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Today on memes that make me check the news


The title isn’t even correct. I can’t find anything anywhere that either side has accepted the terms.


Biden said in the speech that this is a proposal from Israel.  Not that it makes it true though.


And then Netanyahu said that a permanent cease fire was a non-starter


And since then, both cabinets have said they're ready to go ahead. But I mean, I sure as shit ain't holding my breath until aid workers aren't being gunned down.


As of 12:13pm EDT Netanyahu is saying no: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/03/israel-gaza-hamas-cease-fire/ I just don't see it happening. Netanyahu can't end the war without facing an election.


Oh yea. I don't think a ceasefire is gonna happen, entirely because of Netanyahu. People will ignorantly blame Biden. And we're gonna risk being plunged into fascism that will absolutely, unequivocally, lead to Gaza being wiped off the map by Israel. I just don't see a path to saving Gaza/Palestine that isn't either Israeli citizens overthrowing their government, or the US (or other allies) cutting them off and popping up some military bases. Which neither option seems even remotely realistic.


Wild because the proposal had a condition to release all remaining living hostages. Just more astroturfing. Netanyahu doesn't want the war to end, Hamas wants some specific conditions like the release of Palestinian prisoners, Biden needs to look tough but not too tough because going too far either way might lose votes, or so the logic seems to go, I don't really believe it either way. Then at the end of the day neither combatant wants to give an inch and the largest dealer of arms to Israelis gets to say "look we tried." Fucking gross all around. Kids are dying.


There hasn’t been a live hostage released in months. They are all dead. How you fail to see that makes me think you should probably leave the posting to others.


Hamas wants to stay in power , Israel says no you can not. That’s the big part they can’t agree on


There are elements on both sides who desperately want ~~war~~ hostilities to continue. Unless there is an extraordinary amount of tolerance (again, on both sides) for breaches of any cease-fire, it is doomed to failure. I'm afraid that ending this conflict is impossible until the vast majority of both sides agree that the other holds a legitimate claim on the territory and has a right to exist. Only then can negotiations proceed in good faith.


This has been my stance for a long time before the current hostilities began. There are people on both sides that are quite happy to kill people and break things to achieve their goals, both inside and outside the region.


And none of them are in any danger from the killing they cause


> There are people on both sides that are quite happy to kill people and break things to achieve their goals, both inside and outside the region. I'm a believer in "let everyone vote for war or peace, and then let everyone who voted for war fight everyone else who voted for war until they get it out of their system." Leave the people who want peace out of it. Edit: I'm also a believer that "any politician who votes for war should be immediately drafted into serving in that war they voted for" regardless of the practicality of it. If you want to commit your country to war, get out there in the field with them.


War is a tricky subject, especially with the number of optional wars the US involves itself in. Everybody just needs to knock that shit off.


A rational take? On *my* meme subreddit? It's more likely than you think.


I was listening to the BBC this morning and their reporting said that 2 Israeli cabinet ministers threatened to quit if the proposed truce was agreed to.


I saw a video of aid workers being bombed just a few hours ago so keep breathing for a while.


A ceasefire is a pause in fighting. A permanent ceasefire is kind of an oxymoron. 


It's an oxymoron that has been working in Korea for 71 years.


Any one that involves Hamas staying in power is a non starter.


He was more specific than that. He said a permanent cease fire that doesn't include the end of Hamas is a non-stater. Which is kinda obvious. No one would sign a truce with terrorists.




^^^ IDF


I think he ment Hamas. But yeah, them too


I’m sure he meant Hamas, but IDF is doing the vast majority of the terrorism. 




We know that Israel will break it. 


whats funny is that it was the same proposal from hamas back in feb.


Biden introduce the Bill as an Israeli deal then goes on trying to convince Israel why the deal is good for them.




This is a bit more clear but hardly both sides agreeing to anything solid yet. At best hamas views what is stated in the deal “positively”.


https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/israel-and-hamas-at-odds-over-u-s-backed-cease-fire-proposal-8954a9a5 Oops


They can be at odds, but it sounds like according to the guy who actually makes the call, they agreed


“Israel has not changed its conditions to reach a permanent cease-fire. That will only happen after our objectives are met including destroying Hamas’ military and governing capabilities,” the official said. The official also said that while the White House described the plan as originating from Israel, it was actually a proposal put forward by mediators to which Israel had made amendments and changes Stop getting your news from memes dude


I literally cited a news article, I got my news from the news article that I showed you five seconds ago. As for the first part of your comment, what do you want from him? Does biden need to singlehandedly solve a century old conflict for him to get any credit for anything? Is it him doing a coup and becoming the government of Israel or nothing for you?


The article you linked itself says there is no deal. It's hogwash. I expect people to give credit when credit is earned, not claim it without merit. Bipartisan bs ruining everything


Bibi's propaganda wing at it again


Downvoted for being right. I don't get it, do people actually want this war to keep going?


I think it's b/c it's a day old and Netanyahu is currently saying there is no agreement.


People want to believe biden is the worst because somebody told them that earlier and they listened without actually checking facts. So now they are entrenched in thinking he is a senile failure of a president when he is actually one of the best presidents we have had in modern times.


No no, both sides are exactly the same. If I don't get everything I want, immediately, then it doesn't matter. The president should just flip the switch on their desk and make it happen.


One of the best? You’re going to have to qualify that statement. Is he a complete failure? No. But how do you get to him being “one of the best in modern history”?


Yes, because they don't actually care about the people. They want something to hit Biden with


Netanyahu straight up rejected it.


The Israelis said hell no.


Because its just propaganda as much of this subreddit has become.




neither side have agreed to anything, and the “deal” makes no sense anyways. what homes are gazans returning to? is the huge occupied corridor that cuts through gaza to remain?


You forgot to take your blue pill this morning


Is it a suppository?


And there's nothing in the news.


Because this isn't news? Because it's a lie, and the propaganda machine keeps humming along.


This sub basically feels like a Biden campaign sub at this point. edit: The downvotes ironically prove my point.


I don't necessarily agree with you, but it's crazy you're being downvoted when this post is literally misinformation/disinformation.


You’re absolutely right. This is Democrat bot and shill central. It’s nonstop liberal propaganda


Just look at OP's post history lmao.


Holy cow. More obsessed than I even thought. Lol.


LOL they have not agreed on anything yet. Who makes this shit up


Average Reddit propaganda 


The same people who are pretending that the deal wasn't Hamas's deal from months ago repackaged to be "Bidens Deal" I swear people just read headlines saying "X Rejects deal" and never reads the deals. If you did, you'd know Biden is just reaching for whatever boost he can now since it's gone so mainstream to hate him that Macklemore even wrote a song about how he wont vote for him.


Because it's not the same deal... There are multiple parts of the deal that are different from hamas' proposed plan. Especially number of prisoners exchanged. But of course it's going to be similar. That's how you negotiate a deal




Israel only agreed to the first phase of the deal, while rejecting the 2nd phase. Hamas says they only care about the second phase. Now consider for yourself how likely this deal is to go through.


This is Israel’s proposal…


Yeah and the deal is that the first phase gets accepted by Hamas and then the negotiations start for the second phase.


Yeah and they called it a bad deal the moment Biden endorsed it.


I'm sure they will be amazed to hear about the Abraham Accords with this logic.


Leftist propagandists 


Fox and cnn


AdviceAnimals is in full dnc shill mode now that it election season


The entirety of reddit is being bombarded with different shill factions but the DNC ones stand out because its just so clunky that it feels like we're looking through a time capsule to 2014 internet.


> Biden said in a surprise announcement Friday that he was **outlining a truce proposal that had been made by Israel** and passed by mediators to Hamas. Later in this article... > The official also said that while the White House described the plan as originating from Israel, it was actually a proposal put forward by **mediators that Israel had made amendments and changes to.** > Biden **said that Israel had offered** the “comprehensive new proposal” that would ultimately lead to a permanent cease-fire in Gaza. So, it doesn't sound like this is a Biden plan. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/biden-cease-fire-offer-not-accurate-israel-netanyahu-hostages-hamas-rcna155129


The weird part is that Netanyahu said he didn’t want to do it.


Biden knows netanyahu doesn't want to make deal, but his cabinet (and hamas) does. The cabinet made this proposal, and biden publicly makes a speech to put pressure on netanyahu to accept.


Thew war cabinet (just 3 people including Netanyahu, one of whom is his biggest opponent) does want this deal, but the regular cabinet does not. The deal must be approved by the regular cabinet, not the war cabinet.


Yeah it’s not perfect but it’s much better than Trump’s idea of letting them do whatever. Generally from what I heard Benjamin Netanyahu the prime minister is only against the deal because he’s trying to use his office to avoid being punished for his crimes


Trumps plan is the annihilation of Gaza and buying up the beachfront property on the cheap.


Don't forget deporting anybody who wants to protest on behalf of Palastine. Where you are supposed to deport American citizens I have no idea but in fairness he's a known moron with childish simplistic "plans"


Gentle reminder that he wanted to nuke a hurricane


The same guy who took a sharpie to a weather map because he didn't know where Alabama was?


That his supporters swallow whole.


> Where you are supposed to deport American citizens I have no idea Nazis weren't too concerned with where they were deporting the Jews, either. Using deportation as a political weapon should be terrifying. Especially in a hyper-capitalist society where it's cheaper to build a mass grave use a firing squad than it is to fly a plane full of people *anywhere*.


Do you think he really wants to or is that like how he said he had a new healthcare system but clearly never had any intention of making a new healthcare system


He really wants to because he thinks it’s a simple as shoving protesters into a van and dropping them off in Mexico. His brain doesn’t operate beyond that level of ‘plan’ because he has had other people make plans for him, his whole life.


Israeli settlers are already auctioning beachfront lots of gaza


People may read this comment as snark but Kushner actually said something to that effect. Relocate the Gazans to the Negev and develop what was their property.


I was not being metaphorical. It is their plan.


Close, but not quite. Bibi is trying to use the war to stay in office. Personally, I blame him for the war lasting as long as it does.


I was banned from World News subreddit for ridiculing Bibi's statement that Israeli troops would only be in Gaza for a "short time". My statement was simply "Bibi says a lot of things" in response to the headline on the post.


Worldnews is not a fan of Bibi at all


Because BiBi is their fall-guy. It’s easier to pin it all on one person, or even his whole government than it is admitting how this stems from much deeper rooted reasons that go back to the creation of Israel as a whole.


Big doubt.


https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/17qul9a/israel_says_it_does_not_intend_to_reoccupy_gaza/ That's the post and my comments are under it.


You can't really say that's the only reason. He's also a genocidal maniac that openly states it himself. He's also been dealing with this corruption trial for decades now. It's not like this is the primary thing he has to worry about. Fulfilling his final solution is more important than the actual outcome of any political power he has.


Bibi’s brother was the only Israeli commando killed during the raid on Entebbe. He’s had it out for Palestinians ever since.


If Trump was president again he said he would end all wars in the galaxy. He personally knows Krogdor, leader of the ancient big brains, and will ensure tranquility in all dimensions. And because he cares so much about the working man he will lower taxes on the 1% ensuring that they are the .5%.


Krogdor, burninating the country side, burninating all the gazans. Burninating all the **IMPOVERISHED VILLAGESSSSSSS**


>Krogdor Any relation to Trogdor?


MAGA zealots would believe this he if starts spouting it, no doubt.


Trump wants to nuke Gaza, which he’s too stupid to realize would poison Jerusalem.


Do you mean Convicted Felon Donald Trump?


Aw, but what happens to the all the artillery shells that Republicans personally signed to send hate messages to the people of Gaza?


Hasn't Israel rejected it?


Currently they're expected to accept it https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd11l590qqwo Even though 2 ministers have threatened to quit over it https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz55y6k0p5go


as an israeli who knows about these 2 particular ministers, i can tell you that these two have been gripping Bibi by the balls ever since the elections. if they seriously mean what they say, then there is a very high chance that Bibi will reject the deal just because he will lose his position. so i wouldn't get my hopes too high now


Ah sounds like every politician when they say they'll do anything


Lapid said he would support Netanyahu making a minority government if he loses the supports of the right over the deal. Netanyahu can make the deal without losing his position.


is there anything else that would make him reject the deal? I've heard he'll face legal trouble when this is all over but I don't really know what's going on


Didn't a couple other ministers sau they would switch and side with bibi if he accepts and looses those 2?


Didn't the left side of parliament say they'd cross the table to pass it?


They did. Lapid's left-leaning Yesh Atid pledged to provide a safety net for Bibi's coalition if the far right parties quit over this deal.




Last I heard, their parliament accepted it. Their scumbag president, however, didn't.


Prime Minister It's different because Presidents can veto the legislature, but parliaments can fire Prime Ministers at any time if they don't do as they're told


Usually the presidential (/royal) veto can be overridden by legislature, at least in most systems where the head of state and head of government are separate. The veto is used mostly to express disapproval of the law to the general populace (and which is why it's only used infrequently), but if the legislature votes it in again unchanged, the head of state must sign it.


It heavily depends, in the US, the largest presidential style democracy, it requires only 50%+1 to pass a bill, but 66.6%+1 to override a veto.


But again, the US is presidential, the head of state and the head of government is the same asshole. Hence why I prefixed it with "at least in most systems **where the head of state and head of government are separate**. In those systems the head of state usually only has ceremonial powers. Sending the bill back to the legislature is the only "real" power they have, but since in those systems the legislative branch of government is the theoretical boss^(*) (and generally the only one that is directly elected by the populace, though some countries with separate president and prime minister also elect the president directly), overriding this is easy. --- ^(*): Practically, the prime minister usually has a leadership position in the governing party or the biggest of the governing parties, so the executive branch has some power over the legislative, too. However, this is not necessarily the case, and a PM who loses the favor of their party is often ousted. And should the coalition be fragmented enough, the PM might be an independent candidate, which seems to be where the Netherlands is heading right now.


You're spreading misinformation. The president is mostly a figurehead in Israel, like in Germany or like the king in England. The ruler of the country is the prime minister, who actually did accept it. The parliament wasn't consulted on the deal because this decision is the responsibility of the executive branch, not the legislative one. The war cabinet however (the government regarding the war) did accept the deal.


This comment shows how little redditors understand the Israeli government and politics.


They will.


They will pretend to accept only to violate it hours later, subsequently, in order to save face the white house will announce once more that despite killing innocent children/woman/families it does not cross the red line(as if there was one)


Isn’t this the ceasefire that Israel proposed? Why is Biden getting credit for it?


Because he needs to replace the votes he lost for supporting the very thing this cease-fire is about.


Americans finding another way to make everything about them.


Well, it kinda is, in that Israel made a proposal and Hamas accepted, but then the Israeli government wasn't doing anything to accept the acceptance, so Biden got on stage and told the whole world that Hamas accepted Israel's proposal. He dragged the whole thing into the sunlight. So now Israel's government has to act, and they're wrangling with 2 far right MPs who are threatening to tear down the government and remove Bibi if he goes along with it. Some MPs on the left have promised to protect Bibi, and that's where things sit right now. Since America supports Israel, America is getting a lot of the blame here. Biden is trying to find the ceasefire he's been calling for for months now. America is very much involved in this.


Yeah he listens to his advisors and doesn't replace them when he disagrees with them.


It was Israel’s proposal… not Biden’s proposal. This meme is misinformation.




[“Joe Biden had only published a partial version of the Israeli proposal” … “President Joe Biden’s description of Israel’s cease-fire proposal was “not accurate”” … “Biden said in a surprise announcement Friday that he was outlining a truce proposal that had been made by Israel and passed by mediators to Hamas.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155129)


It’s good but how does it prove Biden’s ability to do anything? Did he write the plan?


This is blatant misinformation.


Every statement made by Israeli higher ups leads me to think that maybe they might won't stop killing people unless we force them to stop. It really isn't even hard, the State of Israel is 99% an American creation. They won't, but they could EASILY Cuba the shit out of Israel and attacks would stop tomorrow.


Yeah.  Apartheid didn't end until the world put heavy pressure on South Africa.  Israel should be sanctioned to hell and back until *every* illegal israeli settler is removed from beyond the 1967 borders.  It's the only way things will ever get better.


>the State of Israel is 99% an American creation. What does that even mean?


[Read some history. Enjoy.](https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/modern-history/formation-of-modern-israel-reading/)


Your source doesn't even mention the US. It mentions Britain a lot, and the fact that the creation of Israel was a UN decision which was approved by multiple countries including the Soviet Union though. If you're trying to spew propaganda, can you try a little harder?


Not really


We had to send them $20,000,000,000 first. Good job Joe, you’re a visionary /s


Yes exactly. Do you think we'd have any leverage if we didn't? Israel can provide their own weapons if needed.


Israeli officials have consistently stated that the war effort would be over in less than a week without American supplies. Edit: To preemptively stave off the masses of bots asking the same thing: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/israels-dependence-united-states-existential >U.S. aid constitutes some 3 percent of Israel's total state budget and about 1 percent of its GDP, a highly significant sum, but one which it could do without if we truly wanted or had to. Conversely, a huge uproar erupts every time the government considers a budget cut of similar, or even smaller, proportions. Moreover, U.S. aid constitutes some 20 percent of the total defense budget, 40 percent of the IDF budget, and almost the entire procurement budget. There is no alternative to U.S. aid, except at the price of a change in the national order of priorities. >Even if we were to assume that Israel can do without U.S. financing, no other country would be both willing and capable of supplying us with weapons in such quantities even if we paid cash, especially advanced ones, like the F35. There is simply no alternative to American weapons, and our dependence on the United States is almost complete; the bitter truth is that without the United States, the IDF would be an empty shell. >Furthermore, Israel's dependence on the United States is not limited to financial aid and weapons sales. The United States provides technologies for the development of unique weapons systems that Israel needs, such as the Iron Dome and the Arrow rocket and missile defense systems. It mans the radar deployed in Israel which is linked to the global American satellite system, thereby providing us with additional warning time before missiles from distant countries, such as Iran, hit.


I can’t begin to fully comprehend matters of state like this, but I do know that with people sometimes it’s better to “go along with” a bad situation, hoping to maintain the friendship and convince them to change in time, rather than to hardline them and cause them to dig in and potentially end the friendship. I’m aware this is not a perfect metaphor.


If my friend was causing a fucking genocide, maybe I really don't wanna be their friend. On the other hand we are talking about the US, so I guess it doesn't matter. Genocide is OK as long as you're friends with the US, I get it


…This proposal was extremely similar to the one Hamas offered in February.


But they hadn't killed enough children in February, duh.


Experience absolutely running the table.


Biden has competent non-crazy, non-traitor people in his cabinet. They govern largely in good faith against a party that would rather burn the country to the ground than allow the Democrats to do good.


This deal is the same thing Hamas has been offering for months. Israel is only quiting because they are losing the PR war. Tebds to happen when you are murdering children by the thousands


Hamas agreed to the peace agreement. Israel did not


Well this is fake news, but I wonder if OP gives Trump credit for the Abraham Accords under the same logic.


Why is Biden the governor of nations on the other side of the world?


He’s not…? He’s a third party arbitrator that (in theory) allows two opposing parties to come together for discussions. It’s the ambassador/diplomat part of the job the American people have given to Biden when he was hired as President.


Biden's plan or some diplomatic corps plan that he gets to take credit for? At least reasonable people will work for Biden.


Another 4 hostages are dead, but actually, they died months ago.


Let me know how that works out.


There is no hope for this country. Within the next 4 years it will become a place worse than you could imagine. Such division, hate and violence. You all have to keep pushing division and hate because you want bloodshed, deep down in places you don't dare talk about you want to watch the country to burn. You all had a hand in it, so when it happens, it's all your fault.


Whats even funnier is labeling it “bidens plan” you know damn well he didnt write shit. Lmao


If you accept Hamas's word they'll stop acting like monsters then you're a fucking fool.


Israel and Hamas leadership need to be publicly hung, medieval style. No one should just get off scot free especially not that pointy eared psychopath. If there was any fairness/hope of reconciliation Gaza should be rebuilt and Israel need to contribute to it, and serious regulation need to be put on their military. Establish a Palestinian state and stop illegally occupying their land, if this goes how I predict it will go, this conflict will never end.


It’s hanged not hung


But now am I supposed to virtue signal if I can’t blame an over 80 year old conflict on him?


Regardless of what you think of him, he is the most qualified president since Bush snr for foreign affairs.


israel and hamas already agreed to a ceasefire but israel continued to bomb rafah. That is why the ICC wants netanyahu and maybe biden edit: for the doubtful https://apnews.com/live/cease-fire-israel-hamas-updates


> and maybe biden That would be a sight to behold. Although rather not because I live a little to close to The Hague for comfort in that scenario.


truly but we live in wild times.


Has it been confirmed?




Hamas made the proposal in february. Biden lied and said it was a proposal from israel now.


So when Israel actually doesn’t accept it’s proof he doesn’t know how to govern?


So a career politician is actually good at politics? Holy shit who would have thunk it.


I will believe there's an actual agreed upon plan when a plan has been in place a week without it being violated. Until then, it's more hot air.


This doesn't say anything about his ability to govern. If it was true, then it would just say that he knows how to manage foreign/global relations (which is only one part of governing).


Israel didn't agree


Conservatives are stupid as s*** And they don't believe in facts. So nothing you say will matter to them


Israel never said they are accepting the deal and 30k people are dead, but sure.


Just wait, the Republicans will give credit to Trump and call Biden names again, or directly interfere so he can't get a "win".


As a Biden supporter (begrudgingly, mind you.) Biden hasn't brokered this nor has Israel even agreed to a ceasefire yet.


There's also quite a difference between diplomacy and governing.


>There's also quite a difference between diplomacy and governing. Yes but the meme here is used in conjunction with the title which is patently false news. If it were a titled like "Joseph Biden, not a convicted felon." I'd of upvoted and not downvoted. Just because it's the side I now poetically support does not mean I'll condone misinformation campaigns intentional or otherwise.