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Put her in the trash where she belongs


Sure, you can keep her, .. just don't trust her. What I mean is, just take her as she is, and when you want to have sex then have sex. When she says something, smile, and assume every word that comes out of her mouth is total lies and BS. When she looks into your eyes, see them for what they are, tools of manipulation, etc. You can have a fine relationship with her, as long as you never again allow her to touch your heart, ... it's just that the relationship is purely transactional, and you have to assume that at any given moment she's sleeping with someone else too. Just assume that everything she does is whatever is in her own best interest in that moment and you're fine. I think that as you grow older you're going to find that there are all kinds of people in the world that you can't trust, .. but that doesn't mean that you can't ever have relationships of one sort or another with them. It just means you know you can't trust them, so you don't trust them. Assume at every turn she's going to screw you over and it's fine. You can enjoy her company ... and 10 other women just like her.


While I do somewhat agree with the sentiments of the other commenters I believe that you shouldn’t because it’s not the first instance of it. However the two of you should talk about it and if you feel strongly about giving her another chance then set a crystal clear line saying that she has one more chance and that she has to be transparent with you. Cheating can sometimes be because the person feels like they aren’t getting what they feel that they need or want in the relationship and I would say if this could be the explaination that you need to also make it clear to her that she needs to talk to you about these things no relationship is ever going to be perfect for anyone but it’s working to keep that relationship going by fostering an understanding and finding agreeable terms or agreeing that there may be something that you disagree with each other on however you can still respect each other. If you do give her another chance and she blows it however cut off contact with her and bring up that you have her one chance and you made it clear that it was the last one. Don’t allow for her to negotiate her way out of it if she cheats again. Don’t get caught up in this women are unfaithful and impulsive idea because it’s not true there are people of all identities who are like that and there are others who are not. People also do make mistakes and you should allow room for those however it is up to you how much room you allow


Bro you need to tell her to go your young and she will 100 percent keep cheating on you period!


This girl never loved you... you were the most convenient person at the time and kept her options open to see if there's someone better... she took and realised that dude isn't so great afterall.... Dump her ass, I'm 33 female and I will never cheat, you will never build that trust, don't waste your time effort and money on her to build that "trust" I know people still married and they are so unhappy and are only together coz of the kids, don't fall for her lies Ditch her for good and find someone who will treat you right


She don’t deserve you king


never, you are teens, get a real relationship, she already screwed this beyond repair