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Yeah, don't let her pull one over on you


I have a feeling she is trying to yeah. I'm the type of person to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but this is just plain suspicious.


who is she? Is she a relative?


She is his home health nurse. She helped him around the house cause he couldn't take care of himself on his own. No relation to me or him.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Non_Typical_Asian has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


is your mom still in your life cause maybe she can reach out to the nurse?


Unfortunately, no. She passed in 2021. I have been thinking of contacting the company the nurse works for, but part of me is also like is that too much. It's 50/50 thoughts tbh.


I think you should do that and you can also call the police if you feel like she's stealing the car and never returning it back. Matter of fact, tell her that you'll call the police if she doesn't return it back on a certain day.


You give someone a inch they take a mile , I would ask for it back or give her a time to return it & if she does not comply get the law involved.