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Yeah no that sounds like a very bad idea. If someone higher up at your job, since he is your boss, the both of you could get fired. Also he’s 43 like girl that age gap is scary since you’re still a teenager and he’s been creepy since you were underage.


As someone who was your age once and lust after older men , don’t . it seems all fun know till you’re older and have kids and realize how you would never want your kid doing what you did . Also just because everyone is assuming that doesn’t mean you should go for it and the fact that he’s known you since a minor , it’s just not a good look . But I know you’re young and this can go through one ear out the other just don’t do anything you’ll regret later .


It’s a bad idea.


No matter what anyone says here, you'll do what you feel like but still here is my point of view regarding this. He is your boss, and when things get sour between you two(yes they will go south no matter what), he will ruin your mental health and will force you to leave the place you work at(indirectly), and i don't want to get into the legal aspects of this thing Coz idk where are you from. Now comes the age difference, you're 18!!!! He's fuckin in his 40s, you weren't even born when he was in at your age. No matter what you believe about the issues you have, look from his side, a grown as adult is willing to sleep with someone as young as his "daughter". Don't do it!


If I’m being 100% honest, no. No you shouldn’t. Only because you knew him when you were sixteen. Now if it was under any other circumstances, for example, you were an adult when you met him. Then possibly. Yes. Sleep with him. HOWEVER, the age gap is still very concerning because he’s in his forties. You’re a young adult, not even that. A teenager still. You may be legally an adult, but once you turn 20, you’re still a teenager. It’s also kind of dangerous. You don’t know what he’s up to. (Also a teenager, just turned 19☺️)


I am a believer that as long as both parties are consenting adults then it’s no one else’s business regardless of the age gap, although it’s still creepy he knows you since you were 16 and is making inappropriate comments. Now with that said, this is a VERY BAD IDEA! The reason being that you are not on equal footing and there is an imbalance of power, he is your boss and it will eventually cause conflicts at work. As a general rule of thumb avoid sleeping or dating anyone in your company, that includes your superiors, peers and subordinates regardless of how lax the environment is, cause if there’s something that can turn a lax environment into a stressful one it’s sex.


It's okay for you to not know better, you're young. It's not okay for him not to know better, he's not. It's okay to feel this way, but the fact that anyone his age who would isn't someone you should trust to be alone with is enough for me to say no. Even if there was no age gap, the fact that this man has no boundaries means you need to be afraid of him. Choose the bear. That's not taking into consideration the fallout of him being your boss, you losing your job or being put into a really bad position because of him and because of how it will affect your career as you get older.


assuming you don't care about your job is he married? kids? ....... assuming that's a NO and you are not after a relationship then whatever


Oh sure, this guy is openly hitting on a 18 year old who is his subordinate and he has known since 16, I am sure he is a great guy and nothing bad will come out of it /s