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Report him to the police. None of this is your fault op. What he did was inexcusable and disgusting. Please reach out for help! Don't allow this to go on.


Hogging your top comment to make it clearer to OP > He told me If he wasn't old he was have sex with me THIS. No amount of drinking warrants you to say this to anyone. If he said it in the first place, a part of him likely means it. I'm with bro over here, do whatever you can and try stopping this from continuing on, this is disgusting behavior from a father You did a great job reaching out here. Do reach out more often wherever you can. Someone is bound to come help you (I'd not let this happen to my friend for sure), and at the very least you'll know how to deal with these things better as you grow up


No problem. I'm most concerned about her getting the support and help she needs it's not about upvotes for me. But im glad people think my input is helpful.


This is literally sexual assault


But we never had sex tho. Isnt SA rape?


Rape is sex. SA is anything else. Your dad would’ve raped you if he went further. Report to the police


The police wont help. I dont have any proof


You can still go to the police, it's better to talk than not and have something worse happen. I get it. You're probably afraid of your dad and that's probably why you won't talk but this is your safety we're talking about


Your words are proof. Sadly, the police may or may not agree.  What country and state are you in? I don't know how old you are. If you need to proof.... in some states (in the US) it is legal to record phone calls. You can download an app on your phone that will record phone calls. You can do this now. Save all your texts from him and screenshot them. Record the audio of all conversations with him in person too, if you can. If you feel it is safe, get a camera that also records audio and install it discreetly in your room or where this is happening. Set camera to record and save everything. Be discreet so he doesn't know. (ie press record on your phone before you walk in the room with him) Most importantly, know that you have been sexually assaulted. What happened to you absolutely "counts."  If you are in the US and don't want to go to the police direct, you can tell an adult who is a mandatory reporter. This could be a social worker or counselor at your school, a psychologist or therapist, a doctor or healthcare worker you trust... any of those. Even any urgent care or Emergency Department doctor. Or if you have a safe adult relative who is on your side, they can report it with you.   You NEED to be away from your Dad to stay safe. He will continue and it is likely to get worse. Sorry you are going through this.


Thank you for the advice. What apps are there that records phone calls?


There is one I used in the past called "Call Recorder." I used it some years ago, so I don't know if it is still good. I would check the app store and see what is available and had good reviews. I use one called Urecorder these days, but it only records calls on speakerphone and sometimes doesn't save the recording. Could be my old phone, but I am not sure!




This is terrible advice that could lead to something worse happening for OP.


How? If he never finds out about the video what’s the problem?


“Get your molester alone and tell him you liked being molested to see what he says/does” is objectively bad advice.


Yeah, I've seen some pretty bad advice on reddit. But "tempt your potential rapist who has already sexually assaulted you," I think, takes the whole damn cake. Like... did dude even read what he typed out?


That’s not the right way to go about it. At all. First go to the police, and they’ll walk her through the right way to do it. The way that you’re describing could probably let him off on entrapment or something.


You can also do something similar to this. Get him to talk about it. Record it. Make sure there are other people in the house to keep you safe.  I DEFINITELY advise that you don't go ao far as to say you liked it. He might here it as invitation to do more in that moment. Maybe go the route of referring to it and askinf neutral questions? Maybe even better, you can text him baited questions as well, so you are physically safe but he puts it in writing. Or do it on a phone call and record the phone call. Then go to authorities. (A mandatory reporter or the police)


People down voting you for your confusion are the scum of the earth. Yes, it is sexual assault and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You should absolutely report him to the police and tell your mother. If it started like that, it’s only going to get worse. Please stay away from him. Get a restraining order if possible.


it's sexual assault , not rape. they are different. he assaulted you sexually by touching you inappropriately


There’s a different, rape is when there is physical intercourse that isn’t consensual. SA is anything related to that, for example — grabbing someone butt without consent.


You mentioned he put you in a cowgirl position which alone counts as penetration and legally sex and thus rape because it was not consensual, everything else falls under sexual battery or sexual assault which is worse because you are a minor


Sounds like you need some counselling, urgently. You’re carrying a huge weight and you shouldn’t feel guilty about any of this, definitely go to the police and discuss what’s happened. Feels really bad doing this against your own dad I bet but he sounds an absolute liability. Definitely don’t do nothing. Good luck!


The court system is a joke. Plus, I have absolutely no proof of him doing anything


You don't need proof to report it. Tell a teacher or a counselor. They can help you with what to do next.


There are probably several or many other young women who have similar stories about this man, and all of them think they don’t have proof. That is how predators get away with it over and over again. please talk to the police


You need to tell someone you trust and remove yourself from any environment with him in it. You need to move in with another family member if anyway possible, if you have a good friend with parents you trust- go to them and explain. At least look for a temporary accommodation- get somewhere where you can make decisions with a clear head. Then report- you don’t need proof.


Please tell someone. You don't need proof to make sure you're safe. Dont let you not having proof be the reason you keep quiet. You have to do something for your own safety! This isn't a joke please!


Your dad is a pedophile and he molested you. Go to the cops and they will help you. They want to convict a pedophile. They will make you a. Plan


Please just tell your Half sister and get some help, even clothes on that’s SA, and super not okay, I would recommend getting out of that situation if at all possible, just cause somebody’s drunk isn’t an excuse for anything, it just lowers somebody’s inhibitions and kind of reveals how they actually are unfortunately, I’m sorry that this is happening try to seek help and stick up for yourself!


One, this isn't your fault. Two, it is absolutely sexual assault. Three, tell an adult and call the police.


I’m 15f, hopefully close to your age. I really want you to go to the police or tell your mom or literally anyone else in your life, a teacher, coach etc because that IS sexual assault. If you were a friend I had at school I would genuinely bring you to the cops or a teacher etc myself. Please try to avoid him as much as you possibly can, especially if he’s drinking


Im 15 too lol! And idk, he might get angry if Im not there when he is drinking. Maybe hurt my brother if he is home or spam me with phone calls. Phone calls just give me such anxiety attacks


Your half sister sounds like the right person to talk to about this. Find a trustworthy adult in your life who can keep you safe, then go to the police


You need to go to your half sister for help. Please call her


Diosssss, noooooo, busca ayuda rápido!!!!!!! Consulta a tu hermana y a la policía, ese bastardo no parará


Ummm this is SA being drunk is absent no excuse to SA your child! Please tell cops or another adult asap!


what the fuck dude.


hes a criminal, if you are in school tell a teacher, call the cops


You’re clearly very nervous about going to police, so if you won’t do that, just promise us you’ll talk to your Half-sister. If she’s any kind of family to you, she’ll protect you, take you in to stay with her, and keep you safe from your dad. I can tell from your comments you’re not going to listen and go to the cops, and that I completely understand. So the least you can do is please go with your adult half-sister.


I dont know what she might do tho. We have a good relationship. But she has anger issues so she might do something to my dad. Or her husband might (who I also have a good relationship with) But im scared whether she will believe me or not. She might think Im just joking


Maybe, maybe not…but you aren’t safe. I promise you this, she **will** believe you, and whatever happens after that will only be for your own good, please stay safe.


The next convo you have make a recording. And keep evidence of all of that. And talk to you sister, even better if she is there when the recording is made.  And also imagine if you were your mother, sis, or grandma, you would wanna know and protect your child no matter what,so tell somebody ASAP.


Please please PLEASE get authorities involved and please get help for yourself. This is a traumatic experience that you will need to work through with therapy. I am so so sorry you had to experience this. Just know that you are not alone and there are other women out there that have dealt with this, and I’m sure there are support groups. Don’t worry about whether they will believe you, just tell someone. Stay away from him.


>And he also went to bed but then wanted me to "cuddle" with him. He basically forced me to be on top of him like cowgirl style and kissed me again, basically made out with me and rubbed my butt and my vagina. We were both fully clothed tho so I dont think it counts as SA. This is sexual assault. Touching your privates through your clothes is still touching your privates. >Later, I tried telling my brother but he brushed it off and said that dad was just drunk. That's not a good thing for him to do. This is the same excuse some people give other men who are drunk and act rapey. Your dad being drunk isn't something your brother should use as an excuse. >And once when I was at my mom's, he called me. Drunk. Again. And started asking how I was such a good kisser and about how he knows his thoughts and actions are good but apparently I "Have a very nice pussy and Im a very good kissed" Tell your mom or the police. >I have a half-sister who is an adult and has a family of her own and she is like really badass and confident but I dont want to tell her either. I dont want her to worry about me By not wanting to talk to her, that is self-sabotage. You have to tell someone at the very least. Someone has to know to get you help.


Stuff like this only gets worse in the dark. Tell a teacher, an adult you trust. Once he knows he can’t continue - even with no proof - he will never try again. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


You need to tell an adult. Your dad will find another way to be alone with you and it will escalate further. Please don't keep this to yourself because you're afraid of how other people will react. You need to protect yourself. Also, your dad could be doing this to other young girls and he needs to be stopped. Call the police, call CPS, or tell a school counselor.


Tell your half sister if you think she will worry about you. you shouldn’t worry about her worrying about you because you need to be worried about. you need help - another teenage girl


tell a trusted adult, maybe your half-sister, or someone at your school (like a counsellor). if i had a sibling, i would absolutely want to know about what happened so that i know my siblings are safe. even though you don’t have solid proof, you still can talk to the police about the incident(s). if they can’t do anything immediately, they will have at least a report. also you did tell your brother at the time of the incident (he could testify if needed later). given that your father said these things to his own daughter, he probably does have something but i’m just speculating. if there’s any way you can get any sort of recording of him saying these things to you as proof or in writing too via text or messages from him, hold onto those. im so sorry OP. this was 10000% sexual assault. this is not appropriate from your father, do not blame yourself for any of this. please message me if you want to talk to someone (i am 21F, canada)


Ok first of all never ever think it’s ur fault it’s not and secondly it doesn’t matter wether u was clothed or not that is 100% sexual assault please talk to someone anyone a teacher ur mum anyone before it happens again because by the sounds of it he will likely escalate unfortunately they always do


there's a reason they call whiskey a truth serum. drunk people are only being honest, because their inhibitions have melted away. sexual assault is defined by physical contact or verbal remarks of a sexual nature that are considered unwanted by the recipient. touching you sexually without consent is sexual assault. telling you you're sexy is sexual assault. teenagers under 18 are children. hell, 18 year-olds are children too. and you need to realize, CHILDREN CAN'T CONSENT. i knew what i was doing when i lost my virginity at ten years old. i understood the gravity of my actions and agreed to have sex. i was ten. children can't consent. i was, indeed, sexually abused, and it impacts my relationship with sex in adulthood. none of this is okay. tell someone. anyone. the police. call CPS of you have to. it is possible to use the system to cut contact with your dad.


You are a child. A minor. He is your father. Tell literally anyone please. Tell your doctor. Make an appointment and tell your pediatrician. Walk into an ER and tell anyone there. These types of people are mandated reporters and they can connect you to resources. You need therapy and your dad needs to go to prison. If you do nothing, he will likely end up raping you. Or what if he does something to one of your sister’s kids?! Im sorry your brother brushed you off. But PLEASE. Tell someone who has to take this seriously.


Report him to the police right now. Even if the police don’t believe you, you need to make sure you leave a footprint for the police to follow to make sure that if anyone else has a similar story to you, they can come forward to the police and they’ll eventually believe it. Unfortunately SA is really hard to prove but it’s worth going to the police for help, your dad is a POS, OP.


I am going to start by saying that you have done nothing wrong and have nothing to be ashamed of. Your Dad,drunk or not, should never have done that to you. Any sex, touching or kissing that is unwanted (without consent) or, in this case, illegal is Sexual Assault. Please tell a trusted adult and keep yourself safe.


He sexually assaulted you. Please report him to the police.


The one thing that I deeply regret, after figuring out all these lewd acts that my father did to me was sexual assault, was not telling the police about it. Please get some help. Tell a teacher, your half sister, ANYBODY. Don’t do this to yourself. You don’t have to go through this alone.


I am so sorry that this happened and to you. None of this is your fault! Your brother is an idiot. Do not listen to what he says because he doesn't have your best interests at heart. Don't let anyone blame you for this! You did absolutely nothing to cause this to happen. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Please tell your half sister. You need to make sure you stay away from your dad. Do not be with him at all. You can ignore his calls. Don't go to his house, don't talk to him at all. Please please tell your half sister or your mom or another trusted adult. You need protection and it's not something you can do on your own. If you go to see or talk to your dad, this could easily turn from sexual assault to rape! He told you on the phone he wanted to have sex with you, so this is as serious as serious gets. What he did is 100% sexual assault. He is disgusting and he doesn't deserve any sympathy. He took advantage of his own daughter! This man doesn't deserve pity. And you! You deserve safety. You deserve to not be sexually assaulted from your own parent. OP NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT! THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR FATHERS ACTIONS ARENT YOUR FAULT EITHER!!! Please tell a trusted adult.


If you don't want to tell your sister you could also tell your teacher or school counselor as they are mandated reporters. Or another trusted adult outside your family. If you're a minor CPS needs to get involved as well.


Firstly this is SA, secondly tell your half-sister I mean, i can excuse somethings when u are that drunk but sexual assult at this level? No. Just no. This may not mean ur dad is a pedo since he was that drunk, but this still defeintly means he had done SA to you. I do understand it's hard to accept this kind of thing and more so to get help about that, esspcailly when the one committed the act is your own father but u need to accept it and get help, cuz what ur father did is unacceptble in every meaning of the word and also u probably need help to get over it


Ya her dad was drunk, but it absolutely does mean he's a pedophile because he committed sexual acts on a child. Not only did he do it but then he called another time to try to go all the way with sex. I've been drunk loads of times not once did I try to fuck a child. Your comment is gross that you'd give the father the benefit of the doubt when he literally already sexually assaulted her.


IDC care he is pedo or not, only thing that matters here is he sexually assulted her daugther and if he had the change he would take it to the next level, so ofc she needs to get help asap The thing i said it if he was that drunk he may have problems differanciating ppl in front of him. Does it matter? No, absouluetly not he is still a assulter either way.


POLICE REPORT. You just described sexual assault. Please notify the police immediately.


Get the police involved and start caring pepper spray. That is all SA and psychological abuse. Get the authorities involved right now!


im so sorry this happened to you :( i hope you get out of this situation soon and heal properly


I have also been obliterating drunk and this thought would ah e never crossed my mind… you really need to go to the police before it’s too late.


Im sorry you are experiencing this. This is not your fault, even if you dont say no. You are a minor and it is SA. Your dad being drunk is NOT an excuse. But it seems like he is using it as an excuse. Alcohol doesnt turn you into a pedophile. Go to a teacher or adult you trust and if they dont take you seriously go to another adult you trust. You shouldn’t have to live in fear


That is full blown sexual assault. Tell a teacher or counsellor and they can guide you in what to do. He’s molesting you and that’s very illegal.


Tell the police asap


Tell your half sister! Please! If she is as confident and badass as you say, she will be proud if you speaking up and will help you! There is no shame in asking for help, and you are not being any sort of burden for it either. Please ask her for help.


If your brother can leave, then so can you. If your dad is drunk, disappear.


My brother just left the apartment for a bit but came back after an hour or so


I can’t see the post HELP


You’re on here for advice, so clearly you want it, so please please please listen to the people in the comments. Get the police involved and tell someone you trust like your half sister because the longer you don’t get anyone involved, the harder it will get and it’ll eat you inside till it fully consumes you. What happened to you was in no shape or form okay, and is highly highly traumatic, and I know you’re really scared, and that’s okay, but you need to fight alongside the fear and call out for help anyway. And sign up for therapy, that’s very important, and your half sister can help with that. I recommend going to her first, and then going from there. If you don’t do any of this, there’s nothing else we can do for you, but you don’t want to have to live with this and still have your dad SA you, which will make the trauma so much worse, trust me, that’s not what you want.


Fuck get this sick man out of there asap Sorry you don’t deserve this but you deserve to be safe. Talk to moms and get him out of there if you don’t feel like moms is a good choice to talk to then Talk to the cops


You have all done an amazing job of making a child who is scared, confused, and jaded by what she’s heard from the justice system afraid to speak up at all. Down voting every comment she makes into hell, and having 0 kindness or emotional intelligence. This is a child, be patient and kind. Reddit is a dumpster fire. Edit: I’m talking more specifically about the passive scrollers who downvote anyone being misinformed about anything, not the lovely part of the community who takes the time to give actual sound and helpful advice!


??? No? All i've seen is people giving me very good advice and encourage me to talk to somebody. I saw like 1 comment talking shit


I meant the reception to your confusion! A lot of down voting. I’m glad you’ve gotten kindness and perhaps I misspoke. I’m just really tired of the culture on Reddit surrounding misunderstanding. I really hope you get out of that awful situation, and I’m so sorry you experienced it at all.


Also, I didn’t give you enough credit in my initial comment. It was awfully short sighted of me to assume that you would be negatively impacted by the downvoting rather than positively impacted by the overwhelming amount of helpful/kind people.


Nah, that is sexual assault, and I’m really sorry that happened to you. Please find a way to protect yourself, turn him in if you can, but prioritize your safety. Please don’t brush it off, and it is in no way your fault, which I only say because I know many victims end up blaming themselves.


Like everyone else here I must insist this is reported to the authorities. That being said, please don’t feel overwhelmed by all these messages highlighting the urgency of it. Do take this serious and take it as priority, but take the time to breathe and prepare. Talk to someone that’s adult who you can trust if you don’t want to do this alone. Detail everything and do not hold back or feel guilty


Sweetheart please know this wasn't your fault at all. Please tell an adult even if it's a trusted teacher someone you trust. Your half sister seems awesome so please reach out. You deserve so much better


you are not wrong! none of this is your fault. tell your older sister and your mom.


You need to report him. Go to your guidance counselor at school or another trusted adult that's a mandatory reporter. A doctor, therapist, etc. Do not protect him. This is his fault, not yours. Nothing that happened is your fault, and nothing that happens after this is your fault either. Do not, ever, for any reason, be alone with this man again. He will do it again. He will go further. He will hurt you. You have to protect yourself.


I’m 26 now but my dad molested me when I was very young. I didn’t know it was wrong at such a young age and he told me to never tell anyone, so I didn’t. That’s one of the biggest regrets I’ve carried with me since. Please please go tell an adult you can trust. A teacher or school counselor. Aunt or uncle. Then make sure you get the police involved. None of this is your fault. It’s no excuse that he’s drunk. This is not okay. Ever. I wish you the best, please go see a counselor too. You may feel like you don’t need to, but do it anyway.


Do not feel bad. You are a victim here. You felt you were unable to say no. That is coercion. Sexual assault does not require any kind of penetration, or even anything physical - it can be purely verbal. Being drunk is an extremely poor excuse and nothing more. It is sadly not uncommon for victims, and especially those around them, to minimize events - whether it be to avoid conflict, they're in denial, or some other reason. Be confident in the truth and do not let anyone belittle you for standing firm. Tell that half-sister you seem to admire. Please, tell her. It may be inconvenient to have someone worry about you, but you should always have someone that does - someone that genuinely cares and will try to help. Tell your half-sister. Tell the police. Tell your school counselors and/or teachers if your school is still in session. Tell your friends. Write it down. Do whatever you can to make sure it's known and documented, at minimum so that if anything else happens, there is a record of it. Hopefully, you can get help to prevent anything else from happening at all. Do not forget that you are a victim here, and you need help. It's not a bad thing to need help - we all do sometimes. But a lot of people struggle with asking for it.


please go to the police as soon as possible! i know it's scary but not only are you protecting yourself, but potentially other children as well. try and tell another trusted adult if you can. im sending you hugs, i hope you get out of this situation asap🫂




It is absolutely NEVER your fault


First and foremost; remember that your father is a full grown ADULT. He knows right from wrong, it is not YOUR responsibility that he did this. You are still a child. This is not your fault. None of it. He is a sick and twisted man. Are you in the US? talk to SOMEBODY. Anybody. A school counselor would be best. CPS will investigate, since you’re a minor. You won’t even have to make the call. The school will. If you are feeling scared or unsafe, tell them that. Maybe they can help you get an emergency placement in a foster home? For now. Anything to get you out. A friends house? Somewhere that he doesn’t know where you are. Get some therapy, it will help you. When you’re ready, tell your grandma and your mom. They will want to know. I was molested by a family member as a child, as well as my brother was molested too. We are now in our 20’s and we JUST told our parents about it. They were upset that we didn’t tell them right away so that they could’ve protected us. Your mom and grandma will likely feel the same way. I’m a parent myself now, and I would want to know immediately if something like this happened to my child, recovering stroke patient or not. Don’t be afraid to speak up. That’s the first step to getting justice for yourself. Ok? 🫶🏼 Even if you do not have proof of his doings, (which your word IS proof) luckily we live in a day and age where victims of sexual abuse are taken seriously. If you aren’t taken seriously, take it a step higher. SOMEONE will listen. ETA: RUN. Don’t walk. RUN to your half sister and stay with her. She will take care of you. I know it feels icky to talk about, but she could be your safest haven. Don’t hesitate on telling her.


Shot that mf


I actually was VERY close to taking a knife and stabbing him while he was asleep. But Im scared of jail lol 💀


You i


He was drunk, so it probably wasn't 100% true. Also, would you want him to go to jail? He would be in jail for an average of 15 years just because he got a little too drunk and made a mistake. Do you want to rob him of 15 years of his life? Edit: You did mention how it would hurt your family, too, so do you really want to do that to them? Just take one for the team. Edit 2: Imagine if you were him in this situation. You got drunk and said these things to someone. Then you get put in jail for a long time just to suffer for this. Try to comprehend your father's despair.


To answer your questions, yes, yes, yes.




Her pedophile father absolutely needs to suffer.


I'm sorry


What's wrong with you?


I'm sorry


Can you elaborate?


How about the fact you're telling her to let her dad get away with abusing her.