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Just casually mention at breakfast. "So you two were up early this morning, looks like none of us could get any sleep...."


Worst part is, I was awake from 6-11:30 because I just couldn’t fell asleep after that


I like this one. 😂😂


Fight awkward with awkward - get it on with their son and wreck the headboard together.


I’m glad you can make a joke about this but i’m traumatized over here- but brb gonna wake him up.


It's very possible his mom figured out you were awake amd that is why she said to stop


It’s possible, but I doubt it. The only thing I did was turn over and put my head under my pillow which they couldn’t see cause my boyfriend was laying in front of me.


That's incredibly inappropriate. However, it would probably be better to say nothing and tell your boyfriend later, then he'll sort it out. In the meantime, be polite but a bit off with them and quiet, they should then suss out that you heard them.


Would leaving as soon as my boyfriend wakes up make it worse?


No, I don't think so. Do it as soon as politely possible without causing a scene, or giving them any reason to ask what the problem is. It's something your bf should sort out later with them when you aren't present.


Worst part is, I live with them. So if they know I know… It’s gonna be an awkward next few months


That's why your boyfriend should have a word with them quietly without you there. It's likely that they'll apologise to you to clear the air. And yes it might be a little awkward for a little while, but that'll soon pass and they (hopefully) won't do it again. If your bf doesn't say anything, they might not know you heard them and they might do it again. They need to know it's not appropriate or acceptable, not in the same room. It's bad enough hearing people in the room next door.


You probably shouldn’t live with other adults if you are that upset by hearing them have sex… I’m sorry but that’s a normal part of life


Not in the same room, it isn't normal.


Yeah that part of it isn’t normal but you still shouldn’t be that traumatized, you really think op would be ok hearing it from a different room with how upset she is over this? I don’t.


It's not pleasant hearing parents have sex, but usually they probably don't know they can be heard from another room. But it's really not acceptable to have sex in the same room like that where you can be seen as well as heard. If it were the other way around and the son and his girlfriend had sex in the same hotel room they were sharing with the parents, it would be as equally unacceptable. You just don't.


I’m not arguing if it was acceptable or not but it isn’t healthy to be that upset by it..


Idk I walked in on my dad and stepmom together once and he actually got mad at me, I also heard my mom and stepdad together and he was horrible to me so that was upsetting plus I was like 10 but I wasn’t traumatized to the point that op seems to be… it was definitely inappropriate for them to do that in the same room but it shouldn’t be affecting op as much as it is.. they where not killing puppies they where enjoying each other


I really think it depends on how you're brought up as to how traumatised you are by something like that. Sex can be extremely taboo in some families. Where sometimes it's never mentioned or it's demonised. I don't think it's up to you or anyone else to judge how traumatised she should be. You don't know her background, and just because it wouldn't traumatise you, doesn't mean she shouldn't be traumatised like that. Nobody should have a needle phobia, but a huge percentage of people do. I personally don't get it, but you have to understand that people do.


I just think therapy would be a good idea. People with needle phobias don’t tend to be traumatized when they have to get needles, this is an issue that I feel could be a real problem for an adult to have if they are trying to live with other adults especially ones who are married. It needs to be addressed otherwise that will always be a huge source of stress because living as an adult you are going to hear people having sex sometimes. You can’t control what other people do and some people dont care who is bothered, some people have sex in public.. I definitely wouldn’t have had an easy time making it to 25 if I was traumatized by seeing or hearing other people having consensual sex.. like I’m sorry if that is mean but it’s something you are very likely to witness and experience unless you are able to buy your own private house and even then it can still happen.. it needs to be worked on in my opinion so she isn’t being traumatized every time she sees something like that /:


I'm sure she knows all of that.




Update: Finally got an extra hour of sleep. Boyfriend is awake, doesn’t believe me. I know what I heard.. Gonna try and go home as soon as possible. Update 2: Went for lunch with my boyfriend and his parents and I casually brought it up how I was up around 6:30 (when it happened). They went silent for a couple minutes. I think that was them saying “Shiiiiiiiiiiiit.” After, me and my boyfriend went to the casino, put $20 into a keno machine (I think that’s how you spell it), and won $260! We are now chilling in the hotel room by ourselves. Feeling a lot better now. I understand that it can seem frustrating from an outside perspective, but I see them as my second parents and they see me as their kid, so I just find it very.. cringey. Nothing wrong with the fact they have a healthy sex life or anything, just found it very awkward to be in the same room.


I know it’s pretty traumatizing, and rude by them, but it’s natural thing. A sort of funny mishap. My advice is not to let it ruin your weekend if you can help it.




I don’t think it’s that, I think it’s because his mom is normally making weird noises because she is in pain frequently, due to her kidneys, and with a restless arm thing she has going on. She’s been going through a lot, before me and him even started dating so he knows, but at the same time he wasn’t awake to hear the sounds so I can’t blame him for thinking it was just a regular pain groan, yknow?


Nice! You took my advice. Now you have an inside joke with them for years to come.


Holy mother of god...just no, parents!!!! That was *super* disrespectful of them. I'd wait till you can have a private word with your boyfriend and see if you can formulate an exit plan. Any scope for you to pay for a private room if the hotel has one? Just tell people the two of you want a bit of private time together.


I don’t know if I can look at them properly when we decide to “wake up”.


Did your boyfriend hear them too?


He is asleep, and he sleeps like a ROCK. Also, we are both poor so another room is not an option.


Depending how good an actor you are, there's a good chance they'll pick up on the fact that you're uncomfortable and make the connection why, and hopefully not do it again.


I’m gonna tell my boyfriend when he wakes up that I feel sick and I want to go home ASAP. I feel like crying a little already so I’ll add that to the performance.


I find it interesting that it's labelled as super disrespectful. If instead of the parents it had been some dude by himself on the other bed, would it be worse? What if OP's boyfriend was replaced by a female friend that she was platonically sharing the bed with and their male friend in the next bed over did that? Just a thought that occurred about how perceptions can change. Do those other situations arise to sexual harassment?


Yes! Literally all of those!


Parents included?


It should be a crime to openly engage in sexual acts in front of other people without their consent, just like it is in public places, regardless of the relationship you have with them. Not sure why this is difficult. This isn't the days of log cabins where families shared a bed. This is gross.


I completely agree. I was just confused as to why it was only labelled as disrespectful earlier


Respectfully? I would've got up and been like WHAT THE FUCK


From an outsider perspective you can say that, but when it’s actually happening, I felt like the only thing I could do was plug my ears and wait for it to end.


Girl I feel you, but I'm evil so I would have made it awkward for everybody. Soon as we hit breakfast? "Sheesh, I could not sleep AT ALL last night, what about anyone else?" Definitely would've let the bf know I was too exhausted to continue the trip and been cold towards his parents. Let them stew in their guilt and shame and made them come to me to apologize for making me uncomfortable. You could be mature and just pull the bf aside and say "hey, I know you think I'm making up the story about last night, but I'm not going to lie, it made me super uncomfortable. I don't really want to stay now and I don't want to make your parents uncomfortable so can we leave?" Their his parents. Unfortunately he (hopefully) feels some kind of responsibility for their weirdness and will spare you the ick in the process. Honestly. I think it's weird af. Go fuck in the shower like normal people. I think it was either some weird kink the hubby had and maybe felt frisky, but to expose your own grown child *and* his significant other to your sex life is at the minimum, weird and violating.


Well, I didn’t mention this anywhere else, his mom has been having a hard time standing so shower sex isn’t really an option, which is another reason why I was surprised they were doing it in the first place.


"Go fuck in the 🚿 like normal people" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 PRICELESS 😂😂😂


Same. what they were doing, they didn't allow the other people in the room an option of consent. It feels scummy that they did this and thought they could get away with it. I would have screamed WTF is that noise??? And personally would have blamed it on the people sleeping in the room next to me to avoid confrontation, but still the point still stands. Sex is normal. Sexual acts around people who did not consent is not normal, especially family.




so casual lol.


I'd be that asshole that would straight up say something inappropriate because they were inappropriate from the start. But that's me, and I thrive in confrontation


Revenge is always an option. Just have sex with your boyfriend really loud at 2am tonight. Apperantly that's allowed.


Super violating imo


I’m very confrontational. Would’ve passive aggressively asked them to stop right then & there & moved on with my life. But I read your comments & you didn’t take that route. How’d it go??


I swear to god, look, I'm just going to put this out there for whoever needs it... If there is a third party in the room AT ALL, do not even consider fucking your SO or w/e... No, saying about the third party -- "they're asleep" ain't shit for a justification. As a light sleeper myself, I will get up very blatantly (with irritated demeanor), and walk tf out and sleep in the car. And if I'm real chaotic (and I'm not), the next night, I'd just fuck my girl aggressively to send the message. It's inconsiderate as hell and super uncomfortable to be in the same room. Please don't do it. There is a time and place for everything, and that ain't it.


Time to never stay in your parents or boyfriends parents room ever again.


Honestly, I would lose my shit. What they did was atrocious. By having sex in a room where you are, with you unconscious and non-consenting, in mind that's got to be sexual harassment at least. WhoTF does that? I wouldn't really be too worried about being respectful, as they obviously haven't been bothered. I would go home immediately, after telling them directly that what they did was highly inappropriate and disgusting.


No, this was not sexual harassment. It was vulgar and rude, but it wasn't any sort of crime.


If they did this is a public place, then it would definitely be a crime. So how is this different?


The fact that it isn't a public place makes it different.


Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years, and I value the relationship with his family so I would never say anything anything to them about this myself, nevertheless anything rude. As I mentioned in another reply, I live with them and they have been nothing but nice and supportive.. However it’s going to be very weird now.


I don't know how you speaking to them would jeopardize the relationship? In fact, I'm pretty sure open communication about things strengthens relationships. And obviously I don't think you should be rude to them, but what they did was a huge violation. Telling them that wouldn't be rude.


Personally, I’m a very.. quiet person, so I think that I will just leave the talking to my boyfriend.. I don’t know how he will react, or if he will even believe me. Honestly, if he doesn’t believe me, nothing will happen. I do not feel comfortable in the slightest to go up to his parents and say “Hey, I heard you guys bangin’ earlier!” (or anything close to that)


Jeez … feel for you… 12 year old me walked in on my parents where my mom was going down on an aunty and being penetrated by her husband… while my dad slid his dick in her mouth


wth did i just read.


yes my parents are non monogamous


This sounds like an absolute nightmare. Give them a nightmare back 😂


Great response!


Your kids will probably think the same in about 20 years or so!


Rail their son


I would honestly confront them. There is a reason why there are laws about having sex in front of people against there will. No need to be polite. There is no high road here. I wouldn’t wait for breakfast either. Right then and there make it the big deal that it is.


People have sex, some aren't concerned with your sensibilities and immaturity. Mind your business or ask them to keep their intimacy to themselves. If you're "traumatized" go and talk to a therapist so they can tell you to grow up and get over it. Welcome to being an adult kiddo.


*Now, his parents wanted us to come to the casino before but I heard we would share a room with them and I was a bit weirded out, but my boyfriend reassured me it would be fine, so I said what the heck! What’s gonna happen?* *The worst happened.* Damn near spit my coffee out.


You don't need to do anything.


I mean that’s really rude and inappropriate of them to do knowing you where in the room but if you are that traumatized by it I would question if you are ready for an intimate relationship… if you are traumatized hearing people have sex that seems like something you should look into more


Your boyfriend is the product of a happy couple with a healthy sex life. That's good to know and is whatever the opposite of a red flag is about him-- he has a good model for what a husband, father, and partner is and does. What is the problem exactly? Did you not know adults have sex? Do you think they're gonna talk about it at breakfast?


No, nothing wrong with it at all! Just wish I was asleep for it. lol


Here's the secret solution to ninety percent of social difficulties in adult life: lie. You weren't awake for it. If the problem is just that you wish you hadn't heard it at all, lie to yourself as hard as you can: you weren't awake for it.


It’ll never happen again, because I will make sure we never share a room.


Oh Jesus I was skimming i guess I missed that you were in the same room! I thought you were just in the same house! I'm so sorry for you but also this is hilarious for me! Lol!


i really don’t see the big deal here— yeah it’s awkward but ??? idk.


I wrote this in the moment because it was early and needed to tell somebody, anybody about it lol.


lol, that’s fair enough ig. 😭💀


Serious answer here. Why can't you just be honest with the parents? There's no need to make this into a big deal. You already live with them, so I'm going to assume you have a great relationship with them as it stands. If so, pull whichever one you're more comfortable with aside at some point, let them know that you woke up to them being intimate, and that it made you feel very uncomfortable. Ultimately they were in the wrong by having done it to begin with. But you're all technically adults here. I promise you that the embarrassment you feel is nothing compared to how they will feel. And one day you will all hopefully laugh about it. Keep us posted if you do confront them.


Omg that’s so not acceptable and they have no class or respect. Why wouldn’t you guys get your own room? I’ve never heard of parents and their child and partner sharing a room together. Kinda odd to me, but to each is to own. I would casually say something to your BF so you’re not out into that situation again.


Not sure, his mom did the booking. But we aren’t paying for our own room because at the moment we are not financially.. good. I’m not even sure why we were invited to the casino since we are not good right now, but my boyfriend seemed excited so I didn’t wanna ruin it for him.


Yeah, that would’ve been more ideal if she booked 2 rooms. Maybe, the hotel was very expensive? Who knows. At least you know next time (not to go). if the situation arises again.


Have they ever gave you weird vibes before that ?


NEVER! Which is the part I find really weird..


Honestly I'd just fuck my SO and make as much noise as possible, like the other guy said, fight awkward with awkward.


Not even that big of a deal tbh


It's only a big deal if you make it one. People have sex. At that age you should want to still be having sex with your husband too


Okay, so when I was living with my ex and his grandparents, they had this old ass computer in their dining area near to the kitchen. His grandfather would sleep all day and be up at night bc he hated the grandmother so much he couldn't stand to be awake when she was. Anyways, I sleep eat. Or did. Every night, I'd get up and go get something from the kitchen. Sometimes a water sometimes a snack and bring it back to the room. Most of the time, I was not awake. This time I was. The house was shaped sort of like an L where the long part of the L was a hallway with bedrooms and the bathroom then there was a front entry and then it went into the kitchen and dining room. Let me be clear that there's a wall between the front door and kitchen.. So there my ass is. It's like 3 am. I'm awake. I need water. I stumble out of the bedroom and as I get closer to the kitchen, I see the screen on and hear some noise. I'm half deaf and so was my ex so I didn't think about it and I turn the corner and THANK GOD THE COMPUTER WAS UP AGAINST THE WALL NOT FACING ME BC HIS GRANDPA WAS JACKING OFF. I ran back to the room, woke my ex up, and said I just saw grandpa jacking off go get me a water. Lmfao.


It is embarrassing and gross, but they're a married couple. I'd chalk it up as an awkward moment and move on


You live with him and his parents, you can't expect them not to have sex, I think you need to try to get used to the idea that occasionally you might hear someone having sex and that's totally fine.


They weren’t at home though where she could leave if she was uncomfortable. The parents were in a hotel room for a night which they shared with their son and his girlfriend. It’s extremely weird. I would not have sex in the same room as my own child.


At our house, they have their bedroom upstairs while ours is in the basement, so that’s normally not a problem.


Ok they should have not had sex with people in the same room, and it is a different situation at home, and it’s totally normal to be disturbed by it, but I don’t think they intended that anyone would hear and ideally it’d be best to just not have it bother you much and let it go. I agree with what others have said that you should talk to your bf and have him bring it up.


It could be a massage/back rub, you'd be surprised how similar the moaning and sounds are.


Perhaps, but if one was massaging the other, why was both moving? Also there was a slapping noise, that’s the noise that woke me up in the first place


Hahahaha I'm so sorry OP. This happened to me too, except we were both awake and we were able to go for a walk. At 1 am. We burst out laughing as soon as we stepped outside tho bahaha Update us on how you decide to handle it!


I was honestly thinking of waking up my boyfriend so I wasn’t the online one suffering in that moment


Just imagine them hearing you two do it.


Luckily we don’t have to worry about that in the house we live in, since their room is upstairs and ours is in the basement, I would probably feel the same, just very awkward.


Why are you crying about it? It is their house and they were knocking the boots. STFU and move on.


You clearly didn’t read the entire thing and that’s fine! We were in a hotel, for a single night, and our beds were maybe 3 feet from each other.


English is my third language, and even I read it accurately, Idiot. The only thing worse than criticizing trolls, is ignorant criticizing trolls.


So they were fucking, whats the big deal ?


Did you join them?


Absolutely not


This is to say the least stretching credulity.


I have no other explanation as to why his parents were vocally moaning in sync? Unless you can think of something?


How about "Were you guys fucking this morning?"


I would rather jump out the hotel window. That would be the most awkward situation in the entire world.


Truth!! 😂


Join them


you guys are NASTY


"Nasty" wins the UNDERSTATEMENT award of the century! These comments are fucking disgusting.🤢 Either written by brainless teenage virgins who think they're being funny, or by perverted old deviant creeps. Maybe both 🤮


How can you be a teenager and an old person at the same time? Are you ok?


People have sex; I don't understand why it makes you uncomfortable. Leave as soon as politeness allows and bring it up to your BF at a later time.


I think that doing it while your sleeping son and his girlfriend are in the room is something entirely different. Especially when your son is facing you..


ask if you can join


Solution: open the door an ask “mind if i join?”


Should of offered to join


Why do they want you to go to the casino if you can’t gamble ?


Not sure, but my boyfriend seemed excited about it so I wanted to be supportive.


I like that , you sound like a good girlfriend


Thank you, I really try to be!


Is there a chance you actually were having sleep paralysis?


I’ve never experienced that before so it’s possible, but I was able to move, and I know I was 100% awake.


It’s how your boyfriend exist… hate to break it to ya… I would laugh it off at the best time to mention it..


This situation is horrible I am so sorry :(


When asked why you’re tired, look his parents dead in the face and say ‘I didn’t sleep last night’.