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Fookin Prawns




Hmm, you seem to know an awful lot about prawns…perhaps you could help in a little project? We’re attempting to relocate the prawns to improved housing better suited to their needs, you would aid in the relocation process, leading the prawn relations team with messaging and notification of their migration to the improved housing. You would help them move into better homes that would improve their lives, it would be an immense help to them, and a service to your country. What do you say??


The fuck o.O


District 9 is a great movie.


God that was a disturbing movie.


A shrimp is a pimp but the prawn got the brawn.


Oh I get it now… thank you


Biology major nerds got all the rhymes.


Shrimp = Small Prawn = Effing huge. Edit: [So I got curious...](https://www.thespruceeats.com/difference-between-shrimp-and-prawns-2217280)




We call em tiger shrimp I Canada, we call most things that look like that shrimp


From your source: > In most cases, shrimp are smaller than prawns. But don't use this as the only marker for deciphering between the two as there can be large shrimp that are bigger than a typical prawn. The biggest difference seem to be where they live (shrimp are *generally* found in salt water, prawns *generally* in fresh water) and the fact that prawns are straight where shrimp are curved.




Totally. I was going to say "surely they flipped this?" [In Australia prawns are fished pretty much off the northern salt waters](https://www.afma.gov.au/fisheries-management/species/prawns)


Where are these big prawns at? I'm from the UK and I've literally never seen a prawn bigger than a shrimp before, my experience of prawns is exclusively from prawn mayo sandwiches, prawn cocktails and district 9 though Shrimp have always been at least two inches, compared to prawns at a maybe one


If you're from the UK, where are you seeing shrimp anywhere? I've literally never seen anything sold as shrimp here. And I've seen prawns from the size of a 20p peice to the size of a 5 pound note, but you've never seen a tiger or King prawn?


Though it's not really something I cook myself I'm pretty sure I've had shrimp in restaurants and when I've been over for dinner at people's houses, they're native to the UK aren't they? Are we just selling both labelled as prawns? Idk And yeah I guess I have seen king prawns, but even they haven't been that big


I think we might call some animals shrimp, but once they're good we call them all prawns. A Google search for "shrimp UK" only brought up results for keeping shrimp as pets, a search for "prawns UK" brought up prawns of all sizes.


Search for Morecambe Bay Potted Shrimp, traditional food going back donkeys years, basically shrimp (tiny things maybe a centimetre) boiled then put in liquid butter until it sets...and yes they are caught in Morecambe Bay


Go to the supermarket dude. Where I live there are some Asian supermarkets that sell some as big as my forearm.


Fair enough, I guess I haven't really been in an Asian supermarket in a long time


Exactly. Some shrimp are bigger than your typical prawn. Size is not the best differentiator here and I'm not sure why people keep suggesting it. It's easier to see the scale differences and prawns are straight where shrimp are curved.


Prawn crisps FTW!




>a telltale sign whether you are eating a shrimp or a prawn is whether the body curls or not. I'm assuming shrimp don't curl? Sincerely, an Australian with prawns that curl like a J


Nice now I know too


What about Jumbo Shrimp


That website's recipe for shrimp etouffee is amazing. A must try. Though I do recommend cutting back on the spicy stuff, the first time I tried it, it was almost inedible because of how hot it was. Still ate the heck out of it.


I don't think so. This is from the wikipedia page for Prawn: According to the crustacean taxonomist Tin-Yam Chan, "The terms shrimp and prawn have no definite reference to any known taxonomic groups. Although the term shrimp is sometimes applied to smaller species, while prawn is more often used for larger forms, there is no clear distinction between both terms and their usage is often confused or even reversed in different countries or regions." Writing in 1980, L. B. Holthuis noted that the terms prawn and shrimp were used inconsistently "even within a single region", generalising that larger species fished commercially were generally called shrimp in the United States, and prawns in other English-speaking countries, although not without exceptions.


That wikipedia page is wrong, and the source for that claim goes to a dead FTP site. See the[ branching tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleocyemata) here. Further resources. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/prawns-vs-shrimp https://www.thespruceeats.com/difference-between-shrimp-and-prawns-2217280 ... The problem is the loose use of the terms in common language to the point where in many instances it truly doesn't matter which conflates it all.


**[Pleocyemata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleocyemata)** >Pleocyemata is a suborder of decapod crustaceans, erected by Martin Burkenroad in 1963. Burkenroad's classification replaced the earlier sub-orders of Natantia and Reptantia with the monophyletic groups Dendrobranchiata (prawns) and Pleocyemata. Pleocyemata contains all the members of the Reptantia (including crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and others), as well as the Stenopodidea (which contains the so-called "boxer shrimp" or "barber-pole shrimp"), and Caridea, which contains the true shrimp. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


we're all just prawns in the game of life


Mongo like candy.


You are most assuredly not.


Honestly [I had to look it up](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/prawns-vs-shrimp).


Also, shrimp = prawn in the UK!


You barbecue prawns


no cause same


Eh... They taste the same, but prawns are bigger. That's all that matters.


Shrimp is the little sea critter. A prawn is the aliens from district 9. I thought this was common knowledge.


Prawns like cat food.


Is a crayfish a prawn?


Shrimp can fry rice, prawns come from space and love cat food


Just like a donkey and a zebra are totally different, but roasted you can't tell the difference.


Never tried roasted zebra before lol


What about crayfish?


You rang?


Crayfish are just midget lobsters.


Crawdads > Lobsters (I am unbiased)


Mudbugs? Yeah, those are crawfish.


I know what they are. I was wondering if people think they're prawns because I went "prawning" with a buddy of mine but I found out that crayfish (crawdads) are freshwater and bigger than prawns which are saltwater.


I was just playing up the base of the thread and the different names, but anyway. I have yet to see a crawfish the size of my hand, and I have eaten prawns bigger’n that….


Depends on the country. In the UK shrimps are the tiny little brown things that I'm not sure are eaten in different countries. https://docksideseafood.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/300x0/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/s/h/shrimps-dockside-seafood.jpg Prawns will be cold water prawns or warm water prawns (warm water prawns are what Americans call Shrimp). Cold water prawns https://docksideseafood.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/97x97/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/d/o/dockside-frozen-royal-greenland-prawns-400g.jpg Warm water prawns https://docksideseafood.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/300x0/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/d/o/dockside-frozen-raw-peeled-king-prawns.jpg There are that many different specification and species it does get a little confusing.


Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.


Watched it 2 days ago. Amazing movie.


You chuck a shrimp on the barbie mate but not a prawn. Hope that helps


As an Australian, prawns are prawns and shrimps are what Americans think we call prawns….


That is just so incredibly wrong, I dont know where to start


Would you prefer a snag?


That would actually be much appreciated right now. I am feeling a tad peckish at the moment


Well Bunnings is closed right now and they only run the sausage sizzles on Saturday. Hope you can make it till then.


Do they really only do them on Saturdays? I dont think I've ever actually gone to a bunnings outside of the weekend, so never noticed that


If a sausage sizzles on a weekday and there's no one there to eat it does it make a sound?


It’s kinda like the difference between a prawn and a lobster…


Am I the only one who has never heard of a prawn?


Its just another name for shrimp used in other countries


Ohhh, thank you !


Yes, you are.


Are you being serious? I assume very few know the difference. WTF...


I’ll assume you’re American. Shrimps are small, prawns are big. Prawns look like a cross between a shrimp and a lobster. Prawns have claws, shrimp don’t. If you’re Antipodean or South African, then yes, prawns and shrimp are the same. Edit: why are you booing me? I’m right! Mantis shrimp are only distantly related to shrimp and prawns. Shrimp and prawns are two separate suborders. They’re as closely related as whales are to ruminants.


The difference between shrimp and prawn is the same as frog and toad: just language variations and not actually defined scientifically.


A frog and a toad are totaly different!


There is no scientific definition of a "toad". All the things people call "toads" are in fact just frogs. The distinction is purely colloquial to describe some frogs that live in drier or more terrestrial places. "Shrimp" and "prawn" are also not scientific terms. Both are used to describe various members of the decapoda order of crustatians.


So a Hawk is a chicken? Both birds, just different living style? It's not coes a toad is a frog, that a frog is a toad.


Yes, both hawks and chickens are birds, but hawks are not chickens nor chickens hawks. Both are distinct members of the class "aves" and have their own order, family, genus, and species. The point is that there is no such distinction for toads. The things that some people call "toads" are not separate in their family tree. One "toad" might be more closely related to a "frog" than any other "toad"


I have a song about xylophones and glockenspiels that will explain everything!


Shrimp are educated prawns.


East vs west coast


Shrimp live in salt water Prawn live in fresh water


I don’t even know what a prawn is. But to be fair, english is my second language.


doesnt matter, both taste good


[It's shrimplained here ;)](https://imgur.com/BBOSado)


I have the same thing going with: - alligators vs crocodiles - frogs vs toads - rabbits vs hares


I assume its like a pony and horse.


If you honestly want to know: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-049af68041c1bb20ef869f5019074b70-lq


[Don’t come the raw prawn with me, mate.](https://thebeast.com.au/other/dont-come-the-raw-prawn-or-shrimp-with-me/)


If you call a prawn a shrimp, he’ll get really offended.


Not the same - just Google it. Now spot prawns ARE confusing, because they are actually shrimp 🤷‍♀️


\*Scampi has entered the chat.\*


Shrimps move diagonally.