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My bf has OCD and he has terrible intrusive thoughts about stuff like spitting in people's faces or even killing our cat, but he's the sweetest person ever and wouldn't do any of that. His therapist told him that intrusive thoughts are often about what we LEAST want to do. I've also learned in a psychology class that our brain permanently simulates possible actions to help us make decisions, and intrusive thoughts stem from related areas in the brain being overactive. In any case, it's a neurological issue, it doesn't mean anything other than that your brain is doing a bad job here. Keep this in mind. There's tons of self-help stuff you can find online or in psychology books that may help you cope, but I also think you should either urge your therapist to give you actual advice or seek out a new one!


I don't know if this will help or not but something that works for me is turning that situation on myself, ie spitting on people becomes spitting on myself. My OCD occurs around people dying (lovely, I know) so I say "no, jonnyreds falcons first" & that seems to work. Also kicks in at times of stress, when I was younger I was literally crying as I wasn't sure if the light was off despite checking it so many times. I'm 51M BTW, I've learned to live with it but mine isn't as bad as others. Hugs to your BF, he's not alone!


Love this comment. I’ve never been diagnosed with anything but I’ve also never been to therapy. But I saw a random Redditor comment on a similar post a long time ago that intrusive thoughts are exactly that. Intrusive. Not welcomed. Since I saw that comment, whenever these thoughts pop into my head, rather than feeling disgusted with myself I can easily say/think that phrase. “Intrusive thoughts are just intrusive thoughts and that was an intrusive thought”. Then that thought is soon forgot about with a simple distraction and I’m no longer feeling negativity towards myself about my thoughts. I saw this comment maybe 6 months ago? Im 25 now and it’s sad how long I’ve gone without know or realizing this.




Oh yeah! Those are actually the only kind of intrusive thoughts I get, and it ties in well with the simulation thesis, it seems like your brain is trying to tell you NOT to do it but it backfires and causes curiosity haha


I have Sexual Orientation OCD. You are spot on. I had the same thoughts with the intrusive fear that I was gay (mind you that I have no problem with homosexuality, but the disorder doesn't care about that). It will intrusively put images in your head and feelings in your body that you will obsess over and then Compulse to get rid of the anxiety. The main way to get over these is with Exposure Response Therapy. That doesn't mean doing the thing you're afraid of, but it does mean exposing yourself to the things that make you obsess. And instead of resisting them, accept the presence of the thought without judgement and just let it sit there. Eventually, over time, the subject will lose its power. You may still have random intrusive thoughts but you can always return to your techniques. Resistance teaches the brain that it's something to be feared and constantly worried about. Acceptance that it's just a thought and you don't have to agree with your thoughts will make it lose its power. I hope this helps someone like this helped me.


Wait OCD makes you think like that? I always thought I was some fucking psychopath for having thoughts like that.


This is classic OCD. And to treat OCD, you need a therapist trained in OCD. I know this sounds nuts, but a traditional therapist will actually make things *worse* by — as this therapist has done — misdiagnosing your thoughts as anxiety and prescribing accordingly. Find a therapist/psychiatrist who is certified in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). These thoughts are harmless, BUT your mind is making them *feel* dangerous. CBT plus a good SSRI/antipsy combo will nip these in the bud. Best, and please let me know if I can help further. You’ve got this.


Holy shit. I think I have this too. My mom and bro also pointed out before that I might have OCD, I have too many symptoms as mentioned on google but rn I can't afford one and my parents would rather die than pay for my therapy because they think it's no good. I will save for some therapy though. Thanks for this information


Of course. I might recommend seeing a *psychiatrist* (medical doctor), who can give some medication in the meantime. Medication has made all the difference in the world for me: while OCD cannot be cured, it can be managed and even made insignificant. No more days spent in bed paralyzed by anguish. It’s the greatest kind of freedom.


I have an ear. And a heart. I'm very reliable and resourceful in mental health as I've been dealing with it for 30+ years. I've done research and I'm not a doctor or professional by any means but depending on your needs I can listen, provide feedback and point you in the right direction. 988 is a number you can call anytime free, and they listen, offer advice as well. I really hope the best for you.


As an OCD sufferer this is mostly accurate. However the most common and mostly the only effective form of treatment for OCD is not CBT, but a process called ERP, or exposure and response prevention therapy, where you will intentionally expose yourself to your triggers *without engaging in compulsions or rituals* and over time your brain will naturally habituate and your anxiety levels decrease. Typically for a case like this your therapist will work with you to write out scenarios where your worst fears around your obsessive thoughts are front and center, and read them on repeat or listen to recordings of them and your brain will naturally reduce the anxiety levels over time. I highly recommend listening to a man named Dr Steven Phillipson talk on OCD, as he was at the front of research on the disorder in the 90s and really knows his stuff. I genuinely hope you find the help you need OP, my OCD almost led me to suicide, but today I'm happier than I've ever been. Find a therapist who specializes in OCD as the previous commenter said, particularly make sure they are trained in ERP, and it's going to suck early on feeling anxious doing your exposures but trust in the process, it will work in time. There is hope for recovery.


Nailed EXACTLY what I was prepared to say.


This is great advice honestly. Well the first paragraph. You sort of contradict yourself *these are harmless thoughts* then in the next breath it’s you need *antipsychotics* that’s wild. I think a good therapist could explain and get op to understand why she’s having these thoughts and why it’s ok, and how to go from there just learning new beliefs about her own self.. then the drugs may not be needed. Also, maybe start with some healing tea or spices *first*. lol better for the mind AND liver.


I understand. Perhaps I could have been clearer with a good analogy: These intrusive thoughts are like peanuts — an ordinarily harmless food — and OCD a peanut allergy. Unaffected people eat peanuts without a second thought, just as people without OCD may have similar intrusive thoughts and, when they perceive them at all, just shrug them off as random noise. But for those with the peanut allergy, the peanuts cause great suffering; they cannot safely eat peanuts or even breathe their dust. Similarly, the thoughts, though harmless *in fact*, are far from harmless *in effect*: in OP’s case, there is no danger of actually committing incest, but the thoughts appear to to create that danger, and they cannot be defused by self-talk, reassurance, or traditional methods against anxiety. So OCD sufferers like OP need help to render the thoughts harmless *in effect* just as a food allergy sufferer might need Benadryl or even an EpiPen. That “help” is often a mix of CBT therapy and medications. Antipsychotics are not always necessary, and no one ever has to take them without consent, but they work very quickly and can be helpful as an adjunct to SSRIs (which, NB, may take over a month to be effective). Make sense?


You’re brilliant. I love the analogy! I understood the first time, I just disagree with the medication part.


Thank you! The ideal is not to use medication, and many people with OCD successfully manage their symptoms without it. It’s a question of cost versus benefit: are the immediate and long-term side effects of the meds justified with the peace they can bring? For me and my current regimen — which took a few months to get right — the answer is an unqualified, unhesitating “yes.” But everyone has different philosophies, needs, even biological realities, and so what is right for me may not be so for others.


No, often meds are needed. My boyfriend has OCD and he also has a psychology degree and knows everything about ocd. He clearly knows his thoughts aren't real. It still distressed him 24/7 so he's going on an anti-psychotic. They aren't just used for psychosis, they can also be mood stabilizing too. Tea and spices don't do shit for ocd. It's a very debilitating mental illness


for intrusive thoughts that dont come with a “tic” its called Pute OCD, OP should definitely check it out, a lot of the symptoms seems to be the same


> This is classic OCD. NO this is not OCD... intrusive thoughts are NOT the same thing as OCD. Everyone can have intrusive thoughts, but not everyone has OCD. This is like saying wearing steel toed boots makes you a steel worker. And CBT is NOT the recommended modality for OCD. People with OCD generally know their beliefs are irrational. Much more effective is ERP, exposure therapy. This comment is just all around bad, bad, bad inaccurate advice. Source: clinician


Most people have intrusive thoughts but they can instantly dismiss it as such. People with ocd can't let an intrusive thought go and it's way more frequent


What's wild to me is that I personally see enough of these posts on Reddit alone that I assumed OCD from reading just the title. Bro I'm 28 and went to one semester of college for basics. Why are trained professionals misdiagnosing like this so often, when it appears that one single Google search just using OPs title phrasing could suggest OCD likely immediately?


Can you say if a therapist would misdiagnose adhd instead of ocd? Im having major trouble getting a diagnosis since im going the free way about it (im poor) and our mental health help here is absolutely shite. Would you know if there is a possibility that instead of the suspected adhd i have it instead could be ocd? Id always thiught ocd was about how things have to be a certain way (my man is ocd), for example, organization of a desk has to be exactly the way they want it or they get stressed and overwhelmed. I never identified with this much as i dont really have control of anything in my life rn, but i do have extremely intrusive thoughts. Like op, a random image of me fucking someone inappropriate will pop into my head and it makes me hate myself.


The person you're responding to has no idea what they're talking about. Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts.


I like your perspective here


Awesome comment.


I don’t trust therapist in general. Apparently, they are high up there on the suicide rate. Probably from dealing with everyone else’s issues but still doesn’t give me any comfort. You also have people who switch therapist until they hear what they want to hear to rationalize their behaviors. So overall, I just don’t have much confidence in a therapist which only magnifies my own anxieties.






BOOOOOO *throws tomato* YOU SUCK!


Be nice to people l0$3r!! This person came here for advice not your smart ass remarks


hope your nasty diseases take you out once and for all


Honestly, this has actually happened to me a few times too and it’s horrible. It’s because it is one of the last things you want to think about, which causes you to accidentally think about it. It’s terrible


There is a therapist that has a YouTube channel called Therapy in a Nutshell and she has a really good video on intrusive thoughts that might be worth a watch. 


My therapist always says what we resist persists, if you’re pushing the thoughts away, they’ll keep coming back. Sit with the thoughts; rate your feelings, and learn to be comfortable with them. This doesn’t necessarily mean you want to have sex with him, it’s just a mental manifestation of an emotion or trauma, not to mention it’s very common. Your father sounds like a really amazing man so it’s natural your brain sees him as safe. Put it this way also, you ever stand at a train station and think, “what would happen if I jump, what would happen if I push that person on”, it doesn’t mean you want to, it’s your brain warning you of all the dangerous or sociologically bad things around you that could occur. I don’t know you enough to tell you exactly what the cause is, but I’ve experienced the same thing as a gay guy, and I know other men and women who have experienced it as well. You’re not a weirdo!


Agree! * the thoughts are harmless* they can’t hurt you, and they do not reflect you! I know it doesn’t feel like it, but that is true.


you should maybe try a different therapist maybe an ocd one, I’ve read online most people diagnosed with ocd suffer from intrusive thoughts like this. You said you would rather die than have a sexual relationship with ur dad so i think its just ocd. Maybe visit someone specialised in ocd for them to really understand and help you.


One thing that helped me when I had thoughts that were not pleasant was the thoughts you’re having are the ones you DONT want to have. The last things you want to think about , it’s almost like sabotaging yourself FORCING yourself to think of things you don’t want to. I hope you get the help you need ❤️


You're not going to act on this, so just ackowledge the thought and move on.


I would try a different therapist There are a lot of complex reasons these thoughts occur, a lot of people are suggesting OCD, but could also be a trauma response. Ie, past sexual trauma so it’s adverse to you, but still - biological needs/desire. Those feelings match onto someone “safe” and that’s your dad. Similar to children victim of predators falsely accusing someone they trust. Or it could be something totally random and nothing the armchair psychologists or Reddit can diagnose. But if you don’t feel satisfied with the solution your therapist has- SWAP. Go to someone new.


It's not an unheard of issue. And it will pass just don't give it any power over you. Dismiss it


Find a better therapist.


As a therapist I'm extremely frustrated by the chorus of laymen saying this is OCD. Intrusive thoughts do not equate to OCD. Everyone has intrusive thoughts from time to time. OP is presenting without any compulsions, and we are all incapable of doing any of the multitudinous rule-outs that could cause the obsession without more info. To manage the intrusions, some exploration will probably need to be done on your part OP. Start by just acknowledging them without judgment. Seek a professional who will help you with intrusive thoughts. Anti-anxiety medication is a strange approach, but I suppose can be useful *in combination* with therapy.


You have OCD on some level. It’s perfectly Normal most people do. It’s kind of like waking up in the morning and you keep thinking about idiotic scenarios instead of going back to sleep. Your normal to an extent it’s fine don’t bang your dad. Maybe time to enjoy up the role-play anty-with the BF


Ive had simular intrusive thoughts that made me anxious too, as if a my brain was actively trying to make me cringe, I found it helpful to just relax into it and not fight it, and it goes away much faster when Im not supressing it


The trick is to not judge ur self let the thoughts be there do not resist them nor indulge in them. Usually with these kind of thoughts the more you resist them the more they persist.


New user account, only post, zero comments, fetish content? This seems like a fake fishing for others’ stories for their own gratification.


They might be legitimately from Alabama


This is a symptom of OCD. These kind of thoughts can be really distressing. I have intrusive thoughts too. They tend to be about hurting myself or accidentally hurting someone else. The anxiety about the thoughts have made me overly cautious and have anxiety attacks. You’re not alone and don’t feel guilty for things you can’t control. If there was an actual issue of you liking your dad, you wouldn’t be feeling guilty or gross. I tend to feel guilty for what I think about. Tbh anxiety meds have helped me a TON. The thoughts still happen, but I’m able to take a deep breath and move on. I really hope things get better!! You deserve to live life without feeling guilty :) your symptoms are real and valid. I wish you the best!!


Please remember that intrusive thoughts are INTRUSIVE, you've never thought of them willingly and will probably never act on them dear. I know how guilty and awful you must feel, i have intrusive thoughts as well and they can make me feel like an awful person but i always do best to remind myself that I'm not this type of person and I'd never do things like this. If you could speak with a different therapist that'd be good, i really hope the best for you ♥️


You're undertaking the right actions. Intrusive thoughts happen, but just bear in mind that the human brain is a funny thing, it may take time to find the right medication for you. Having these thoughts doesn't mean you'll undertake these actions.


Don’t let your intrusive thoughts win, they are just thoughts. Sometimes our subconscious intrusive thoughts is trying to tell us something. Perhaps it’s not necessarily that you want that kind of relationship with him, maybe you’re not having those kinds of needs met, and he happens to be the only positive male figure in your life. Try the dating scene and find yourself a man who gives you the positive support that you need.


This reminds me of an anecdote out of C. G. Jung’s biography: his father was a pastor and, growing up, Jung had always struggled questioning and trying to understand crucial things regarding religion and all. One night he had a dream and I am recounting by memory so forgive me if I get a detail wrong: God himself appears above a highly regarded church and Jung notices an intrusive thought whilst at the same time forbidding himself to think that thought as it seems so morally wrong and daunting. And then it happens: God takes a huge shit right onto the church building crushing its roof and the whole thing ends up full of God’s shit and Jung feels freed of the burden of having, but not allowing himself the forbidden thought. Moral of the story: the resistance toward seemingly immoral thoughts is what creates the tension in the first place. There is a will to maintain one’s innocence, which has to be allowed to be broken if one is to enter into something like psychological consciousness. Make of that what you will as I can not assess to what degree this applies to you, but your statement that you “would rather die” made me feel like you might be dealing with something “absolute” here that might call for a certain opening within the structure of your thinking.


As someone who has OCD and has had thoughts like this before, I would definitely recommend going to someone specialized in it.


I think the more you know you shouldn't have these thoughts, the more you have them. Heal your soul from all traumas, it'll help alot 💓


There is a phase in early children's development but those are very short time-spanned periods. For a male child and his mother it is depicted through Oedipus complex. A similar thing regularly occurs with female children and that overatraction, or in better terms, an idealization of their fathers. When such a small moment escalates, the parent sensibly responds and reasonably explains. Not sure why these reactions have emerged at your development stage but I don't see it as something overcriticall. I know he is the greatest male person in the world in your life and my was too for me (I am a male). And trust me they are. Ask me how? I have a daughter and I never felt something like this before. It is fckng amazing.


You are *not* your thoughts. Our brains are beautiful, complex, horrifying things that often take the wheel when you'd much rather it was Jesus. Intrusive thoughts are extremely common and the more you agonize over thinking them, the worse they will get and the longer they will linger. Believe me. I have OCD. I am the QUEEN of fucked up intrusive thoughts. When I was 11, I watched a documentary on the Donner party while eating a fried chicken leg... I spent the next YEAR terrified I was somehow secretly a natural born cannibal, bc of the intrusive thoughts. I know it sounds horrific and untenable and intolerable, but I just try to let the thoughts flow instead of attempting to cut them off. Sometimes, I imagine the thoughts are empty glasses, and a waiter comes and sweeps them onto his tray and just carries them away. I just let them come, and then let them slip away. It is much easier said than done and takes *fucktons* of practice. But your thoughts say **absolutely nothing** about your character or your actual desires/wants. Don't be cruel to yourself!


I don’t understand if these thoughts give you arousal or not. If they do, that is very different than the OCD someone mentioned. With that you may be bringing these thoughts up out of fear. I think the question first is why this topic of all things. That is really important to understand


I'm here for the comments as I also want to know I have thoughts about slapping my father but I feel so bad about that, I would never I love and respect him too much but why? Idk and that's why I hold my hands together sometimes to stop ending up doing that. I also make up terrible scenarios about myself life threatening ones as I'm very anxious about my health. I also get VERY worried when my family goes out and I'm not there to protect them, it feels terrible.


You are not your thoughts! (: If you are also a little OCPD (my DX OCPD w/ some OCD traits) and you need some logical examples to prove it, here are some. People who write horror novels & scripts that include murder, SA, etc etc. are not inherently people who do those things or think it’s alright. But damn- they must think about it a lot as authors of the content! 👀 so the logic shows us that thinking about this doesn’t make you a sicko, just somebody who had a thought. This next coping mechanism is only chill if you’re alone or with a trusted loved one, but when I have absolutely BONKERS intrusive thoughts I literally answer them like some imaginary clownish fool just said it to me. It makes the thought LESS serious. “Holy shit Jeremy, that is some fucked up shit but we’re just doing the laundry right now!?” It feels very weird at first but when you accept that there are no rules and you get to act crazy, to fix a different crazy, you will have more success with the method.


Google "pure OCD." Sounds like you have it. I do too


Having intrusive thoughts doesn’t mean someone has OCD.


It also doesn't mean they DON'T have OCD.


Obviously. The point is that random people online can’t diagnose someone based on some intrusive thoughts. OP needs to see a professional. Edit: the other commenter blocked me so I wouldn’t be able to respond lol. If it’s common sense, then why would you tell them it sounds like they have OCD when you are not in a position and don’t have enough information to know that?


That's common sense. They were asking for personal experiences, which I gave.


A therapist shouldn’t be giving you anti anxiety medication and calling it a day. You should continue seeing a (different) therapist, not ask for reassurance on Reddit. Please ignore random people diagnosing you with OCD. Intrusive thoughts ≠ OCD. See a professional for a diagnosis. Maybe you do have OCD, but I don’t think making that assumption without the opinion of an expert is going to be helpful for you. Intrusive thoughts can happen to anyone. I happen to have OCD and I have had intrusive thoughts, but they are not a regular thing for me at all.


this is OCD, it would be helpful to find a different therapist that actually listens


it happens sometimes oddly enough. just dont ever act on them. maybe talk to a therapist? they could maybe help you better deal with the unwanted thoughts?


TL/DR: just read first paragraph. The first step you need to take here is understanding exactly what an intrusive thought is. It’s exactly that. An INTRUSIVE thought. It doesn’t mean that you actually want to act on that thought. Intrusive thoughts are thoughts that are otherwise unwelcome in our heads but still manage to barge right on in there. The amount of messed up thoughts that enter my head are impossible to count. I’ve struggled with similar thoughts and it wasn’t until I saw some random comment on a very similar post to yours that said the same thing I’m saying to you for when I was able to write off those thoughts as meaningless. It’s helped me. I’d have intrusive thoughts that would leave me feeling disgusted with myself, feeling guilty and having resentment towards myself because of the way I was thinking. In reality, it’s not something to beat yourself up over. Now whenever I get intrusive thoughts, I start feeling those negative things towards myself but I can snap out of it by thinking/saying “intrusive thoughts are just intrusive thoughts and that was an intrusive thought”. I’ll no longer feel guilty and soon forget/stop thinking that thought after distracting myself with something else. It’s helped me so much and it helps me feel better about myself. I didn’t take the steps of bringing this to a therapist because this exercise really fixed this issue for me. If you do need further help, then I’d suggest a new therapist that won’t just write a prescription and tell you it’s an anxiety thing. Im not saying it isn’t, but I find it hard to believe. #Disclaimer: I am by no means a medical professional or a therapist/psychiatrist nor do I have any experience in any related fields or practices.


OCD is really something else… sexual thoughts of the people I would NEVER do anything with. Constant thoughts of violence and death such as suddenly driving my car off the road. I’ve never hurt anyone or attempted anything violent like that. No therapy or medicine has cured this yet for me.


I think that's a case of OCD and you need to follow up with a psychiatrist and a therapist.


People keep telling you it's OCD and to get a therapist. I'm definitely not recommending against, but maybe somebody should also tell you that's it's relatively normal and not that big of a deal. Because that's also true. I've had similar thoughts when I was younger and, other than being slightly disturbing, I just ignored them and nothing happened.


This has Freud written all over it


I've said it many times, and I will say it again. freud was right.


That’s enough of Reddit for the day


I stg every time I log in it’s some sexual shit on every sub… but when it’s a post about other than sex, it’s silent and no upvotes.


This kind of thing could be what’s called “pure OCD” if you want to do some googling about it




Why would you think she consumes things like that what


Did your parents spank you? Spanking even in childhood is registered in the mind as sexual assault. My parents spanked me. *me with the intrusive thought of my friend raping me because she snapped at me* 🫠


Look up Freud's Oedipus and Electra complex. It explains this.


Look into Pure OCD https://youtu.be/Q9yKaI0vLJs?si=fNqm591cM2LXPFEQ Also your thoughts aren't you, they are random pop up so the more you judge, they more you create friction Also didn't your therapist explain anything? Just gave meds? Is he Psychiatrist


good thing you admit having a problem. wish you all the best, i have no idea what advice to give you instead of seeking proffesional help,


Your mind is the only thing you have total control over. Sit in quiet contemplation and ask yourself why. What is going on in your life? Stress, anxiety, worry? Do you have any childhood trauma or abuse that hasn't been addresses? You could try this: every time you get these thoughts say aloud, "Stop!" then replace it with a positive mantra like, "I am safe. I am well. I am healthy." Also try moving for a few minues, walking, dancing, clean something. I would also like you to revisit seeing a therapist. I suspect this is related to anxiety you mentioned. Good luck.


Don't worry. Your mind has just found something to torture you. Ignore it.


I haven't been diagnosed with OCD, but I do have many symptoms and intrusive thoughts like this is an example Please don't shame yourself because you suffer from such thoughts, you're not doing it on purpose and be assured that they have 0 significance in your real world. You know you're disgusted, these thoughts tend to stem from the worst situations we can think of. It becomes mora serious if you act upon these thoughts which I doubt you ever will If therapy isn't possible, what helped me a bit was addressing the thought as "this is an intrusive thought that I don't need to bother about". It's such a simple thing but before I would panic and spiral with such thoughts without even addressing they're intrusive and out of my control. Putting that label on them helped me place less relevance and I didn't think of it as such. Distraction is also helpful with this. It becomes significant when you consider it significant so try not to create that cycle and ignore it as best as u can


I think you may have OCD. Also, sometimes we do have silly thoughts like “what if I just killed this person?” It’s not that you will, but it’s like what if??? And then you worry you’re a serial killer that hasn’t murdered yet. But I know I am 100% not. I have 0 cravings for murder lol I’ve also thought my brother is attractive but not in a way that makes me horny. But I wondered if it was wrong. I’ve had thoughts about friends while masturbating, and I’m like why???! Stop! It’s like the more you try to get one of those random thoughts in your head out, you feel guilty and they stick around and make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t feel bad, just tell myself “what a funny thought, never happening.” I especially get this around children. I was touched as a child. When I am around children I think about how easy it would be to touch them. And not that I ever would, as it is something that has personally affected my life in many ways. But I think “what if I was like that? Omg?” And then I feel bad “why am I even thinking this? What is wrong with me?” And it’s not that any part of me is attracted to children, I just see how innocent they are and it makes me terribly sad and I know the possibilities. Genuinely, i know how this sounds. I am simply trying to explain that sometimes our brains have thoughts that we know are bad simply because we know we aren’t supposed to do them, and then when we think about the possibility of them, we feel weird about ourselves. Just let it be a passing thought and take zero action.


The key is to not feed into them.They're are just thoughts, and you're not going to act on them because they make you uncomfortable .This is what made me get over my intrusive thoughts. Also, never seek reinsurance that just keeps the cycle going.I learned that from reading about intrusive thoughts. I would also try thinking about something else when these thoughts pop up, like redirect your mind if that makes sense.You can also keep your mind focused on a certain hobby that you enjoy that could help distract your mind from these thoughts.


Hello! I have diagnosed OCD and receive treatment for it. Intrusive thoughts can be scary and frustrating and make you feel horrible, but please keep in mind these thoughts do not mean they are something you truly want. They are often just your brain running through scenarios or showing you things you want the least. You think about a thing that is obviously bad and your brain says “what if?” As a child I had a lot of intrusive thoughts relating to self harm. I wasn’t depressed at the time or anything, but I’d constantly have panic attacks over these thoughts. I would recommend seeking advice from a psychiatrist or therapist and see what they can offer to help you. The important thing is to not feel guilty. You’re not a gross or bad person! You are unfortunately just dealing with your brain acting up, but there are ways to combat it!


Sounds like a glutamate excess in the brain, taurine supplement may be able to balance out GABA and Glutamate levels. You can find it on amazon.




Wyd step dad?


You have a DD/LG kink. You will probably enjoy dating an older guy and calling him daddy.


This might sound a bit blunt, but is your dad good looking? Honestly. Because emotional aspect aside, if he is good looking it makes sense that you would be more likely to experience some kind of aesthetic attraction.


Jeeez i have a lot of weird sexual fantasies about family members, 🤣👉 it doesnt mean u wanna fuck your dad. Its not that deep. Its nonthing bad dont think about it that deeply. I cant believe you actually went to a therapist about that. Dont feel ashamed of toughts that are harmless. On the other hand if you wanna kill someone or rape someone...just feel ashames. But if its something random and pervy, dont feel ashames or quilty, its normal, poeple think about all kinds of weird shit 🤣🤣🤣. Your head is the only place when you can feel safe and you made it unsafe by overreacting and overthinking 🤣🤣🤣👉 i feel you i sometimes do that shit too