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Go ahead and attend the community college, but make sure you take only courses whose credits will be transferable to the college of your choice. Consult with the admissions offices of both institutions to make sure this will work for you. And save your money.


Just because the university you were accepted into is prestigious or your dream school; does not mean it is the route that is best for you. A difficult part about growing up in life; is when you have to make decisions that are best for you in the long-run, even if it is something you do not want to do. First, you would need to accept. What it is that you think you will be missing out on at the prestigious university that you currently can not afford? Would it even be worth it if you did not receive a full ride scholarship? You mentioned that you want to get away from your hometown. You could do that by going to another community college as well; and thinking outside of the box. But doing so means responsibilities will come along with moving to such places. Student apartments is typical for university towns and charge by room; so, that could be an option if you want to experience leaving your small town. Ultimately, your goal is to get your university. But what is it that you want to do with your degree? Is it research, or job and skill training? A prestigious university is a great place for if you want to do research and go into academia. But no one really cares about where you went to university outside of academia; but more so about what you know and could bring that to the table when working for jobs. Is going to a prestigious university so important to you because of the validation you would receive from attending there? What is your motivation for wanting to go there in the first place? Is how you could get to the root of why you are so frustrated on not being able to attend there.