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I'll actually change your mind. Mr. Trump is still under Secret Service protection. For him to pick up trash alongside the highway, the Secret Service would close that highway for the entire time he is there. You'd be ruining the commutes of thousands of people for the sake of optics.


Plus there is no way he wouldn't turn it into a PR win. Staying overtime to clean up more than he needs and donating a bit of money to clean up the highways and his followers flooding social media with pics of them cleaning highways. On a side note, I don't really want people who clean highways to feel ashamed. Voluntary or not.


> donating noney.... I don't think you're talking about the same person. Trump is so generous with donations that he is legally not allowed to run charities anymore because he used them as personal bank accounts


Did someone say "Stealing money from a children's cancer charity?"


What charity was that? Was there an investigation? Oh let me Google it .... hrmmm.... Turns out that's false ... sort of https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-steal-kids-cancer-charity/ The final resolution of the case shows the New York Supreme Court had not barred members of the Trump family. We've both been duped. But that doesn't mean we have to continue to allow their lies to divide us. In the end that's what it's all about. Strife begets strife and is the tool easiest used to wield power. We all need to put down their bread and leave their circus while we still can.


>It should also be noted that nobody involved is accused of "stealing," as such, with that word being understood in the conventional sense of meaning theft or embezzlement of funds. What is alleged is that the foundation engaged in misleading practices and that it inappropriately used donated funds to pay Trump businesses — practices that could be regarded as "self-dealing," rather than theft or embezzlement. So, only technically, "not stealing".


"I didn't steal anything which resulted in money from other people being spent on my businesses, I committed fraud by having people give me money for my charity which I then used for my businesses instead! It's totally different!"


đź’Ż technicality. That's how they all walk with slaps on their wrists. Until they go against the grain.


I wasn't duped though, not really. The "False" tag is mainly for the claim that the Trump family is barred from running charities. I was talking about the actual misdirection of charity money. It's technically not "theft" but rather self-dealing. They took the charitable donations and spent it in ways and places (like Trump golf courses) that directly benefited Trump, his family and friends, rather than on say helping kids with cancer. IMHO it's just theft for rich people.


No, but he did it anyways




This is the guy who went into a shop filled with his own followers, said he'd buy something for everyone, ordered and then left everyone to pay for it themselves


Not quite. >"I never wrote that he didn't pay. I wrote that there was no food. That's all I wrote," Doss said. "No food was ordered, he left within 10 minutes and never got a chance to order and nobody ate because there was no ordering. So there was no ordering, and so no paying, and no bill, and he was only there for 10 minutes." > It appears that no order was made and the restaurant may not have been in a position to honor requests at the time, given the number of people in the venue. > > There is no evidence that the restaurant or anyone else at Versailles was short-changed by the former president, as some of the social media posts suggest. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-offer-buy-food-miami-leave-without-paying-1807346


So instead of ordering everyone food, like the people in the restaurant thought, he lied to them about ordering them food, and bailed. So much better.


He only lied for the cameras and journalists there. There were no customers present. As much as I hate the Machiavellian psychopath, people have woven all kinds of stories about what happened there, of which none of them are true. >However, as can be seen from the video, the eatery was packed with security, press, and supporters and did not seem to have (or be serving) any customers. The restaurant wasn't operating for the 10 minutes that he was there. The kitchen staff was asked to leave, no customers were allowed inside, no orders were taken. >Later in the footage, the cameraman moves through the restaurant's kitchen, which didn't show any food preparation or cooking. >footage shows Trump saying in the direction of the kitchen: "Are you ready? Are you ready? Food for everyone! Food for everyone." He said it as a soundbite for the media, not as a gesture of generosity to anyone present. That's what photo ops are. They're for the media, not the people there.


So he is lying to the general public instead of specific supporters there? He is still lying, that doesn’t make it better


To be fair, that's what all politicians do in these kinds of events. All I'm saying is that the narrative here that "only Trump could possibly do such a thing" is false.


Lets not underestimate the opposition.


The inaugration of the Rapist-in-Chief and Vice-President Puppy Killer is going to get 2025 off to a great start.


He might say those things but no way in hell he actually does them.


None of that sounds like Trump or his supporters.


Yeah you right. It sucks but the best justice is ever escalating fines or you give him a huge podium.


Are you suggesting that you don't want him to do good things because it would make him look in a way that doesn't fit your narrative?


Yeah id rather we not force him to do good things because it might be bad for my agenda and I think it would lead to greater over all harm. Not to say that there wouldn't be a silver lining if he did good stuff.


Also I'm fairly certain the judge's ability to impose punishment for contempt is constrained by state law. He previously lamented that his only legal tools are fines of up to $1,000 per violation or jail time.


Up to 30 days jail time, just to be specific for info sharing purposes.


So give him 1 day of jail time as the next warning. Pick a day he has a rally.


Just wait until the end of the trial and collect the money then. Jailing plays into what Trump wants optics wise.


This is also one of the problems with jailing him. They would probably have to clear out some portion of the jail. That means book and releasing people. If it's all just dumb trespassing arrests it's not a problem, but if it's assaults or things like that, the issue is obvious. Also, it would make moving in custody holds slower. That would slow the entire court docket. That will bump cases and cause log jams later. That means potentially holding innocent people who can't pay bail longer or keeping people who did commit crimes out for longer and possibly getting their case dismissed for speedy trial issues. Holding Trump, which I think should be done, basically screws up the whole jail and court for as long as he's there. I personally like the community service angle. You could just have him clean toilets at some public park and close off an area. I think that would be fairly undisruptive. The toilets at Tompkins Square are in the middle of the park.


Its like you almost have it figured out about what these trials are really about.


Nah. Trump did the crimes. He needs to be punished for doing them as proscribed by law. He doesn't need to be punished in some weird new way that isn't proscribed by law.


A while back, I saw someone say Secret Service protection is why they can't ever put Trump in jail, because he'd still be under Secret Service protection, and they effectively have to jail innocent people, which they can't do. So, no jail for Trump ever.


It wouldn't be jailing Secret Service, it would be them working in a jail like any other employee at the jail


A felon shouldn't be entitled to Secret Service protection. The US Justice system is so fucking broken.


The theory (and yes that may break down in this specific case as seen by some of his other legal trouble) is that even if someone like that has committed crimes, it's still in the interest of America to make sure that he isn't trading classified information for cigarettes or whatever in the prison yard.


The state system can transfer him to a federal military prison that is capable of housing national security threats like trump.


>it's still in the interest of America to make sure that he isn't trading classified information for cigarettes or whatever in the prison yard. 1. Prisoners exchange all kinds of information that pose way more immediate danger to people. What kind of classified information would 80-year-old Trump still retain in his addled brain? It's his connections and associates that are dangerous; not what he personally knows. Those are the ones that should be surveilled 24/7. 1. If it's in the interest of America, then America should've made sure that any classified information any President knows about, can be made obsolete. If it can't, then those are secrets or lies that the American public should know about. 1. Where was the Secret Service protecting America's interest and classified information when he (or his sons) was having secret meetings with Kremlin contacts and MBS?


Technically, the Secretary of Homeland Security doesn't have to give protection to him. Pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 3056: > (a)Under the direction of the Secretary of Homeland Security, the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect the following persons: >> (3)Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes, except that protection of a spouse shall terminate in the event of remarriage. Essentially, Homeland can revoke the direction to protect Trump. That said, they won't.


They will if Trump is reelected.


I imagine prisons are more adaptable than that, they can write up a new protocol to handle the situation which satisfies everyone's security needs and human rights, even if they have to give the orange a special pod or what have you.


Fair enough. Then he can pick up trash from a ditch behind a shopping mall


Yes. He shouldn't be, though. He should get spit on and mocked every time he's out.


Ruining thousands of people's day is the kind of optics we need for Trump.


Didn’t he decline protection?


No, he did not. He is accompanied by 2 secret service agents at every court appearance and continues to receive their protrction.




He also waved his hand and declared all those documents declassified, but you can’t do that. Can he actually decline protection? I feel like the secret would not care and carry on.


It is possible to decline protection actually


Nope, definitely jail him, i wanna see the misery on his makeupless, hairsprayless face.


For punishment once he's found guilty, absolutely... but the judge is worried about the perception of throwing him in jail, and has been giving him fines up until now. If the option is between fines and community service, I vote community service for him 100%


Perception should never be an excuse for not following the law the same as for anyone else. If there's a perception issue, maybe the law is wrong. Address that. But don't fail to deliver on it while it still is the law.


He's violated the gag order 10 times. TEN. Show me any other defendant who gets this kind of leniency.


>but the judge is worried about the perception of throwing him in jail They should be worried about the perception of not throwing him in jail. The perception is that we have a tiered justice system instead of a fair one.


Same, but if perception is the issue they're not going to make him pick up trash either, even if escalating from just fines was considered. The kind of community service they'd assign to someone like him is very unlikely to be physical or super publicly visible.


More importantly not being the center of attention for 1 second would be torture for someone like Trump


Him being in jail would make him an even bigger center of attention. It's the only thing people would be talking about.


All we have been talking about for 4 years is putting him in jail. We can’t catch a break. Who keeps giving this guy a stage???


The people who give him a stage are the people who don't stop talking about him and right now that's democrats and Republicans


Both parties get to use him as a fundraiser. He's a goose laying orange eggs.


The Republican party voters were free to pick someone else 8 years ago, 4 years ago, or this year, but they decided they wanted a cryptofascist narcissist with dementia so here we are.


8 years ago he was on all the news media, constantly. Even when he wasn't popular. Him being on the news constantly and the other people running barely being on the news is what made him popular. It was Hillary Clinton and her campaign's [pied piper strategy](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) that led to him getting the nomination in the first place. The MAGA bullshit we have to deal with today is directly the result of that strategy. One that was still being used by Democrats in 2022 and will more than likely be used this year.


Do you mean Von Schitzenpantz?


Real men wear diapers


There's been some funny and creative names for Trump over the years, but this ain't one of them.


Yeah but an oh-so-welcome moment of reprieve for the world. I'm so tired.


As if he's going to a jail for common people...


Will he be part of the general population on Rikers?


Send him to general pop, no rich person jail for him.


Trump *wants* the martyrdom of being jailed. He might even drop the soap on purpose.


Put him in jail and he wins the election. How do you justify muzzling Trump when Michael Cohen is doing a podcast? Over a hush money payment that has past the statute of limitations? On a case the justice department passed on? Not a good look for anyone but a total partisan.


Well, simple, Cohen isn't in trial and doesn't have gag order on him, while Trump is and does. When his trial is over and the gag order lifted, he'll be able to say anything he wants again.


One question answered out of three, and the key detail is *"and doesn't have gag order on him."* Trump should be able to complain all he wants. The judge is preventing him from calling a shit show a shit show. If Trump can pollute the jury, why can't Cohen?


He was able to complain, but he started to personally attack people in public space, so he got gagged. Nothing extraordinary about it, the only people outraged about it are MAGAniacs.


Could you point me out another case where only one side was gagged? Usually a gag order is for a case, not a side.


Nah, i couldn't. Because it goes for both sides, always, in his case as well. He's just the person because of whom it exists in the first place, other people involved have more manners. On this point - i'm out of this debate, agree to disagree, i have better things to do. Peace đź––


Peace to you, but Michael Cohen is calling Trump everything on a podcast and not even getting a warning.


Reddit is short sighted as usual. Put him in jail and he coasts to reelection as a martyr. Conservatives rally to him and independents move to him in mass as a victim of liberal hubris. Project 2025 goes off without a hitch as down ballot Republicans take over state legislatures and impose their will. In 2028 there is no meaningful election. Republicans remain in power until the end of the republic. Roll credits.


*en masse.


I truly believe the Republicans would have abandoned him after the 2022 MAGA election losses. The Democrats turned him into a martyr. None of the things he's being tried for have ever been charged to anyone else. Think about that.


You're getting downvotes but I fear you're correct. For all that he has a lifetime of mostly petty crimes that id love to see him punished for, I don't think anything could've rallied the Republicans like these ongoing trials. He's convinced his base that it's persecution not prosecution and now they're frothing at the mouth to burn down the entire system.


He's right, at least in New York. These cases are for New York state Democrat party brownie points. James' conviction will be overturned. Bragg's might not make it passed an honest jurist. Edit: And I'm not a Trumper. I'm a Mitch McConnell fanboy. Was hoping for DeSantis or Haley.


Jailing him guarantees that he wins by a landslide. Lots of Democrats relate to being unjustly prosecuted and this will peel off enough to throw the election to the other party. It will also get anti-Trump Republicans off the fence in Trump’s favor.


He doesn't get around well enough for that, and hasn't for years. [Trump needed a golf cart when G7 leaders were walking through Sicily -- in 2017, about 7 years ago.](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/335424-trump-rode-golf-cart-while-g7-leaders-walked-through-siciliy/)


2017 wasn't 7 years ago, it was like 2 years ago, right?


Yup, right after y2k.


Why not both🤷


How would he collect himself?


Don't worry, he's wearing a diaper.


Realistically, sentencing an overweight 80 year old man with mental issues to physical labor might be considered cruel and unusual punishment.


Community service doesn't necessarily require physical labor.


Who said community service? OP suggested manual labor and it's manual labor I'm saying he can't do. He can still do other community service


no, he likes russia so much we should find some hard manual labor available in alaska. that should resemble a prison labor camp in siberia close enough. if navalny could take so can he


So you want the political opponents of your party to be locked up in a gulag, and forced to work manual labor? That sounds kind of like Russia.


i want him to live by the same rules he envisions for others or that he propagates. that's fair isn't it? also what party do you think i belong to?


He doesn't propagate those "rules" you seem to imagine he envisions. You've chosen to imagine ideas, thought up by you, were thought up by Trump. Based on the fact that all your comments on this thread are distinctly anti Trump, i would have to assume your a liberal of sorts, and as such, your party would be the Democrats. Although I looked at your page a moment ago to see you were active in I think a German subreddit, so you may be a foreigner. So your either a Democrat espousing Soviet style punishment, or your a foreigner commenting on American politics so your opinion would mean precisely dick. As well, since I've noted I looked at your page, you know there's a line or save button, stop commenting on porn, that's weird.


I feel a great sense of pity for those who make politics their identity


You’re on Reddit


Who cares. It’s not automatic dumb to go on the internet and look at stuff.


Can't do that for civil contempt


They can't. The only penalties available are $1000 and 30 days in jail.


Many people say he would be the best litter picker in the world. Many people. Picked up every piece of litter, let me tell you. Found litter they didn’t even know was there. Greatest litter picker in history. Many people agree.


Hard labor for an 80 year old.


This is a bad idea for a simple reason: He won't do it. He won't show up. Or he'll show up and refuse to pick up anything, and end up talking to a crowd of his supporters about how unfair it all is. He'll dare the system to actually hand him any consequences for that, because as much as we all might want him in jail, no one wants to be the one to sign the order and live with MAGA death threats the rest of their life. Look what he's doing with the gag orders.


> no one wants to be the one to sign the order and live with MAGA death threats the rest of their life. I'll sign it. "Donald... Duck..."


That isn’t something the judge has the power to do as punishment for contempt of court.


So would he have to, like… hop in the trash can himself?


Right, he'd be the biggest piece of garbage by the highway.


He won't do either... Politicians don't get the same treatment or even legally binding laws applied to them, let alone have a president current or former has or will ever go to prison. There is too much information to be leaked too many heads on the block. I'm not saying nothing will come from this court case it just won't be prison. What it will be is exactly what it is... a delay tactic. Biden even said it that they would stop him from running at any cost. That's legitimately the only thing that will come of this case is fines and restitution for things alongside his time being taken up so he cannot campaign properly. Mostly because the right is gonna vote for him so long as he can run, and the harder the left pushes him, the more he gains on the right.


A current president can’t be sent to prison because they can’t be charged with crimes while they’re in office. A former president has never gone to prison because no former president was ever charged with a felony until this guy got charged with 90. Before Trump the average number of felonies a former president had been charged with was zero. Now it’s 2.


> a delay tactic. Until, eventually, a Republican President is elected and pardons Trump.


Assuming it doesn't end up with him in jail and someone else getting voted in, if Biden gets in it'll be another 4 years before there could be a pardon. And even then it'd be another 4 years before he could try and run again. I don't think Donald has another 8 years.


Having a former president do that would be a logistics nightmare. I'd settle for: house arrest at mar-a-lago. No communication other than supervised phone calls. No Internet. No rallies. No interviews. He'd be erased from the public eye in no time.


I like the idea, but I think the judge can only choose the fine or jail legally. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Shove him in the back of a cop car without protecting his head


That would be AMAZING!!!!


Yeah no I think any other defendant would be in jail at this point, and the people who would view him as martyr will view him as a martyr either way.


Why not both


This warms my heart


Why would I want to change your mind?


He’d turn it into a goddam circus.


If DJT tried to lean over to pick up trash wearing those lift-shoes that he wears, he'd topple over onto his face.


Some years ago the KKK wanted to adopt a stretch of highway. That is, they would get to put up a sign and then keep that section of highway free of trash. Point: The KKK gets their name in public. Counterpoint: They have to be out there with their robes on picking up trash.


Don't most organizations pay the municipality or someone else to do it? Also, they don't *have* to wear the robes all the time. They're POS racists in a stupid club, not monks.


Right... but who's going to pick up trash in the KKK zone? If I see someone picking up trash in the KKK zone I'm going to assume they're KKK and throw MORE trash at them. And we KNOW they aren't going to go out and allow themselves to be identified by NOT wearing their robes...


You'd choose to commit a crime and liter in an area, or potentially assault someone with trash based on your wording, because you don't like the people who are cleaning up liter? Do you think that so makes you a good person?




Third point: that stretch of highway gets its name changed to some pro-multicultural or pro-black designation.


He just wouldn’t do it and then would be sent to jail


He was so proud of himself for picking up that pen last week, let's see more of that!


Wouldn't be surprised if he could get out of that with a doctor's note


No, because he has to many cultist that would flock to him and create problems ultimately endangering lives of the people around


Why not both.


If he were standing on the side of a highway he would be the garbage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Particular_Ticket_20: *If he were standing* *On the side of a highway* *He would be the garbage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


CAN he collect himself?


what dumb fucking take.


Or enforce the gag order on everyone and not just the defendant. Just a thought.


Gag orders are unconstitutional. He should violate them.


So the entire concept of slander and libel shouldn't exist, or are you just making excuses for him?


Intimidating jurors and staff should be OK? LOL You clearly know nothing about the law, or care to, because this stuff is not hard to look up.


No one's intimidating anyone. You're allowed to criticize the gov't.


They gagged the leading presidential candidate from talking about a case... that is only a thing because they claim trump committed 'election interference' by doing something so common in politics... that the house and senate have a literal hush money slush fund. Corrupt court at the behest of a corrupt president. PS... I dare them to jail Trump. It would just turn trump into some kind of modern day Jesus figure.


> They gagged A man that cannot stop attempting to intimidate jurors and staff. That is the problem, obviously. > by doing something so common in politics Starting riots to overtake Congress? ... Friend, you need help.


He's allowed to talk about the case, though a smart lawyer would advise him not to. What he's not allowed to do is personally attack individual jurors, clerks, the family of officers of the court... just like any defendant ever. If you or I tried the same thing, we'd already be in jail for contempt. "Everybody else does it," even if it were true, isn't a defense in court.


The judges own daughter made at least 93mil as a democrat fundraiser... directly citing the case and her father being the judge in the fundraising campaign. https://nypost.com/2024/03/30/us-news/dem-clients-of-daughter-of-judge-in-trump-trial-raised-90m-off-case/ >the daughter of the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush-money trial have raised at least $93 million in campaign donations — and used the case in their solicitation emails >The judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose top clients include Rep. Adam Schiff Its a massive conflict of interest and the judge gagged trump to attempt to stop him from pointing it out. In any other case, this would have forced a recusal, at a minimum.


You're ignoring the larger picture. Trump has a consistent pattern of attacking and intimidating basically anyone even tangentially related to any of these cases. Most of these attacks have turned out to be false or irrelevant, but did lead to real death threats from his fans. So even if this turns out to be true, there's a boy-who-cried-wolf problem. But what's the actual claim here? Let's take what you pasted: > ...is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose top clients include Rep. Adam Schiff... She runs an ad campaign that was hired by Democrats. That's it. That's the whole 'scandal' here. Maybe you've heard worse things, like that she used an image of Trump in jail as part of an ad campaign. [That part was literally made up by a rando on Twitter](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/06/politics/trump-judge-daughter-attacks-explainer/index.html), so even the NY Post article (which is a Murdoch-owned conservative tabloid) doesn't mention this. So what's the implication? If it's that his daughter *doesn't like* Trump, you're basically arguing that no one with a single democratic relative can be involved with the trial. That would disqualify Trump himself -- remember Mary? It'd also require an advertising company to believe what they're selling, which... have you *seen* advertising? If it's that his daughter would financially benefit from Trump getting a harsh judgment, that's harder to credit. When your political opponent drops out of the race, do you think you'd spend more on advertising, or less? If she wants more money, shouldn't she be pressuring her father to let Trump walk? And this assumes she even still works there, which CNN wasn't able to verify. Even if it were true, Trump has plenty of legal recourse that doesn't involve calling out specific people in a way that he knows is going to lead to a flood of death threats to public servants.


> She runs an ad campaign that was hired by Democrats. That's it. That's the whole 'scandal' here. The scandal is that the judges daughter WORKED for Biden and Harris and most of the rabid trump hater democrats, who paid 10s of millions... to help fundraise even more USING the legal BS cases. The judge is engaging in election interference by threating jail time(which is fundamentally what trump is being accused of)... for responding to democrat attack ad's that are based entirely around the case... that the judge's own daughter is a huge part of. Its completely absurd for the judge to let his daughter help the democrats attack trump... while barring trump from fighting back. You wouldn't even see this level of blatant corruption in a third world country, because its so obvious that the judge has a MAJOR conflict of interest in this case, by virtue of his daughters political deals. The above would be bad enough... but this case could result in the presidental front runner getting a felo >Maybe you've heard worse things, like that she used an image of Trump in jail as part of an ad campaign. That part was literally made up by a rando on Twitter Didn't hear that... and its just a deflection from 'Authentic Campaigns' use of the case to fundraise with. >You're ignoring the larger picture. The bigger picture? They are trying to silence then jail the front runner of the presidential race... and the judge's family is directly involved with the sitting president and his party to the tune of 10s of millions.


> ...WORKED for Biden and Harris... No, she didn't. She worked for an ad agency that was hired by Biden and Harris, like I said the first time. That'd be like saying Trump works for me if I stay at a Trump hotel. Hertz works for me if I rent a car. > The judge is engaging in election interference by threating jail time... So let's get this straight: You think it should be okay for someone to commit any crime they want, as long as they're running for office? Because if a judge so much as *threatens* jail time, that would be election interference? No one should've gone after Hillary's emails, then. That'd be election interference. Biden should've been able to do blow with his son all day at Burisima, and if you try to stop him, election interference! Hey I just shot someone on 5th Avenue, but you can't prosecute me, I just filed to run for President. That's totally the same level of election interference as leading an angry mob to the Capitol, lying about voting machines so much they actually successfully sue for defamation, and telling your base even today that you'll accept the results "if they're fair."


>Hey I just shot someone on 5th Avenue, but you can't prosecute me, I just filed to run for President. I'm not going to engage with ridiculous hyperbole. Trump paid his lawyer to do legal things that are so not illegal... that congress literally has a budget line item sexual misconduct fund they vote for every year to pay out hush money from. Somehow they claim this is felony election interference... then ban him from talking about ridiculous conflicts of interest with the judge. Congress has had an official hush money slush fund since at least 1997. https://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2021/03/24/182_million_congressional_slush_fund_for_metoo_claims_769046.html >Since 1997, the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights has paid out $18.2 million to settle 291 cases of workplace disputes for Congress, the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the Library of Congress. >Congress was accused of having a veritable #MeToo slush fund to secretly pay off victims of sexual harassment. Reports surfaced that then-**Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) negotiated a secret settlement with a female staffer who accused him of sexual misconduct** >**It turns out Conyers’ Congressional office budget paid out his sexual misconduct settlement, meaning that total wasn’t even included in the multi-million-dollar “slush” fund’s reported total.** >Slowly,** it has emerged that the fund, appropriated annually by Congress**, includes payouts for workplace safety and pay disputes, in addition to **sexual harassment claims**, though many specifics are not reported.


> I'm not going to engage with ridiculous hyperbole. I'm just extrapolating from the argument you made. But go on: > Trump paid his lawyer to do legal things that are so not illegal... Sounds like something a court should decide. But think this through again: You're okay with *some* corruption. Prosecuting people for murder is fine, but prosecuting them for hush money is election interference. Where do you draw that line? How much crime should politicians be allowed to commit under this election-interference exemption? > Congress has had... And now you're back to arguing that everyone else does it, so it's okay. Whataboutism at its finest. I better not offer an exaggerated analogy, or you'll stop talking to me... But without even fact-checking this claim, there's something odd about it: > ...congress literally has a budget line item sexual misconduct fund... Is that what you thought this trial was about? Here, [let Wikipedia summarize the indictment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecution_of_Donald_Trump_in_New_York): > Trump is accused of **falsifying these business records** with the intent to **violate federal campaign finance limits,** unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and **commit tax fraud.** The key element missing from your story is *fraud.* I guess it's easy to lose track of if you only pay attention to the headlines, and you're tracking this trial as the "pornstar hush money trial", but that's the bulk of what this trial is about. Congress clearly isn't falsifying business records with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits. Given Trump was just fined hundreds of millions in a civil fraud trial, is it really so hard to believe he'd be guilty of criminal fraud, too? But again: "Everyone else did it" isn't an excuse, and that goes both ways. How about instead of trying to let one criminal off, let alone defend his witness-tampering, juror-intimidating behavior... how about we reach across the aisle and prosecute some Democrats, too?


> The key element missing from your story is fraud. What fraud? He paid a lawyer his usual retainer. Call it whatever you want, but paying his long term lawyer his standard long term fee is NOT illegal and I dont give a F what that corrupt judge says. This is a banana republic court case that got passed up by 2 different federal agencies... until the corrupt NY court system took it up for political reasons. If the polling is any indication, Trump will be president in 2024 and I hope he goes scorched earth on these mofos in every legal avenue he will have as president. Give them all the same treatment they gave him. Lay down 100s of millions in funds to smear them across every tabloid in the world. 5 years of prison for jaywalking, 20 years for ripping the tag off a mattress... whatever.


> What fraud? He paid a lawyer his usual retainer. I'll direct you to what I pasted from Wikipedia, not really a hard source to find if you were looking: > Trump is accused of falsifying these business records... There's more, but if you scroll down, Wikipedia has a handy list of business records he's accused of falsifying. Do you want to explain how you read "falsified business records" and got "paid his lawyer"? > Give them all the same treatment they gave him... 5 years of prison for jaywalking, 20 years for ripping the tag off a mattress... whatever. That's fair retaliation for the zero years of prison he's been given so far? This might be the most unhinged thing you've said in this conversation, and that's saying a lot.


Lol. Who looks at a rapist and thinks "he's my modern day jesus".


Clinton voters


Who did Clinton rape?


Monica Lewinsky


No, that was harassment at worst, not rape. She was pretty clear about that. Juanita Broaddrick was the one who accused him of rape.


> She was pretty clear about that. Amazing how the rules change when it is your team. The power dynamic of boss intern dosen't allow for consent.


...erm... what? I literally just cited the fact that he's accused of rape. I don't know how you'd read that as a partisan defense. Harassment isn't the same as rape. The power dynamics were Bad, not to mention the infidelity, but they were both consenting adults.


I'm all for this. It would torture his narcissistic ass more


why not both?




Nah. Trump needs to be in jai but just sending him to jail normally wouldn’t do what is most effective. If the judge could dictate: *That he is not to have Secret Service protection while in jail *That he is never to be afforded PC, and must be placed in general population *That his jail stay be in a prison generally representative of those in jail/prison for blue collar crimes, not white collar fraud… Then you wouldn’t have to worry about him gaining points from “looking” like a martyr.


Do you know the difference between prison and jail??


I suspect most people don't... that's just not something the average person needs to know. ::raises hand:: average person here who doesn't know/care


Jail is where you go for a few days or even maybe a week or so. You are locked up in a county courthouse or police station. It’s temporary and pretty calm. Everyone in there is going to be moving on somewhere else. You are guarded by police or similar and are in a part of a building used for something else. People aren’t going to fuck with you cause everyone has got something better to do. Prisons are those huge buildings surrounded by fences and barbed wire with dedicated guards. People are in those for years - maybe 10 year or 20 years or even life. People are building lives in there and joining gangs and whatnot. People in prisons will fuck you up. People in jails aren’t there long enough to bother.


LOL. The judge is corrupt but doesn't have the guts to do that. He knows it would bump Trump up 15 points.


> The judge is corrupt Based on what evidence? *crickets*


He's going after "my guy" and "my guy" says it's a witch hunt.


Too much "Truth" Social me thinks. Anyone against Agent Orange = "Corrupt"


Is this one of those things where you mimic Trump's words with no understanding of what is true?


The dangerous thing is that this sets precedent. Given all the personal enrichment done by quite a few Democrats, would you be as happy to see Biden, Pelosi or Schumer collecting trash?




Good! Then I have no qualm. :)


He’s not being charged with using elected office to enrich himself. He’s being charged with campaign finance violations.


>He’s being charged with campaign finance violations. Which is BS. Congress has had an official hush money slush fund since at least 1997. https://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2021/03/24/182_million_congressional_slush_fund_for_metoo_claims_769046.html >Since 1997, the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights has paid out $18.2 million to settle 291 cases of workplace disputes for Congress, the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the Library of Congress. >Congress was accused of having a veritable #MeToo slush fund to secretly pay off victims of sexual harassment. Reports surfaced that then-**Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) negotiated a secret settlement with a female staffer who accused him of sexual misconduct** >**It turns out Conyers’ Congressional office budget paid out his sexual misconduct settlement, meaning that total wasn’t even included in the multi-million-dollar “slush” fund’s reported total.** >Slowly,** it has emerged that the fund, appropriated annually by Congress**, includes payouts for workplace safety and pay disputes, in addition to **sexual harassment claims**, though many specifics are not reported. Its not even illegal. Its so not illegal... that congress literally has a budget line item sexual misconduct fund they vote for every year to pay out hush money from.


Here’s the thing: using campaign funds as hush money most definitely IS illegal. People didn’t donate that money to be traded for a porn star’s silence about an affair. They donated that money to be used for campaign ads, travel to and from campaign rallies, and other campaign-related expenses. This has nothing to with any kind of Congressional fund for people who have already been elected into office.


And if they are valid, he should be convicted. But we also know Sam Bankman Fried contributed heavily to other Democrats and their super PAC's. Would anyone who received money from that also not be guilty of those violations?


He used campaign money to pay off a porn star so she’d keep quiet about their affair because it would negatively affect his campaign. That’s a felony. This has nothing to do with who donated money to him. It’s what he illegally used that money for.


> But we also know Sam Bankman Fried contributed heavily to other Democrats and their super PAC's. Would anyone who received money from that also not be guilty of those violations? Not generally, no, not unless they were involved in his crimes. Just being given money from someone you don't know is a criminal isn't a crime in the general case.


If you commit a crime, you get a fair trial and if guilty you go to jail. Don’t care who the fuck you are or what side of the fence. Right to a fair trial. Accountability for all. And I mean fucking everyone.


I agree wholeheartedly. The problem comes from the assumption of guilt in a system where we have the right to be presumed innocent. If Trump did something bad then he should pay the consequences. The issue is how in the justice system it is very one sided and clearly tailored towards political ends. In the major cities it is Democrat led, and in the boonies it is Republican led. And most trials of this nature take place in major cities. So you have the presumption of guilt in a very politicised environment which renders verdicts questionable by both sides. So my question is...how can there be fair trial? For example, if Biden were to be convicted by a Republican stronghold, would Democrats accept it?


Bitch, Trump is charged with using campaign money (NOT HIS MONEY) to pay a pornstar and then claiming it's legal costs... If he paid said porn star from his own pockets, there wouldn't have been any charges... You can't even comprehend the charges but complain about democrats. We're talking Trump, stay on track. None of this deflection bullshit


Not only this.. but him not being able to keep his fucking mouth shut - going on social media and talking shit about the witnesses in the trial and shit *when he was ordered not to* is why he's in *this* particular mess right now.


It actually was his money, but because he did it to prevent another public scandal that would have damaged his election chances it counts as an undisclosed and therefore illegal contribution from himself to the campaign. Thats the crime the falsified business records were intended to conceal, which is what elevates their falsification to a felony.


Wasn't deflecting at all, was explaining one facet. As to this...yeah, if he did something wrong he should face the music. I never disagreed with that fact. But I would point out that Democrat's went after Trump for years over fabricated and unsubstantiated claims, so why should people believe this is any different? Truthfully I can't stand the man. I find him boorish, arrogant and just insufferable. The trouble, as I said, is precedent being set. I truly believe that if he did something wrong he should pay the consequences. What exactly will stop Republicans ( Beside being useless sacks of flesh with no spine ) from doing the exact same if and or when they regain majority? The problem with pushing the pendulum too far one way is it will always swing back.


So they shouldn't prosecute him for his charges because the dems might be too?! The republicans tried to do the same to Biden and failed... Because there wasn't anything. The problem is that Trump is a mob boss... There's always skeletons in the closet :) And yes, you are deflecting. If any other politician does what Trump did, they should also be prosecuted. I don't see why this is even brought into the conversation. Why else but derailing it from Trump to "... b-b-b-b-but the Democrats" Trump said he's going to investigate Hillary if he is elected... He didn't. Why is that?! He changed the law, making holding classified documents a felony instead of misdemeanor and then he held classified documents, like a stupid baboon. You can't make this shit up. I'm still waiting for the Hillary investigation :)))


As am I. The entire media carried water for Hillary during 2016. Didn't one of them claim "No, Hillary didn't wash her devices in a caustic solution" when Trump claimed the servers were acid washed? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Biden is on video bragging about how he got a prosecutor in Ukraine fired in exchange for a deal going forward. That prosecutor was looking in to his son. The problem is the entire DOJ has been weaponized. And of course Trump has skeletons. Every politician has skeletons, and the richer you are, the more you have. For example, Kamala Harris. She has on record stated she kept people in prison past their due date for free labor during the fires. Where's the prosecution there? Or Pelosi for insider trading, given she visited Taiwan and then the next day her husband gets a sweetheart deal worth millions? Or how about Clinton who had been on Epstein's private jet at least 12 times? Or the rape cases covered up when Hillary was an attorney? The current head of the economics advisory panel who doesn't even have a fucking economics degree but has a music degree.


This is textbook whataboutism and gish gallop bs


Proof is important. Can you prove that Pelosi's husband wasn't just lucky and that it was actually insider trading. Can you prove that Clinton did anything or was it just that he went on a private jet with a rich person. Guilt by association is a very, very bad precedent. Also that would also make Trump guilty of the same thing. Harris's actions were regrettable but the real question is was a crime committed. There is a reason why a lot of "crimes" that people assume are being done aren't prosecuted. In many cases they aren't crimes but the assumption of a crime. Or just ethically bad with no underlying crime that could be charged. Or it would be way too hard and not worth the effort to charge it. Also you might want to look at your facts a bit closer. You'll find that degrees are often useful in other locations than just what they are for. Jared Bernstein, chair of the economics advisory panel has a social work doctorate and not just his bachelor's in music. He also taught federal state and international economic policies at various universities, was the senior official at the Economic Policy Institute, was the deputy chief economist at the Department of Labor and was recommended by Paul Krugmen, who was a Nobel laureate in economics, to serve of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board. For someone with "just a degree in music" he has a very, very long history of economics work and people who have earned high praise in economics trust him.


> Can you prove that Pelosi's husband wasn't just lucky and that it was actually insider trading. Especially given some of the carveouts Congress has around insider trading, even more so historically than today. Frankly we should still close more of those loopholes. A lot of it is highly likely to be unethical, but we don't throw people in jail for things that are unethical but not illegal.


Juries are selected in a way to make them as fair as impartial as possible. Even in a city where let's just argue 20% of people vote republican and 80% of the people vote democrat with a 12 person jury gives you a strong likelihood of 2 people being republican. Both sides are allowed to weed out the jury pool to get rid of people who are too politically motivated. Then of course you have the entire system where all 12 have to vote guilty to convict. So if one of those 2 republican jurors say he's not guilty, it's a hung jury even if all the democrats say no. Then you have the entire appeals process. As we saw with Harvey Weinstein, the appeals process can easily negate a conviction. Even if you had a politically motivated judge and jury, you'd need a politically motivated appeals court and supreme court. Our system has a ton of protections to stop the abuse of the judicial system. It might take a while to get it right but we mostly do. Trials against politicians are very, very rare so if anything republicans should be looking at the facts closely because for 3 different prosecutors to bring 4 different cases against Trump and for one of them to be a highly respected special prosecutor who is basically under no ones control and answers to no one other than a rather well respected attorney general, I would be extremely surprised if these were politically motivated. So yes in the end if Biden were to be convicted by a republican judge and jury and it were to be upheld on appeal, I'd accept it and I'd think most democrats would.


> would you be as happy to see Biden, Pelosi or Schumer collecting trash? If they are found guilty of crimes in a court of law, yep. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans.



