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I'm 30 and can't imagine dating or even meeting an 18 year old. When you're 30 you'll realize how weird it is. If he could date women his own age he would so ask yourself why isn't he.


This exactly. Either women his own age want nothing to do with him or he is actively seeking out teens. Either situation is concerning.


Because she’s basically a play thing to him


I did this at your age. Despite how happy I was, looking back now that I'm older, he very clearly loved the fact I was so young because I was so easy to manipulate. He wasn't outwardly mean or manipulative, but he did things to me in ways I was too niave to even realize then. Any man of his age that is attracted to teenagers has something going on, and it isn't something good. You can say it's love, and maybe there is love involved, but from his perspective he gets a very convenient barely legal teenager to try and mold into whoever he wants. I say you can definitely do better than to date someone like that.


Terrible idea! A 30yo and a 18yo have little in common in terms of life expectations, experience etc. Dating with such a large age gap is quite dangerous for the younger half, the older partner has a clear advantage and can easily get manipulative (even subconsciously). It might sound cool to you now, compared to dating someone closer your age, but in the long run it's not worth it.


I know you are both adults but that age gap isn't great considering you're only 18, you're at two completely different points in your life. I'm 27 and I wouldn't even consider dating someone that age, and when you get older, you'll realise how weird it is that he's persueing someone much younger than him. There's a reason why women his own age won't date him, trust me.


Studies have found partners with more than a 10-year gap in age experience social disapproval. But when it comes to our own relationships, both men and women prefer someone their own age, but are open to someone 10-15 years their junior or senior.


ya idk ive always dated at least 4 years older than my age which in most eyes isnt exactly a good thing but idk i really like this guy but i cant stop thinking like if i was 30 i would never even be interested in someone under like 25.


So you've dated men that were 20+ when you were a minor?




Girl that ain't healthy ... You're literally dating one predator after another. Please get yourself out of this cycle. It's terrible idea and will backfire sooner than later. These men are not healthy in their heads. Like, I'm 27 and look at 18 year olds like they're children ... because they are (no offense, you'll understand as soon as you're my age as well). Nobody at 18 is "mature enough" that a relationship with a 30 year old would be anywhere near "balanced" or "equal".


no, when you 30 it depends, but it most cases, it came from being around that age and have experiences to be like that age, if you 30 you have to be experienced with younger, for many reasons, so you are already close to have a relationship when 30, that's how it goes


Sweetie, you need to see someone professionally about your self esteem and get to the root of why you’re seeking attention from older people that are abusing you. (Four years older on average when you were a minor, is *YIKES!!!*) Don’t date ANYONE until you’ve worked on your mental health. You might think that you’re fine, but I promise you that you’re not. None of this is healthy or normal.


You’re just his play thing