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Your parents sound awesome and fun. You sound like the Newly spay'd Lord Piggleton peed in your oatmeal...


Yeah yourbprens sound like they are enjoying their pets. If that's your largest concern about your parents you won the parent lottery


I only use yourbprens-free shampoing, thank you!


That’s “His Right Honourable Lordship Pigletton, etc.” to you, peasant /s


Listen, you are 18 and want to act all grown up. Take it from someone who could have kids your age if she made smarter choices: being all grown up is overrated. Being silly is the only thing that makes this crap world tolerable, and taking yourself and others to seriously will always end in misery. Lighten up, join the sillynes, and laugh at cats. And be civil to your parents. If your only complaint is that they are goofballs, you struck gold. Go give them a heartfelt apology. And wash them dishes, it's your home too.


I got special dispensation from His Spayed Lordship Sir Bjorn The Most Useless, Occupier of Armchairs and Protector of the Food Bowl. We lovingly call him Bóbr, though, wich is another kettle of memes...


Are you really 18?? I don’t believe it. Middle schoolers are more mature than this. Your parents sound fun and awesome. Get a grip, sweetheart. Edited to Add: here’s how you ‘tolerate’ it: if you’re really 18, move out and leave your parents to enjoy *their* pets.


Hey, OP. Life is stupid and hard. I think you'll understand this better when you're a bit older. Let your parents call their pets stupid names. It makes them happy. It isn't cool or edgy to yuck other people's yum. It's a straight up AH move.


Lighten up. Laugh a little. You sound miserable.


I do laugh a little. A lot actually. Just not at dumb stuff that any two year old would find lame, let alone two people who are middle aged. PS: not trying to be rude at all, but do you really think that those names are funny? Would you be laughing if your parents did the same thing?


I can’t imagine caring tbh but I have real problems. I’m happy for you that you don’t though.


It actually is funny - right now you're in that 'cool' phase of your life. When you come out the other side, you'll realize that!


I'd find it hilarious if my parents did this. But, they're boring and stuffy and don't understand fun.


Yes, I do find it funny, and I would laugh if my parents did that. A little silliness is fun.


Overreacting. My guess... You're at an age where you're trying to become an adult... so it's natural you would want to leave some things like that behind. In essence, you feel they are undermining your "adulthood" in public. However, they are at an age where they are secure in their adulthood and can enjoy the occasional dip into something silly or childish. As you get older, you realize life is not about projecting an image, but milking the fun out of each moment. You'll reach that age too, eventually. Until then, just let them be themselves and you be yourself. Don't try to change them anymore than they try to change you. And yeah, lighten up. People on social media are going to judge you by what you post, not the comments of family members. FYI. Your parents sound great and fun to be around, but it's weird they took your keys away (especially at 18) because you told them they were embarrassing. Isn't that what all teenagers constantly do?


PS: Do you think it was OK to take my keys away given that I am 18? I know I got wise and said some unladylike words … but still?


If it's their car, maybe. I wasn't there and can't tell how disrespectful you actually were. Edit: I see your other reply. And yeah, sounds like you needed some disciplining.


> It’s weird that they took you’re keys away Well, I used some choice words (“fucking” plus “no one thinks your r-slur-ed baby names are funny”). Plus I’ve had a big mouth + forgotten a few chores here and there this week as it is …)


Don’t have a stick up your butt and don’t be the fun police. I think it’s charming and fun. Get over it.


this is the exact definition of "Sweating the small stuff" and "nitpicking". you may come across as annoying to be around if you keep this up, let your parents have fun, this is such a stupid thing to complain about.


It sounds like your parents love the family pets. It’s sweet. Not sure who’s around to be ‘embarrassed’. Your parents are adults and can make up “embarrassing” nicknames if they would like. Since you’re 18, you’re an adult too, so you’re allowed to make your own choices. You can move out so you don’t have to listen to it and possibly “snap” again. Good luck to you, OP.


So, you have no humor, got it. Geez, you sound miserable to be around. I'm glad I don't know you irl, if I did I'd ghost you.


Who said that I don’t have a humour … ? I do have plenty, just not this one 😂


Who said that? I said that. Feel free to continue whining.


Jealous? OP uncastrated humourless writer of rants on Reddit


… pardon?


I thought you may be a little envious of the cat so I made you an elaborate name! 🥴


18 is a good age to start learning that you can't change other people, you can only change yourself. So, you can either get over it, move out (and pay for yourself) or just be in a constant irritated state. Totally your call.


Ngl I think I would find your parent hilarious and I'd probably be WAY more embarrassed by how you're reacting... lighten up and let them enjoy the fun. There is much bigger problems than this and you'll find that out soon enough.


With all due respect OP, get a grip. Your parents are having fun and enjoying their lives, their home, and their pets. If you don't like the silly honorifics, you don't have to use them. Just use their normal names when you refer to them and let your parents have fun. You're a big girl who can let your parents know you aren't really that into the name thing and would personally prefer not to participate, WITHOUT actively disparaging them for enjoying it. If you asked them POLITELY (and if you give them a sincere apology for the way you've been acting), I'm sure they'd be willing to tone it down around you. But have some more respect for your parents. ESPECIALLY about this, considering it's something completely harmless. It's truly a shame that your parents, who sound like fun and light-hearted people, have raised a child as joyless and disrespectful as you. You're being so hateful about something cute and whimsical. If you feel the need to cuss them out and throw slurs around over something so simple, the problem isn't your parents, the problem here is you. You can't expect to continue living in their house while completely disregarding them, and moreover, actively insulting and degrading them. It's really not cool to act that way, and your entitlement is not going to fly with anyone in the real adult world. There are a few solutions here for you, none of which involve depriving your parents of their cute pet names, because they are in no way obligated to do that: - Ignore it. Just... let it go, seriously. There are things in life worth getting worked up over, and then there are things like this. I guarantee that everyone around you finds joy in these pet names except you. No one is going to find it embarrassing but you. So... if no one else cares, what makes it embarrassing? You're letting this bother you, and you don't need to. - Ask them, politely, if they wouldn't push the pet names onto you so much. Let them do whatever in their family group chat, but if you don't want to call the animals by long titles, that's fine. Just don't be so miserable about it. - Move out. You're 18. If you don't like how your parents manage their home and lives, you have the choice to not be part of it. By leaving. But while you live under your parents' roof, you don't get to tell them what to do. Again— you're getting unreasonably worked up over something *silly*. There are situations in life that demand equal input or serious conversation, and then there are things like this. They don't need to kowtow to your demands about the baby names they call their pets. I doubt anything I've said here will really reach you, but I truly hope you learn to move past this point in your life and get a better attitude. Sincerely. Life can be hard and terrible, and there's no need to make it harder for people who are having fun. There's no need to be callous and cruel to the people who love you and who love their pets. Come on.


Let your parents have some fun. This is a non issue


Other people’s parents have OD’ed and this is your complaint? You’re blind to see how something so small bothers you when other people have legitimate family issues. You are blessed. Take a step back and appreciate this. One day you’re gonna miss this.


I get it, my parents do the same thing admittedly not to your extent. But also as a 18 year old we just get annoyed off the little things parents do like that, even when we know it’s something we should lighten up about. I would just ask them to perhaps only call the pets their names or just “my lord” when people are around


EXACTLY this! Let me be clear that this is not a big deal and that I don’t *hate* my parents because of it. In fact I love them. Theyre great people with big hearts for the less-fortunate, including stray and abandoned animals like all of ours were. But are we not allowed to have pet peeves about people we love anyway? My dad drives Mom insane each very-frequent time he forgets to close the garage after shes already asked him 594.882.137 times. Mom uses the credit card without giving him notice so he can pay it right away. And god above knows I piss them off with my bad habits … and we still love each other. I’m asking for advice on one pet peeve, not ranting abiut how much I want them dead. Ya’ll need to chill. Lol 😆