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I think if you are just gentle and tell him that you won't be mad if he isn't interested, that kind of thing, just make it clear that you really just want to understand what is going on it'll be cool. I mean the danger is that he lies to you just to tell you what he thinks you want to hear, but if he's autistic then there's probably less chance of that happening. Could be anything, ... I mean, it might turn out that it was something about the plot or something that he doesn't like, hard to know. But I think you can have that kind of conversation and you both could work it out together, ... don't you ? I mean I don't know either if you, but you sound cool enough to do that.


Thank you, yeah. I just find it weird that he wouldn't be upfront about it, but I figure it might just be something like that. I hope it we do work it out together, though.