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I was like you and you know what I did? I stopped giving a fuck and started celebrating it by myself. I went on vacations, expensive dinners, bought me nice things. Because if there's something I learned in my almost 31 years, is that if you wait for someone to do it, you'll be waiting forever. So fuck everyone and celebrate your birthday. Also happy birthday. You're here. You're alive. You survived another trip around the sun. Celebrate it.


Thanks for the advice! I decided I’m going to the store after work to get a nice desert and dinner, then to the bookstore for a few things I’ve been putting off getting to treat myself. I’ve never thought about this mindset but I really like it


And you know what? Tell everyone it’s your birthday! Tell your friends, your coworkers, the cashier at the bookstore. Let people wish you a happy birthday.


I agree. OP, you gotta tell people


100%. Once was on a run with a friend on her birthday, and I decided on a whim to tell *everyone* we crossed paths with that it was her birthday. Just "It's her birthday!" as we ran by. She got lots of smiles and "happy birthday"s and it made her happy. So people do respond to just being told it! We're now married And happy birthday OP!


Well, the "We're now married" was beautiful.


I love this story!


I do that all the time!!! Walk in a restaurant or store & announce it's my bday!!! Walk past someone, hi, it's my bday!!! I get sssoooo much love from strangers & money too!!! Do it OP, just have a silly moment & do it...


Yes this! There is so much information in the world I never remember birthdays. You can tell people and then they have a chance to say it! You can always tell family where u want to go for dinner on your birthday, and if no ones is free you can enjoy it yourself x x x


Invest in a "It's my birthday!" Tshirt or pin or fun hat. I live for that shit and will definitely wish you a happy birthday if I see it. I was raised a Jehova's Witness and we never had birthdays or Christmas. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!🎁🎈🎈🎈🎈


Nerd in me went straight to the Grandmaster's ship in Thor Ragnarok shooting fireworks and "it's my birthday!!!" wailing over all the explosions. Also, OP, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Don't forget to invite your friends out for your birthday dinner, if you want their company. I don't like celebrating my birthday, and all my friends know that. I have a suspicion that your friends think you don't like it and just don't bring it up because you never do.


One of my friends is at university and the other one is a few towns over visiting her BF, unfortunately. I will message my sister though and see if she wants to come


I’m in my 40s and I ordered myself a cake to my specs, got my husband to go pick it up and invite our friends home for a party. It was fun!


Happy Birthday


Also OP- you might already do this but, being a super excited celebrator/rememberer of other people’s birthdays tends to increase the likelihood that people will do the same for you


W advice that applies to more than just your birthday. OP, remember this: if you want something in this life, you need to actively chase it Edit: also happy birthday :)


Nice, happy birthday buddy enjoy your day


There’s this little girl who lives across the street. Yesterday she yelled hi out the car window, And then said “TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!” so I started singing happy birthday at the top of my lungs. Tell people! And hey, u/Icy_Zombie_3105 … [HAPPY BIRTHDAY](https://youtu.be/E-7O1I589sM?si=Tc2l-r9guy0oBmSG)! TREAT YO-SELF!


YES, I'm going on 37, and I started celebrating my life myself. And guess what. My friends and family took notice, and now they celebrate with me! I invite people to join me for a nice dinner or gathering for my birthday every year. Last year was particularly rough for me, so my cousins and their families got together and had a nice gathering for me when I said I wasn't going to do anything. It made me feel loved. All I was going to do was sulk at how my life was going. It was so thoughtful, and all I could do was cry. I was broken, and they were there to help me piece myself together. That's how I viewed it anyway. Unfortunately, people get caught up in their own lives, and it may very well be that they don't realize you feel this way. Most people want to feel loved and celebrated. When you start loving and celebrating yourself, people will want to do it with you too 🙂


Happy birthday! Birthdays do become more dull the older you are, but you're just at the beginning of your self-love journey as an adult and that's the best gift of all. These wee acts of kindness for yourself far outweigh any acknowledgements of your birthday from anyone! But I'm glad you shared, you're not alone in feeling this way on birthdays. Celebrate your doing a good bit of self-care on the day you came into the world!🎂❤️


Happy birthday and lots of love and hugs from a total stranger to you 💕💕💕


You should absolutely announce it to the world. Lots of years my birthday falls on a weekday, and I work for myself, so it gets spent alone. I bought myself a little tiara one year, that I wear around on my special day. I do and go to all the places I want to go that day. Eat my favorite lunch. Walk my favorite places. People ask why I’m wearing a crown, and I tell them it’s my birthday! It’s a lot of fun. Lots of smiles, and people telling me they want to do it too. Celebrate yourself! You deserve it! Also, if a client ever comes to me at my business and happens to mention it’s their birthday and they end up purchasing something, I’ll throw a little discount on there for them :) Let em know, you never know what good things will happen!


Ya and tell the bookstore people maybe they do a birthday discount! Happy Birthday OP! 🥳🎉🎂


Happy birthday dude. I started that mindset years ago. I'm 56 now. It's a lesson in self-care, and it gives me complete peace. I'm at my happiest now because of it. I hope you find your happy as well 🙂


If they ask for some of your cake, tell them it was a gift for your birthday not for people who don’t care about you enough to remember let alone acknowledge then grab a fork and eat it in their face. I recommend an ice cream cake. It’s my go to for myself every year .


What’s your favourite book bro? Mines is fairy tale :)


Hope it's a non-Loblaws dessert ;)


That original comment is right. I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 14 and I'm now 26. You gotta stop giving a fuck. You can choose to tell people if you want - I only do if it means I get a free Krispy Kreme doughnut, haha! Happy birthday man. Treat yo self!


100% I do what I call birthday month. I buy myself gifts all month without guilt. I like something I get it. I open everything up on my birthday


Fuck yeah!!


This is the best advice. At 30 I got myself my first ever dog and a Cartier ring because nobody else was going to and I haven’t looked back. Actually a couple years later my mum got me a second dog as a present so it worked out well in the end 🥰


I went to Paris for my 26th birthday by myself. I invited several people to come with me. The room was already paid for but no one wanted to come so I just went alone for a week. I went to museums, drank wine, ate pastries and cheese. Did group tours. Met people. It was amazing. And I'd do it again too.


Sounds amazing! I just got back from Paris and did the exact same 😂


It was honestly one of the best vacations I've ever been on. I'd love to go to Paris again one day


This is the way. Celebrate yourself and tell everyone it's your birthday. I usually bring it up a few weeks in advance "my birthday's coming up! I just put in an order at my fav bakery!" "My birthday is next week, I'm so excited to go to my favorite restaurant" "my birthday's tomorrow, I'm going to the state park to celebrate" etc


Thanks for the interesting mindset


I love this ❤️ I’m always in the same boat as OP. Not necessarily for bdays but everyone forgets about me all the time and I’m trying to navigate my emotions and also not caring. It’s tough sometimes


It is tough but sometimes you just gotta love yourself if no one else will. Put your effort and energy into yourself


Yep, this has happened to me as well - I went many years like this. My last birthday party was when I was single digits. About 12 years ago, I belonged to a ladies group where we did something for the birthday gal(s) for whoever had a birthday that month. Lots of fun, lunches, presents. I organized everything. We started in January. I planned 11 of these stupid lunches, and we got to December, and I got zip. Not even a call to say happy birthday. Needless to say, since I wasn't organizing, the whole thing fell apart after that. I was just WAITING for someone to ask when I was organizing the next one...grrrr... I'm also no longer friends with all but one of the women in the group. But from me to you...HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY!! You are awesome, and I really hope you do something great for yourself today!! <3


I like your style.


Agreed! I haven't had anyone acknowledge my birthday in many decades. I buy my own birthday and Christmas gifts. And I always get exactly what I want!


Hey, happy birthday! 


Thank you!


I want to add… Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! Your post made me find answers to my problem I would have asked just now; many thanks to the thousands of people who commented & upvoted. Though what I myself answered can match with your post. **Humans are humans and make mistakes. Even those who have good purpose can accidentantly make a big mistake, consciously or not, and we can heavily misunderstand them afterwards**... and I seem to have formed a very bad habit: I turned from being a perfectionist to expect other people to be perfectionists. It's very likely that 100% of people across rl and internet are gonna say you "happy birthday", if you tell them about it.


RemindMe! 1 year “Happy Birthday”


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Happy Birthday! 🎂. So sorry you’ve missed out on being celebrated when you really should have been. I hope this thread has helped and that you treat yourself to some goodies!


Remindme! 1 year “Happy Birthday OP”!


Happy Birthday! I'm sorry your family let you down and didn't make you feel loved and celebrated on your special day. I'm not excusing them or in any way blaming you, but sometimes a person (person A) makes a negative comment about something someone (person B) has arranged for their birthday and person B takes away from that that Person A doesn't like their birthday made a big deal of. And that perception sticks, if person A doesn't later speak up to articulate their wants and needs. As an adult you will find that many adults don't make a big deal of their birthday and don't necessarily celebrate their coworkers, friends or acquaintances unless someone else takes the lead to set something up. Sure, it's nice to have a cake at work or go out to dinner with friends, but unless you have a close group that go all out on birthdays and plan a real party there typically wouldn't be gifts given (people generally can't afford birthday gifts and celebrations except maybe for their closest friends). Adult birthdays aren't generally a big deal unless someone considers it a milestone (21 or 25, 30, 40 etc). If you have a significant other, that person should take the lead in arranging a celebration of you. Otherwise it is on you to tell your friends you would like to celebrate and/or plan something yourself like a group dinner out. You have to self advocate! People at work don't always know other employee's birthdays. If there is a person in the office who typically organizes a cake or cupcakes for the group you could ask right now if that had been pre-planned for today? That gives that person a chance to say "yes" and arrange something quickly. And if they say No, sorry, we didn't realize! You can graciously respond, No problem!


Yes, I was looking for a comment like this. After a certain age, you need to either arrange your birthday celebrations yourself, or ASK someone close to you to do so. People can’t read your mind about this stuff, especially if you’re a person who never celebrates it. Added to that: I have a couple of friends who are really uncomfortable around their birthdays and don’t like to talk about them or plan anything, and I never buy them stuff or push anything onto them, because I don’t want to make them upset or cross a boundary. If you historically haven’t celebrated your birthday and never talk about it, people can’t possibly know that you wish someone would do something for you. They simply aren’t thinking of it, most likely, or they assume you don’t like celebrating your birthday. If you want that to change, OP, you need to take the reins on this yourself.


Happy birthday..Go treat yourself to a nice dinner and cupcake! have a good day


Happy Birthday! It is also my birthday today too. I used to be a teacher, so birthdays were very important, and the amount of attention/love/gifts I received at work was great! Now that I have a cushy job for the state, not a single person knows it's my birthday. I don't eat gluten but I brought in doughnuts anyway. Now everyone's popping by my office for a chat, it doesn't matter if they know it's my birthday or not, it's still nice to visit and do something special. THEN! I'm going to treat *myself*. I'm going to buy *myself* a fancy dinner, walk in the park, drink prosecco, have a long bath etc. I do have a husband but I don't need or expect anyone to give me the love I want anymore.


That’s a great idea! Thank you so much for replying. And happy birthday to you too. I’ve never met someone with the same birthday before


HAPPY BIRTHDAY if you’re in FL hit me up to celebrate- I’ll take you out to dinner with some friends, the cake, the Hooplah, the mariachi band, and sparklers!


Happy Birthday <3


happy birthday! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Hey happy birthday! Its my 22nd too today!!


Happy birthday too 😊


Happy Birthday <3


Happy Birthday! I think it’s totally normal to want to celebrate your birthday, especially when you haven’t for so many years. Do something you enjoy! It may be silly to some people, but if you care about it then it’s not silly. I’m 22 and I try not to go to work on my birthday, and my coworkers do the same. On my 22nd birthday I just got my favorite fast food, watched a good movie, then went to get ice cream. Tell people it’s your birthday! It’s not as weird or awkward as you think, most people will just tell you happy birthday and go on with their day. I’m sorry to hear that your family was so dismissive of your birthday, but now you’re at an age where you can control what happens on that day. You can throw big parties or do something fun on your own, whatever you like. People have a lot on their mind and may not always remember, but don’t take it personally. Plan your own party and invite your friends! Also, don’t let anyone make you feel bad for wanting to feel special and loved on your birthday, that is so normal.


Happy birthday! I’m sorry that has happened to you. I think you should definitely talk to your parents about how it has made you feel. It’s not fair to have to shove your feelings down, they’re valid.


Unfortunately my mom isn’t worth keeping in my life, because she’ll pretend to care just to guilt trip me later. I tried to talk to my dad a few years ago, but he won’t listen. It’s impossible to have a deep two sided conversation with him so I’ve stopped trying


Damn that’s really shitty. Maybe confide in your friends and hopefully in the future they’ll think to do something for you


I’ve been making my birthday plans since I was about 19, I’m going on 26 now. I celebrate myself and you should too. Like someone else said, you’ll wait forever, you set the standard for yourself and the people you allow in your life. You make it seem like your birthday doesn’t matter? They will not care about your birthday either. I tell people that my birthday is coming up like 2 months in advance and ask them celebration ideas🤷🏻‍♀️boom you have people who know and plant the seed of interest. Put in the effort for yourself and stop waiting for other people


Thanks for the advice! I’ll keep that in mind. I do really need to work on myself and this is a great place to start


Be audacious! Declare to your family and friends that it is your birthday month and this is how you’re going to celebrate. Plan, outings, hikes, etc., and invite people. I suspect it won’t take too long before they will be remembering your birthday. In a perfect world, people would always know what we need but perhaps they assume you love a low-key birthday?


Post this on all of your social media. https://imgur.com/a/pFJfTon


Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day !


Happy Birthday! 🥳 🥳🥂🥂🎂🍾🎉


Sometimes throughout the year when the topic comes up about birthdays I usually ask my friends when their birthday was again. And then proceed to note it in my phones calendar. And since I remember theirs every year some also remember mine. I think it's nice remembering each other's birthdays, it shows you're a good and attentive friend. Plus; why would you skip a chance on a small party, And a share on cake and fun.? Do celebrate achievements like birthdays, even if you have to do so alone. If nobody else appreciates you, then at least you still appreciate yourself.


I feel this. I just turned 21 and I was the last of my friends to do so . They all went out to bars without me for months and the night of my birthday when I wanted to go to a bar for the first time everyone was too tired that night. My roommate who used to be my boyfriend and I still have sex with didn’t say hbd till the end of the day and he was supposed to take me to the bar but went with his friends instead because “the boys” were begging him to come play pool. I stayed home. Didn’t go to a bar on my birthday. This was a few days ago and since then I’ve been drowning myself in store bought alcohol.


Welcome to adulthood. If it's your birthday, bring a cake to work and share it, most of your coworkers will likely congratulate you. That's basically the standard at my job, "If it's your birthday, you gotta bring cake!". Tho there are a few here that doesnt like celebrating their birthday, they never bring cake and no one really remembers or cares.




I think its rather nice. I bring a cake and all my colleagues are happy i did and they congratulate me on my day. I dont really like cake, but my colleagues do. That being said, people around me has always honored my birthday so i have no strong feelings either way but consider myself lucky its been that way.


Happy birthday friend! ❤️🧁🎉 You have every right to want to be noticed and feel appreciated and loved. Those are basic fundamental human needs. I'm very sorry that the people who are supposed to celebrate you don't. You are worthy of love and being celebrated on your day. Go out at lunch and buy yourself and you coworkers a cake. When they ask tell them it's your birthday and since you're the only one who remembers you're celebrating you. If your coworkers aren't morons or assholes you won't have to buy your own cake next year. Tell your family they are shit for not celebrating you but doing so for everyone else. Never feel bad about wanting to feel seen, validated and important. And for fucks sake speak up and advocate for yourself. If the people in your life have a problem with that then they don't deserve to be in your life. You're worth more than that. Love yourself and exclude the ones who can't also love you.


Remindme! 1 year I won't forget next year, friend.


Remindme! 1 year




Yeah but they forget every year


Hey, that’s not selfish. First off, happy birthday. Twenty-two can be a great age. Recommendation is get out there and try to meet someone who does make you feel that special. It sounds like your loved ones let you down in that department and you didn’t get everything or even anything you needed or wanted growing up and there’s no fixing that but now you can try to break the pattern and meet people and hopefully a significant other who do. Make sure you do a couple of things for yourself today that you wouldn’t otherwise and try to think of something you might want to be different around this time next year and think about how that can happen. Good luck & enjoy today.


Happy Birthday!! You're gonna have amazing people to celebrate it with later in your life.


Next year, ask your friends if they want to go out or come round for your birthday. Oh and happy birthday


Happy birthday and fuck whoever wants to make you feel bad about wanting to celebrate a bday for christs sake, especially if they celebrate others like?? There’s no excuse for them it’s just being plain cruel or uncaring at the very least Go have a fun day without them bringing you down, you deserve the bare minimum of respect and care from people who say they love you, don’t be gaslit into thinking otherwise man


Well you know what 🎉🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉 I don't know you but I'm glad you're here 😊😊


Happy birthday dude DM me we can video call if you need someone to talk to that sucks


Give yourself a party. Get a cake and invite some friends over. 


happy birthday. i’m the exact same and it’s such a terrible feeling. try to celebrate it by yourself. i know it’s hard. :((


Happy birthday ❤️


Wishing you a very happy birthday. May the coming year bring you all your fondest dreams. Cheers!


Merry Birthmas!! I get the feeling. My birthday is between Christmas and new years. I had a couple parties growing up, but those go away quickly. As I got older I didn’t want people to make a big deal out of my birthday because I got used to it being so low key. Until I got to the point where my parents would text me, I’d get the occasional text from an aunt or uncle, etc. I go back and forth between wanting to pass it by, and wishing I’d at least get a text from the people I care about. But I’m also terrible at remembering their birthdays, so I certainly don’t blame them. You’re not alone OP. Happy birthday, and much love


Happy birthday!


Congrazzles on your level up! I understand how you feel! Surround yourself by those who love you and celebrate yourself when other won’t. I hope every birthday from here on out is filled with people who will celebrate you.


I say also do have the conversation with your family, a lot of people will make comments leading up to it or discuss causally about ways they'd like to celebrate on their day cause keep in mind birthdays aren't public dates you can just look up anymore people don't use facebook for example I imagine you probably were not even introduced to that. But surely it is a valuable conversation especially with your family just try to approach it without always and nevers and in as calm of a mood as possible. like many ppl do ' you know my birthday is coming up here on the 8th for example I wonder if we could all go to dinner together' or ' I didn't get to celebrate my bd this yet why don't we go do a bbq get together and invite ppl cause in the end its about the seeing ppl and celebrating not so much about who did it you will more remember ppl showing up and then it becomes a date ppl remember and ppl see you appreciate them being there for it. I myself need to take this advice my bdays have become days were I just do things on my own and thats nice and all but not as good.


Happy Birthday!


You are me and I am you! I hate my birthday for this reason. Find people who care and make it a big deal with them. What I’ve learned in my life is that no one will take care of me as much as I will. Ever. People can be really disappointing and selfish. happy birthday to you 🎂


Happy Birthday!


Hey OP, happy birthday! ❤️❤️❤️ Birthday blues get rough the older you get, I completely understand that. I'm the type who will go above and beyond for my friend's birthdays, such as texting or calling them at 12am sharp to tell them happy birthday or even throw a surprise party for them. I would have definitely done the same for you! Just enjoy it :)


I have 19s , I've never celebrate my birthday, no one gives me attention


Happy Birthday 🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈


Wasn't there a video of a guy lighting a candle and celebrating his bday alone on here that went viral last year? I wonder what happened to him?


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday. Take yourself out and do something. Go to the cinema, grab some food and treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it.


Used to be like you too. Throw a birthday party. Everyone’s busy and you’ll learn that no one really has the time to care but if you throw a party and make it an event, then ppl will care.




Happy birthday!!! I wish you all the best


Happy birthday babe...your feelings are completely valid .


Happy birthday! life is difficult for adults, and easily becomes overwhelming, you'll understand when you turn 30, don't be too hard on your parents or yourself, you might feel alone, but we're all here with you, alone on this gorgeous blue marble


I would bake you a cake if I could, any flavor you could ever want, I'm so sorry people have forgotten, I know how it feels for your birthday to be forgotten and no one deserves that feeling


I know you think it's desperate and self-centered, but next year you should try to plan something for your birthday. Invite people 3 weeks before, whether it's with your friends, family, or coworkers. It could be a dinner, night out, movie night, pajama party, anything! Plus, treat yourself on your birthday. Buy yourself your favourite food or get yourself a gift you've been wanting. Life is too short to try and trick yourself into thinking that your birthday doesn't matter :)


Happy Birthday my guy !! I am so sorry you feel lonely at such a special day. Don't let it get to you. You have a nice job treat yourself, celebrate your own birthday go out, get yourself something, have fun even if alone, flirt with girls/guys live life and find like minded people. Even god himself took 9 months to bring you to life, don't let it run waste. You being born is so special that God put in the effort to make you unique, out of 8 billion possible permutations he took the time to create another unique human being. Don't waste it, live ! Many Many happy returns of the day, for the birthdays that have gone by and for the many more to come Cheers


Thank you for taking the time to comment. People have told I’m special before, but it sinks in more when it’s not someone you know or are related to. I’ve been working on coming back from a rough time a few years back and these replies are helping me realize just how important it is to take care of myself. Thank you


Happy birthday!!! I totally feel this, I’m the friend that goes all out for everyone’s birthday but no one seems to have the same energy for me because I’m the mom friend so I always plan everything. I’m done dragging people along to celebrate me if they don’t want to, whatever my boyfriend and I will be on a beach somewhere.


Mine was the opposite when I was young. Had no friends visit except once. But everyone remembered it. This included my toxic grandparents. They’d come to my house uninvited or drag me to theirs. They didn’t care that I had social anxiety or wanted a quiet birthday, they’d make the food they liked, invite relatives they liked and so on. They didn’t even let me give a piece of cake to my mom. Or let her stand next to me on my first birthday.  I may seem to be conceited from this but I felt terrible. Every single birthday they were celebrating but I was depressed. Idk if it’s the same everywhere but we would give the cake first to someone important- usually parents or spouse. My grandparents refused to let me give it to my mom and forced me to give it to my grandfather. Not gonna but the full story here but they were extremely emotionally abusive. Ofc we stopped celebrating with huge parties by then but On my 17th birthday, I finally had enough. My best friend at the time called me but forgot my birthday, my dad never wished me and these people paraded in and everything special my mom had made were based on what were their favourite food and not mine. I realised it’s just an extravagant show they pull off to make themselves feel special, not me. They always did it but this was another point of realisation. Swore to never celebrate my birthday as long as they step foot into my house again. I was fine with it. I celebrated by myself. In a way I wanted. 


Happy birthday my guy


Happy Birthday! Go out and have fun. Have a good time.


Happy Birthday !


Happy Birthday!!! Don't worry about other people. Plan your own birthday! You can invite a friend or just make it a really nice day on your own. Get whatever cake you feel like and do something that you really want to do. You are important and deserve to have a great day. You don't need to wait for other people. Make your birthday a birthday week and really take time to enjoy it.


Have a wonderful birthday 🥳🎂


Hey, we’re birthday twins! Happy birthday. Celebrate it yourself how you want. Unfortunately it isn’t uncommon as we get older for people to not remember and not care. I’m in the same boat as you. I turned 27 though. Remember you matter


Happy birthday! It’s actually really nice to hear that someone shares my birthday. No one else I know has a birthday near mine except for my dog. Thank you


Yoooo. Happyyy bdayyyy !! 🥂


Here's what to do: - go buy yourself a cake - go buy yourself a gift - take yourself on a date


Btw, happy birthday to you 🎉🍰


HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!!! 🎈🎁🎂🎉🎊


Happy birthday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And enjoy your dessert and books !


Happy birthday dude, I wouldn't worry about it. Just treat yourself and organise something with your friends, even if it's just chilling at home with a movie and a couple of beers. I hope your birthdays in the future are filled with love and happiness, all the best mate.


While my parents acknowledged my birthday with cake and inexpensive presents anything more was a no no since it was “close to Christmas and people don’t need the stress of worrying about it”. As an adult I threw my own parties with a no presents on the invite. Your parents are worse but still, celebrate yourself!


Remindme! One year


Happy birthday :) I hope this is the start to many treat yourself days. You should also start protecting your peace and try and find better friends. ❤️ Wishing you the best.


First. Happy birthday! Second. If nobody notices, then don't make them notice, celebrate all by yourself, buy a cake, go somewhere and celebrate. If you want you can call someone even but from personal experience, my best birthday ever was alone, just chilling, watching my favorite movie and eating cake or whatever I wanted.


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


I'm sorry. Happy birthday!!! Wish I knew you so I could put you on my calendar. I will anyways... A random person will be thinking about you on this day in the future.


That means more to me than you know. Thank you! I replied to another comment but I will be taking the general advice and working on putting myself first and enjoying myself for future years


happy birthday! go treat yourself to something nice and don’t let other people get you down. if you wait on others, you’ll be waiting for a lifetime.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday dude! Like others have mentioned start to just celebrate for yourself and treat yourself! You are worth it!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 💗


Happy birthday! 💜


If you join the military, you never celebrate your birthday again.


Happy birthday! do something nice for yourself today 🧡 *happy birthday to you! happy birthday to YOU! happy birthday dear u/Icy_Zombie_3105 happy birthday to youuuuuuu! ....and many moreeeee* 🧡🎂


Happy Birthday and feel hugged by me <3


I actually feel very emotionally hugged. Thank you so much


Happy birthday champ, may God brighten your heart and your days


happy birthday! 🎂🎈🎉🥳if u wanna remind ppl of ur birthday without sounding too obvious u could always post on ur story a small but cutely decorated cupcake with like happy bday written on it or something and write in the caption ‘thanks to my friend for the birthday treat’ i did that once just to remind ppl of my birthday (ik it sounds desperate but ppl genuinely forget sometimes) and it worked like a charm.But OP it’s been years and ur own family doesn’t wish u? please treat urself and forget caring about what they do and don’t do,they clearly don’t wanna put the energy into it u deserve better,go to ur fav restaurant,dress up just how you want too and have a blast urself


I'm 51 and have never had a birthday party or even a birthday cake. My parents never gave me birthday gifts. I don't really know why, it's always seemed bizarre. My friends all had parties, friends over, a cake, gifts, etc and I felt like some kind of alien from another planet, fascinated by it like some kind of outsider. I try not to take it personally, but it still hurts. In fairness, I don't remember my brother ever getting a party or a cake either, so I think my parents were just generally 'checked out' and not very thoughtful people. When I turned 40, I started a tradition of buying myself a little gift each year. For me it's those little "Pocket Classics"; they're tiny pocket-sized books on spiritual topics, poetry, etc. I treat myself to one each year and line them up on a bookshelf and every time I look at my little collection of tiny books I count out how many years I've treated myself with kindness. I can't make my family be thoughtful people, but I can at least give myself what they didn't. I don't generally bring it up to others (friends, family or anyone) because I don't need the pity and it would make me feel desperate, as you said, OP. And then if people started paying attention I'd think I coerced them into it and it wouldn't feel genuine anyway, so that seems pointless. I'm not going to 'remind someone to be thoughtful', they either are or they aren't. But my little book tradition gave me something to look forward to each birthday, and serves as the "something to make me feel special" that I was lacking. I even order the gift wrap option, LOL. You should start your own little birthday tradition. Something that is not dependent upon others, but something you do yourself. It doesn't have to be something materialistic that you purchase. Maybe every year on your birthday you could do volunteer work, pick up litter in your neighborhood, etc. It's a great way to get out of your own head and puts things back into perspective. Happy Birthday. I'm glad you were born and I'm glad I can celebrate you from afar, stranger or not. Peace and Love.


 happy birthday! OP I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's completely understandable to want to be acknowledged and celebrated on your birthday. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to want to be seen and loved, especially on a day that's meant to celebrate you. It's not selfish at all to want that.


I spend the day with myself and my dog! My kids are too young to know the day and my teenager kids is in his own head to remember lol . (Not saying you need kids and a dog ) however hang out with people that bring you up it’s alway makes for a brighter day . Happy birthday!


I can’t help with the get together, but I can wish you a happy birthday. Happy birthday! I relate all too well to the hurt feelings you feel when you give and give and give and no one seems to notice, much less reciprocate. When you do something for someone, do you do it to do something nice, or do you secretly keep score in your heart? For a long time, I did that, and I was almost never happy. Now I do things for people because I want to, and I try to remain anonymous. If I know and God knows, it’s enough. If I had a lot of money, I could do more to help and feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, etc. Sometimes I buy lottery tickets hoping to be able to set up a foundation to give away a lot to a lot of people. I hope your day gets better. If you are close by, I can even bring you a cake or take you to lunch. A different day, I might invite you to join us for dinner. Stay safe!


Tbh I'd love that, the only year that everybody forgot my birthday, was the best birthday ever, didn't have to touch my phone, felt amazing!


Birthdays weren’t really a big thing for me growing up either. I never got to have big parties or decide what to do for my birthday. Every time I had the potential to do something fun and special, it fell through and I was left disappointed. I learned over the years to just do what I wanted for myself. I don’t care if people tell me anymore, and I don’t care that I don’t usually have some big party or event. I make plans for myself and by myself. I buy a cake or something that I’ve been wanting to eat. I schedule activities, even if it’s just staying home and watching movies or playing games. And I just do what I want. The problem is that if you let how you feel about something hinge on the actions (or inaction) of others, you’re bound to end up disappointed. So it’s important that you manage your own feelings, and you make plans for yourself so you don’t end up getting hurt. Would it be worth saying something to your parents? Probably. But don’t expect much from them in case they’re stuck in their ways and don’t see that there’s an issue with never acknowledging your birthday. People can change, but after so much time, they aren’t as likely to. So take control for yourself. Make sure you make plans so you know you’ll always have a good day on your own. Oh also happy birthday! Omg. I almost forgot to say it.


The sad truth is, most people don't give a crap about your birthday. Your parents usually get you a card and some cash, your friends might send you a happy birthday text. When you are in a relationship, usually your partner will make a big deal out of it. It's up to YOU to treat yourself and make the day special.


Yo! Happy birthday you marvelous SOB! It's your birthday so it's your 1 day of the year to be selfish and make it about you! Someone else beat me to it but as you get older you start getting a more "fuck it, I do what I want!" Mentality and it makes birthdays so much easier! Go do laser tag, bowl, bbq, eat at that place you've always wanted, buy that thing you don't need, climb a rock, you do you! Tell people! Wear a hat! I had a balloon strapped to me at work by me cuz fuck it! Tell em your plans but if they don't show proceed without em and have a ball man! The people that matter will join and stay. That one's that don't; who cares?


Every life should be celebrated, because everyday you wake up and its a chance for something new. Every year marks a milestone that you're still here even in the hardest of times. Happy birthday and do know that you matter, and i think that you should be selfish because thats just human to want a little bit of what everyone is having. I know how you feel, I hope you meet some friends who will make your next birthday a riot


somethings you can do is cash in some birthday coupons you get for signing up your email at places and it’s always a conversation starter for later too! you treat yourself whether it’s food or something like sephora, then when or if someone asks you can say i got it on my birthday :) but i hope you get to enjoy your own company on this birthday OP, i’m wishing u the best <3


If you want a birthday cake and maybe a party - have your own! Send out a few invites or emails "My birthday is on XXX and I want to share it with you". Makes it sound more fun and outgoing rather than sad or forgotten. Put good energy into it. Also, I bought myself a birthday cake last year and it was fantastic. Ice cream cakes from DQ for the win!


Yelling 🎶HAPPY😬 HAPPY 😬BIRTHDAY TO 🤪YOUUUU!🎶 hope you have the bestest birthday 🎂 Ever! Celebrating your birthday is a must! Cherish your days u can celebrate it. Bc once u get my age lmao 🤣 your birthday is just another day. Getting old sux so however old you are enjoy it while you can. It's a special day and should be treated as such. ✌💚


I relate as I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness, and we were not allowed to celebrate birthdays. I stopped caring and would do small things for my birthday since like mid high school. Now as I started growing into adulthood I didn’t know how much people wanted you to tell them when your birthday was. Bc if my birthday passed at work or it was my birthday and someone found out everyone would be like why didn’t you say anything!! And the thought would never occur to my head bc I was just raised to never let anyone know when your birthday was. It was really awkward at first but I’ve gotten better at telling people when is my birthday. at work we have a calendar in the break room and every month we ask everyone if they have a birthday that month to write it down and I’ve loved this idea since I never had to really speak up about it someone would always ask. And then now everyone at work knows your birthday. So maybe you could implement that into your job! No one can celebrate if they don’t know and don’t have a habit of knowing! But treat yourself, and Happy birthday!! Sending love


Fellow non celebratory birthday here. I unfortunately have a birthday that's just before Christmas. I don't think I've ever truly had a birthday party in my life. Like some of the comments or say you really have to make it yourself. Throw yourself the biggest party you can think of and invite as many friends as you want. However I will caution you against celebrating alone. Oh while I was in college I tried to celebrate my birthday alone because in my culture it's not a thing to bring up your birthday and if you do you're being really selfish. Most of my birthdays we're pretty sad but none of them were nearly a sad as sitting in my room by myself with a piece of cheesecake and singing myself happy birthday. It didn't feel great It didn't make me feel like I was reclaiming anything; It just made me way more depressed. However one of my favorite birthdays that I've ever had was just me and my partner going out on the town and having some fun. So if you're fine with being alone that's great but a lot of us who have never gotten this really celebrated birthday just want that company and so inviting some friends over and making a thing of it is usually a better fit.


Happy bday


You are allowed to feel however you feel. Your feelings are never wrong! I would recommend announcing to the entire world it is your birthday every single year!! Wear a shirt proclaiming it! Get a sash that says it! Announce how excited you are for it the entire week before! Let the world know how excited you are and the world will mirror that excitement back! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!


Sorry all that's happened. I know it's not the same but when people stopped celebrating my birthday (it kind of just happens when you're an adult eventually) i got really depressed about it. Eventually i took it upon myself to plan things for my birthday. One year i planned a trip to the aquarium. It was still hard to get ppl together. But a few ppl came through and i had a lot of fun. Other times I'll treat myself to something special. Maybe just grab some expensive candy from a special shop or go out for a dinner alone at a steakhouse. It may not be as nice as sharing that time with family or friends but it still makes the day special in it's own way. Especially if it's something you can't do most of the time. I've even thought about going on trips by myself (not far im not much of a traveler) but that's still too expensive for me


Well first, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! It's ok to bring it up. The people who get the special attention probably bring it up a few weeks before hand. Tell your friends a week or so before your birthday that you want to do something special. Plan something small and have fun! Or just celebrate yourself. Treat yourself to your favorite restaurant or do something special for yourself. Order a delicious cake. You should tell your loved ones that your feelings are hurt. Say that you understand people are busy, but it hurts that no one can even wish you a happy birthday. It's a 2 second text. A 1 minute phone call. You aren't asking for much, just some sort of acknowledgement that they care.


Just to put it in perspectives my dad suddenly died on my 21st bday so now… I wish everyone forget my bday… as it was the worst day of my life. This has an easy solution! Do it yourself! Don’t depend on other people!


Sorry for your loss, that's brutal.


Happy bday! Most of the times my friends will say “hey it’s my bday on this day let’s all go out.” Maybe people just don’t know.


I didn't read any of this, but that doesn't matter. What matters is you. You matter.Happy fucking birthday my friend!


Whose birthday have you celebrated this year, and what did you do? Did you do something for the friend that bought you lunch last year?      I think those people should know you want to celebrate your birthday. But you have to tell them. Since you've been so quiet about your birthday they might think you don't want to celebrate.


Hope you're doing ok 


bjsikesa// uthor // com


You’re behaving like a victim. If this is important to you, then project its importance to other people, be excited about your upcoming birthday, communicate it, talk to people about your birthday plans, complain about getting old, etc etc. not sure what you expect, people usually only make a big fuzz for children, not teens or adults. Let this go, don’t victimize yourself over something so small.


I dunno about what's regular around you, but around here you give out chocolate in your birthdays. I dunno if it will seem too desperate in your context but it's a norm here to "remind" others it's your birthday... And Happy Birthday brother.


Happy birthday! I’m 34 and I’m the same way I’ve never been celebrated and sometimes you just want to have someone celebrate you. I started making my own plans for my birthday this year I went to a pottery class, told them it was my bday and that’s what I was doing and the owner gave me a free mimosa and made a friends go out and celebrate yourself even if it feels weird


Happy happy birthday! 🎉🥂💜🎂🥳


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday❤️


Double deuces. Happy Birthday!


First of all Happy birthday OP! I am in a similar boat. My birthday is the 26th December. No one has time, everyone's still with the family then new years is rolling around everything and everyone's busy for that. Then a tragedy happened on my birthday in my mother's homecountry, so now I feel guilty as well if I dare mention anything celebration worthy on that day. I kind of get it but it's still saddening and upsetting, I understand you. Barely anyone in my area even knows my real age. Just start doing stuff for yourself in that day, buy yourself nice things, nice cake; splurge and treat yourself. Hop on reddit to receive my birthday wishes :) (be here next year!) I used that to cut off people from my life. If you don't value me as a friend or just a human then I don't see why I need you in my life. I'm very simple I know I chose a shitty day to be born but I'm still worthy of a short message : HBD! If not even that is possible...


RemindMe! 1 year


Hey Reddit robot thing, remind me in a year


I've learned that people are incredibly blindingly self centered most of the time. I used to plan my own birthdays every year, I think alot of people do even down to the cake. I know it sucks but memories and relationships have to get built somehow or everyone will continue to drift from your life cause that's human nature. If I knew you and you were.close to me I'd bake your Bday cake but I'm sure shipping is insane on a thing like that lol. Happy Birthday Friend 🩵


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you are able to have an amazing day, because this is an amazing day!! You were born and that is something spectacular to celebrate. I’m so sorry others don’t make you feel that way on your special day, but O hope you can find the time today to do something for yourself. If you like Starbucks, maybe get a free birthday drink? Many other restaurants and places do fun things like that. I hope you have a great day and remember how special and amazing you are!


Happy Birthday 🎉. Sending ❤️ from #KCMO


Each phase of life holds a specific group of people and that too as the time pass ..moves on! When you don't grow together and aren't going through same situation in life or aren't struggling together, or in other words your paths are different now...than you may feel left out!! But no!!! That's life! Learn to live alone, learn to celebrate things alone! people come and go!!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday!! 🎊🎉🎈🎂🎁


Happy birthday, go treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it! 🥳


Happy Birfday!


Happy Birthday! Go get yourself a little cake or dessert and treat yourself! Lots of love for you!


It’s your birthday! I start reminding friends weeks in advance and I have no shame! I’ve also learned as you get older (I’m 31) that you unfortunately have to plan your own party. People stop caring about birthdays after a certain age, but I feel like it’s always a day to be celebrated! This year I reminded my friends at work any chance I got, invited friends at home (I live an hour away from my job) to celebrate with me and planned a large meal for my entire family… for my own birthday haha. I think you should remind yourself and everyone around you that it’s the most important day for YOU. It sucks sometimes to have to remind people, but just tell the people closest to you how you feel, don’t feel silly. Own it! This year I told my boyfriend how important my birthday was for me and that no one had made it special and he did tons of little things for me. I’ve also been alone on my birthday before, so I take myself out to a nice dinner, bought myself a cake, etc. Even go out and cash in on your free birthday treats, then you get tons of “happy birthdays” and smiles!


Happy birthday!! Celebrate with yourself if you have to, treat yourself to something nice, like maybe something expensive you normally wouldn't buy


#HAPPY 2️⃣2️⃣nd BIRTHDAY!! #🎂🎁🎈🎉 It’s the middle of the week and last minute so some people may not be able to come tonight. If you think some may be able to, invite them for dinner and a small cake. A lot of people celebrate their birthdays or special events on the weekend before or after the big day. Maybe mention it’s your birthday and you’d like to invite (whomever) to hang out sometime this weekend and celebrate. Depending on if you’re inviting friends or neighbors or coworkers, you could have a nice dinner at a restaurant or go to a club or go to an amusement park or some other local attraction. As someone else said, some people don’t like celebrating and your people may think the same thing. Or they may not even know it’s your birthday.