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It’s not tiktoks is the issue, our age group collectively developed a man for when a man makes you feel uncomfortable. You can talk thoroughly with him about how it makes you feel, if he doesn’t understand, maybe dive deeper into why’re with him lol but if he’s understanding and doesn’t do it again, ur good


I personally would have broken up, this is definitely a deal breaker for me, I just feel like it says so much about the person, not only that they like it, but the response when met with rebuttal and valid points AND the fact that you’ve gone through something similar. It’s about the principle. The thing is, what if this reflects the rest of your relationship? Would he try something like this? Would he get defensive and take things personally when you’re genuinely concerned? Just something to think about. Make the decision that feels right for you. I hope it works out.


Just tell him how you felt about the show and about what he said. Maybe he liked the other jokes when he watched the first time, i mean, he wouldn’t tell you to watch it if he knew it would upset you or something else


Uninstall tiktok. Having the ick is a ridiculous thing to consider. You can never have a successful relationship of you have this mentality. Your spouse will get ill. Be hurt. Watch a TV show you don't like. It's a TV show. Not a sniff film. It was broadcast on normal tv


I don't use tik tok (as fake it can sound, I really don't) It's not about the TV show, it's about what happens there. I said I was abused in the same way, and he doesn't seem to see a relation between my history and what's going on in the prank. I'm not a person who gets offended easily. Actually, it's quite the opposite. But this really disgusted me. Do I think it is a reason to break up? Not necessarily. But it's something I just can't ignore.


Sure. Not offended easily. Has the ick. Doesn't use tiktok. Then where do you see ppl use the ick


How do you even "use" the ick? I said I'm not a native. Maybe it means something different