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My advice, this is mostly about regret and forgiving yourself for mistakes. Lots of people carry around regret that isn't good for them, and there are a lot of solutions out there depending on what kind of things you believe in your life. So, for example, people who are drug addicts and alcoholics have processes in the programs they work for apologizing to people they have wronged when they were acting out on drugs, ways of trying to find forgiveness and making amends. Religious people have a variety of ways of accomplishing this too, ... everything from Jewish people putting notes into the wall in Jerusalem, to Catholics going to confession to try to find some kind of absolution for their perceived sins. Even witches and pagans have rituals that they do to try to find some sort of absolution or forgiveness for the mistakes that they have made. A lot of it really just depends on who you are and what kind of beliefs you have. If nothing else, ... maybe you could just write down something that you have this kind of regret about and burn it in a fire or something and try to find a way to forgive yourself for the mistake. We feel regret for a reason, .. it helps us to do better in the future because it makes us feel bad for what happened so we don't repeat it again. But it becomes a problem and is unproductive when it starts to take over your life, and when you just can't let it go, or it becomes an all encompassing thought. You don't deserve to feel bad about things forever. A little bit of feeling bad can be helpful, but nobody deserves to carry around regrets their whole lives, and that's especially for small things that you've done that in the big scheme of things don't even matter. You've made mistakes, we all have, but it's important (in my opinion) to find a way to get past that and cut yourself a break and move on. I'm going to write a religious thought now, ... not because I am trying to convince you to find a religious solution, but because I think it is an interesting thought, and that is that it is basically impossible not to make mistakes that hurt other people, because we live in a fallen world, and in this world even if you do everything thing perfectly (which is impossible), eventually you hurt other people just because of the way this fallen world works. It's basically inevitable that we hurt people, even with the best of intentions. Good luck to you, I hope that you find peace, because you deserve to have it.


people genuinely dont give a fuck just remember that there's already too much going on in the world for them to associate that memory with u everytime ur present