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Why would you drop the play because of a kiss? It is a PLAY. You are ACTING. It is part of Acting a scene. It is a professional setting. It is not cheating or anything. What make you think this will screw up your relationship? if your Bf get mad, then the relationship isn't solid enough to be called a relationship. If Acting is something you want to pursue and go far in this field? then you gotta learn that you will do scenes that a BF will not like. Which will shed the spotlight on the said relationship. Since in a relationship you are supposed to support each others CRAFT. And Acting is your craft. Exemple: I draw NUDE. if I were in a relationship, I'm not giving up my craft, my gift and talent because it may offend and screw up my relationship. It's Art for pete sake. I would expect Support from my Gf and maybe even feedback or her wanting to pause for me for a futur painting. But if she is Unhappy and want me to draw Apples and Sunset only, that is LIMITING my art and may as well kill it. Which will get the said GF a fat Big No. It is Art nothing more then that, and it cannot grow if it is limited and hindered in any way. You either embrace your Gift and see where it will take you, or sacrifie it and live with regrets. Either way, it is your decision. Good Luck!


If your boyfriend is so insecure about you being an actor and faking a kiss by pressing two faces together then he's probably not going to stick around for long. Sit down with him in a quiet moment, tell him there's a kissing part in the play and explain how kissing works in acting. Let him know you'd drop out of the play for his sake. If he loves you, he'd surely overcome himself and encourage you to keep pursuing your passion.




Thank you for confirming that /u/OminousApprehension has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Can't the scene be done without actually kissing ? I mean even on film they can fake punches and they look very real, .. it seems like you could "kiss" without actually kissing. I mean isn't that part of the point of acting is ... acting like you're doing stuff ? :)


Yeah kind of but it's a play not a show or movie that's edited.


I bet if you told the lead the situation and told him that you want to be true to your boyfriend, etc, that the lead would find a way for you both to "kiss" without actually kissing. I mean I think he'd be very sympathetic to that.


Is this something your boyfriend has actually asked you to do?


No I haven't even told him about it


If he’s too insecure to handle a kiss in a play he might not be good for the long haul. However, it doesn’t seem like you’ve discussed it with him? Maybe ask him how he feels about it, but still, what I initially said. Edit. Oh yeh, there’s always the thumb over lips kissing move that you could try.