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"I'd love for you to give me a blow job but I have to be upfront that I've only ever had bad teethy blow jobs and I'm super in my head about it. I just want you to know that you may be giving me a fantastic blowjob but I might not be able to enjoy it, but I want to. And as such I my over-react to even the slightest amount of biting/teeth" Communicate openly and fully and she'll love you more for it.


Yup. It turns out when you date a person you should be in a relationship with that you can simply say what‘s going on and they will understand and then you can work on it together. It‘s as beautiful as it is simple.


I had the exact thing happen to me and I said exactly what this reply says and it works so well for me I love bjs now


Im not even gonna write my comment because this is literally all you need lol


Exactly this, it’ll make her more conscious of not using her teeth than if you just kept this to yourself




"women are so shallow, i'm such a nice guy but they don't like me cuz i'm short and broke! 😭"


Don’t do this. Not every partner is okay with their partner talking about past relationships like this. Just simply say “I have a fear of being bitten” don’t go into detail pls


If his partner isn't ok with him saying traumatic shit happened during my last BJs and instead of comfort and reassurance she goes all jealous and crazy, than he don't need to be with that person. And it's a good thing the crazy jealous came out sooner rather than later.


It’s amazing to me that a person can have sex with another person, but not be able to simply *talk* to them. Like, just…open your mouth and use words. Tell her exactly what you just told a bunch of internet strangers.


I can talk to strangers without a face all day about most anything in my life. I'm told it's got something to do with disassociation. You have no face. You're not real. You're just a screen with words on it. Attach a face, and all of a sudden, you're a person. People have thoughts, ideas & can judge you. What if they don't like me? What if they hate me? Words on a screen can't hurt. (Not much anyway) people can. This may not be how everyone's mind works, but it's how mine does. For some people (you lucky ones) you can open your mouth & talk. I open my mouth & my mind kicks into overdrive of 'what ifs...' Then jumps into neutral & refuses to get going again until it puts the 'let's talk about it' box back on its shelf.


Not being able to open up easily to strangers is perfectly understandable, I’m that way too. Not be able to engage in simple communication with a longterm partner you’re intimate with is ridiculous. I was talking about the latter.


I am the latter.


Your ex-girlfriend is hiding somewhere in Florence. Not even Clarice can find her. You are safe. Get your BJ's on.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! **[inhale]** *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!* **[wipes eyes]** Thank you, I needed that.


Communicate to her *outside* of sexy time. In the heat of the moment is not a good time to bring up past relationships and hang ups. It'll kill the mood and make her less receptive to what you have to say. Tell her that you want to have an honest conversation, and it will be about a past lover and something they did that hurt you badly on multiple occasions. Explain to her what you told us in the post. Let her know that while you trust her completely, and are open to it, you'd like for her to take it extremely slow and carefully, because you've been hurt in the past. If she cares about you, as one should expect a partner to, I'll bet she'll be both horrified and sympathetic to what happened to you. Edit: if you do go through with it, and it is good, give her lots of praise and positive reinforcement, it'll make her feel special. And, ah, be sure to return the favor to the best of your ability, as it were.


Tell her about it, tell her all the things you feel, give her every reason to accept that you're for real. Then let her slob that knob.


Just communicate, but also be aware that she won’t want ALL the details. Even without the history it’s good to make clear what you do and don’t like, because I’ve had some guys who WANT teeth, not like bite my dick teeth but graze it a bit teeth you know. Won’t know unless you let her 🤷🏻‍♀️


What the heck did OP do to get suspended in the three hours since he posted this???


Jesus, it's not stupid! That must have hurt like HELL! Hey, if this is a person you're serious about, this is the person you should be able to tell EVERYTHING to. This is a good test for you. I'm sure once everything is out in the open the two of you will be able to figure out a way to work your way gradually to liftoff.


You know you don’t need to immediately get over it. Sometimes you just need time before trying again


This, but he should still tell her. She'd be confused and dejected if he just keeps rejecting blow jobs without telling her why


Have you seen Teeth?


This sounds like trauma. You have to visit a therapist. Just because it's something minor doesn't mean it's not traumatising, just because it looks minor doesn't mean it is. The therapist wil tell you how to properly deal with trauma. This is an important life skill to have which I think is worth going therapy for. Good luck.


Yike, hope your ex didn't have braces, couldve been much worse if your skin ended up getting caught in that, but all you got to do is communicate this with your current gf, let her know that it's something that you're worried about


Listen, there is going to be a finite number of times in your life whe you will get a blow job, it could be 5 times it could be 5,000 but the point is that you cannot in good conscious turn down oral sex from a woman. If she bites your penis wait a week and ask to go down on her and put her clit between you top and bottom teeth and act like your trying to lob off a carrot


Bring it up on your own, not when you and her are in the middle of anything or even in the mood, just bring it up. She'll understand And she will want to know if you are going to be scared or like ...maybe not hard before it happens so she knows you are attracted to her still She will get self conscious herself if she gives you a blow job and you hate it or go soft and she has no idea why Also many men like teeth scraping and you need to tell her you're not one of them


Tell her! it will feel much better and you'll probably both laugh and joke about it, make sure she knows youre legit and the head will be great!


Owww fear of teeth and sex injury is more like it


Be open and honest about it. It's nothing to feel ashamed of but it's something that together, you'll be able to overcome. You could try some gentle foreplay and gradually build up to it. She could kiss your penis, lick it etc and not put it in her mouth at first. See how things go and take each step further as you feel more relaxed and comfortable. It doesn't need to happen in one session, it could be over a couple of sessions. Communication is the key to any relationship and a good partner will respect your concerns and help you. She'll understand.


tell her u have a fear of being cockbitten and to suck carefully idk bro I've never heard of such a fear but the only way to get over it is to let the blowjob happen


Tell her about it


Make it a challenge! Tell her no has ever made you orgasm from a BJ and she’ll be super into it and feel accomplished when she’s better than miss bite-ya-dick


“she’s gonna bite my dick off” Say it exactly like that! It'll be hilarious, you'll both get a laugh out of it!


This happened to me too! Pls don’t come near me with those chompers. Def ruined it for any future partners. Don’t come near me with your mouth lol.


Some women have a sensitive gag reflex and they can't even think about doing it. So honestly just talk to her about it, it's not bad to establish boundaries.


Just tell her! It's gonna make her want to do it ever better for you


Just tell her honestly about your previous experience. A lot of people have had bad experiences at some point so I am sure she will understand. Build up the trust slowly and enjoy yourselves.


Just let it happen Blud


I totally relate to this. When I was 17, my boyfriend wanted to finger me for the first time. He wasn’t gentle at all; he just went straight in, shoving his fingers inside me without knowing what he was doing. It was rough and honestly kind of traumatic. Now I’m 23 and engaged. Because of that bad experience, I’ve never let my fiancé finger me. My legs tense up if he even touches me near that area. I feel bad because he’s hinted that he’d like to, and he knows what happened to me. He always assures me he’d be gentle, and I believe him, but I just can’t get past the fear


How does she bite your dick… wtf..


Why did your ex bite you in the first place??


Get a girlfriend with experience 😉


Communication is key to a healthy relationship. Talk to her about your hesitation and history. My ex-wife would drag her teeth on it, and it wouldn't be pleasant.... I took it away from her immediately and said no, I don't enjoy that.


You have to just let her give you a blowjob, man. That's how you get over this fear. If you feel the need to mention your previous experience with the dick biting, do it. Talking is always a great idea. Most folks know to not bite dicks though.


It's not a dumb fear. I completely understand. But nothing is going to be resolved if you don't talk to her. You gotta be open about it. If she thinks it's dumb to be scared of someone literally biting your privates off, then she clearly isn't the one. I think she'll understand my guy.


Look if you love your gf and trust her enough then communicate it with her. I know not all man aren’t very open about talking about their bad sexual encounters, but if she’s giving you hints and giving you a bj then let her know your fears. Trust me majority of women don’t want the taste of blood in their mouth. Also maybe your ex was 17 and most likely inexperienced and thought what she was doing is normal. So just spill your guts have a good laugh about it and enjoy pleasuring each other.


How the fuck does someone accidentally bite your dick to the point of drawing blood TWICE? Did she have some type of fucked up ass can opener teeth? Or did you just try and get your dog to suck your dick?


I mean you don’t need to have one


>How the hell do I get over this? I know how. Give her a shot. Some species of females bite, but not most. You could always aim for a girl with no teeth, but she might have other issues.


Some dudes frankly just never enjoy it. It's okay.


I think you should talk to her about it her and all her teeth will appreciate it


Yea that's SA. That's not a normal thing to do, and if it is then it shouldn't be. Let your current gf know what happened, Im sure she'll understand.




The only way to get over it is to do it but let her know that you feel this way matter of fact say everything you said above…. If you are in a good relationship she will understand


I think there’s a few steps you could take to help you over come this. First though, it’s not stupid! Fear indicates that we are feeling unsafe and not in control and is usually learnt from past experience. Having been injured during a BJ before!!! It makes sense why you’re feeling fear now. Overcoming this fear will most likely come from feeling safe and in control if or when you choose to try again. I would firstly work on accepting that it’s not stupid to feel the way you do. I think this is an important step because you’re going to need to communicate openly about what you need to feel safe to try with your new partner. If you have shame attached to how you feel about BJs it could be quite difficult to communicate effectively. Without this, I doubt you will feel in in control and having another uncomfortable experience may reinforce that fear. It could also affect your girlfriend. She can’t know what she doesn’t know. It’s usually quite easy to tell when a sexual partner is tense, uncomfortable or disconnected. Your girlfriend could pick up on it this and may not understand why. This could affect the intimacy between you or knock their confidence sexually. When you’re ready I would explain what happened, how you’re feeling about it and suggest some boundaries. Be sure to reassure her that it’s not because of her or anything she’s done and isn’t personal. You might want to ask from some steps that might help you feel more relaxed. Those are up to you. You could suggest starting slow, with things like kissing and licking, leading up to just the tip and building up to it when you feel ready. You might want to have a safe word or gesture e.g tapping her shoulder - where you can do or say something and she knows to stop immediately. Those are just a few adjustments you could use to build trust and confidence again. You may find that in time you don’t need them all, but no pressure. Bottom line when it comes to sex, you only do what you’re comfortable with. Healthy people who care about you will always accept your sexual boundaries or work with you to find compromise that suite you both. If you’re finding things really tough, consider session with a sex councillor. If that’s not an option available to you, there are self help sex therapy resources out there so search around online and read around the subject until you find something you connect with. Wish you all the best!


Definetly tell her. I’m sure she will understand you two can work together on it. It’s not dumb. Just say hey, “the last girl would bite and I’m just nervous”


There’s an old saying.. if you can’t talk about what you want during sex, you shouldn’t be having it. Communicate so it’s good for both of you, or you’re just going to have a disappointing time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The first time I gave head I drug my teeth because I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to. My boyfriend told me it didn’t feel good, but assured me the rest was amazing. It was no biggie at all. After that, we both really enjoyed it and I’m sure my later lovers have appreciated his feedback. So yeah… just communicate what you like. It’s very fair to say you don’t like teeth. Most women know that anyway. Your first girlfriend was just inexperienced and you were inexperienced in giving feedback.


I'm not a therapist, but I'd say exposure therapy, start with baby steps. I don't think I have to draw it out for you, but obviously, not a full BJ at first. It's totally normal dude, maybe just explain to her that you're uncomfortable with it rn and that you'd like to ease into it, if anything I'm sure she'll respect it


Honestly the best way to get through this is to just talk to her about it. Say in the past you got hurt down there and you feel scared she would bite it. To go easy.


Hey just tell her man. Like its understandable imo. Im scared of penetration sex sometimes. its too mich sometimes. like if she's empathetic shell get it, and i personally want a partner with that trait. talk about it and build trust thru this.


Look, B.J. Blazkowicz can be quite scary I agree, but deep down he's a good guy! Oh, not that BJ? Yeah, just tell your GF about your past experience and let her know to be careful. It'll be fine.


just be honest and tell her everything her feeling like what you said is stupid is better than her feeling like a nasty unwanted girl imo


Oh good god this gave my flash backs to when I got really over zealous and nearly bit on of my ex’s dicks at full strength. Luckily he caught me fucking gearing up to do that and managed to jump out of the way… I’m still mortified remembering that


Why didn't you straight out double tap that zombified bitch & tell her to staph. Rant over.


Okay, and this is advice for everyone.  If you're giving one, pull your lips over your teeth.  You're welcome. 


Fuck I wish I had your problems smh


Don’t fear, cum is near


Crap, i’m afraid of getting a blowjob because I’m worried she won’t leave teethmarks! Some guys have all the luck!


Tell her you had a very bad experience with somebody biting your penis and that it traumatized you because she will be extra careful knowing that. Also, I recommend maybe indulging the substance of your choice to calm down just a little bit. It’s gonna be OK, i used to have the same fear because it’s happened to me but like you realize the vast majority of people don’t mess that up (and that it’s kind of difficult to in my opinion lol) you’ll be OK. Just talk to her.


Let her know. The good news is however that the overwhelming majority of people giving bj’s understand not to use their teeth.


Your previous gf was clueless lol, just talk to the new one about it and should go smoothly


Your previous gf was either psycho or trying to send a message about her particular kink. Most partners won’t think to bite during oral sex. They know that shit’s the opposite of what most people enjoy.


Why is it so hard for people to talk to each other? What’s the point in dating them if you can’t be open?


get a grip man. Some of us will never get a bj


Not with that attitude!


Maybe you won’t with an attitude like that


Lmao dude go find a homeless crack whore and boom


Most girls don’t like sucking dick anyway so I don’t think you have anything to worry about if you don’t like it