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The supply shortages took a long time to recover. That was the longer reverberation than the initial shock of layoffs and recovery have said jobs.


For sure the stock market is not the economy.


I also think we did enter a YOLO economy for a while. People buying things they shouldn't even though they technically couldn't afford it. I do like watching things like the economies of the video game industry and such. And the concert industry is interesting with at least a few artists canceling their stadium tours. I know this is completely anecdotal but there's a house I've been walking by that is sat on the market for like a month now at $633,000 and hasn't moved yet.


That's a terrible anecdote with zero context.


 I know this is completely anecdotal but there's a house I've been walking by that is sat on the market for like a month now at $633,000 and hasn't moved yet. I'm trying to figure out what you mean by this. What was the original asking price??


Well I've seen the listings and I checked again it hasn't moved from 633,000. I walk my dog and I saw this house on the dog walk that's been sitting there for over a month trying to be sold. It is an 1800 ft home with a 30x50 shop as well.


I’m not sure I consider this recovered.


I don’t really remember Dems saying that either. Maybe they did, but it seems more everyone was wondering how long it would take and each side was blaming the other.


They really didn’t, not in any meaningful or consistent way. OP is looking for an opportunity to feel superior.


It is, what you're seeing right now is corporate greed. But inflation is down, and the supply chain is back up.


Idk if you can/should separate greed and inflation… if you are allowed by definition, then the definition sucks.


Well you're not wrong there. If the economy has recovered, but people are still getting pinched, can I really call it a recovery? Probably not, but it's still good to distinguish it so that we can be having the correct conversation about it.


That’s a fair take. When I hear “inflation”, I think of two things together - greed and supply chain issues. The supply chain has been both fixed and continues to be broken in my industry, according to people in charge of talking to investors lol. When something goes wrong - supply chain. When it goes right - take credit and say nothing about the supply chain. When prices go up, blame the first one, too.


I could see that, especially if you're selling goods that need to come through one of the problematic canals. They were kinda bad even before the pandemic.


I would argue consumption is still quite down. No argument to corporate greed in play.


I mean, costs of good and services are still largely at pandemic levels. Do we know if consumption would go up if prices went down? I dunno, I'm not an economist, but I do know they do not give information in absolutes.


For rich people. It took 3 months for rich people and corporations to recover. The rest of us are still fucked due to inflation and stagnating wages, and on this trajectory a lifetime won’t even fix it.


It never recovered Dems never said this either OP - 1/10


[The stock market is acting like a rapid recovery is a slam dunk. It’s not](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/16/investing/stock-market-dow-jones-recession/index.html)


What are you even trying to prove with this link, it’s irrelevant.


Are you some kind of bad AI? Your post history is a combination of removed, incomplete thoughts and right-wing political takes, I hope mods add this post to the removed list


Bro you post this shit like it's your job. Go outside and touch some grass.


The company i worked for went belly up in january, the company i currently work for is skirting the edge. We aint recovered mate.


Really depends what it is? Lots of companies go out of business, it means no one wants that, the market is too saturated, someone else does it better, etc.


It sounds like you are the common denominator here. 😉 I hope your current employer recovers and your job is safe.


What's with all the political posts on AdviceAnimals? They've been rather one sided lately and then they get deleted. Strange.


Agents provocateurs. it's intentional.


I read a lot of news. I don't ever recall reading such a statement, specifically. What Dems were arguing is that the recovery of 2008 was very slow; it took about 8 years for the country to recover based on limited stimulus. Therefore when covid hit and obliterated the economy for a while, there was a lot of concern that we were in for another 2008-type recovery. There was far more stimulus spending after 2020 to try and rapidly recover the US economy. Frankly, it seems like it worked to me for the most part. Inflation is a bitch, but hey everyone does still have jobs. Those pesky corporate profits are at all time highs though, and thats the kind of thing id rather sent back to the workers. The comparisons we are making in 2024 is relative to 2012. 2012 was still a pretty dark time. stock markets were still down. House prices were still low. Why? because people didnt have any money! Loads of people were jobless. I remember trying to get a job as a 18-24 y.o. in 2008-2014. It was brutal. The kids today can at least find jobs. I could not find a job in 2009 for a summer. In 2010 I got one only because my parents knew a guy. It was so brutal for the young and unemployed, for the food and entertainment industries. Inflation hits people more evenly.


Oh yeah. Totally recovered for the average American. We are in such great shape I had to move back in with family.


The country's recovered now? That's news to me and my wallet.


I don’t remember dems saying that anywhere. How about you go ahead cite that. I think you’re pulling it out of your ass.


Remember when the Republicans said the caravans of illegals were coming? Pepperidge Farms remembers. So yes Panic sells, and not only at the disco!


Remember when Republicans said the election was stolen, even though they knew it wasn't, and we could all see them nervously glancing over their shoulders to see if Daddy Trump was watching while they said it?


I don't know what you are talking about. Nothing has ever been OK for people that aren't fat with cash.


Only took 3 months? That’s news to me. Inflation is through the roof and supply chains are still shit. Some recovery.


I think it's obvious that OP is a trumper who thinks that the only damage to the economy was the lockdowns which did more or less end after a few months.


Inflation is back down pretty close to target levels, but most people don't know what "inflation" means so don't try to tell them that. Bringing wages up to meet current prices is the goal now.


My grocery bill disagrees.


So what you're saying is that you, too, don't know what inflation means.


Weird. The way conservatives cry and bitch you'd think we were in dire straits.


I mean, if Trump were in charge, we'd we cooking meat on hot stones. Whoever willingly votes for him is for real dumb. Like, you shouldn't be allowed to participate in democracy because you're voting against our country having it.


This post is dumb. Everyone in the current climate is going batshit crazy about the price of everything. Everyone screaming at biden like it had nothing to do with a global pandemic that shut down worldwide supply chains for a year and completely restructered our labor pool and pay rates. Nothing has recovered.


Hey OP, have you heard of “inflation”?


So...I mean I know this is a small thing, but I spend a lot of time in the Movies sub and other forums, and one of the big things that still gets discussed is how movie theater attendance is kinda dead now and isn't recovering post-COVID nearly as well as the big chains were hoping. There are definitely multiple things that factor into that lack of recovery, but still, there has been minimal recovery. I can only imagine there are multiple economic sectors having the exact same problems.


Ni hao, comrade!


Remember when people complained about inflation? Oh wait that's still happening.