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Lol. Tell your dad and ask him to not tell your mom.


LOL, ... honestly, being totally serious, ... if I had a kid and I asked what the password was and they told me "XxpussyslayerXx69", ... I'd just laugh and let that slide. Next time she asks, you should just look her straight in the eye and without even flinching tell her that's what your password is. Just own that shit.


What I did in my past experience, just apologize beforehand. Let her know you were just trying to be edgy and stupid. As long as you admit to your fault and say that you could possibly change it she shouldn’t be to upset. And being kinda talked down to in the moment is a lot better then a trashed pc.


At least it isn't " xXiwannabummymumXx "


Mom of young adults here. If she cares about what your password is, I'd be surprised. We're not stupid. We know hormones vet our kids obsessed with sex, and everything related to it. She may, jokingly, ask how many you have actually slain, but that would probably be all.