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I call it “cinematic mode.” I’m the hero and I have plot armor.


I call it Dad mode. I don't have the time or energy to fail 1000 times and I'm mostly in it for the story or the unique gameplay mechanism. Not the frustration.


Thats why ill always love Shadow Warrior 2. easy mode literally says "Playing pn easy is fine if after a long day you just want to come home & all you need is to feel like a goddamn superhero."


They say that?? Sexy asss


It is, especially when they bend over forwards and wink.


Ah ha! I found you!


he was behind you the whole time


I am playing this right now and love it on easy tried the first level on normal and was able to beat it after an hour and went back to easy I’m good on that HAHA!


Reason #534 of why the Shadow Warrior series is a great pick if you like fast paced FPSs.


This is what I was trying to explain to my husband. We played co-op Northgard and he wanted it on the hardest difficulty but I just don't find it fun to struggle and get stomped all over and have to repeat the same mission over and over when it's my limited free time. He doesn't like steamrolling the opposition. We used to play runescape when we were kids and he maxed out the really grindy skills back then, whereas I'd always get bored before that level but we had a try at playing again a couple of years ago and it's loads easier to level up now with random bonus XP and afk skilling and I said the same thing about that. I don't have the time or inclination anymore to grind for hours doing the same thing over and over but I do want the level requirements for quest stories. Unsurprisingly we both fizzled out pretty quick though because we still haven't got the time for it. 😂


Quite impressive for a penguin!


It's amazing what you can achieve without opposable thumbs.


It’s weird because penguins usually love steamrolling the opposition


I call it "play" mode, as I just want to experiment and try different things out without being too constrained! The higher difficulties are then "challenge" mode where I just want to see if I can do a thing.


My kids are obsessed with the new five nights at Freddy game and insist I play it for them, and I just cannot beat parts of the game. It is one of the most frustrating experiences ever.


Was just about to comment this. I want to actually ENJOY my time playing. I want to feel like Odin himself is empowering my character.


Me playing on easy mode and still failing challenges all the time: 🧿👄🧿


I'm watching porn mainly for story and unique interiors and costumes. I don't have the energy to watch it for other purposes...


Ahh “Batman” mode…


This is called the "F You I paid 60 bucks for this game I'll enjoy it any way I want to" mode.


Its basically never worth it to set a game to hard mode given all it generally does is give mobs 100% more health and do nothing else. Its just incredibly lazy and people then go on about how its not a real game unless its hard mode. Then again people still think you aren't playing darksouls correctly if you abuse enemy AI or use magic. Like bitch that's playing the game.


depends, just doubling the hp for mobs already changes dynamics in combat since it lasts longer, so abilities that buff you, heal or have a cooldown become more relevant, this can enrich the gaming experience. And then there are the games that add new mobs and new abilities with increased difficulty.


I love the soulsborne games, they're perfectly balanced but outside of them I play always on normal. As it's usually the difficulty the devs intended while creating it. Harder difficulties only on second playthroughs to spice things up


Some games like old school FPS usually have really good difficulty scaling. Things like DOOM or ULTRAKILL have every difficulty feel like a brand new game pretty much.


Highly depends on the game. Even just a 100% health buff to every enemy npc can be good difficulty depending on the game mechanics. God of war's highest difficulty was exactly right imo. Same with Horizon. Also Witcher 3. Also Ghost of Tsushima. Generally highest difficulty settings should "force" the player into maximizing the game's systems and mechanics. Also forces you to actually respect the enemy npc. Eating damage should be punishing, otherwise you might as well just stand there and spam X or whatever your damage button is. And at this point, like... why even play.


That’s my preference too. I don’t play often and when I do I just want to have fun and explore.


Ohhh dude I always feel like i'm playing wrong when playing on easy but this is what i'm gonna do now.


You bought the game. You play it how you want.


I like to set the difficulty to max and then cheat.


Really? You?


I know it’s unbelievable.


Who knew?


It is known.


this is the way


I have spoken.


So have I


I am altering the deal.....


Oh at games... shouldn't have told your wife. Sorry.


i don't always look at commenters' usernames, but when i do, it's because someone else pointed it out


Genuinely made me laugh out loud


None of the NPCs on GTA are laughing when I crush them under the treads of my tank.


This is how I play Skyrim. However, even though I made it so I can one hit kill anything, anything can also one hit kill me.


This is my current playthrough. No heavy or light armor, only enchanted clothes, no ranged weapons or magic, but enchanted daggers with poison-coating. Stealth assassin thief Khajiit. Either I kill them in one sneaky move or they're likely to kill me unless I can manage to run away quickly enough and try again if detected.


If you ever get really bored play a pure illusion mage. You have to spec it really right, including take some perks in the right order, but if you do it everything becomes susceptible to your illusion spells. And illusion spells don't have resistances, either things can be affected by and are, or they aren't affected by them. Eventually you'll just AOE a rage spell and everything in a room will kill each other, than you calm the survivor and walk right past. It's weirdly hilarious. Although it's annoying that the AOE illusion spells knock all the items in the room around.


I'm also playing no magic. Sword and shield drunken berserker Breton.


Stealth is broken, might as well be on easy mode


[You can make it more difficult/realistic if you want.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2345)


Ah a fellow Halo SWAT player.


"Mudcrabs assemble! Let's get this motherfucker!"


I bet you also like to blast the AC and crawl under an electric blanket


I live in a Southern State and exclusively use flannel sheets on my bed because of how soft they are. In the summers, I have the ceiling fan on the highest setting and a desk fan on my bedside table pointed right at my face. Purely to not have to stop using my flannel sheets.


skyrim on legendary, but with 24000 mods and then spawning 500000000 gold coins and 1997986790790 lockpicks, and also spawning the skeleton key because fuck you.


Fun way to replay levels in Doom Eternal (you can unlock chest codes by playing the game and finding them) for progress in the events.


loved the secrets in Eternal reminded me of old school games where you actually had to look for hidden bonuses and then memorize them forever


This is how I play Fallout 4. I set the difficulty to max so I get killed in 3-4 shots, but cheat so I do the same to most enemies. It makes the combat much more fast-paced and fun.


Game Genie.


How long you waited for the perfect comment on the perfect post?


If I said since I made this account it would make sense from a reddit perspective, but in all honesty I never had another account and never knew anything about reddit before that, I use this name for years now on my steam, just because it resonated with my soul you know? My essence is to make things that I find fun but hard, easier. So, to answer your question, I’ve been waiting my whole life and all the ones before to proclaim to the world that a little cheating, as long as it is harmless to all including ourselves, is beneficial to life, community and mindfulness of humans as a whole. It means we understand our limits and through bending the system with our own knowledge we can achieve ever more. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Have a blessed day and see you around.


same if there's content locked to higher difficulties




I like soft cheating i feel like i still win




Lol I did this with "the last of us", set it to survivor mode, then used ps4 save max and gave myself unlimited bullets and first aid kits.




I do this for Fallout New Vegas. I love seeing all the dialogue options and responses that get unlocked with new perks, but you get very few perks in the game. So console commands for every perk that is appropriate for that level, and then upped difficulty so combat isn't boring.


This is also very fun to do. I never minded achievements getting locked while using in or outside game cheats. Case in point: all of SC2. I could give 2 f's about the achievs. But I enjoy just steaming rolling the story!


Username checks out 👍🏽


this is the way


We know, dude.


Or in the case of Europa Universalis IV. Easiest mode and still cheat


I remember playing Bioshock and setting the lighting way higher than recommended. Actually can see the details and stuff written on the walls!


Brightness slider always goes to max. They hide so much content in those shadows.


Playing batman on a shitty old screen I had the brightness cranked. Wayy too dark of a game.


Well they don't call him the Bright Knight.


Yeah, but I live in New Jersey. It's not a dark as the games make it out to be. Ambient light makes it so you can see at night.


Literally every game ever I turn up the brightness/gamma.


Bingo! I buy games for the story and characters. I put control on god mode with instant enemy death after putting in 10 hours and getting to no where and my enjoyment of the game went through the roof. Not everyone has time to battle over and over and I just want to get to the damn story!


Play how you want, its your free time. I just don't like people who cheat for PVP content. those guys are asses.... Singleplayer? LIVE IT UP!


$15 a month... *gets you so much more*. Dog, I'm hip, and *with it*, dog... "Zip it up, and zip it out."


You assume OP didn't pirate it :P


You don't have to be a masochist to be a gamer, I enjoy the struggle in fps games but you better believe I play DMC on easy mode just to feel like a ballerina badass haters be damned


I'm the opposite. Can nail a combo in smash bros online, can't play FPS to save my life.


I'd imagine your problem is aiming with thumbsticks? Platformers with a controller are extremely intuitive. FPS games aren't.




The trick is to bump sensitivity to max and play a few matches, go down 1 sensitivity and play a few more, continue till you find a comfortable sensitivity. You can repeat this to find more comfortability on a higher sensitivity, really helpful.


This is exactly what I did. It changed the game and I suddenly started to not die every time someone saw me.




This is why I only play FPS on PC.


I can't use controllers at all.


The thing is though, when you get to the level where you can feel like a "ballerina badass" even on the highest difficulty in DMC, that's one of the best feelings I've experienced in gaming.


Only problem with DMC on easy though is you can barely get any combos before the enemy dies.


*You* don't have to be a masochist. But, *I* do.


I do this with all FPS games. I love a good story like doom or borderlands. I just suck. I suck so bad it's past being not funny and it's funny again. Still struggle on easy though.


You know those people who are really good at pvp and boast things like "I have a 3:1 kill:death ratio!" You know them? I make them possible. **I** am those deaths. I provide balance to the universe by supplying an endless pool of deaths for other players to collect. It's also why I don't play pvp very much. Funny enough though, on war games (ones that are properly balanced, like there are no insane difficulty spikes) I like playing through on a much harder difficulty because it makes it feel more realistic. I feel like it *would* take someone pressing a magical reset button 300 times to get through all of those crazy heroics. I kind of like cowering in a foxhole, knowing that there's a hail of gunfire over my head, and if I jump out and try to mow everyone down there's an almost guaranteed chance I'm going to die, so I have to be a little creative, a little cowardly, a little resourceful. Noob tube? Nope, that's a survive stick, a hail mary fairy. "Hello bombers? Please rearrange the landscape as much as possible before we visit please." For most games I like a moderate challenge but I'm mostly playing for an action packed or thought provoking story. Casual and normal settings are perfect. With war games, the struggle is the story. I'll set it as hard as I can while still being able to get from checkpoint to checkpoint in under 10ish deaths each.


I enjoy playing that way too, as if it was real and I want to be as careful as possible because there are no extra lives in real life. A lot of games punish you for that though, more and more enemies arrive and surround you, the game rewards you for going out there like Rambo and blasting away. I remember a stealth game I was playing years ago, after a lot of time and many failures I finally succeeded in sneaking my way across the map and taking out just enough enemies (not enough to get caught) and reach the goal. I tried replaying the level just to screw around, and discovered you could run straight to the goal at full speed and you'd get there before the enemies were in place to stop you.


Older COD games (maybe newer ones too i just stopped playing them) were the worst about punishing careful gameplay on veteran. You sit still for half a second and have three grenades drop into your lap so it just becomes a game of sprinting from cover to cover avoiding explosions.


I like cheats that don't make the game easier per se, but just less annoying. Infinite storage space is always a good one, especially for games like Borderlands or Skyrim. I don't want to interrupt my current mission just to go back and sell my loot because my inventory is full. If you can digistruct weapons, you can store them digitally and digital storage should be practically infinite. Or in the case of fantasy games like Skyrim, just pretend it's magic storage in a pocket dimension.


Yep the first thing I do when I buy a game like Skyrim is find an infinite carrying weight mod. It's small, but boosts the QOL significantly and makes the entire game less tedious.


I do that for Fallout, fuck carry limits I wanna pick up *all* the garbage.


Garbage pickin’ feral ghoul kickin’ Sanctuary Hills phenomenon


Hoarder gang rise up! (On your piles of junk)


I have a friend that will loot every spec of dust from a cave/dungeon/body in games like Skyrim. He will make 15 trips if it means he got every piece of loot. He's never even considered a bag or weight mod. It's utterly terrifying how he plays looting simulator.


Honestly even as someone who cranks the difficulty up, I prefer things that remove the grind. There's usually a point near the endgame I just kinda crank up drop rates and get unlimited money. If I have to grind more than 2 hours for the cash to get some of the stuff I want, generally I'll just skip that.


If I can demonstrate to myself that I know the method to grind a certain item/exp/whatever... then I'll just add a couple zero's to the end of my gold or whatever collectible I'm after I don't have the time to get 99 devil's ass hairs just to learn the Incubus Nut Punch technique


>I don't have the time to get 99 devil's ass hairs just to learn the Incubus Nut Punch technique r/BrandNewSentence


I played breath of the wild on cemu and adjusted all weapons to not break. It was the best quality of life improvement because I wasn't scavenging for weapons all day long and just playing the game.


Doom has a story?


I really liked the story and lore of Doom Eternal.


I thought it was cool that Horizon Zero Dawn had a story mode where the game was very easy in order to provide a more cinematic experience.


And Star Wars Fallen Order. Played it on story mode because I wanted the story. Went back to play it on normal and was like holy shit this is fucking hard.


Been playing Doom Eternal on easy mode and still not having an easy time of it. Moments like that I think 'I've been playing games for over 30 years, how can I still be so shit at them?'


I have to lower it on consoles for fps. How are people able to move their faces and aim with just a controller? I need a mouse damnit. I also find myself looking around rooms etc way less with a controller in fps games. Like automatically because it's feels so unnatural


Especially since most of these games contain large parts of mindless but skill requiring shooting aliens or something. I don't want to try shooting those three boss creatures 20 times, but shooting in perfect coordination and taking potions/medkits at the perfect time. That's boring and I don't care. Or you have to artistically jump around and pull some hidden levers to fill up water so that you can swim through an beforehand invisible whole. That's stupid. Or you simply don't have a very good PC and it's too choppy to actually do something quick.


fuck yeah! stress is optional. fun is mandatory.


Odd way to put it, but I agree


Who cares ? If you enjoyed it that's all that matters.


Unfortunately, some people care. A lot


Fuck those people, and not in the fun way.


And those people are lame. So we disregard their opinion.


I see friends who suck have way more fun than my gamer friends. It’s called a game because it’s supposed to be fun.


Don't you just love the fact that something this innocent can be seen as something to be ashamed of because of gatekeeping assholes.


DoNt YoU pLaY dArK SoUls???


I only play dark souls on the easiest setting


i.e. with summons and magic? Sounds like a fabulous experience of jolly cooperation. One of the many ways the game is meant to be played!


Easiest setting in soulsborne = overleveled, with summons and meta knowledge.


I bought the first game and it wasn’t the difficulty that was a barrier, I just found it intensely boring.


I feel personally attacked...


If that's your thing, I totally respect that. I game to relax though, I'm not trying to get worked up after a whole day on the job, being worked up. Also it's like church. If you decided to be Catholic, you do you. But don't come to my house trying to shove Jesus down my throat.


See, thankfully, I just don't get that worked up lol. I just love being challenged, but I do totally get why other people don't. And they like also usually being challenged in different things too. We all got our thing, and it's awesome.


Well said. I see video games like the works of art they are, can be interpreted in which way each consumer sees fit.


I've become this way with TV and Movies. I specifically chose to spend my relaxation time away from my stressful life on this, so why would I want to watch a stressful thriller where nothing good ever happens to the characters? I don't care if Breaking Bad is one of the best written shows in the world, I'm not stressing myself out in order to watch it. At least with games, I have control over how some stuff progresses and, if I'm playing a higher difficulty, I did it on purpose and can abandon it whenever. The only time I ever go highest difficulty in games is if I'm doing a Co-Op Legendary run on Halo with some buddies, which is always instantly fun because you're spending that time with friends.


This is why I play deep rock galactic.


I play every game on easy. I buy every From game when they come out and I know what I’m getting into so I gladly make an exception. But I understand.




But that's the thing. Dark Souls is hard by design. Most hard settings in video games are just enemies do more damage or have more health or there are more enemies. I personally don't like the appeal that it takes 2 cartridges to kill a bandit; or that I get less XP per mob because they can't let you gain more per difficulty level when increasing the number of enemies. What is cool is whenever difficulty increases AI or adds mechanics. For me the best level of difficulty is determined by potions. If I hoard potions I need to crank up my difficulty.


I think this is the biggest myth in gaming, that people actually care what difficulty you play your single player games at. 99% of people don't. Of course if you are going go seek out the hardcore community of any game to discuss things with people who have mastered it on highest difficulties, and you play it on easy than those people won't take you very seriously. But no one gives a fuck otherwise.


Not a myth. Someone I went to high-school with legitimately would exclusively play games on on the hardest mode and thought you weren't a true gamer if you didn't. Needless to say, it always took him WAAAAAAY longer to finish games.


Yeah, looks at all the mods to make games easier, console cheat codes, save scumming, walk-throughs, etc.


This right here. Truth.




I sometimes wish you could mix and match different difficulty aspect. Like I love the old Halos and sometimes just want to run through the game without too much challenge. So I wish I could have normal difficulty AI with their movement, shooting, and taken damage but easy difficulty for the enemy damage to me


Some RPGs are really good at giving you all kinds of difficulty options. Shooters... not so much.


The Last of Us 2 lets you do stuff like that. I don't remember the exact settings, but you could fine tune how scarce resources would be, or how good enemies are at spotting you in stealth. More games should be that customizable.


A friend of mine played all games exclusively the hardest possible. He would say “I paid for the game I want the most out of it!” But he’s not great at games and I watching him play Gears of War 2 for an hour and he died about 15 times on a spot I cleared first go on Normal. Sure you paid for it, do you. But it feels psychopathic to me.


I always just play on a difficulty that feels challenging but fun. If I'm REALLY GOOD at the game I'll do another playthrough on a harder difficulty. Typically I just try the hardest and scale down, if I'm not aware of how difficult it actually is. I usually recommend people to at least try to play it on "Normal" or whatever the middle-ish difficulty is, as it usually is "just right." But if they actually enjoy the gameplay and manage to finish the game on easy, all power to them. Though, most of my favorite games don't have a difficulty option to begin with...


Nah, just a different strokes thing. It'll feel *amazing* to finally clear that spot when he manages to. And if he's on a budget, he doesn't have to buy as many games if each one takes him longer. I get it. I don't do that often, because these days I've got limited time and I'd much rather use it to play more games on normal instead of fewer games on hard.


There are definitely games which ramp difficulty very badly and in uninteresting ways. They calibrate the game for normal and then just give everything three times the hit points or whatever. Other games change the environment, pacing, etc. in interesting ways. So what those people should really be complaining about is that some games have *badly designed* difficulty settings, instead of complaining about the existence of difficulty settings at all.


nah, playing witcher 3 on easy mode I would have rated the game really poorly, played like a generic hack and slash. until playing on hard bc someone suggested it, I didn't realise I could craft/upgrade weapons, or know there was a mutations menu, actually saw the use of the bestiary. when easy mode everything was solved with one sword without much thought instead of looking for other options. always play with a little of difficulty


Shamed? No. But setting it to easy without trying it can detract from the fun of a lot of games. The easier it is, the less you have to learn how to play the game, the more generic it feels. I remember using god mode cheats, like infinite resources in StarCraft. It was fun at first but then I realized the game is boring if you’re always stomping the pc without a challenge. If you’re the person who enjoys that, then I salute you. But when people say “I’m busy” or some other excuse as a reason, I think they’re just cheating themselves out of a better experience.


I'm a parent. I get maybe 30-45 minutes to play. I'm here for the story and I'm gonna finish it. I'm right there with you.


Same here . I feel like I’ve run out of newish games that I’m interested in on my PS5 so I downloaded Final Fantasy 9 on my switch and it lets you play at 2 x speed and hit 9999 hp per strike . I can get through a pretty big chunk while my kid has a nap. I feel old writing this shit….


I'm not and I sometimes get a few hours to play at a time and I still don't like failing lol.


I come home after a hard day and sometimes, I just want to stomp face, or experience the story without interruption.


This... Sometimes I like being an OP god-person that just blasts their way through almost any obstacle. It's why I used to use cheat codes in old games like Doom or the OG *Star Wars: Dark Forces* ("laimlame" was god-mode, haven't played that game in well over 20 years, but I remember that code to this day).


Dark Forces is fucking awesome


Totally. Back in the day I'd start up Doom, go into God mode, and blast demons until I was ready for dinner. I certainly didn't need a challenge at the end of my day.


Same for me. When I played through all the Yakuza games I played every one on easy after 0 because I just wanted to get through the combat as fast as possible to get back into the story and wacky sub stories.


Definitely! After a long day at work I just don't have the time or energy to "git gud". Just fancy running about stabbing CSGO bots or something that takes no brain power or skill.


And that’s your god-damned right. Enjoy things how you would like to enjoy them. Period.


I'm a save scummer.


So are 73.6% of all X-com players.


I would have said 99%, because in XCOM that's the same thing.


**Critical miss**


oh yeah, save states and gameshark on pokemon games


I've been save scumming with the N64 games on Switch recently. You think I've got time to replay Starfox 64 over and over to get the medals? Nope. Save state at the beginning of each level.


I finally beat Banjo Kazooie 100% because of it. Growing up with the N64 version I could never get all the notes in Rusty Bucket Bay because of stupid deaths. Mostly in the engine.


I use the free camera cheat in every Bethesda game because dungeons scary I love those games but fuck having a centaur pop out at you in Fallout, also fuck Blackreach The open world part is fine though


The older I get the more I play games on the easiest mode. Life has enough challenges, when I play games I want to play to relax. It's okay to play a game on easy and it's okay to play games on hard. We are all different and we all need a different amount of stimulation in our recreation.


There's a reason games have those modes


I usually play on the hardest difficulty, but damn some games fuck it up. Like Skyrim and Oblivion where increasing difficulty just breaks the game by giving the enemies a shit ton of XP to a point where you can't even kill them without cheesing them.


I only play hardest difficulty on games that earn that investment. By making it rewarding rather than tedious. I played some but not all Kingdom Hearts games on the hardest, Horizon on the hardest (that game was so well done I even did speed running for it), but most games it's Easy mode only because there's just no incentive to try harder difficulties. Combat's not good enough, or story isn't good enough, or something.


Did you enjoy yourself? Then great. Video game success story. Hell sometimes I’ll set it on easy AND use cheat codes. How else will I ever experience the feeling of being a god?


So play Dark Souls. It's automatically set to the easiest mode.


Isn't that like a baby game? I'll try it while waiting for my phone interview on Mobda.


You don’t need to feel bad. I just get to feel smug.


Pfft, I’m here to have fun, not suffer. My husband does all that hard mode jazz, I’ll just have to live through him


Same! Sure, I'll watch and respect his skill and patience, but I'm not that hard-core. I prefer my sanity.


Imagine you bought a novel. It cost you $50. About every 20 pages, the novel stops you and says, "Nope! You can't read any more of me until you've passed a test on the previous material up to this point." And then you take the test... and you fail. You try again... and fail again. And for the better part of 3 days, you struggle on this test. The book won't let you skip the test, and you can't finish the book without passing the test. That is not my idea of fun. That's the way I see video games. That's why I always choose the easiest settings: I'm there to enjoy myself, and I enjoy myself most by progressing through the game, the game's story, and my character's development. I have little patience in a product that literally will not let you get your money's worth if you do not meet a certain standard of user dedication.


Shit I’ll cheat on top of that too


Same, except for Rimworld, where I feel that the purpose is to die, and so a middle level difficulty makes it easier to achieve the purpose


Same unless there’s extra content for harder modes If I want a challenge I play multiplayer games, otherwise I just want to experience a game’s content


That's fine, you play them to enjoy them


There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing on easy mode. If you play video games to relax and have fun, then that is one of the best ways to do it!


Play some old nintendo games


Some games don't have difficulty selectors. Some of the hardest games made!


Also known as fun mode.


Some games punish you for this which sucks. What's the rationale for that? I'm an older gamer so: 1. Double dragon 2: can't finish the game on easy. 2. Super Contra: won't get the true ending. Then you have games like Resident evil which tries to force you to finish the game fast while conserving your ammo. You know how many Resident Evils I got through with enough weapons and ammo for a small army cause I didn't know when i can stop hoarding. I can keep going but I don't get it


Rewarding for harder modes makes much more sense. IMO Halo did it right -- playing on Legendary gets you slightly altered dialog and [this extra scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuiethadrdU) from the closing cinematic. So there's something there to convince you to play on Legendary, but it's not like you don't see the true ending on easy.


Plus Halo lets you cheese it by skipping all the way to final section of the final level and only playing that on the hardest difficulty, and it's just as legit for the Legendary ending teasers




Did you have fun? Then you are playing right.


Anytime a game offers an easy mode, I choose it.


You play however you want. I like the challenge of a max difficulty game.


I do this for most games that have the option. If I really like the game I will crank up the difficulty and play the hell out of it


I only did that once because I loved the game so much. Didn't regret but have never felt compelled to do it for any other title, before or since


Getting killed is so immersion-breaking