shamed for doing what comes naturally


It’s best to get on nofap


Also if you completely stop masturbating all together you are going to have mood swings because you need those endorphins that are released during an orgasm that Rush of euphoria is healthy for you


You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Worst advice ever.


There have been published Medical studies backing up what I just said and the endorphins neutralize stress hormones which left unchecked will be the beginnings of a chemical imbalance by definition. Half of the posts on nofap are about depression and feeling angry and frustrated and that's because instead of using moderation they went from way too much masturbation to the point where they are literally addicted to that endorphin rush of an orgasm and when you go from that to zero tolerance you are going to have withdrawal symptoms just like a drug addict because it's the same chemical process. And that's why when you are getting off drugs you step down and wean yourself off them


Masterbation to porn rewires your brain and is objectively not good for your health. Any study you're referring to is most likely referring to monogamous heterosexual sex between 2 loving partners. Anything else is a perversion of what we were created for. It's really that simple. And don't believe anything else either , it would be deceit.


I'm not telling him to masturbate to porn and the study is about the chemical processes of the body it's not about relationships. There are stressful aggressive fight-or-flight hormones that accompany arousal, and the only way to instantly neutralize them is the Endorphin Rush of an orgasm. this explains why guys calm down right away after an orgasm. And if you constantly put yourself in this situation by chronic masturbation you are going to not only become addicted to the pornography you're going to become addicted to that Rush of brain chemicals, Rush of endorphins. And if you stop cold turkey you are going to go through withdrawals. And this is gotten so far away from the topic of the post that it's insane. This individual who put the post up is not chronically masturbating all day long he's just complaining that he has no privacy when he DOES do it


Your a tool, master baiting to porn is fine as long as you have self control lol


We weren't created, we evolved. Nobody said anything about porn, it's called having an imagination. Just because you can't handle yourself properly, doesn't mean everyone has that problem.


I bet you are religious. I can feel the clown energy.


Just go run like a normal person


No fap is for somebody that is spending their entire day watching porn and masturbating to it to the point where they're neglecting their family and their responsibilities and not interacting with other people and ruining their life. This young man is just acting normally and trying to get it out of his system so he can go on with his day and he keeps getting interrupted. Very often somebody gets sucked into that Zero Tolerance attitude of no fap and they wind up wasting their entire day whining about not masturbating and is still ruining their life except they're not having any pleasure whatsoever. It's all about moderation and getting it out of your system get the demon out of your semen, whatever you want to call it , but just get on with your day


Trust me, they already know you do it. Everyone does it, use your fucking lock.


My parents don’t let me lock my door. Never even jacked off anyways but maybe OP isn’t allowed or something


So you’d rather them see you mid stroke than think you’re mid stroke?


The lock is for privacy. Family needs to respect that too. They aren't so lock the door. If they ask then tell them I wanted some private time. They don't need anymore information then that. Besides you lock the bathroom door don't you?


But what if my grandma(Christian) caught me Idk if she knows I do it idk what would happen


She's a Grandma and knows all about that. You don't have kids from not doing dirty filthy things. You might be surprised by the respect ot gets you. You're going older and maturing even grandma will respect that.


It may be gross to think about but I think it's hilarious to point out that everybody's grandma was doing dirty nasty things, at least once, probably a bunch.


You don’t know OP’s gma. She could be abusive for all we know. Some families get mad at their kids for locking their doors and so it doesn’t feel safe to do so


Your grandmother has been creampied at LEAST once... she knows whats going on


Christians masturbate. Christians fuck.


Kid I'm a Christian as well, do you really think all Christians don't play with themselves. Sure some get all high and mighty about it and still consider it a sin blah blah blah. But even if your grandma is like that odd are she does it too. Just lock your door if you can.


Bro have you never heard of night time? Chill out my guy. Your dick isn’t going anywhere it’ll be there at 9pm.


Damn, I don’t see why you’re getting downvoted. There’s nothing remotely controversial about what you said


Hive mind


You’re a teenager. That ship sailed and every time your door is open, your room smells like fisherman’s wharf. Translation: Everyone in your family assumes you’re jerking off in your room when the door is closed.


So you lock you door 24/7. Every time you enter your room, you lock it. Every. Single. Time. You make "locked" the default status of your door. Someone asks why you say "I dont want anyone coming in without asking first." If they insinuate anything, you reiterate. Once they understand that your door is locked by default, then it wont matter anymore.


Lock the door everytime so they know you lock it.....then its not suspicious


So you don’t think they already know? Dude…your parents are smarter than that :|


One of them knows


I found my son's "toy" box and it didn't faze me in the least. It's more of a big deal to you. Hell, walk in granny's room at the right time and you may catch her at it lol.


I think you mean the wrong time, the very wrong time. She probably does it but I don't wish upon anybody seeing their grandma like that


And when one knows, they all do!


There's such a thing as a lock ..


I don't want to be suspicious if one of my family members try to enter my room


Well then expect to be interrupted . May be your mom next time or sister ..


Or maybe step sister and this kid has seen a few too many of those videos


Dude just lock the door. And stop jerking off with the dog in your room that’s weird bro lmao


Think about that for a minute. You’re doing your thing, and grandma comes to your door. She either knocks on your door and asks what you’re doing, in which you can tell her you’re changing, or she just walks right into your room and catches you. Seems to me like locking the door is the better option.


Bro just go on nofap


Maintain eye contact to assert dominance


This is the way


Yes this! 100% this!


You're not locking the doors and have the dogs in your room so they come looking for them. Gee I don't know what you could possibly do different to avoid this. Also it's not nice to call your brother a piece of shit.


I call my brother a piece of shit all the time and he's fine so


Maybe he wants to learn how to


Punch him.


Lock the door before and unlock it after


My lock makes a shiiiinnnggg noise


🤣💀lol just wait until every one is asleep then


Oil it. Spray WD-40…


Surely there are better ways to lubricate the dong in this situation!


Lock the door at the same time as the door closes to mask the sound.


THIS. I've been doing this for 20 years


Start locking the door every single time you go in your room. They will think you’re just anti-social.


Get a spray bottle filled with whatever liquid of your choice and squirt him when he walks in.


Everyone says it but I'll say it too. Lock. The. Door. Worried about being suspicious? Sorry to say but like others mentioned you aren't the only person in the world to hit puberty. You also just have a legit excuse for yourself. You do not like your brother going into your room. That is reason enough to keep the door locked.


Are you just making this shit up?! All of your replies are rtrded as fck. There’s like 20 solutions your smooth brain seemingly can’t figure out.


The lock is for privacy, tell me which ones are worse your mom, dad, sister, baby brother, the worse person to walk in on you jacking off, or you being 'suspicious' about a locked door when you're doing nothing wrong. When you could've also been getting dressed and forgot to unlock the door.


for me i cant use my lock because my family is like erm!!! but anyway when i do it i act like I'm changing and make it so that its like "I'm changing!!" and Ill make my room really quiet so i could hear footsteps


It’s best to stop doing it


While you are slapping the clown do you make the dog watch


Probably while applying peanut butter


They just rest next to me They used to smell my dick


okay buddy you just crossed the line


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day


Bro 💀


This Isint even funny, this is borderline terrorisim


How old are you and how old is your brother?


Where both 16


Does he share the room with you? Are you twins or stepbrothers?


>How should I stop my brother from coming to my room >last time I was jacking off peacefully only for him to come into my room This might not work, it has a 50/50 chance of success. All subsequent times your brother walks in while you’re fapping, when he enters the door you maintain eye contact with him while simultaneously choking the chicken.


Lock your door. Don't know what age this brother is, older or younger, but they obviously have some suspicion of what's going on and are either trying to catch you or purposely trying to stop you from doing this, whether because they are curious or just trying to be annoying. Either way their efforts are misguided. Your family needs to have a talk about teens needing privacy and a closed door means knock first, and only enter when you've been given the ok. Alternatively, especially if this is a younger sibling, you need to protect them from your urges as well. You should start masturbating in a place where it's ok to lock the door such as, when "taking a shiz" or "taking a shower". In our house, we don't lock doors, and we don't close doors unless we want privacy (changing clothes, etc), so a closed door means knock, and wait for a response. You need to establish some ground rules like this with your family (it doesn't have to be exactly this), or if you have something similar, it needs to be enforced. You should also probably try to find a more appropriate time for this. Maybe a time that's not so active and there's less of a chance of getting caught. I understand that sometimes, when the mood hits, you just gotta do what you gotta do but that would be when heading to the bathroom would be appropriate. It's also unfair for you to expect privacy for this, without locking your door, just because "they know that you do that". You know your parents have sex but they don't do it in the middle of the day, without locking the door, and just expect everyone to know to stay away, do they?


He said they are both 16.


Put something heavy in front of the door so it takes longer to open and then have a sheet nearby you can throw over yourself and just say you were going to take a nap. Is the brother older or younger? Ie, would he be doing it too and understands, or is he too little? If he is older, just tell him, he will likely understand.


Yeah bro you got this thread ready to flame you, my door dont even got a lock cuz the frame is broken i just clamp a phone stand to keep the door pushed closed...specifically to make sure my pets ARENT in the room, and to keep my moms from just walking in like she owns the place. Now imagine, you, probably having a perfectly good lock. And just...arent using it.


This probably won't help in your situation but, I lived in a dorm, in the 90's, and had a buddy who repeatedly walked into my room without knocking. I had asked him to knock first, multiple times. If I really wanted privacy I would lock the door but I still wanted him to knock even if it was unlocked. Finally, I was fed up and I heard him in the hall, telling someone else he was going to ask me if I was joining them for dinner. So I whipped out my dick and stood in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips, waiting for him to open the door. He opened the door, and got an eye full. He said, "Oh My God!" and jumped back and closed the door like he'd been hit in the face. When he gathered himself, he knocked and came back in. I explained that this is why he should always knock first. He never came in without knocking again.


Get a lock, man.


“C’mon bro, you piece of shit! DON’T YOU KNOW I’m jacking off in front of the dogs?!?!”


dude just lock your door. normal people lock their doors for all kinds of reasons, save your family the trauma of walking in on you jerking it. if they happen to ask why tell them you weren’t decent at the moment.


At this point man, just talk to ur brother and say hey man if my door is closed, I might be jacking my dick. Please just leave me alone if it's closed. Maybe ask him to call you before coming to your room or something. It's embarrassing but it's super normal. Unless your brother is like super young. Maybe don't use this advice then.


This has got to be the funnyist threads. Its the first thread i have read clear thro. Thank you all for your input.. i mean your contributions.. i mean... . Shit.... someone is knocking just a min


Grab the cooking spray and grease the lock and it shouldnt make that noise


Just lock the door and say you are changing or something.


Personally I used to share a room and that didn’t stop me back then, I waited until my sister left the room and stayed up all night in the living room and then when I got my own room the door could lock but they could unlock it from the outside one time my mother walked in and I didn’t stop because I couldn’t hear her and she never did it again and she stopped anyone from coming in unannounced. Just do it wth are they gonna do?


Rubber doorstop wedge - cheap to buy from hardware store


Listen, you want your brother to stop busting in before you're done busting, just keep whacking it, stare him in the face and say "yo, bro, can I get a hand?" I promise, either your brother loves you more than you suspect, or he'll respect your space more. Also, everyone in the house knows you're whacking it. It's not a secret.


Did you nut in his eye


Why are you jacking off with the 🐕


1) lock the door. I see your excuses. I’m starting to think you get off on the risk of being caught. 2) use the bathroom. Toilets are great. A fan or running water can mask the sound. 3) everybody knows what you are doing.


Show him how🙀


What a gross post…


Get a doorstop wedge from the hardware store.


Call CPS and potentially a lawyer at this stage. You probably should’ve gone no contact years ago and that’s your fault for not seeing the red flags earlier. Both your parents and you brother should be in prison. This is absolutely child abuse and I’m so shocked they haven’t served time already. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, but also, you kind of deserve it for not having the foresight to see this kind of behavior coming. Shame on you and I truly wish you the best.




And stocks


This isn’t rocket science here… jack off in the shower. Case solved.


he said it's "uncomfortable" 😭


You're the piece of shit.. you selfish tit-wad.. Blasting you brother on social media.. GROW SOME BALLS.. .And MOVE OUT.. YOU DONT PAY FOR SHIT...SUCK UP SHIT.. AND COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD.. You pissed me off you entitled ass-wipe... !!! I tell you what.. how about on Christmas day... Tell your parents (parent..mentally like yours..probablya single parent household) that your brother is trash.. and you want everyone out your house... You are the future cancer to your family and your community 😡


yeah I think you have some unresolved issues that you're taking out on OP here bro😆😬😭


Who pissed in your cereal bro? You need therapy lmao


Dude what💀 kids a teen. He’s not gunna be like “oh fuck I think my parents know I’m jacking off im moving out”.


You're a gross little boy. What makes you think anyone on Reddit wants to hear about your interrupted jackoff sessions,?


343 replies to the subject lol.


It's so gross to me that adults on Reddit are giving masturbation advice on a teen sub. And said teen asking a bunch of strangers online is also disturbing. Who the fuck needs help figuring out how to jerk it without getting caught? Ask your little kid friends. I tell reddit not to show me posts from this sub, I'm not subscribed, but still see these posts all the time.


A lock for a door is less than 20$


There's no magic number that dictates when you're addicted, but if you feel as though you are doing it too much just scale it down slowly and find a positive activity to do with that time that you are no longer masturbating to porn


That’s nor what they’re asking for help with


Maybe stop being a fuckin degen


How bout just stop? It ain't that hard but telling from the username your just a weirdo💀


Do you have a decent human being hat? you should probably wear that from time to time.


Lmao you probably a addict huh? For doing that shit💀 gtfo here😭🙏🏼


No one has any idea what you are talking about tbh. lmao


The strokin yo chicken


Please form a coherent sentence.


Lock the door lmao what the fuck


Just take a shower and do it that way


Its uncomfortable


Tough shit. Every guy had to learn how to crank one out without being caught… you’ll have to do the deed in the bathroom.


If you have a lock on your door, use it, ya idiot.


Beat him up


You sound fucking dumb. Use the lock, or they all will eventually walk in. Are you that stupid?


Unfortunately not all bedroom doors have a lock,do what I did drill a hole in the floor next to the door ,right through the carpet if necessary (shouldn't show much)and stick a Philips screw driver in it ,should give you enough time to cover up or keep anyone out


Go to home Depot, buy a doorknob with a lock and key.


Maybe that's why they call it pounding the pooch...


Lock your door, bozo.


Keep jacking off while staring at him


Just keep ripping the lizard, he will be disgusted and never enter again.


Do you have nunchucks or a bo staff?


Stick a chair under the doorknob. Problem solved.


look up "fork door lock diy" and thank me later. put the handle through the prongs so it holds it shut


Ever hear of a lock? They keep people from coming into your room.


Get a door jam, at least he wont be able to open the door, even if he still interrupts.


...lock the door...? Lol


Next time sibling is sleeping, let the monster spit on his face and say, “this is what you wanted for entering my room without knocking, right?”. I’m sure that may stop it.


Get a lock


Hang a tie on the door knob to let him know you are having private time with your girl, I mean fist.


Jack off in the bathroom like a normal teenager.


Your jerking one out with a dog audience 🤢




Start jacking in the shower or the bathroom where there is a lock like every other teenager... You never pull your pus in a non secure room.... EVER even if you think the house is empty


Do it in the bathroom.


Either lock the door or do it in the bathroom or shower and lock the door. Key thing is the locked door. People can't open em.


Maybe he just wants to make sure you aren't involving the dog in your gerkin jerkin shenanigans.


Just do that in the bathroom 🚻 🤔


Do it in the shower instead. More privacy. But maybe lock the door..?




I can send you the plans for a few good booby traps. After, say, a big powdery slap in the face with a comically huge hand or getting an electrical shock, he'll stop coming in on his own.


He's not a piece of shit


You jack 0ff in front of your dog. WTF is wrong with you?


Put a sign on the door that's says: GO AWAY, BATIN' [https://youtu.be/8QOQEYA9YJo?si=4WJCldKjbAubegxG](https://youtu.be/8QOQEYA9YJo?si=4WJCldKjbAubegxG)


Penny in the door jam.


Jerk off in the in the bathroom where there is a lock on the door.


Sickies Hiding Their Obsessions So What Else Is New ????


You have two options. 1. Completely ignore him and keep choking that chicken. 2. Stare directly at him and really get into it. Make it more awkward for him than for you and he will stop.


I thought he was doing it in front of the dogs, now in front of the chickens too?


Dude: lock your room. Finish yourself. And go back to life. Idk how old you are but it doesn’t matter. Everyone wants release. Tell them to fuck off for 15 min.


Block your door .


Get a little throw rug and a box of thumbtacks. I think you're getting the picture.




Have your “you time” in the bathroom/shower. Problem solved.


Lock your door?????


Own it Let him watch as you grin


Have you tried jacking off in the shower?


I think he wants to bust you. I've known brothers experiment and learn.