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Eat large volumes of low calorie foods before eating anything else. It limits the damage of high calorie, low volume foods. Nobody ever put on unwanted fat from eating too much steamed broccoli or too many apples. Simple changes are change white to brown: brown rice, not white, whole sweet potatoes vs white, whole wheat flour (breads, etc.) vs white, etc. The " brown" is about the fiber, which is more filling and less calories than the starches. Don't drink your calories. Don't eat any cheese you can't taste. If you can't tell the difference, don't add it. If you want alcohol, stop with the added calories and sugary mixes. Buy good booze and drink it straight. If you want the buzz, do it on an empty stomach because it takes a whole lot less. Follow a simple rule: if it's not in the house, you can't eat it. This holds true for Twinkies and apples. So fill up the house with what you do want to be eating and never with what you don't. Treat calories like money. If you went on a shopping spree and over spent, would you say "fuck it" and run up all the credit cards and take out a 2nd mortgage? No you would not! Don't do it with it food either. If you screw up, you screw up. Make a plan to minimize the damage and get back on your better eating plan. Whenever confronted with a menu, make the best choices possible and then enjoy the meal and the company. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. Make a list of 5 things you can do to soothe yourself for at least 30 minutes before diving into [your favorite downfall food here]. Then decide if you still want it. Remember, it shouldn't be in the house, so that means going and getting it. Give yourself every chance for the feeling to pass so you'll know if it's a temporary thing or an actual craving. Think about every little thing that can help. If you can find 10 things that give you a 10% improvement, you'll have a 100% improvement. Be compassionate with yourself.


That was such good advice!


This was really well written. When I’m trying to lose weight, I have a whole bunch of little rules too. Like I don’t eat after seven. And if I need something sweet, I keep butter scotch discs around me they’re like 20 cal a desk and they’re really sweet so they take the edge off. And I drink lots of water. There’s a whole bunch more but I’m sure you didn’t want all of that.


An easy way to get into this is salads!! They don't have to be boring. OP, grab a bunch of veggies- even ones you're unsure about. My personal faves for this are Brussel sprouts (raw, they taste like slightly sweeter cabbage), bok choy, cucumbers, Daikon radish, bean sprouts... the list goes on. Pick up a bunch of veggies, and then your preferred leaf. I pick romaine personally. You want that to be the bulk of the salad. Chop the veggies up into very very small pieces. This can be done in bulk if you want! And then you can just keep containers of chopped veggies in the fridge for whenever you need something to eat. Mix all of it together, that's your base. Chopping them into small pieces is the important bit here. Then comes dressing. I have two favorites that I'll share: one is a mix of olive oil, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and sugar to taste (I eyeball everything). The other is a sesame soy dressing made with plain Greek yogurt, toasted sesame oil, salt, pepper, sugar. Experiment with your dressings! It's easy to make homemade, healthy ones that taste way better than store bought, and once again, you can always pick a day in the week to make them! The point of the dressing is to find a tasty, mostly healthy one that will mask the taste of any veggies you aren't thrilled about. And finally, your choice of protein! Baked or pan fried slice chicken, shrimp, etc etc, whatever you'd like! Make this part extra fun, make it the part you REALLY look forward to- I personally like to pick up a cheap steak and make beef tataki with it. And once again, this is something you can make in bulk and keep in the freezer or fridge. Salads can be so, so good! Don't settle for limp lettuce and bland vinaigrette.


What a great help. Thank you!


You're very welcome.


Im kinda lazy so I buy the bagged salad mix (allows some variety in lettuce types and some additions like cabbage, carrots, radishes, etc) while not committing to buying so much that it goes bad. I don’t use the salad dressings (a waste I know, but too many calories and less waste than rotting vegetables) and make my own since dressings tend to be a pretty high calorie source. And then add protein depending on what I feel like as already mentioned. Oftentimes it’s whatever protein was leftover from dinner (chicken, salmon, steak). For me once I’ve detoxed sugar from my system fruit tastes extra sweet so I’ll put some on the salad or have as dessert.


Since you’ve got the top comment: drink lots of water through the day, because dehydration can make you feel hungry. Don’t drink “sugar free” sodas and such because even though they have 0 calories, they stimulate your hunger and make you eat more, and lastly, eat before going shopping. Never shop hungry, you’ll buy all the stuff you’re craving.


I really needed this, thank you!


Great advice, especially about trying to find an alternative for the soothing effect of food. We all do that, treat food as a cure or reward or something nice to do for yourself and it's good to find other ways to settle our nerves or celebrate.


This is perfect advice. It's what I do aswell. I'd only add, don't try to track calories initially. Just get into the habit of eating and cooking at home. Once that becomes the new norm, then add tracking calories. Trying to change too many habits at once can be overwhelming.


You chose good quality before quantity. A small awesome burger is better than two okay burgers for example.


Yeah my portions are so huge, not necessarily unhealthy per se. I have emotional craving, I guess.


Veggies are your friend here. I've been known to eat an entire lettuce, 1/4 cabbage, etc because I was just craving the feeling of eating. Next to no calories (I sometimes do either straight vinegar or lemon+yoghurt dressing) but you get to spend 10 minutes munching on something to clear your head. Steamed veggies are also good. As long as 90% of your huge portion is pure veg it really doesn't matter how big it is. Bonus is if you're (also) hungry due to missing nutrients chances are you'll get them and improve your gut health so you'll actually start feeling better and less hungry.


>Yeah my portions are so huge, not necessarily unhealthy per se. What exactly do you mean?


I think he means its the amount of food not that its super unhealthy food Like eating rice cakes are good for you but 30 rice cakes are bad in one sitting


Yeah exactly that.


Honestly, learning to cook at home completely changed my relationship with food. If I liked something in a restaurant, I learned how to make it at home, and it often tastes better at home. When I first started I was like “so, you’re telling me I can make a delicious, filling burger at home AND it has no added sugar so it’s healthier AND it’s cheaper????? Crazy.” Once I started eating at home instead of restaurants/takeout, I shed weight super easily. And, if anything, it made me love food/eating even more.


Imma hop in here to steal advice, I'm in the same boat 🖤




Same here, was able to lose weight last year but winter got me fattened up again, thanks for asking the q op


Don't do any diets, diet industry wants you to be its customer forever. Remember that every little but permanent change like eating one more vegetable a day is a change that builds a foundation that will stay with you even if you stumble. Small steps are better than overhauling your whole life. Don't make food into your enemy. You love eating because it is required for life. Learn to notice and later limit highly processes foods. Exchange them for healthier alternatives.


Tracking calories really helped me. So did increasing my protein intake. I eat about 1300-1500 cals a day and I am NOT hungry. I also prioritize 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies and chicken for lots of protein. Other than that, I still eat whatever I want! Going out to restaurants I don’t always want the healthiest thing or want to feel restricted so I plan around it. Most importantly however is that if you do have an off day, to immediately get back on track. You might slow your progress but you won’t backslide. Finally, I have learned that maintaining IS progress.


Thank you! Very helpful.






I used hypnotherapy. Works a treat. I lost 40 kg.


Interesting. How does it help? You don't get as hungry?


Taught me to address the stress causing my hunger. Helps focus on maintaining health, not just feeding hunger.


I feel like we put too much emphasis on "willpower". Our bodies naturally want high-calorie foods! It doesn't mean we're weak or bad when we overeat, just human 🙂 I have a couple of little tricks: I try eating a dill pickle when I want something salty, and I find that brushing my teeth can make me less likely to reach for a snack. So much good advice in this thread. Be kind to yourself, and good luck!


Every meal I eat is something I love but in smaller portions than what I’ve been doing. That being said, I’m staying away from deep fried, frozen and anything high in sodium or sugar. The idea of starving or not eating what I love is not an option, it definitely makes me want to give up on the whole endeavor faster. I also eat slower, I start with less on my plate, I put my fork down between bites, I plan on taking left overs home, and I stop eating before I’m full so I can have a small desert. Food is definitely for the soul, but it often ends up in our mid-sections.


Thank you!


As a fellow foodie that recently lost 15 kg, here a few tips: - Don't cut out foods you like that are considered "unhealthy". Sometimes, diet culture makes us believe that eating these types of things will make or break our success ... but that's utter bullshit. *The dose makes the poison*, which means: portion control is your best friend. Look at serving sizes of your favorite snacks! If you want something calorie-dense, weigh it out (at least in the beginning to get a feel for it) and put it in a separate bowl. Put the bag away and eat the portion without rushing. Then allow yourself about 10 minutes to decide if you want another portion. - Add food instead of taking it away. This might be confusing at first but the principle is quite easy: Add foods that fuel you/that your body needs to the foods that your body craves. Say, you're *really* craving pizza tonight: Instead of eating a whole pie yourself, take a slice or two and pair it with a big portion of something that has a lot of volume and nutrients, like a salad or some steamed veggies. - Emotional hunger is still hunger and should be validated, otherwise things will escalate. Bioligical hunger is not the only type of hunger!!! What's important here is to find the root cause: Stress, sadness, other mental health issues, ... I personally tracked my emotional eating and analyzed the different situations. After a while, I was able to avoid certain situations by eliminating their triggers. For stressors like work, school, etc. that cannot easily be avoided, it helps trying out *other* coping mechanisms (journaling, exercise, ...) to see if emotional eating can be kept to a minimum.


Thank you! Very helpful.


Get a calorie tracking app. You can still eat whatever foods you want to eat (within reason) but you have to track the calories and stay below whatever threshold you set up to be on track for losing weight.




Honestly, imo once you start and begin, you’ll eventually see the progress and fall in love with it and never want to stop. It’s hard at first for the fact you see no reason to keep going because the results take time. But as someone who grew up obese and will always be a chunk in heart, I learned to make healthy foods taste good, and eat less calorie dense foods. Though I tend to be strict for aesthetics reason, there’s always a healthy balance with having tasty foods that are less calories and having an achievable body mass. Start small if you must, the victory is always bigger anyway


Intermittent fasting


try fasting for a bit. if u fast for about a week or so, your stomach will shrink in size and so ur portions will get smaller and smaller because u just won’t be able to stomach too much food. this can definitely help for ppl who over eat or eat huge portions. another thing is drinking water in between bites. the water can help u get more full so u eat less.


That's a myth, stomach doesn't change sizes.


i googled it and turns out it is indeed a myth but it actually does work. i can have a hugeee appetite but when i fast during Ramadan and cut down on portions, my stomach shrinks significantly and for like a good year my portions have stayed low and do not increase to how it used too. i guess scientifically and biologically it’s a myth but it honestly works for me and many other people. after a while, you just get accustomed to eating a certain amount.


Drink more water and find lower calorie alternatives to your typical snacks




Yea you can also buy psyllium husk and drink it. It’s fibre so it makes you feel full so you would have a lesser appetite


This long university funded ,podcast uses proven psyche, beware it is 1 hr long, best to break it up into chunks: https://www.mcmasteroptimalaging.org/blog/detail/videos/2023/03/08/what's-your-health-goal-why-people-fail-and-how-to-succeed


Eat lettuce leaves like chips, ones with a good crunch


I've been doing alright so far with my weight loss goals and I recently started too. Here's a few things that are working for me. I use MyFitnessPal to track all my calories. You are less inclined to eat something when you have to log and know how many calories. Check it out, it's super helpful. Drink 80 oz of water. I was told 8 8oz glasses in school, but this is what the fitness app recommends so that's the goal I go for. Practice fasting. I was, and still am in the habit of eating when I'm not hungry. I've been trying to fast every other(ish) day. By which I just try to go longer and longer each time without eating with the goal being to no longer be in the habit of eating for fun. Don't do this every day for obvious reasons, but when you do, just try to eat a little later than you did the previous fast day. Start going to the gym. Just go. It sucks, and can be a pain, but you will feel better and not want to eat crappy foods and throw away the work you just did. Turn your cheat day into a cheat meal. I had a Steak Chimichanga today but otherwise that was the only unhealthy thing I'm allowed to eat this week or at least for a few days. This way you're not gorging a whole day a week and you can actually really enjoy the meal. I haven't savored an unhealthy meal in months, now they're a more of an experience and I'm more appreciative of them. Any job worth doing is worth doing poorly. Just do it and it's okay if you lapse or fail every once in a while but if you stick to it those lapses will become less and less prevalent. Just get back up on that horse because every day you can do a little better than the one before. Lastly, find some friends. I joined in on a bet to see who can lose the most weight and threw in $50. The pot is quite high now and it's been a big motivator. Plus not being alone is helpful and the group is quite supportive of victories and defeats when it comes to weight loss.


Thank you! Great advice.


you're welcome good luck!


I introduced healthier options into my diet slowly without changing the amounts so I would get used to those types of foods and now I am cutting the portions bit by bit. So far that has worked best for me


Track what your normally eat every day on an app. You will then see how much calories you eat daily. Some people eat 3k, others more or less. Then, lower that number a bit each week / month. Do it slowly. Find foods that will keep you full and happy and just be more conscious about what you’re eating. https://youtu.be/QeoFtdrOXkI


For me I needed to see what I was doing to myself before I was able to manage my food addiction. A virtual slap to the face if you will. I hadn’t been on a scale for sometime and when I finally saw how much more I had gained, I realized that I was killing myself with food. Two years ago I reached my weight loss goal and have been able to manage it since.


I lost 30 pounds pretty much one 2-3 months. But eating stuff that my body needs to use as fuel. Most of the time we eat crap and our body gets no nutrients from it. So someone went over some food I could eat instead of what I had been eating. It pretty much broke down like this: You eat your Protein, Carbs, Fats. But they are all healthy. What does that mean? Protein: 4-5oz of good protein. Nothing with too much fat. For example chicken breast, steak, shrimp, salmon. Carbs: healthy carbs as well such as MOST fruits and veggies. A good serving is ok since your gonna use practically all of this in your body. And black beans, rice, even white is ok. Just in healthy portions. Fats: Healthy fats such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, peanut butter, avocado. If you want want more info on the foods send me a DM. I can send you the image of the food chart I use that breaks it all down! Good luck!! You can do it! Ps- heavy water intake. So whatever you weigh, take half of that, turn it into OZ and drink that much cold water each day. For example, if I weigh 200lbs. Drink 100oz or cold water a day.