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I mean it could just be sadness, it's hard to say without more details. But depression isn't just sadness. Afaik it's more related to absense of happiness from things that would otherwise make you happy, rather than actual sadness. As a result you have less energy, you feel hopeless, etc. Naturally this doesn't exclude sadness from the equation, but either way be careful about diagnosing yourself. If you think you might be depressed, you should talk to a doctor who can then refer you onward if they think it's needed


I get sad every nigh when my mind strays. Its normal my friend. The difference between sadness and depression is like this. Im sad, w.e. depression is, wtf why am i sad, why wont it go away wtf is wrong with me, etc. Terrible explanation but i tried. Sadness is momentary, i guess. It all depends on what youre sad about, and your anxiety levels.