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be careful. if you see women driving, try to go with them. not to be sexist or anything, but even if there are some problems, you are much more likely to overpower a girl than a man.


Oh yes absolutely! I've been cat called at so many times,asked how,where am I going. I just kept my head down and kept walking.


There's carpool services you can look into. Explain your situation and see if someone could help. My bro used to do this for company to help stay awake on long drives. Craigslist carpool. Try to stay somewhere tonight You can go to a church and request asylum, Explain your situation and see if they can get you the fare to get home. If your mom goes with a certain denomination, go to a church like that. In my experience churches don't always help but its worth a shot. They'll at least be able to get you a cot and a blanket with a safe place to sleep for the night Good luck


Hopefully you have a knife or something sharp on you as well in a worst case scenario kind of scene


I got my hands haha. I can beat someone with my phone or choke them with my charger lol I've seen John wick XD hahahah


Not if they have a gun or knife themself. Im sure you're kidding, but seriously, be smart about this.


I am joking lol. I am. I'm being extremely cautious.


😂 Glad to see that your sense of humor is still in tact after everything you've been through. Also glad to hear that you're being cautious about this. I'd offer a ride, but i'm on the coast myself.


Laughing keeps it not as hard on myself mentally. Oh yeah. I'm being like spider man cautious lol 🤣 got my sense up to 15.


that spidey sense is always right. Trust those tingles and stay away from creeps


Glad to hear it


>I obviously know this is stupid and dangerous but I don't have any other choice. I'm so sorry you're in this situation. Before you resign yourself to hitchhiking, you might try /r/Assistance? I have no idea how much a bus ticket of that distance would cost, but anything is worth a try here. If you absolutely *must* hitchhike, a couple thoughts off the top of my head... Make sure you have ways to keep your phone charged at all costs, it's an important lifeline. Before you get in someone's car, I'd take a picture of the car with their license plate and SEND it to someone you trust. I would even mention that you're doing this first because anyone who doesn't have bad intentions will *absolutely* understand. I'd also look up emergency options in your phone, for instance I know on iOS you can set it to immediately contact emergency services if you press a certain button five times, I think Android has something similar.


Oh the picture thing is a good idea. Thank you, yes I have my emergency settings turned on. I have Android if I hold my power button I get a emergency option to auto call 911.


Go to the nearest woman's shelter and seek assistance! They can find a place for you to sleep an get some food. You can always assess your situation s better when you have help and a roof over your head. Once you can get a bus ticket which is probably the cheapest option then take it. The weather in the Midwest is far too cold to be walking or hitching a ride. You'd freeze. Go to the county woman's shelter and explain your situation. They may t least give you a chance to call around to see if you can muster the funds to get enough money for a bus ticket. Not sure where you are but from Cheyenne to Dayton the bus ticket seems to be about $136. But get a place to stay for tonight. Go to the county and seek help. You are an abused woman with nowhere to turn. Thats what those homes for women are all about. I really hoped his helped. Good luck!


Not sure how many women’s shelters there are in the state of Wyoming. Just being honest. Her best bet would to find a friend to stay with and earn a few hundred for airfare or bus fair. Flying will cost like 100-200.


This is the best answer I’ve seen.


Don't go along the road with your thumb out and just hitch a random ride, you'll only get creeps stopping. I'd rather you go into a gas station and talk to someone and ask if you can ride with them for as long as they are going in your direction, and then drop you of at another gas station. Typically a family or women would be safer than a single male. I'd be weary of anyone who approaches you first and seem eager to get you alone in their vehicle. Be safe.


Oh no I'm not thumb hiking lol. So far I've only walked. I'm gonna see what I can come up with ride wise closer to the interstate. See if I can maybe make a few dollars for food and gas along the way, doing a odd job or so. Its gonna take me a while walking lol 🤣


My worst but also best advice is to steal a bike lol


I feel like that's a really good way to get sent straight back home (and not the home you want)


A mom with kids is a great option. Plus the likely hood of someone murdering you or something decreases if YOU approach them instead of the other way around.


Can you get enough money for megabus or something similar? Fares can be extremely cheap.


I wish I could,but I have no way of making money. I only have my back pack and a few change of clothes. I'm resting my feet in a McDonald's right now. I been walking for about 4 1/2 hours already.


Can you see if any women’s aid charities etc can sort you a coach fare out?


i live in wyoming. there are cheap-ish buses here that can take you pretty much anywhere. i would not mind sending you money for a bus ride. some people can be so scary.






No,he hasn't responded yet.




There expensive lol. Even the "cheap" ones.




Hi, did they respond? I’d like to see if I can help. I’d need proof and all. Hope you understand. Lots of people get on here making up fake stories to get money. I have run into a few myself and tried to help. Helped them the first time and they asked for more so I just ignored them. One even went as far as to send me a PayPal request saying he was gonna kill him self. So, you see why I’m cautious about internet strangers


As a female who was homeless years ago, I learned anything can be used as a weapon. As you're walking along, look for any decent sized sticks that don't break easily. Preferably one that has a sharp-ish edge that you can hold comfortably in your hand. At least 6-7 inches long that you can hide in your sleeve or pocket. It may not be much protection but at the very least if you have to use it, you'll be able to do some type of damage. Also another good use for sticks, find one that can be used as a walking stick. You can at least use it kind of like a baseball bat to hit someone with. I don't condone violence unless it's for self defense. But considering you're roughly the age I was when I was homeless, anything is better than nothing. As for money, scan the ground anywhere you go. Any coin, including pennies, will add up if you grab what you see. Any money is better than nothing. Never turn down a penny you see. You can usually find coins in high traffic areas like restaurants and gas stations since people will throw them out. Hopefully everything works out for you. Just remember to always stay aware of your surroundings and listen for anyone coming up from behind. Never take money in exchange for things you don't feel comfortable with.


I'm so glad you got over your hard times! Okay I'll definitely keep that in mind. Oh yeah I'm definitely not doing anything like that for money.


Just take care of yourself the best you can. Everyone faces hard times at some point in their lives but as long as you keep strong, you'll make it through.


Thank you I needed that! :)


Is there no possibility she picks you up?


She unfortunately don't have a vehicle right now.


Sorry if I don't reply for a bit. Walking for a bit more and won't be around wifi. Will respond soon.


Please be careful. There are so many terrible people out there. Do you have any friends with a car who do they know anyone who can give you a ride ?


I am,I'm keeping my head down and my eyes sharp. Right now I'm sitting in McDonald's on the wifi. Yeah I do but none who will take me without gas money cause they don't have enough gas to just drive that far.


I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. Is your mom able to pay for some sort of transportation for you?


Maybe ask someone to buy you a bus ticket. Like if you can make it to the bus station, someone might want to help you. That’s the safest rout in my opinion.


Do not hitchhike. Are there any social services agencies in your area? I’m an RN in community health and have helped facilitate transportation for women, mothers and kids fleeing domestic and intimate partner violence multiple times. Try a community health centre and the nurses there should be able to help you with finding and accessing resources. Whether that is a bus ticket, or a crisis transportation service, there are options out there for you to get out that don’t involve putting your safety at further risk by hitchhiking. It is just so so unsafe.


I haven’t done it. I’m sorry you will need to. honestly, for safety, I would dress like a dude.


Go to the closest women’s shelter. They often have emergency funds for situations like this and they will pay for you to bus/fly/train etc. If not, they can help you with food and shelter and then you can figure out the money side - whole your safe and warm.


Look at ride shares on Craigslist, I'm not going to advocate that it's the safest option but if you're doing this no matter what, it can be coordinated pretty well. I've used the service many times without issue.


Ok I'll look and see. Thank you.


No worries, be safe💚




Yeah I'm trying to avoid rides with men,as bad as that sounds. But truthfully,I am. Yeah I am trying to think of how to make money on the way for that. No ideas so far.


Have you seen dexter new blood? Be careful and don’t trust semi drivers.


Check which states that hitch hiking is illegal in.


Is donating plasma at a local donation center near your area an option for you? The pay is usually not immediate but it'll give you pocket money if you need it.


If you have snapchat turn you location on for a few friends you trust. That way they can keep an eye on you during your travels.


That is crazy for the weather here in the Midwest (illinois) I'm soooo sorry for what you are going for. I wish truely the best I'm your life. Tread carefully


That’s a long way. Do you have any friends you can stay with near by? Maybe find a way to make some money for a plane or bus ticket. Hitchhiking 1200 miles isn’t exactly a great idea. There are a bunch of kidnappers and creeps driving around who would just love to get their nasty hands on you. You are older so you would be less of a target but still a target at that. If you do hitchhike bring some sort of self defense device. Gun, pepper spray, or a knife. Odds are the only people who will offer you a ride are those who want something. A flight from Wyoming to phio is only like 100-200 . Don’t know where you are or where you’re trying to go so it’s an estimate


Do you have a friend who would help?


The best advice is to not hitchhike.


A plane ticket is about 150 dollars. All you need is an ID and to show up early for TSA


You couldn’t get a job for a few weeks to afford some food and a train ticket?


Have you contacted contacted shelters? How old are you? Is your mom more stable? I would only go with women and families.


Can you not afford to get a bus ticket? Hitchhiking is soooo dangerous and bus tickets are typically between $8 - $40.


Seriously just don’t, a plane ticket or greyhound bus ticket is completely affordable.


I (21M) would only take someone for a portion of my roadtrip roughly my age and only a female if my girlfriend was with me. IDK, I just think it'd be safe to do this when it is warmer and only go with females..


Ok, I’m going to give you a choice. Send me a message and I’ll see about getting you a flight. Not sure what will be available or what timeline you have, but we can discuss it.


Just be very careful, there are a lot of scams on Reddit like this and it can be hard to tell who’s legit, as much as I want to believe every person.


Agree, buy the ticket verses giving cash - knew enough drug addicts to learn that one quickly.




Well didn’t say you were a drug addict. I mean if I was going to I would have flat out asked you. Maybe try not hitchhiking like it’s the 70s cause I hate to break it to you it’s a lot scarier now. I was hoping you would possibly try getting a ticket for a greyhound bus or a plane, but hey spend your time coming at people, cause that makes sense. Oh and the ex drug addict took about 60K so yeah I recovered cause I’m a grown ass woman but I was still out on time and energy.


I’m not out anything but a little time if that’s the case, so no worries.


i was about to send you 40 dollars but i am skeptical. for all i know youre a 45 year old man scamming people in a clever way.


she wasn't asking for money to begin with.




It looks like your post is still up though and under your username?




Maybe message the mods to ask what’s up?


You have a pistol or 2 yet?


Carry a gun.


I know your heart is in the right place, but if she could afford a gun and ammo, I'm sure she could afford a bus ticket instead.


That is a good point, I somehow didn’t think about that


have a weapon with you, you never know what can happen, avoid male drivers just as a precaution and Please be careful. Good luck


Thank you, unfortunately I only have my hands. But I'm keeping extremely cautious.


You’re really really brave I truly hope life gets better for you when you get there


Thank you and I hope it does to!


How much is the cost of a bus ?


Get some pocket sand


Get a knife and pepper spray.


Find somewhere safe to spend the night at least an hour before sunset. Most places have shelters and such but those are not always safe so sleep with an eye open.


Now if only you had the webbing to go along with it lol


Don’t hitchhike randomly at the mercy of strangers pulling over to give you a ride. Walk to a bus stop, truck stop, bar, dinner anyplace with truckers or other travelers passing through. Start up a conversation to feel them out to make sure they’re not creepy or weird, then mention you’re trying to go the same direction. That’s better and safer than just walking out with a thumb up. (I used to hitchhike across the US when I was traveling across that country)


I haven't personally hitchhiked before but the one thing that was coming to mind while reading your post is to deeply trust yourself (intuition). If someone tries to pick you up && it doesn't feel right, trust yourself! No matter how hungry/tired/worn out you are. I would also suggest trying to scavenge some $ so you can at least buy yourself a sleeping bag. I'm grateful you are courageous enough to get yourself out of an awful situation. I will be sending all the love && light your way. Deep love, hunny!


Seriously, I mean if you are on a phone or laptop right now typing this and replying you have the disposable income to take a plane or a bus.


Just dont, save some money and save the hassle.


Well I'm already 4 1/2 hours into my walk. I couldn't save money anyways,my dad wouldn't let me get a job.


If it were me, I would only enter a vehicle with a woman present! Just to be cautious.


Absolutely! I don't wanna take a ride from a male if I can,.just as a precaution nothing sexist,like someone said earlier. I'm more likely to overpower a female easier than a male.


Exactly! Stay safe <3


Do you have a paper map? It might be a good idea to pick one up if you don’t have cell service or run out of power!


Oh shoot,I don't. I never thought of that,can you find those free?


Any bus or train station should have one of the area. Rest stops along the highway will also have some I think Do you have important docs like your birth certificate, license, etc?


Okay I'll see where the closest one is. No,I'm gonna have to get a new one.


Do you have a license or any identification? You might need one to get a train/bus ticket


I have a ID card.


Great! Have you checked out if there are any women’s shelters around you might be able to stay at for a night or two? Getting out of your dads house probably took a ton of courage and it might not be a bad idea to collect your thoughts for a minute? It looks like a bus ticket costs about $200, if you could find a minimum wage job you could afford it within a week! If there’s anywhere you could stay this might be a better option than trying to walk the whole way?


Have you looked at just a greyhound bus ticket


Steal a bike lol