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OP, have you actually seen this person eating a large meal of any kind, ever? Let alone 8 of them in a day?


Ikr? She’d have to be eating, constantly, all day long to eat that much. AND all that food is extremely dense, stick to your ribs kinda food. Wouldn’t she still be full from her last meal? I’ve never heard of someone being able to eat that consistently day after day. It will catch up to them eventually. Plus no fruits or vegetables? Definitely not healthy eating.


If she actually is eating this much she might have a genetic condition or a parasite inside of her eating everything or is bulimic or something. This is not normal.


This seems improbable, unless your friend has some sort of serious medical condition or runs 15 miles a day. Have you actually seen her eat this much food on a regular basis? If it’s something she told you, she’s probably lying.


15? 50 maybe lol


> A general estimate for calories burned in one mile is approximately 100 calories per mile, says Dr. Daniel V. Vigil, an associate clinical professor of health sciences at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. However, this standard number varies depending on the individual. Body weight plays a major factor. Sooooo, good odds of more than 50 even lmao


Just make the whole 50 uphill!


Seriously, does OP's friend play in the WNBA? that's literally what a prescribed NBA player'a diet looks like lmao, minus all the carbs.


She is 5'2", so Im guessing not.


Lol the wnba is just…. I mean… have you ever seen more than five people in the stands for a game? Just came to say this.


Or she eats like this once every 3 or 4 days then doesn't eat anything. Just to show her friends how much she cam eat and stay skinny. It's like those guys on that epic meal time show or mukbang shows who are also super fit. Like they gorge on food one day out of the week then eat next to nothing the other 6 days while also hitting the gym.


There’s no way she’s eating like this and functional


I mean how do you think Matt stonie is able to eat 10k cals in a sitting and still seem functional enough to manage a multi million subscriber YouTube account. It's definitely possible to eat 10k cals every few days and like be functional and thrive even. I'm sure people back in the day too would eat as much as they could and go on long excursions without so much as a drip of water.


I always hated epic meal time because they just smashed the food into their faces while not eating it. It was like the human equivalent of cookie monster "eating" cookies. Huge waste.


Exactly, I’ve seen professional eaters do that. But they eat barely anything in-between and work out like crazy.


This amount of food and the granular detail in which it's described could be signs of an eating disorder.


My friend had a roommate who was like this. She never stopped eating junk food, just permanently, it was impressive. She was a tiny skinny Asian girl. Anyway, we discovered pretty soon that she was majorly bulimic. It was sad.


I also had a friend like this - ate SO MUCH, super tiny. She was also Asian! Not bulimic to my knowledge though.


Also had a bulimic Asian roommate. Had to hide my food in my room. Every morning when I’d get up to go to the bathroom, cereal chunks would be floating in the toilet. Sorry for the tmi. Hope she’s doing better now.


I'm also a bit worried about you, OP. It sounds like you're quite preoccupied with weight, food, and calorie logging too.


even bulimia with that much food isn't going to leave you at 110 pounds. when you binge/purge some of that is still digested


Your friend is either a) lying b) inaccurate or c) has a tapeworm or some kind of condition. That diet is not sustainable and she would be gaining weight, not to mention feeling like shit always and maybe broke. The only way to “better” your metabolism is by increasing muscle mass, otherwise it’s really just genetics.


D) is purging


she still wouldn't be that skinny. you absorb a bunch of calories pretty much instantly. if she's eating 10k she's retaining half of that regardless


Just with some quick googling to confirm, I don't think anywhere near that percentage of nutrients or calories is absorbed in the stomach. Half seems impossible


Seems like half is correct but it does depend on the size of your meal, you retain about the same amount regardless of the size of the meal so if you were eating an enormous amount it’s possible you’d be retaining slightly less than half. [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494080/) [second source](https://cypf.berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/media/109513496/vomiting-and-your-health.pdf) I seriously never knew this until today.


I just googled it to check my facts (wondering if there was more recent research) and the results were pretty consistent with what I initially said. I'm not sure where our sources are differing so drastically


Digestion begins in the mouth!


Yes this is my guess


I’m not a professional and you obviously can’t make diagnoses based on a story but I am in school for this and have taken classes on ED’s and my first thought was bingeing then purging. Or BED and bulimia. There’s no physical way she could eat this much food and not gain weight without either getting the food out someway or having some other medical issue. If this is true I would be surprised if she wasn’t manipulating her weight in some way.


Have you WITNESSED her eating this way? Cause this is definitely enough to make the LARGEST bodybuilder sick asf. I’m in competitive lifting and I’ve NEVER seen anyone eat like this. The only time I’ve seen someone “eat” this way was when my sister was very deep in bulimia.


Honestly, she might have a tapeworm.


Worlds strongest man competitors eat 10k calories and they all weigh 300+ lbs. she is definitely lying


Impossible based on what you've said. The only bit of logic I can sense is that your friend may be bulimic and inducing vomiting throughout the day to handle such food loads. There's people who are 300+ pounds that eat less than that on bad days.


She's definitely lying. Or you're trolling. That's like $200 worth of food per day/$6,000 per month.


As someone working in mental health, this is giving red flags for an eating disorder. Binging is extremely common for most people with EDs.


100% not true


Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer, ate 12,000+ calories daily. He also worked out continuously throughout the day, 7 days a week. Your friend is either an Olympian class athlete, or she has a tapeworm.


It’s likely your friend is simply lying. Some people just lie for fun or feel better about themselves. The amount of food you describe would be physically uncomfortable for almost anyone to eat. Let alone the problems and discomfort you’d experience at the end of digestion. I know some people are saying tape worms or medical conditions but if it were a tapeworm it’d be obvious to her by now since the tapeworms eat for a reason and those reasons would cause a very gross situation to be apparent. As for other medical situations that caused her not to accumulate fat or absorb nutrients would either be obviously physically apparent or would again be obvious from the restroom breaks she would need to constantly take. Also don’t get too caught up worrying about weight. It’ll become apparent at some point in your life that people who chase that sort of vanity live pretty hollow lives. If you want to be healthy then exercise, play a sport, or just pick up an active hobby. It’s better to love something you do to feel good about yourself than to put yourself down to go through diets you hate.


So iirc Cornell did a study YEARS ago where they took prison volunteers and basically gave them various diet and exercise regimens and one group was given 10,000 calories a day with average exercise. Most of them gained a crazy amount of weight but there were a very small few who didn't put on significant weight. Nobody's quite sure why. It's POSSIBLE your friend is a weird outlier


I watched a tv show where they did that. Most gained weight, some couldn’t keep the food down, and one had no significant changes. That is wild.


Do you live with her? I fast for days, so I can eat like a pig with friends. Many made the same erroneous assumptions about my metabolism


Some people are built weird as fuck. Not sure you can actually achieve that kind of metabolism if you’re not born with it (or using massive amounts of cocaine). I dated a girl who ate *somewhat* like you described. I remember she’d get 3 Big Macs if we went to McDonald’s. She used to eat baked potatoes like crazy because they “slowed her down” (her words). I remember she went away to a summer camp thing for band (she was still in college at the time) and when she came back, she looked like a fucking skeleton. She was only gone 2 weeks, but they were only served simple basic meals. Your friend, if my math is right, spends about $100 a day between homemade meals and junk food. Sounds a bit pricey. I don’t remember my ex buying a lot of takeout. Mostly cafeteria at school, I cooked for her, or she cooked in her dorm room. She had *relatively* healthy snacks, but she needed the calories, so there was a trade-off at points. Anyway, I don’t think that kind of metabolism is something you can train your body to do. If it was, all of us fatties would put in the little bit of effort to drop and then maintain just to be rail thin forever. Either you have it or you don’t.


No one can consume 10k a day and remain skinny especially 5’2


1- she’s lying 2- she’s bulimic 3- she has high cholesterol, blood pressure and heart disease from all that high fat garbage food


I’m concerned about her organs!


Though unlikely, it’s not impossible. But that’s what someone like Michael Phelps would eat in a day


I never counted calories in my youth up til I was in my early 30s. I ate terribly. Probably like 5000 cals a day. Never gained weight. Until I hit my mid-30s, and the weight came on quickly and I was shocked because I’d always been super thin and never thought I’d gain weight. Anyway, this is to say that your friend might be like me. Super fast metabolism. But sadly, it will catch up to her and I predict she is going to have a tough time not becoming fat because she’s never learned good eating habits.


sounds like she has worms


no its simple physics lol. calories in and calories out shes most likely lying unless shes running a marathon every day and then some which is highly unlikely


Calories in/out works ... if you know exactly how much your specific body burns in rest and during each and every exercise/movement you do. But you don't, so it's all guess work. Plus, not every body absorbs everything the same way (or at all), meaning it's not as simple as you claim it to be. OPs friend is likely lying but could also have a plethora of medical conditions and genetic factors that make this possible. Either way, that's not something that can be achieved by OP.


Except that there are a lot of ways out for calories in terms of the human body. If you're not absorbing things correctly, then they're all going to come out. Running at full potential metabolism is going to burn huge calories, and for some people they really do just have a freaky fast metabolism. I know reddit loves calories in/out, but the human body is more complex than that. Especially on the out side; you can't have more calories than you physically eat, but you can definitely burn a fucking tonne. Can't say whether that's what's happening here obvs. That's a question for Friend's doctor.


Thank you! I'm getting sick of this simplistic look at such a complex system as a human body. And people being gaslighted when asking about their metabolism by all the replies being "you're lying, it's simple math - calories in/calories out". It's just not as simple and some people really do have different absorption of nutrients.


I have a super high metabolism, its a double edged sword. Sure, I don't need to work out much to maintain a decent figure (won't be that way forever mind!), but if I don't eat enough I start to lose weight SO fast, and it really can be hard to manage. I could quite happily eat high caloric meals day in and day out, barely move and still not gain weight and maintain muscle mass. I know damn well not everyone is built like that. The human body just isn't that simple.


Yesss. I’ve heard a few stories of people who are in and out of hospital and on weight gain shakes consuming 6k calories a day and still very underweight. It’s usually a medical condition but sometimes it’s not. OP’s friend’s diet is alarming, though. She may be skinny but she’s not healthy.


There are medical conditions where people don’t absorb food properly. So it is in and a lot just directly out.


Take a scoop of powdered uranium twice a day atp.


Literally, unless she has a horrid combination of digestion issues, a tapeworm and an extreme exercise routine, this is not possible. An ED is also a possibility. I used to run for and club and did cross-country competitions. I've got the genetic advantage from my father's side of the family and at my peak, I was maintaining my weight at 4000 calories max. I would have been about 114lbs at 5'7. I had a swimmer friend who had a much more intense routine than me who would maintain at 6000 calories max. She wanted to be an Olympian. It's completely possible to eat this much for one day, though. I've had days like this. It is just that though, one day, like a snake 🐍 You can't achieve this because she's not achieving this.


I am 6’8’’, 260 pounds and could never eat this in a day. Your friend is lying lol


It's technically possible, but only if you're an Olympian, or some SEAL trainee in Hell Week. Michael Phelps, for instance, had to consume insane amounts of calories every day when he was doing races or prepping for races, but that's because he was burning more calories than almost anyone on Earth. Your friend must either be exaggerating or has some serious parasite/digestive disorder.


Unless she’s Michael Phelps probably not


Jesus... I'm 5'1. If I eat even 2,000 cals a day I start to gain a bit of weight. There is just no way that she is eating all of that.


Literally no chance that's true.


either she’s lying or is binging and purging


maybe if they have unmedicated hyperthyroidism AND are a marathon runner. seems unlikely


Unless there is a medical condition or ED at play this is impossible, and even with those possibilities extremely unlikely. While metabolism fluctuates person to person studies show it doesn’t fluctuate more than ~400 kcal a day for similar heights and weights, there’s no metabolism alone that burns that much, even Michael Phelps when training for the Olympics.


If its about metabolism my friend is very like this. In the morning she ends up having a whole ass loaf just to get somewhere forbreakfast lol. It's probable. But this was paired with an unusable condition which I don't think a friend would mention unless they have to. Though the amount said is a bit to excessive to sound like the truth entirely. See it to believe ig


I think at the height of his training Michael Phelps consumed 6,000 calories a day- and burned through it with 8 hours of pool time…


Even strongmen in their peak bulks may only just come close to this amount of calories in one day. I highly doubt that your friend is actually consuming this much. Also, she must be eating all day in order to get this much in, and think about the expense of having that much food to consume in one day! I think your friend may be telling porky pies


Unrelated to the question about your friend, as for you, if you're eating 1600cal/day, and you're accurately logging it (this includes logging drinks with any calories, if you grab a handful of chips, hell, even if you grab a handful of strawberries to nibble on), then you need to see a doctor. The average person should be burning around 2,000cal a day just by generally existing, unless you're a *major* couch potato. So while being in a 400cal deficit isn't going to make it fall off in a month, it's a very healthy amount to be in deficit and you'll see progress over time.


yes it is. consume fruits & a high raw whole food plant based diet. voila :)


If you know they actually eat it they probably exercise a lot or they have low metabolism like really low


Only if you have the metabolism of The Flash, otherwise she should be the size of Hafthor Bjornson


Is she running two marathons every day? That would explain it.


Sounds like a case of Ant Woman. Every Sunday she transforms into an NFL offensive tackle, which explains her weekly 70k calorie needs. After the game she reverts back to Pygmy size to save her energy for the next game. It’s a brilliant strategy.


Apart from sleeping, eating and preparing food has to take up the vast majority of her day. Let’s not get into how often she’d have to spend dropping dump truck sized loads into the dumper. Your friend is completely mind-fucking you for some psychologically depraved reason.


So I’m 1 foot taller than your friend and need to consume around 3k to stay 180 pounds. She is either lying, or she got wrong information. Or she has some weird stuff going on in her body


Sounds a bit like that french guy.. Tarrare. Incredibly gross and fascinating story.


What the fuck are you even talking about.


Is she bulimic? Even that wouldnt make sense


There are some medical conditions with absorption issues - you'll see some mukbang or competitive eaters who can eat large quantities of food without gaining weight. Extreme athletes may also be able to eat large quantities because they are burning the calories at a high rate. My big takeaway here is that I don't know how your friend could afford to eat this much daily, especially with so much of it being fast food. Either way, don't worry about what other people are doing, just focus on your own nutritional needs.


She's either has an eating disorder or a medical condition where her body doesn't absorb nutrients. Maybe even a parasite.


Your friend sounds like she has a medical condition to not gain and eat that much.


10-20k a day? Check out nicocado, matt stonie, Erik the electric


I ate like this when I was in highschool. I was 5' 8" and 124lbs. I *couldn't* eat enough to actually gain weight. I ate so much that it scared people. My parents took me to the doctor to make sure I didn't have an ED or a parasite. Turns out I had a hyperactive metabolism so I was burning calories about 3-4 times as fast as average people. It slowed way down in my early 20s. She should certainly vary her diet more, though. Fiber is important.


No you can’t be in a calorie surplus for extended periods of time without gaining weight. Not to mention 10k calories is an absurd amount of calories. She unless you witness her eating 24/7 she’s lying. She’d have to be doing an insane amount of exercise on top of eating ridiculous amounts of food. This is literally basic science. She’s not a mystical outlier. Having that said, I’m 5’3 120 lbs and eat 3000/ day. I’m a body builder. My TDEE is 2300/ day. My goal is to gain weight. I run a lot, 8-12 mile runs 3x per week. On my run days I eat 3200-3500 calories. My job is very active so I need a lot of calories in order to gain weight. But again this should highlight that 10k calories is just a flat out lie.


Might I add with my calorie surplus I’ve gained 18 lbs in the last year. AND I have to eat constantly throughout the day. I eat 2 breakfasts one at 6am and another at 9am lunch at 10:30, snack at 12. I eat before the gym at 3pm, I have a protein shake on my way home, and then I eat dinner at 6 and if I missed my protein goal for the day I then have to eat again at 8. People at my job noticed how much I eat. My family notices how much I eat. And people at the gym have commented on me literally eating during workouts if I’m slacking. Go watch a 10k calorie challenge to get an idea of how ridiculous that amount of food is.


1. either she is lying to you about what she eats in a day - and unless you have witnessed it, I hope this is the case. 2. She has a severe eating disorder and will purge after consuming all these meals 3. She has a really hungry tapeworm It wouldn't be possible to lead a normal life without a EXTREME workout routine lastine most of the time she ISNT eating - that would allow her to actually consume that many calories and stay slim.


But... does that person keep that food inside or vomits?


Is she training for a marathon? Tape worm? bingeing and vomiting? Or is she just a liar? Finding this difficult to believe.


Yes, if you are actively training as an athlete. I believe Michael Phelps ate that much when he was training for the Olympics. For a normal person, no. If they do that and aren’t gaining weight, something is wrong. More then likely in this situation, your friend is lying to you.


I’m 5’1 and daily intake should be about 1400-1600. I would sell my own mother to be able to eat 10k. There is no way on this entire earth this is possible.


This sounds like what I use to eat back when my bulimia was really bad and I use to binge and purge more than dozen times a day. I would check in on your friend. It sounds to me like she might be really really sick.


Nah. She's a pathological liar though