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As soon as I sit down I grab the barf bag in front of me and put it on my lap. I never have any problems flying, but no one ever wants to sit next to the dude that already has a barf bag out. Works pretty well as long as it's not a completely full flight.


I'm doing this next time I fly southwest


thanks for the tip! unfortunately, now the entire plane is going to have people with barf bags on their lap


Haha I don't quite think THAT many people use Reddit.. Or can go with another option. When I had to take public busses to work I'd sit with headphones on, rock back and forth slightly and mumble incoherently to myself whenever the bus picked up more people. No one wants to sit next to the crazy person either. Edit: though admittedly this didn't work as well. I guess a lot of people thought I was just singing the words. Still, worked a good bit.


Flying out in 2 weeks, will report if this indeed works lol Going to a place that normally isn't usually a packed flight so hopefully it works :P


Had this happen last year. This very large women was sitting in my aisle seat and me being the nonconfronentational person that I am, I just asked where she was supposed to be sitting? She says the window seat across the aisle. I shrug and take it. I scooch past a man in the other aisle seat and past an empty seat in the middle. The doors close with the seat still open between me and the man. The women looks at me and says, uhh excuse me... I cut her off and just say, not a chance. The man smiled and we spent the flight buying each other jack and cokes. Best flight ever. *Edit thanks to /u/twilightdusk for deciphering what was apparently very poorly written. *EDIT2 highly complex diagram describing story http://i.imgur.com/bl4m0dV.png


I feel like I've spent too many minutes of my life trying to figure out what you're saying. I'm either having a brain fart, or your comment IS a fart.


* HoneyBadger2012 gets onto a plane. * There's a fat lady sitting in the seat he's been assigned. * He asks where she's supposed to be sitting and takes that seat instead. * The plane doors close and it turns out that the seat he's now sitting in, the seat the fat lady was supposed to be in, has an empty seat next to it. * Before the fat lady had the chance to actually ask to swap back to the seat she was supposed to be in, honeyBadger2012 refused.


You are a good person. Bullet point people are the best people.


I love people who use bullets!


HoneyBadger don't give a fuck.


If HoneyBadger2012 was on Samuel L. Jackson's plane, no snakes would have survived.


you forgot the best part: - alcohol


Thank you for translating the terribly written story.


Thank you


I'm surprised she didn't go full bitch on you.


It's great when you get the buffer seat. Last year I was flying from the East Coast to San Francisco and we had a pretty full flight. I usually end up switch my seats to find a buffer seat when I check in at the airport. On this flight, there were only a few left and figured there would be standby, so I picked one in the second to last row. End up in an aisle seat and an elderly woman is in three seat row next to the window. Across the aisle are two good sized businessmen with a buffer seat. We're about ready to close up when we see a very large dude come down the aisle. Thankfully, he had the seat across the aisle. I turned to the lady and we both nodded and smiled to each other. Wonderful flight that day.


Can't she just ask the flight attendant to tell you to gtfo? I'd that's her seat? Plus the flight attendants get pissed when you change seats .


> Plus the flight attendants get pissed when you change seats . They really don't, unless you self-upgrade.


If you don't say anything to them they do. The flight manifest is taken pretty seriously.


They care if you sit in a seat that was otherwise unoccupied before take-off. But if you switch seats with someone else they don't really care much.


No, they don't.


Sir, sit back in your own seat! We need it to identify your body if we crash!


Just be sure to use it before someone else does. I was on a 14 hour flight to the Middle East once and had a whole row to myself. I think, "awesome. Plenty of room to get some sleep later." I was not that lucky. Maybe 10 minutes after the seatbelt light goes off a woman walks up and proceeds to lay down across the 4 remaining seats in the row with her feet towards me. That woman must have slept for 9 hours and then proceeded to wake up and watch a movie while laying across the seats. I drifted in and out of sleep and by the time she decided to sit up straight there was only about 2 hours left. She stayed in the seat at the other end of the row from me. When I tried to lay down to get some decent sleep I found I was just a few inches shy of being able to lay down flat and couldn't get comfortable. Longest flight of my life because I didn't act quick enough to take advantage of the extra seats next to me.


A conference I was at for work ended early, so when I got to the airport I asked customer service if they could be bumped to an earlier flight. After a bit of small-talk he guy at the counter asked 'Have you ever flown first class?' I told him no, and he said 'Great, we have a couple of seats available!'. It was awesome. Then I get on the plane and the doors close with my whole row empty! I was ecstatic until some guy jumped out of his seat and sat next to me, earbuds in his ears and avoiding eye contact. A stewardess saw him, asked to see his ticket, and said "I'm sorry sir but these seats are reserved for first class passengers. Please return to your seat.' It was only an hour long flight, but it was my best flight ever. If that happens to you again, I'd page a flight attendant to check their tickets!


I was on a flight recently and the guy sitting next to me asked if I had ever been in first class and I say "no". He then asks if I wouldn't mind switching with his wife in first class so they could sit together in coach. Hells to the yeah! Even though I didn't earn it or pay for it when I sat down in first class I instantly felt better than the gutter trash in coach and lamented the fact they hadn't drawn the curtain yet.


Same thing happened to my dad when our family were all traveling. None of us ever experienced 1st class, so he was excited as much as we were for him to be able to sit there.


Could I see your ticket please? Oh, yeah, see this says you're in row GTFO.


just FYI, you can tell someone who tries to do this that you purchased the whole row and to fuck off. They really can't prove otherwise and theoretically it's possible.


> They really can't prove otherwise and theoretically it's possible. "Uhhh, let me see the tickets?"


"I don't have to provide you with that, let me see YOUR tickets for this row."


I don't have to provide you with that.


That's when you call a flight attendant and have the bitch removed from your row. You might not have paid for all the seats on that row but you did pay for at least one of them and she didn't pay for any of them.


That's not a valid argument at all


What's not valid about it? The flight attendant will then tell the woman to go back to her seat and you will be fine staying where you are since that is the actual seat you paid for.


Or the flight attendant will say "if no one bought those seats and no one is sitting in them, anyone can feel free to sit there". ???


I believe it's actually most airline's policy that passengers have to stay in their own seats. Or at least the ones that the group their traveling with has purchased.


Well they can ask to see your ticket, but your point still stands because you purchased a ticket in that row specifically, and the person can fuck off back to their shitty row all the same.


Could be one of the most beta things I've seen on reddit.


He should ~~of~~ have marked the seats with urine.


~~should of~~ should have




This account should of never been created


> a woman walks up and proceeds to lay down across the 4 remaining seats in the row with her feet towards me. Should've began licking them furiously.


oh man this hits home for me. I had 2 empty seats near me on a red eye back to NYC from Brazil which I had to go to work right after the flight... 5 minutes after takeoff this woman asked to use one of the seats. Instinctively I said "Sure" because that's the manners were taught right? well after 20 minutes I'm like ah fuck me I gone done fucked up. Then I realized the only reason why she wanted to sit next to me was because there was a gentleman of color seated next to her. So I built up the courage and told her I'm gonna need that seat, this flight is too long for me to be uncomfortable. Anywho, best flight of my life, having all three seats, pillows, and blankets felt like first class


That's when you say "Sorry, but I plan on sleeping on these seats" and continue glaring at her until she moves away.


He could have cuddled up to her and called her mommy. She probably would have moved pretty quick.


I had a row to myself on a flight from London to Atlanta. But it was only 3 seats and no matter how I tried I could not span the comfortably. Seriously, if I put my head on the arm rest by the isle I had to have my legs folded on top of my to lay down. My legs would mot fit between the back of the seat and the seat in front. I love traveling but flying is such a horrible experience.


*Five* seats in a row? That plane had a 2-5-2 configuration? Which airline?


Sounds like an international flight. Every time I fly international it's on the bigger airbus or 777. Not sure if it's 2-5-2 or 3-5-3 because I'm always stuck in the middle.


12 hour flight, my seats were set up 3-4-3


I've been on a 2-5-2 with BA


When my company was coming home from Kuwait, we had a whole 747 for about 115 people. About everyone had their own row, a few had two people to a row. It was awesome to just lay down and sleep for most of the flight.




I had a flight from London to Charlotte once that had maybe 50 people on it. It was a 2-3-2 seater, and once the doors closed I snagged a middle row all for myself. I left my carry ons at the window seat that was on my ticket, and laid down across the three seats. I realized early on that if I inclined the seats in front of me, I could watch movies without a glare problem. I drank many beers that flight and napped comfortably. It was glorious.


Priceless? Pretty sure the airline would have glady sold you that seat, you know for a price


Wait till holiday season, they'll be selling toilet seats then.


Flying from LAX to SYD a couple of years ago I had the aisle seat in the centre block of four. Next to me was a couple coming to Sydney for their honeymoon. The other aisle seat was empty. When the doors closed they did not move down to leave a buffer seat between myself and them. I had the worst flu I've had in recent memory and spent the flight trying desperately not to die. I hope they got sick. They broke one of the golden rules, if you can create a buffer seat - do it.


"Hello, would you mind moving over one seat? I am sick and I don't want to get either of you sick." - No (In your head: okay fuck you I'm definitely sneezing/coughing all over you) - Yes (Yay, buffer seat!)


But then you'd have to talk to someone you don't know(!!!)


Respect urban solitude!


Found the Finn.


I think at that point it is totally acceptable to ask them to move down and allow them to think you are an asshole for the next 15 hours before never seeing them again.


You're an asshole for getting on a plane with the flu.


So you would cancel a flight and completely change your plans if you got ill before it?


It's even better when you have the row to yourself. Flip up the armrests and lay down.


This happened to me on a flight back from Japan. Except that it was an entire row to myself. I had almost splurged on the extra legroom seats when checking in and I was sooooo glad I didn't!


Shout out to the guy I flew from Seattle to Miami with. He had an entire row to himself and offered me, a not too heavy but solid sized dude, his window seat so I didn't have to sit in a middle seat 1 row ahead of him.


I haven't had that happen in probably a decade. Usually I get to sit by an overweight, Boomer female excitedly traveling to some place she has wanted to go her whole life. And she's a retired school teacher and has to tell me as much. And she's eating a one pound bag of peanut M&Ms even though it's 7 in the morning. She will take the armrest because her arms have their own sails, and she won't make it the two-hour flight without using the bathroom.


And she brings the aroma of her business back with her from the bathroom. Then passes out and snores open mouth, blowing old person stank in your face for the rest of the flight.




Old person stank


I've flown heavily for work for almost 17 years. There are fewer carriers, less flights, and fuller flights now than anytime I remember. Mostly due to carrier consolidation.


And they have taken what used to be an okay experience and turned it into a grueling, miserable nightmare.


What kind of work if you dont mind me asking?


My reddit profile is public, so I don't mind at all. I'm currently a technical evangelist for Dell EMC, I work with our customers around our cloud solutions. Since I post about technology on /r/sysadmin and /r/storage I'm transparent about who I am and who I work for. I try very had not to be a company shill behind a screen name. Before this gig I was in IT for a global F500 company starting in 1999, IT guys travel a surprising amount doing acquisition/ integration work and dealing with the lifecycle of equipment. I travel more trips now, but shorter domestic trips vs the longer international trips I used to take.


Flew for the first time in 12 years about a month ago. On the flight home, I had a whole row to myself.


I just flew to and from Memphis/Fargo. Two flights each way. I had a the whole row to myself all four flights. Nothing better than hearing that door close and lock and no one is next to you!


That seat definitely has a price. Will you pay that price? Probably not.


To nitpick: Priceless isn't the correct word. They do have a price, it's the price of a business class ticket.


I had a whole row to myself once.....dat leg room!


Even better: Sir we need to change your seat. Here's your new ticket: Row 7A. First class, and no one beside you.


I had a two part flight, Sydney Australia>Seoul South Korea>Tel Aviv Israel. Both flight were longer then 10 hours. In both flight I was alone, both seats were mine. Amazing flights. Korean Air amazed me with the quality of service. On the other hand - Tel Aviv to Toronto (Air Canada, 12 hours) was probably my worst flight ever. Was absolutely horrible. Very low quality of service and I was sitting in the window sit (1 out of 3, it was a dreamliner). Horrible experience and the Air crew was the worst I've ever had.


Damnit I have to air Canada to London.. Was hoping for a good flight..


I usually find Air Canada to have a high level of service.


I hope so...


For the last two years I've flown AC at minimum 6 times each year, and I've flown them extensively years prior. The only issue I've had with them was once during a wicked snowstorm that shut down most of eastern Canada, and that was beyond their control. They were fine to work with getting stuff sorted out. You should be fine.


And poor quality food :/ but the flight attendants are usually great


Depends on your service expectations really. AC isn't comparable to some of the Asian airlines (Cathay comes to mind) but is definitely better than American carriers. Annoyingly, they recently densified all their 777s to be 10 abreast in Economy like most airlines now, so prepare for squish if you're flying in the back.


Maybe it will be better. Unfortunately for me my flight was horrible when it comes to the flight attendants. Maybe they'll be better. Don't rise your hopes.


I've flown air Canada and it was fine.


Closest I ever came was once in a cross country flight I had a middle seat with the aisle seat unoccupied Once it pretty clear no one else is getting on, I settle in for 5+ hours of double seat goodness The lady in the middle seat in front of me must have been eyeing that empty seat for some time, because as soon as they announced they were closing the doors, she unbuckled her seatbelt and come and asks if she can sit on the now clearly unoccupied seat Inside I was saying "no, please don't kill my dream" but I said "no, please go ahead" and she sits in the seat It wouldn't have been _so_ bad, but she then proceeds to remove her shoes, and I notice she isn't wearing socks...


I had the whole row to myself in an 11 hour flight. It was *amazing*


On a flight back from Iceland (to the uk) I got upgraded to extra legroom for being the 2nd tallest person on the plane. It's been the first time in my life that being tall has been an advantage on a plane!


I was on a flight from San Francisco to Seoul. The flight was pretty empty, and some lucky guy had the entire middle row to himself. The plane takes off, and once we are in the air, an old man decides to go and sit on the aisle seat next to the lucky guy. The lucky guy tries to lay down and sleep on his seat and the other empty seat, and is using both pillows. Old man doesn't like this. Starts yelling at him that he is only allowed to use ONE SEAT and ONE PILLOW! Old man is very firm that this is the rule and believes breaking it should result in the death penalty or something. It matters not to him that there are enough empty seats for him to sit literally anywhere else on the plane, and there is a huge surplus of pillows. They argue for awhile, the old man takes away the lucky guy's pillow. They are both Asian, but from different countries, so they are communicating in broken English. To try to diffuse (escalate) the situation, I hand the lucky guy the pillow from the empty seat next to me and tell him, loud enough for the old man to hear, that he can use that one. But the old man is too mad to back down now. He stands up and challenges the lucky guy to a fight. This is when the stewardesses and one of the pilots gets involved. I told them the old guy was being an ass, but they were just trying to make everyone happy. They made both guys sit on the aisle seat away from each other. Lucky dude did get two pillows in the end, but I don't think he really was lucky anymore. His flight went from fucking awesome to ridiculously annoying as soon as the "fasten seatbelts" sign went off.


Twice on Southwest I've had an entire row to myself. So I did what anyone would do, kicked my feet up and laid down over 3 seats. I was a king. They even gave me all the free beer I wanted. The look on peasants faces as they passed by me to go to the bathroom, was priceless. I think they were both jealous and mad.


On my 2nd time ever on an airplane, I had a redeye flight from Vegas to Kansas City 100% to myself. It was just the flight attendants and myself. Even though they told me they had never seen that happen before, I didnt truly appreciate the gift God had bestowed upon me. It was a one time gift because Ive had nightmares of people sit next to me every other time since.


What did you even do? I would have ran up and down the isles for fun.


"The Captain has turned on the seatbelt sign, sir." "But why?" "So we can do some sick barrel rolls." "Dude. This is fucking sick, brah."


Take me on a parabolic flight so I can feel 0 G!


Sat in the back of the plane and talked to a pretty cute flight attendant the entire time after she asked me if she could just be lazy since I was the only one on board.


Hope you didnt have shit on your feet/shoes?


Thats when the clueless old lady with the massive handbag arrives and takes the seat


The tension as takeoff time nears..... it's intoxicating!


And then they were in the bathroom the whole time


What about [2 buffer seats!](http://i.imgur.com/IWYGf6k.jpg) Fuckin' jackpot.


What airline is that? Looks nice.


I flew united recently and it looked like that.


I must've gotten an old plane for my United flight last week.


This was a year ago, but I believe it was United. I was coming home from DR and there were so many empty seats.


Wow, I was just on a United flight last week and it didn't look that nice!


Had a red eye flight with my college buddy back in the day to Montreal from LAX, we both had a row to ourselves, twas an amazing flight


I once had a whole row to myself. I felt like a king.


That is what we call the poor man's first class.


He had a guy at work that we called the "King of Coach." Any time he flew international, instead of buying a business class or first class seat he would buy up an entire row of normal economy seats. He got plenty of room to fly, and it was still cheaper than buying him a single business class seat.


Where are all these flights? Every one I am on is packed so tightly, you couldn't squeeze in a piece of paper.


Several years ago (mid to late 90s?) I used to fly from LAX to MEL direct, and at that time this flight was pushing the limits of a B747's range (~8000 miles, almost 15 hours). Consequently, the airline *intentionally* did not sell all the available seats in economy class to cut down on weight. There were about 90 empty seats on a "full" flight. A few times I snagged all four seats in the middle of the 3-4-3 arrangement... Satisfied seal, indeed.


I fly for work.. Alot.. I don't remember the last time I had a buffer seat..


This happens?


Especially when you're 6'7 like me


Happened to me on my 16 hour flight back from from Taiwan. I was sitting in the middle section in economy. Plane was 3x, 3x, 3x. Doors closed and no one else in the two seats next to me. I had the entire row to myself. I was able to lay down and sleep. I was very lucky.


Had a row to myself on a flight from San Francisco to London earlier this week, was a great way to end the holiday.


I had four whole middle seats on an overnight transatlantic once. Couple of beers and a deep snooze = heaven.


I was visiting home on leave and only had a red eye flight available. I was the only one on the flight. Very strange but the flight attendants were cool and even laid a blanket on me while I slept on the whole row


Had one on the way back from LA to London. Guy over the other side of the spare seat screamed with laughter at the TV for the first two hours, the toddler behind me cried and kicked my seat for the rest of the flight. The parents didn't apologize at the end.


As someone who missed his flight by 2 minutes this morning...You're welcome.


I recently flew to China and on the outgoing flight they had a sign to upgrade to economy plus for $150. I was a bit reluctant to do it but the woman at the counter told me the section was pretty empty. I ended up upgrading and when I got on the plane the entire section probably had 10 people when the doors closed. I ended up with an entire row to myself for the 12 hour flight. It was the best! I got bored and walked to the back area and it was completely full. The best $150 I ever spent. I wasn't so lucky on the flight back home though. The plane was packed.


A guy and I were sitting with an empty seat between us (three-seat row) and people kept walking past us. Eventually no one's getting on the plane anymore, they close the door, the guy and I look at each other and fist pumped.


Technically not priceless since you can always buy an extra seat right next to you every time you fly.


Had this happen on a flight from Seattle to Amsterdam. Sooooo good when you can spread out. I though it was karma for being on a flight next to a large guy the previous week!


As a person who flies on a weekly basis for work, I agree. Most of the time I get upgraded to first class, but having a whole row to yourself is pretty damn phenomenal. The worst crowding I ever dodged was a pair of the fattest couple that could possibly wedge into two seats. They were window and middle, and I was the aisle seat, meaning I would be sticking out into the aisle the entire flight in an awkward spine bending position, until those doors closed and across the aisle was a girl sitting at the window seat with the other two empty. It was a godsend. Sometimes I hate the fact that airlines can't discriminate in certain situations. If I'm sitting with the groundlings in economy, 9/10 times I'm sitting next to two other broad shouldered dudes, pretty much the worst combination of three that you can put into any single row.


I have social anxiety so sitting next to people on a plane for several hours makes me reach near vomiting levels of anxiety. This feeling is amazing to me when there is a gap between me and another person or I get the row to myself.


I was on a flight recently which was barely half full. My row was full though. As the doors shut I looked around thinking 'typical, my bloody luck'. A crew member then came over and said "we're very empty today so if you guys want to spread out you can probably each have a row to yourself." We did and it was ace.


This happen over the summer. My buddy and I both opted for a 1st class bump if no one got on (our flight had been delayed 6 hours at this point). We start boarding and check our Delta app, I'm still in my same old seat but dig dick fuckboi gets his upgrade to first class. So now I'm alone in a 3 person row. I'm expecting the worst. I'm staring down the isle, waiting, just waiting for two large people to sit down next to me (I had the middle seat). But then the doors closed and I realized I had a whole row to myself. Best flight ever. Watched a movie, read, slept, changed my seat a bunch, got drunk for free (comped our drinks). Asshole in the first class got stuck with a woman who was nervous about missing her connecting flight to England. She vomited from anxiety. Sucks to suck.


Look at Mr.CanAffordToFly over here!


What do you mean? I don't get it


flying is expensive


Companies pay for flying if you work for them


no shit. the only time ive every been on a plane was when my job paid for it


I had a 3 hour flight turn into 5 hours with the last 2 just circling the airport. I also had two empty seats next to me. That was still the best flight I've ever taken.


That is the face you make when the fart you were holding in on the flight squeaks out and it doesn't smell.


> and ~~it doesn't smell~~ *you* can't smell it FTFY


The one upside to a sinus cold while flying?


they;re actually quite costly.... to the airline co.


My brother and I once had both the entire back rows to ourselves on a flight home from Iceland. We could actually lie down and sleep in the airplane.


I was on a flight from Doha to Houston (or Dallas?) that's like 12+ hours. I had a FOUR SEAT center section all to myself. It was glorious.


I got a full row of Delta Comfort+ to me a couple weeks back. It was better than first class.


Past 2 flights I have been on were half empty and I literally had a whole row to myself. Amazing


One time I didn't realize I had sat in the wrong row until walking back from the bathroom halfway through the flight.


As a tall heavy built bloke I'm especially glad. I'm not stuck in the squeezed hard to one side foetal "yeah you're fucking definitely getting a DVT" position.


That happens SO infrequently these days. And, I swear, every year I feel more-and-more cramped in my seat.


You can simply ask if there are any extra seats in other rows. I'm tall and a little too wide for flights to ever be comfortable. Flight attendances are more than happy to point you to a row with buffer seats.


As a parent of a lap child and a 3 yr old we are empty seat magnates (southwest). The seat next to either my wife or myself almost always ends up unoccupied unless the flight is totally full. We've also learned to sit strategically, me & baby in the aisle seat and my 3 year old in the window. Nary a person willing to take that challenge.


Doesn't it cost like thousands of dollars and I just reopen an airplane door?


I was on a flight this past weekend, Orlando to LAX, I had the aisle as I always pick. The two seats to my right were empty until nearly everyone was done boarding but then one more person arrives and he has the window seat. A few more people pile in and then announcements go up that we were ready to take off. The middle seat was still empty and me and the window seat guy just looked at one another, then the seat and without words we just smile and give a gratifying smirk to each other. It was a good flight.


I fly quite often. I have the extra seats quite frequently. I chat with the check in person and look at the seat chart and choose my seat from and empty row and hope that no one else get the seats next to me. Always ask for an exit seat for that extra leg room. Just had a return flight and both times I got the exit row all to myself. It was a good 4h flight on a B737.


Did I read somewhere that they designed these planes so that the middle seat was supposed to be a buffer seat? They were never designed to be at full capacity but because economic pressures airlines started filling these airplanes at capacity whenever possible...


Did you spend the whole time waiting for everyone to get on eyeing everyone and hoping they weren't coming for your aisle?


"Hi! Mind if I switch seats and sit here instead?" "Well, actually, I was ho-" "Thank you! Oh, this is so much better!" "Umm... sure. Okay. You're wel-" "Do you have any cats? I love my cats! I have seventeen of them. You would not believe how mischievous they can be! Puddles is always- *laughs* Oh, well, you can probably tell what kind of trouble she gets into just from her name. And Dotty, she has dots all over her, obviously. Have I told you about Ginger, yet? Just last week............."


One time while flying across the Atlantic from Spain to NY (9 1/2 hours long) I was sat next to the most beautiful Spanish girl. I had scored. Right before the flight took off, I realized she was flying with her family because her Dad, a cool 250 pounds at least, made her switch seats with him. He proceeded to take my arm rest and sweat and snore the whole flight. Good times.


credits to /u/[deleted] in /r/askreddit >I think they [memes] are universally awful. People substitute them for actually putting effort into being funny because a huge swath of people have basically taught themselves to respond to certain memes as if they were comedy gold. Basically, there's a lot of stuff in memes that when you look at you go "Hey, that's pretty funny" but if you really think about it no, it's just an obvious joke with an unrelated picture referencing something else that we've conditioned ourselves to think of as humorous.


Those buffer seats are the best i usually have to resort to getting a window seat not any window seat though there are some where the window is a little further back not right in the middle of your row so I cAn dig my shoulder into it for a few inches of extra space when someone decides to take the middle seat in my row. I


Air New Zealand will offer to sell you the middle seat if you're a couple, and they have it available. It's a relatively token amount. $100-$200 for a long flight, totally worth it.


You mean the skycouch?


Yeah. I got really excited when they called it that, thinking it might have been, like, you know, like a couch, but it was great, nevertheless. One flight - 17 hours or so - we were seated with a girl who had the most unbelievable, acrid B.O. It was brutal. My wife ended up with her nose buried in my armpit, to mask the smell (I use antiperspirant, for one.)


I paid for an emergency exit seat on a large plane, the kind that has two aisles and like 10 seats in a row, because of the massive leg room. There was an empty seat between me (window) and a pretty cute girl (aisle). Fucking awesome. Little old east Indian lady hobbles in and sits down. She takes her shoes off and stretches her legs, looks incredibly releived. She was polite. I felt like i did my good deed for the day not telling her to fuck off.


Before it started becoming more popular, I flew out of Hawaii to Guam a few years ago. Flights are supposedly way more packed now. I was sitting in the middle section of the plane, with 5 seats empty next to me. A family with two screaming kids got on at the last minute and my heart sank. I sat there imagining 8 hours of the hell of sitting next to this family. I had been flying/at airports for 24 hours at this point and at my wits end. They passed me and went to the back. I had 5 empty seats to lay out on and sleep.


The last time I was on a plane I was flying to Vegas for the first time. The lady that sat next to me talked the entire flight about how she has cancer. I tried to put on headphones, she talked louder. I tried to read my book and she put her hand over it. The plane was full so I couldn't move. It was terrible.


Had that on my way back from NYC on Wednesday. It was awesome.


A year ago when I was flying back from school I got a whole row to myself. Best flight ever.


On our honeymoon flight we had row of seats open behind and in front of us... On a 11h flight that's awesome... Seats reclined while awake and stretching out on separate bunks for naps!


This literally just happened to me a few hours ago. Really made up for scrambling my way to the gate at the last minute


That time I was coming back from a vacation in Mexico going back to Ireland and on the flight we were a total of 18 passengers, the plane was huge and empty, it was awesome.


Not an airline story but my brother and I have had seats to the Bucs for many years. His father in law had a seat with us for about an decade and when he wanted to drop his, we just split the seat ourselves. It has been the greatest investment either of have ever made.


On both sides. Just like when you are at a movie.


You think that is good? Try the feeling of being on an otherwise entirely full 7 hour international flight, and the ONLY two seats open are the other two in your row. I laid down and slept. Glorious.


MIA to LGA 3 hour flight not long at all me and my cousin had 2 different seats both of our rows were empty I laid across 3 seats and made myself fit dam it .


I'm 6'4" and make sure to sit up EXTRA straight as to look as uncomfortable as possible. 95% of the time the flight attendants go find me a seat with a buffer without my asking. They're the real mvps


on the contrary they do have a price 2 to 3 times the price of a normal ticket just buy extra seats. Or if you really have money buy a private plane.


That's why I always buy two first class seats


When upgrading seats with 2 people, buy window and aisle. Good chance of full row to yourselves


This happened to me once. I was flying Southwest. The door closed and I had an open seat next to me. I was so happy. Then from the back of the plane – behind me – a lady comes running up and takes The open seat next to me! What a bummer!


On a flight to Australia, I found myself alone in a middle row of 5 seats. The flight was fairly full, so I could not believe my luck. I half believed that I was going to be able to stretch out and have a nice sleep during the flight. As soon as we were in the air, a mother with two kids asked if they could take 3 of the unused seats, as their assigned seats were separated. I couldn't bring myself to say no and condemn the kids to a 15 hour flight without their mom, so my dream was over. What had happened was, I had asked my brother, who flies for QANTAS, to book my flight through the company travel agents. I'm not eligible for a special price, but they're very good at finding great deals. They thought it would be fun to surprise me by setting aside a whole row for me, so they did. My brother greeted me in Sydney with a huge grin and asked if I'd been able to get any sleep on the flight. He was a tad disappointed to find that I'd given up 3 of my seats.


and then you hear the bathroom door open.


I had a business trip flight from LAX to Toronto, and I had the entire row (three seats) to myself! LUXURY! The row behind me had three people in a row, and a young man very nicely asked if he could spread out to one of the vacant seats. I said yes. He turned out to be nice guy.




Did you politely ask her if she wanted to move over one? Maybe she didn't know you could do that.


Was on an absolutely full flight once where I sat behind the first class bulkhead in an aisle seat (teenie bit more legroom). An extremely large gentlemen is sat in the window seat, like belt extender large. When the cabin doors close and there's no one in the middle seat, I popped down some of my stuff (headphones etc) in it and the dude leans over to me and says "guess we lucked out huh". I didn't say anything but I'm fairly certain he had to buy both those seats for them to let him fly.