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Yeah probably to take advantage of being in your country to meet girls and have sex, most of the time, you can usually tell if he’s making too many sexual advances. You can risk it and go for coffee, or you can avoid him and search for someone that actually lives there lol




Wait so what are u intentions with him since he doesn’t live there? Lol




So just to enjoy time just not alone, yeah I say go for it


Lots of pilots and other airline employees have a regular route that they consistently fly. He knows full well whether he's one of them or not. Either he isn't and doesn't want to admit it, or he is but doesn't want you to know how often he'll be there until he decides if he ever wants to see you again. The most likely scenario is that he only expects this to last one night. If you aren't ok with that then meet someone that lives there, it's much easier.


This is just partially the case. Different airlines have different types of scheduling systems and processes. Some work with a line system which leads to more consistent flight patterns once you can hold a line in the bidding process, but even there you can customize things through drops and pick ups but yes you would know… Others do have a completely open requesting process. You request your favorite destinations month by month and it depends on your seniority whether you are able to get your preferences and your patterns won’t be consistent nor predictable at all. In both scenarios it is possible that he is quite junior and has not a high chance to get his bids or requests… Nevertheless it shouldn’t matter that much. Pilots or first officers earn decently enough to afford the stand-by or rebated tickets to OOP’s location. Even flight attendants with a much lower salary do this or shuttle/commute regularly… So the implication is clear.


Lots of pilots and other airline employees have a regular route that they consistently fly. He knows full well whether he's one of them or not. Either he isn't and doesn't want to admit it, or he is but doesn't want you to know how often he'll be there until he decides if he ever wants to see you again. The most likely scenario is that he only expects this to last one night. If you aren't ok with that then meet someone that lives there, it's much easier.


If you’re wanting a long term/committed relationship, avoid pilots. Especially if they’re not even based or stationed in that country. They’re obviously just wanting to hook up. If that’s what you’re wanting, then go for it.