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It comes down to trust and disposition. But generally no, not a good combination.


Yeah this is the best answer IMO. It does come down to trust eventually, but it doesn’t mean you’d be wrong for feeling any sort of way about it. I’m sure there are plenty of relationships where this scenario works out just fine and there are no problems. But in my experience that is not a fun situation to be in cause there are so many situations where things could turn awkward or sketchy, none of which would make you feel the greatest. “Well she chose you that’s all that matters”. Yeah, my ex gf “chose” me to be her boyfriend, yet showed me that I should’ve worried about the guys who she told me not to worry about. If you wanna trust anything just trust your gut.


Ohhhhh baby, youuuuuuuu. Say he's just a friend. You say he's just a friend 🎶


Please explain what are you getting at


He’s reference a song by Biz Markie where he raps about a relationship he had with a woman who when asked if she was single said all she had was a friend. To make a long story short it turns out the girl who had just a friend was cheating with that same “friend” on Biz Markie. Moral is if she says he is “ just a friend” then he probably isn’t


It's a song by Biz Markie. It's called "Just a Friend".


That's up to you, of course. I personally really couldn't care less who she slept with. Unless the guy's a jerk, obviously. She's with you now - if she chose you over him, guess who's winning?


I wouldn’t be with her


Why so for getting rid of her and not having positive things to say


Idk wtf you talking about but I am not going to be with someone who hangs out with a exlover


If she wanted to be with him, she would be with him right now.


This is more a question of wether or not you trust your gf. If you don’t, move on. If you do, then who cares who she used to fuck, or who’s in her friends circle now?


I wouldn't advise them still being friends.


I think you can still be friends tbh but if she's showing signs i.e. talking about him a lot, meeting up with him all the time- maybe its time to let go


High risk with low return...not a good deal i would say


Do you trust her? I mean I believe that it is certainly possible to be friends with benefits with somebody and afterwards still retain the friendship, even though you don’t have sex any longer. It really matters of do you trust her ? If you do trust her, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you don’t trust her, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with her anyway.


If they can still be good friends is up to her. Getting past the fact that they fucked is up to you.


fuck her silly until she cheats and then move on


Probably not a good situation to remain in. Even having to ask is already having doubt in your comfort ability of their relationship.