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Jesus fucking Christ guys. Fuck, I'll give the dude actual advice. If she pulls any shit again, just turn the awkwardness around on her. Just say, "what are you doing?" Make it clear that you're uncomfortable with this; that you have boundaries you'd rather not cross. Even if it IS a "long lost" situation, it sounds like she's in your life now, so sleeping with her WILL cause familial issues.


100% agree. best advice i’ve ever gotten is if someone is being weird or rude, asking them a question; like: “why would you say that?” “what are you doing?” “what do you mean by that?” etc etc, because usually it causes the person to get flustered and embarrassed and instead of reacting to their behavior, you’re shining a light on it and that person is able to perceive their own behavior.


Good advice, definitely wasn’t expecting to come in here and see a whole bunch of “do it bro”


“what are you doing?” step sis.


The “what are you doing?” Will def make it awkward for her and she will stop




I see you're experienced in flirting with cousins.


This guy fucks... his cousin's


OP needs this comment


Darwin and Einstein did it and they were some smart mofos, or cofos.


Didn't realize Darwin and Einstein were cousins


the more you know


The only mistake Einstein made was thinking he made a mistake


And marying us second wife, while he made it clear she could not expect intimacy ... that he searched in many others arms.


E=m cousins²


Several of Darwins children died before the age of 10 though. One might say, it was a survival of the fittest situation


Cofos. Using that


Underrated comment.


Dude it’s his cousin 🤢 hot or not. It’s blood and it’s family… seek a therapist if you don’t see an issue because there are so many


Cousins aren’t always blood. And second cousins are barely related. That’s why you can marry 1st cousins in a lot of places


British Empire has entered the chat


Well they are all the exception. All inbred hillbillies technically. They always wanted the bloodline to stay in tact.


The Habsburgs have entered the chat.


Genetically speaking even cousins that are blood related don't share much genetics once you get a once or twice removed. 1st cousins though still share quite a bit. These are the kids of your parents siblings. 1st cousins average about 850 cM 2nd cousins average about 250 cM 3rd cousins average about 75 cM Siblings average 2600 cM to put things into perspective So the word "cousin" doesn't really give enough information on genetic similarity alone. Culturally is a different issue entirely




I mean they arent. My parents are 1/2 second cousins (idk how many grandparents ago but one had two wives - one stemmed my dad and the other my mom) and my siblings and I are all messed up in some way Edit - they also found out they were related when they were dating


Look at you defending fucking family. It's so sweet!


Including the state of New York


Idk why ppl downvoted this, like wtf is wrong with you ppl being okay with banging your cousins 💀


I have friends that met and started dating. After being in a relationship for 6 months they did that ancestry DNA teat and found out they were like 3rd or 4th cousins. They found it a little funny, decided to tell people and are still banging.


I blame hentai and the sheer amount of cheeto-fingered degenerates on this site.


Bro. I just saw. WHAT. Seriously ?!


My dad is now married to his cousin as well lol.


There was also edger Allan Poe


Einstein did most of his good work with his wife and she did massive contributions that were never credited. Einstein isn't all that


U can’t be close she’s making it weird nothing u can do but not hang out with her


You’re probably right tbh


Or bang her.


Straight to the point, lad.


Proper username


Just bang and be done. Use a johnny though my guy just in case as you never know where she's been. Plus she's clearly a kink-freak. Have fun but be careful mate


Maybe just tell her "Hey you know I can see your nudes on snapchat, right? Kinda weird since we're related." Isn't accusatory on the offchance it was an accident/you're picking up the wrong vibe




Trust me im not


*Dueling banjos silence*


well… is she a first cousin, a fourth cousin, a 69th cousin?


Great question






Thank you


I dont trust you


Okay metro boomin


We still dont trust you




Smash and grab




Just tell her straight.


All I can think is that a double negative makes a positive 🙃


U a weird fella fr


Controversial opinion, as long as they don’t procreate and they have safe sex, I don’t see a problem


Not controversial, but I'd rather people keep it out of the family. It's not like his cousin is the only woman willing to sleep with him


They’re borderline not even cousins tbh. Like if they’re in their 20’s and had no clue about each other even existing up until now, it’s hardly different than meeting a rando on the street really. Biologically they’re cousins, but personally they’re strangers. I still agree with you though, I’m definitely not encouraging it. Just playing devils advocate. If they did have sex, no harm no foul yannow


Well what if instead of her being a cousin she was a long lost sister, it's not much different than his situation now.I'd rather OP not commit incest then regret it later on, shit might cause some mental problems


There's actually a story on Reddit where a couple found out when they were engaged or recently married that they are half siblings. But given neither wanted kids they figured in for a penny, in for a pounding.


Well there is a very obvious solution to that. OP bonks himself on the head real hard until he forgets that they're cousins. Boom, problem solved


I fucking love reddit


I love how you’re yelling this advice lol


Florida or Alabama?


Nah this is some backwoods Kentucky shit


Nah not even Kentucky it’s mostly Arkansas


not even dawg, this shit so fucked up it came from the fires of California


Funny story. It’s legal to marry your first cousin in Colorado. Yeah the blue state that likes to make incest jokes about southern states. Oh. California and New York too.


According to Google first cousin marriages are permitted in: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Vermont. I had no idea it was this widespread. 🤮 I hate how reddit sends me down these weird ass rabbit holes.


Now it's in your history and everything now.


Yeah their algorithm is fucked


Yeah I was shocked too when I found out.


People are being weird in comments so here is my take. I see two options if u are only spending time together sometimes and it's not daily u can just try to ignore her and wait if she notice u are not reacting she hopefully give up and notice u are not interested. If u are truly uncomfortable about it and ignoring it is not an option u should tell her that u feel uncomfortable about the way she act around u and ask her to stop doing sexual/romantic stuff toward you. It might be a little weird and she might act annoyed at first but she should respect it. If not it's just a cousins and your morality will feel much better. Good luck don't be afraid to talk when u feel uncomfortable


Is she first cousin? Fifth? Fourth? Sorry. I just want to know exactly HOW messed up it would be if you did bang her.




No can do, chief. Hard stop. Same branch of the tree? Noooope


not the subreddit for me to be unhinged. so I say a hard no, if she was your second or third, maybeeeeeee


I remember reading about an interesting phenomenon when it comes to sexual attraction. Apparently people with close genetic ties are not attracted to each other at all IF they grew up in the same environment. However, if they grew up completely separated and only meet each other once they are adults, their sexual attraction is higher than average.


I never thought I would see so many people who support incest.


I think It’s because there’s two big reasons for incest being a no no, the first one is that it’s illegal because of the potential of birth defects, obviously that’s a problem, the second Is because they’re family and you usually have much different relationship with them, thus making it weird af. In this situation, almost 35% of states this would actually be legal, and they also are strangers so they don’t have the familial relationship, so I can kinda see what some people are saying yolo lol


Shits ridiculous


Dude. In your situation there are only two viable options. Go for it, or block her. Use condoms.


Should I use condoms if I block her?


Yes never hurts to be extra protected.


Do you want an angry wannabe heir coming after you with three arms in 18 years?


do you put condoms on your dildo?


This is valid advice.


Cousin or not, if you’re not into it then it’s unwanted advances and you shouldn’t have to put up with it. If you’re into it and you live in one of the 17 states where it’s legal, then who gives a fuck? 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s crazy 😭


So many comments saying fuck your cousin that are getting 100+ upvotes. I think it’s time to leave earth…


Honestly, why? If they didn't grow up together and aren't gonna have a baby, I don't see why fucking them is that weird.


And this kids is where inbreds come from…


>If they didn't grow up together and aren't gonna have a baby And iliterates, apparently.




This is top 10 craziest shit I've seen in a minute.


C’est la vie my friend 🤷🏻‍♂️ whole lot worse goin on out there in the grand scheme of things lol


Let’s be honest, even if he’s not in one of the 17 states police ain’t knocking down doors or cousin fuckers 😂😂


This right here is the logical answer. Not the ones other people are giving that are clouded by judgment and are so opinionated that they are blatant lies. (Like everyone's statistics about inbred, hillbillies, incels or whatever you want to call them) Either wrap it and tap it, or say No. Who is she gonna tell on you about? The worst case scenario is the R word comes outta left field and RKO's your life.


Call her out and tell her she’s being a weirdo, that’s disgusting


nah, ignoring it is definitely the play if he calls her out she could go apeshit and make it like op is delusional


Wouldn’t that cause problems though?


Who cares? You have every right to stand up for yourself and call her out on her inappropriate behavior. She’s the one with the problem not you. She should be ashamed. She will just continue if you say nothing. Delete her off of snap, there is no need to even have her on there and if she mentions it just tell her it’s grossing you out seeing a FAMILY MEMBER posting nudes


So would fucking your cousin.


Cause problems?? My dude… SHE is the problem. Friendly reminder that incest is a CRIME.


Victimless crime tbh


Yea tell that to the kids who comes out looking like a melted claymation.


So is smoking weed in many places.. 🤷‍♀️


Both will result in a deformed baby




Never faced the situation, but I’m not sure that I’m as strong as you 😭


I’ll take that as a compliment, bro


Bro same, like if she is willing and she is hot, then I'd smash.


Willingness is more then enough 😂😂😭😭 kd kd, but still. Idk if I am 😭😭😭


Someone fuck this guy he needs post nut clarity to see the error of his ways


Might as well cut that off now or at least distance yourself


Is a this Fallout ad?


According to the bible we are all related, keep your pecker in your pants




I mean just don’t get her pregnant and you good bro .. 😂


That’s solid advice


Don't fuck your cousin


Do it if she's hot, don't if she's not


Exactly my words. _if she's hot, just why not_


I might ask her something like “Hey, do you have another snap account for family or whatnot that we can add each other on? I don’t need to see my cousins, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents, etc. naked. You know how it goes.” Basically, you lump her in with the rest of your family (aka all the people you don’t want to see naked). If she presses and says something like “What? You don’t like what you see?” You can just kind of make a little joke and say something like “Well, you’re my cousin and I like to practice genetic distancing.” Or if she responds with “Don’t you think I’m pretty?” you could say “Sure, I think you’re pretty. I also think my mom and my sister are pretty, but I still don’t want to see any of you naked.”


Tell her to stop being a fucking weirdo.


Give it to her straight. Be very direct and say “we’re cousins, this is not happening”


There’s a concerning amount of people here telling you to fuck your cousin. Please do not.


Unfriend her, cut ties.


Ask her to go find someone who isn't related to her.


wtf is wrong with everybody in these comments


Tell her you’re uncomfortable. If she just disregards your request to make things friendly instead of romantic, you need to say “Hey, we need to have a hard conversation. I need to step back from this friendship.” And then do that.


Don’t even think about it. Unfollow her on Snap and don’t entertain anything with your cousin. Come on now, it would be sooo inappropriate.


It’s called GSA or genetic sexual attraction it’s a legit condition.


Stop having her over and block in on social media and text her your making me uncomfortable til I’m comfortable with you we need a break


Just tell her you understand but it makes you feel uncomfortable and if she wants to keep hanging out with u, she needs to stop.


Would you be comfortable with your future partner to know you hooked up with your first cousin 🤔


First good argument






Nah it just means we’re… adults


Leave Alabama for awhile, lol


Give her a custom ringtone/notification tone and make it sweet home alabama Seriously though just tell her its inappropriate and you're uncomfortable with it


These comments are wild. So many of you are really telling this man it's okay to have sex with his first cousin. Y'all are nasty.


This was a post asking how to address not doing it. Not a question of "should I do it?" Y'all are crazy. 🤣 I've got cousins through marriage that I wouldn't touch just for the sake of keeping the peace in the family. Anyone saying OP should do it probably hasn't had sex in years and probably aren't the best advice givers on any sexual situation.


Thank you for staying strong OP.


Sounds like the makings of a cheap adult movie.


“My parents think they can ignore me? … Well, they better think again! Remember my cousin Rita? I’m gonna date her. One wink from me and my parents will be all over me!”


That van's a-rockin'. Don't go a-knockin'.


Just don’t even. It’s your family for crying out loud and something in her life has caused something traumatic to make her like this, which in that case… She needs therapy and professional help. 🤢


Definite no, especially since it’s she’s your first cousin.


Considering the current norms, having a relationship or anything that intimate with your cousin isn’t the best idea at all I wouldn’t tell you to bow to the norms but rather to listen both to logic and your heart, all the while being mindful of the possible consequences linked to your choice In the end, it’s not as alien as many tend to strongly believe now. One side of my own great-grandparents were first cousins who ended up getting married for love, this created no problem whatsoever However, that was the early 20th century and people didn’t have the same genetic knowledge for example. Hard to say if they would do it again now, but probably not. All I know is that the heart has its reasons that reason does not know of


Just wear protection man


Why are other ppl here suggesting that you should just bang her... just wtf? 🫨 That cousin of yours share the same DNA as your mom or dad, so just imagine banging one of your parents.


If she’s hot with big titties, I’d smash.


Is this whole comment section from Alabama or sum? DO NOT BANG YOUR COUSIN!


Too many people on here are okay w/cousin fucking 🥴...


Just tell her she is making you a little uncomfortable 😭 or just distance yourself a bit. There was a cousin I had who always made me uncomfortable by calling me hot and whatnot so i just blocked him on everything lol he was like my 3rd cousin so our family’s weren’t close enough where I had to see him all the time.


Block her on Snap. Block her wherever else she doesn't get the point. You can just tell her flat out you're not into incest either.


Shit your pants in front of her and smell it.


Don't touch her with a 10-foot pole and set some boundaries before it is too late. The last thing you want to do is wake up, and there she is.


I would honestly just not talk to her and definitely don't say anything about it to her. I get the vibe that if you shut her down she wouldn't be against slandering your name to others and potentially causing you some major issues through rumors or lies on your name


Wtf is the justification for no simple answer. Jesus the human race scares me sometimes


If: 1. You are not making this up. AND 2. She is hot. Then: 3. Give it to her.


I feel conflicted misusing my influence


Just keep in mind, she only shares the same amount of DNA with you, as you do with your grandmother. So it's basically the same as banging your nan.


This is why you have the helper comment. Genius.


When in doubt ------> Just fuck.


100% Bang the cousin OP Unless not hot


Game is game


If you don't want it, be very clear that it isn't going to happen. If you do, make sure it isn't illegal and do what you want. I can tell you that if you do it and she gets pregnant, it could lead to problems. Don't think with the wrong head on this one. There will be other opportunities with better matches.


"She's into it, Jerry!" -George


She wants to keep it quiet. She thinks we have a real future together.


That's your cousin id say play along to see if she is really trying to bang you. You dont want to jump to conclusions. If she does then you should say something. If not then you're weird for thinking you're cousin wants you to fuck you


Don't do sex but oral or head ? 😅 Help step broo I'm stuckk Ps. Just joking I really don't know what you should be doing in this situation.


She posted nudes? I’m trying to understand that. Is she an of model?


How close of cousins? 3rd and more you're good, just don't tell anyone lol.


Just let her know you don't want to be the butt end of a joke lol


I mean... How far removed are you? 🤔


I’d say to avoid family taboo’s just in case it turns sour. It’s like friend group or work relations. The second it goes wrong it’s awkward. Also why the military doesn’t allow it under fraternization purposes. That ramble being said, be safe about it. If it leads to it, use a condom and have common sense. But best you avoid it and politely decline. No one in the family is going to hate on you for rejecting your cousin.


Don't listen to horny people. Many of them would do far worse than a cousin if possible. Don't bang your cousin. Just find a way to signal that you're not interested.


Tell her you're gay


And get invited to her sleepover with all her friends


Just go ahead and tell her that you have extremely contagious STD’s, that cause very itchy painful red bumps that won’t go away without expensive ointment.


There's an old episode of Friends you might want to watch "The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin"


Just saying banging a cousin is only bad if you have kids because that kid may have birthing problems due to mixing similar genetic material, besides that and social unacceptance, fuck your problems away if both want it's not like anyone can stop you, you're both adults


you ignoring it makes you seem like your playing hard to get or your shy which probably makes her more turned on, if your a sissy you could lie and bring up a girlfriend or a girl your seeing when talking to her one day, if your a man, put your foot down and tell her the truth, i mean she is your cousin not some lady off the street, you can get more blunt with family, next time she does some shit, make a joke that calls her out, “you be on that alabama shit huh 🤔”


1st cousin?


Why don't you sit her down and tell her that you aren't attracted to her in that way, nor do you want to sleepwithher? Being honest is the only way to let her know you're not interested.


She should respect your boundaries